Patent pending.
Daily Sketchbook Chapter
落書き or 落描き both rakugaki, but the first is more common.
落猫 not a real thing, but literally "fallen cat".
Yes 描 and 猫 are different kanji.
That's all for today. Of course the store is closing. You can't expect them all to be open 24 hours!
Makes me wonder if the real RyouFuu combo are just robots she created and voices them using clever ventriloquism and speakers.
That's how it started, but they have since gained sentience.
Drugging innocent little cats, just how low will this cloud stoop?
Ika won
the squid conquered the ocean because she told the chinese to kill all the sharks that eat the squid and use their fins for the blandest soup on earth.
*and also the sea turtles too.
Defective goods don't sell even on a clearance sale.
It's just the start of the shinryaku.
Thanks, user!
>You can't expect them all to be open 24 hours!
Why not? Isn't it a convenience story? Not being open 24/7 would be really inconvenient.
Wet Asou is cute.
How does one make a taiyaki mold? I'd love to make a custom mold!
cast bronze or iron in a sand mould?
But can you do that small scale as a private person? How would you even get the metal hot enough? And wouldn't you need stainless steel or something like that to get a food-safe mold?
Sure, you can make a forge at home. Aluminum would be easier because of the lower melt temperature. There are many food safe metals as well.
I'd make them shaped like a tie.
you'd be surprised how simple it is to create a little forge with a bucket and plaster.
and copper containing alloys are naturally hostile to bacteria
Mmh ... maybe I should do some research into that.
>I'd make them shaped like a tie.
I'd make them shaped like my waifu.
There are even simpler options. I've seen one that was a hole in the ground lined with clay. Add a blower for extra air and charcoal burns very hot.
green sand casting and home a furnace, and a crucible
there are many simple designs you can use
fuel wise you are mainly choosing between bottled propane gas or charcoal
check the suitability of metals for their intended purpose during the design phase.
>he reads manga
Did she confuse catnip and chloroform?
Until sensei popped up, I thought it was the real manzi duo have fun with Asou's hobby.
Another sneaky sale tactic that I'm sure Tori-chan is aware of, a store that seems to be always closing down, yet never actually closes down.
Looks yaki. What does "yaki" mean anyway?
But to remember people's faces, you have tos stare at them and maybe even make eye contact. But with cat, you can stare at them as long as you like without panicking when they look at you.
Kuga is such a noble girl
Thanks OP.
>What does "yaki" mean anyway?
Fried, cooked, baked, toasted. Stuff like that.
Generally, anything yaki is delicious but not very healthy.
I got scared for some reason.
I don't get what Kate is trying to say.
Thanks for the chapter. But you know, there are stores that are open 24 hours.
>anything yaki is delicious
I don't understand most of what Kate says.
Sometimes I think that she's angry at japanese.
>I don't get what Kate is trying to say.
They've got similar names, but are nothing alike.
Ikayaki is grilled ika.
Takoyaki isn't grilled, and is battered, but does have tako.
Taiyaki isn't grilled, is battered, and has no tai.
All of them are definitely yaki though. And Taiyaki looks like tai, so it does make sense.
What's really strange: Yakitori is not grilled Tori-san.
Just like in Body Snatchers.
the word order seems different maybe it meats the Tori are doing the frying instead?
Yeah, you never know. But then: What is yakitori actually made from?
Yak meat, obviously.
Isn't it just a chicken Kebab?
No, because as we all know, Kebab is from Turkey, not Chicken.
no shish kebab are greek, I don't know what greek would taste like though.
>shish kebab are greek
No, they aren't. Kebab is not a Greek word.
Gyros is Greek though.
Anyway, I have no idea what a shish is. Is it some king of tori?
>king of tori
*KIND of tori.
Meh, I guess "king" works too.
That's embroidery. Maybe in Greece the like to make art featuring kebabs.
Souvlaki maybe?
スーブラキ? Isn't that some different kind of meaty thing altogether?
souvlaki means “meat on sticks”
It's not yakitori then. Maybe 棒焼き? 串焼き?
So are they not gonna be called the Suzukaze combo anymore?
They're written the same way, so it's up to the translator.
>suzu kaze
bell + wind?
>How does one make a taiyaki mold?
You don't question the odd combination.
Those puppets are oddly terrifying.
The human versions can be a bit terrifying too.
>a bit terrifying
Those two are more than a bit terrifying. They're at least 2 Kilobyte terrifying.
2 kilobytes of terror sounds like a tagline for a really cheesy horror movie.
And the two of them could easily star in it!
Can someone post that strip about Kamiya jumping in a puddle and disappearing in it?
That's too gruesome, user.
"cool breeze". The same joke occurs once in New Game, when Momo is trying to remember Aoba's last name.
oh I didn't think about the different kanji,
We've already seen their incredible ability to work with electronics. Surely they could use the same for evil. They create a message with a joke so powerful that anyone who reads it goes insane and sends it to everyone they know.
>They create a message with a joke so powerful that anyone who reads it goes insane and sends it to everyone they know.
Didn't Monty Python make a sketech about that kind of thing?
>Those two are more than a bit terrifying.
I think they are cute and funny. BOTH OF THEM.
That just killed you. The terror comes from anyone being infected and about to tell you the joke at any time.
>they are cute and funny
and terrifying!
Like a zombie?
But able to blend into society.
Very unlike Sora then!?
>unlike Sora
can you actually see the sky? most of the time you overlook her
>most of the time you overlook her
I don't. Others might.
Just caught up with the chapter dumped in this thread. Had a fun time and I'm looking forward to future dumps, thank you OP.
What's so terrifying about them?
Their behaviour.
how so?
It's artificial. An immitation game, mimicking. Artificial. Mechanic.
That's creepy. "Uncanny valley" territory.
They know they're in a manga
Yes. That doesn't mean they can behave like puppets or mimes and get away with it. They are creepy.
They only do that while talking with the readers. Else they act cute weird.
So this is puppets imitating them talking to the audience and inherits the weirdness.
Impossible to escape.
That's all for today. If that watermelon was so rotten it collapsed from a glancing blow, imagine how much danger sensei was in when she was holding it above her head.
Thank you for the dump.
When I first watched Sketchbook I liked Kurihara the most but as time goes on I tend to think that sensei is the best.
cute as a
delicious as nabe
masochist sensei
Is that because you're developing the instinct of wanting to look after a child?
>kiku rage
>jew's ear
that's racist
I miss that manga so much
I developed a taste for depressed women.
At least it ended correctly.
Thanks, user!
Poor crabweasel.
Poor Sora.
Poor Kate.
Poor Asou.
Poor Jellyfish.
Poor rotten suika.
Poor Sensei.
But not poor Ryou who got buried alive twice?
Seems like CLAMP drew the art club at the beach.
Thanks user. Sensei is truly a child at heart.
I can't believe Kamiya is dead.
Funny how that's basically the same reasoning as nofap
>Summer's already starting to end
They were literally in their uniform in the last strip...
Absolute sadists.
The horror of paying full price for unknowingly spoilt food.
Is sensei German?
I only just discovered that beach flag race was a thing a week ago, I never knew it was an actual sport in Japan.
Thanks OP
>imagine how much danger sensei was in when she was holding it above her head
I can't help but remember this scene from Dirty Harry.
I want to marry a woman like sensei.
>Seems like CLAMP drew the art club at the beach.
No, not enough detail in those flowers.
>beach flag race
Wikipedia says it started in Australia. I don't think Kasugano is a German or Australian name.
>marry a woman like sensei
Sensei married a woman?
Her name is Pii-chan.
I understood your reference
>They were literally in their uniform in the last strip...
There are still club activities over the summer.
Anyone still here?
No, we went to the beach.
At this time of the night?
It's cooler at night.
these hours are a death zone
>death zone
Is that something like the Twilight Zone?
No, it's an altitude over 8000m.
I didn't know Fuu was also international.
Also, baka suzukaze.
She's kind of a genius, you know.
Don't get on that ship. The rest of the book, it's a sketchbook!
>that ship
Wait ... what ship?
The one with puppets tearing the wings apart.
Kuga x Negishi
Wtf hahahaha
huh, MPC doesn't screeshot with subs
This is a ancient childhood trick isn't it? Fool parents and teachers by swearing in a unknown foreign language.
Shit ship.
Negishi x Kamiya is the way to go.
What chapter was this, I don't remember this?
i thought it's about art club activities but it's actually about bugs and puns wtf
Bugs and puns ARE club activities!
Implying puns are not art.
Don't forget cats.
I remember those threads 2014
I always knew that Kate would snap one day.
A more innocent time.
why did fireden end archive access? desu has so many broken images
I think it was trying to cut costs. Those kinds of sites can be expensive to run.
true but they could have just stopped the updating feature. so many of the old images are broken on desu yet were fine on fireden
Updating isn't the problem, it's all the users viewing the content.
how much use would the servers receive for old pages??
Desuarchive posts their costs:
I think there's a little room for optimization there, but I think $500/mo, including amortized hardware costs is reasonable.
well maybe but if you are't refreshing the archives with new threads the read rate will decline
If you're willing to fund it, it wouldn't be hard to get one set up.
how are they normally funding these archives? they can't be ad supported?
Donations or out of pocket. I doubt ads would bring enough in. A huge portion of your audience would be blocking them anyway.
I wonder how much of this sort of community infrastructure has a paper thin budget?
how does one monetise on a site where the appeal is that it's hard to be monetised?
Most of them do, and can't afford any kind of redundancy, shown by frequent downtime.
Passes or a Patreon-type model are really the only way.
A little depressing but they probably amount to hobby time.
That kind of thing.
That's all for today. Now I want yakiniku.
Why is that chicken shaking?
Thanks, user.
>I want yakiniku.
I read that as yakiinu.
isn't it wonderful?
That's China, not Japan.
Can we be sure that OP isn't in China?
>Ryou and Fuu working alone
Obviously impostors.
Being able to get on the western internet is a pretty good clue.
He could be a member of the party. MAybe a high-ranking one. Maybe even in a leadership position.
If there's party-sponsored Sketchbook, then being Chinese doesn't sound so bad.
I want to flip sensei's switches
always be prepared for a guerilla barbecue
they're in the same close proximity so it's fine
Gorilla barbecue?
It's guerilla
more mud and bandana warfare
just imagine Ryuu & Fuu rocky style with bags of charcoal, marinaded meats and grills.
wearing camo paint and camo gear waiting in the bushes to pop out
>mud pies and bananas
So you're bringing dessert then?
>banana warfare
Yeah, sound like a gorilla barbecue.
OK fine it can be a gorilla guerilla barbecue, they grill bananas and plantains
And natto.
I still don't understand what a ballast is and what it has to do with a lamp? I always thought a ballast was something that keeps ships steady.
Bug-girl is dedicated. Weird, but dedicated to her art.
I didn't think it was possible to make Kurihara's hair messier.
Thanks OP.
you can grill natto?
how often do you find that you click every segment of google captcha correctly but it punishes you and tells you you're wrong or tells tou to click a bus when there aren't any buses but won't let you leave until you click something, or forces you through 20 images?
>I always thought a ballast was something that keeps ships steady.
It also keeps lamps steady.
>you can grill natto?
Sure. There's literally nothing you can't grill.
Very strange chapter
A ballast regulates the amount of power going to the light. They need a lot of power to start, but not as much to keep going.
>And... We have everything we need.
>Yes. For some reason. In the art room.
I'm not even a member and I'm not surprised at that whatsoever. Hell, if I could join the club I'd be rummaging through the room just to see what kind of things are there.
Even Kuga is afraid!
Is president going to succumb to the weird?
Thanks as always, what a chapter.
Join the art club in GA, they have an entire abandoned classroom full of treasure.
Another rare sighting of Kuga's mouth.
Odd, since when there's a swarm of bugs is when you want to keep it closed.
how do you know it's hers?
It's hers now.
How many does she have?
>How many does she have?
ω² + 1
What's Kurihara squared?
a cube
a box elder bug.
>a cube
>a box
At least the two of you are in agreement!
What's the umbrella for if it's going to be dark?
Best beach episode ever.
how do you find numbers with both a cubic and square root? excludinf 1
what is the smallest number for a multiroot for each new power?
>how do you find numbers with both a cubic and square root?
That's pretty easy: Approach it from the other direction.
If a number has a square root b, you can express it as b^2.
If a number has a cube root b, you can express it as b^3.
You are looking for a number that can be expressed as both b^2 and b^3 (for different b), and thus can be expressed as b^2^3 = b^(2*3) = b^6 .
Now, we do know that 2 and 3 don't share factors. That does mean that their least common multiple is 6. And that does mean that you can generate ALL numbers that have an integer sqare and cube root with b^6 for all b where b is an integer.
>what is the smallest number for a multiroot for each new power?
The only interesting case is what happens for prime numbers. 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 and so on.
Let p be that prime. Then that prime p can not be factorized. Thus, it does not share a factor with any smaller number.
We want to construct the smallest power of p that is also a power of a smaller number (greater than 1). Obviously, we should pair it with the smallest number possible, which is a 2.
As above, we get all those numbers from an expression b^2^p = b^(2p) = 4^p .
As we are not looking for all numbers, but just for the smallest, we can assume that the base p is as small as possible (but not negative, 0 or 1). Therefore b = 2.
And you get your smallest number 2^(2p) or 4^p .
For numbers that aren't prime, it's simpler. I'll leave that to you.
As a hint, these are all results from 3 to 25:
>64, 16, 1024, 64, 16384, 256, 512, 1024, 4194304, 4096, 67108864, 16384, 32768, 65536, 17179869184, 262144, 274877906944, 1048576, 2097152, 4194304, 70368744177664, 16777216, 33554432
Or, as powers of 2:
>2^6, 2^5, 2^10, 2^6, 2^14, 2^8, 2^9, 2^10, 2^22, 2^12, 2^26, 2^14, 2^15, 2^16, 2^34, 2^18, 2^38, 2^20, 2^21, 2^22, 2^46, 2^24, 2^25
I'm sure you can find a pattern.
>the base p
Sorry. that p should be a b, obviously. The base is b.
Quick bump.
And one more correction. (Re-reading helps.)
b^2^3 should be (b^2)^3
and b^2^p should be (b^2)^p .
And the 2^5 should be 2^4 . Because 16 = 2^4 .
The manzai duo are really eager for a BBQ, Nice that they are helping out when they are usually messing around.
The connection errors are really killing this board. Let's hope they'll be solved for the dump later today.
I must be tired your post keeps going over my head, I'll have to try later.
I've not experienced any for at least 10 minutes
Yeah, it seems to be solved (for) now.
>I must be tired your post keeps going over my head, I'll have to try later.
It's simple: To have an integer cube root and an integer square root, a number needs to be a cube (n³) and a square (n²). That can only be if it's a power of the exponent 6.
In other words: If x² is a cube, x must also be a cube, because 2 and 3 are (co-)prime.
For the general case: The least number with two exponential expressions (in positive whole numbers) is always a power of two, because it's smaller than the same exponent over any other number. The n-th power of a number can also always presented as exponential expressions of their prime factors. For example, 2^15 can be expressed as 2^(3*5) , which in turn is (2^3)^5 = 8^5 and (2^5)^3 = 32^3 , which means it satisfied your "multiroot" definition. The only problem occurs for primes, which can't be factorized properly, which is why you need to use the lowest possible exponent they are a factor of, which means multiplying them with 2. For example 2^17 only has a 17th root that's an integer. But 2^34 has both a 17th and a square root, because 34 = 2*7 .
Everyone gets serious when grilling comes around.
They always do the thing you always expect them to do the least.
I think the thing I'd expect them to do least is ... waterboarding Sora.
But if you can think of it, you're expecting it.
I always expect the unexpected!
Did you expect this?
No. I expected the Spanish Inquisition.
This is Japan. You should expect the Japanese inquisition.
No one expects the Japanese Inquisition.
Don't underestimate the gossip powers of the neighborhood obaa-sans.
so basically what you're saying is that it's only possible if the the cube root itself has a square root or vice versa
so it can be calculated by multiplying powers?
Like I said, every n^6 is a cube and a square, and everything that's both a cube and a square is the sixth power of an integer.
so the smallest square and cube that isn't made up of one number^6 is 46656(2^6*3^6)?
No. All numbers that are squares and roots (at the same time) are the 6th power of some number.
46656 is 6^6.
If your point is that 6 is not prime and thus the whole thing can be expressed as the product of sixth powers of numbers, well, that can also be done with 4:
4^6 = 2^6 * 2^6 = 4096
>squares and roots
Cubes. Squares and cubes.
The Japanese version of being tarred and feathered?
Being tarred sounds nasty. But I think I'd enjoy to be feathered.
yeah I'm tired and my mind isn't really focusing I'll try another time
>But I think I'd enjoy to be feathered.
how can you say that with pii chan in the room.
Are you sure? feathering was an old torture technique
they'd cut you open and splay your ribs on a tree
>they'd cut you open and splay your ribs on a tree
That doesn't sound very feathery.
they spread your ribs open like feathered wings
I don't think ribs look much like wings. Nor feathered.
Made to be dropped.
That's all for today. Do you ever feel like you're doing something wrong if you leave a store without buying something?
Thanks, user.
>Do you ever feel like you're doing something wrong if you leave a store without buying something?
No. I generally feel that Tori's not very relatable.
>Do you ever feel like you're doing something wrong if you leave a store without buying something?
I do. Specially if the store employees ask if I need help with something.
sasuga sensei
I used to have a dog like this, and our backyard bordered on a public park with people constantly walking by.
Please don't starve to death Hazuki.
Thanks OP, I think I've done this a couple times while working just to avoid the heat for a few minutes. It felt like someone would get mad at me for loitering.
But when they ask if I need help it makes me want to leave.
Same, but I still feel bad.
Why is she always so depressed?
Christmas Cake syndrome.
My dog is like this, specially in the morning. It's annoying.
I want to be depressed with sensei.
Do supermarket prices change that quickly?
>Not using the straw to punch a honeycomb of holes in the ice before you drink the rest of it.
That's pretty skilful to be able to casually catch a fly like that.
Sensei really is a but serial killer
Whenever my dog gets so much as a hint that someone is home, he howls for the dead
Thanks OP. I have a bulky wallet (physical money helps curb spending), phone and a couple of cloth bags in my pockets, so I always feel like I;m about of get stopped for shoplifting if I ever walk out of a store without buying anything but have bulging pockets.
>bulky wallet
Are you sure most of the bulk isn't receipts and point cards? Money doesn't take up that much space unless you're at Scrooge McDuck levels.
Thanks as always.
>Do you ever feel like you're doing something wrong if you leave a store without buying something?
Depends of the store, but usually I do. Sometimes I go to a bookstore where I buy manga, but if the volume I want to buy it's not there, then I leave without buying anything else since I only bring money to buy that volume. But anyways, I make sure that there's something I going to buy or there's something specific I want to buy before entering a store.
Nope, 6 cards including my security card, debit card, drivers licence and leisure centre membership, only two of them are normal card size though, the rest are tiny fob size.. Most of it is money, having a lot of coins really bulks your wallet out.
That's the one place where I never have terrible finding something to buy.
It's annoying when that happens so you tap the base and an ice cube hits your teeth
forgetting Ottawa, so she really ia a canuk.
how can they tell that she is thoughtful?
Because she's thinking really hard about it, she must be full of thoughts.
Looks can be deceiving.
Tori is an honest girl.
That's what she wants you to believe.
What kind of evil secrets is she hiding then?
If I told you, they'd hardly be secret, would they?
It's a secret just between the two of us. No one else is around.
>No one else is around.
Nah. I know THEY are around. THEY are always reading this thread.
Are they related to that?
Oh, user, I don't think I can openly say that in here.
Are they really this cute?
No. It's a trick.
I guess if something looks too good to be true.
sketchbook suitable music?
>Draw me like one of your French Canadian girls.
Is Keito French Canadian though? Or just Canadian? Or just French?
the opening on loop
Hasn't happened to me with a vending machine, but I did happen to whack a fire alarm button with a bag, my can of baked beans evacuated an entire building. And I wasn't even cooking them that time! Slightly more embarrassing than hitting a vending machine button.
I mean if we gave each one an instrument of their choice what sound would they make??
Does anyone know the capital of Canada? I would usually think it's Toronto or Montreal, just as how people would think of Sydney as capital of Australia instead of Canberra.
There's bound to be a go-to discount store that Tori-chan would go to if food prices are too high.
I wonder why you do count sheep? Is it some fable related to shepherds having to constantly keep check on their sheep perhaps?
Thanks OP. I leave the shop with a disappointed look on my face so the employees know to do better next time.
What happens after 7 days of kate?
would you watch the video if it meant you could finally meet a cute anime girl?
You understand Japanese slightly less.
Do I get to keep the Kate?
No, she goes back to Japan.
But she's got to leave japan anyway why can't she stay with me?
Of course.
The world isn't fair. The 2d/3d gap is too big.
I think I remember a comic about that, I know the Tawawas did a parody where she got stuck climbing out of the screen.
There's tons of them.
I remember being terrified of that shit since Are You Afraid of the Dark. Times have certainly changed.
I wonder how many Sadako porn parodies have been created?
Even more than Ring remakes.
Are there really porn parodies of Wagner's opus?
There's porn of everything, don't you know?
False. There is definitely not any of the Sketchbooks.
....I'm sorry user that's just.....
There's no way something like that could exist.
Moderately sweet.
That's all for today. Do the kids these days know we used to have to those kinds of information phone numbers? I always used to look at the weather in the newspaper though.
Thank you for the dump.
My mum always used to get mad at her parents for wasting money calling those weather phone services a decade+ ago but I've never used them myself.
Fuu is obviously the Buddha.
Thanks, user!
>Do the kids these days know we used to have to those kinds of information phone numbers?
Phone numbers for a "speaking clock" service do still exist all around the world:
Poor Asou. Must be hard to always be surrounded by those girls.
Those numbers still exist, but rarely do they serve any meaning. You get current time signals of better accuracy from digital TV and cellular networks.
Everyone is Japan is okay with putting nothing in tea, but somehow black coffee is too much?
Why does the way Hazuki is drawn in that strip has something Pokemon-ish?
The hat maybe?
Those cold, dead eyes. The things this cat has seen. Sora must be stopped.
>Can't say it's because I've had the same thing for the past 5 days.
People take pride in that now, it's called "meal prepping".
How burnt out are his tastebuds if pepper has no taste?
Obviously President is the Buddha for putting up with this crazy club.
Christmas really is pretty in Japan, they used to wrap every tree-lined street tree in lights long before my country/city did it.
Thanks OP. In Bongland we had the enquiry/operator number and the time number, but I don't think I ever heard of any weather number. We had CeeFax though, like an ancient, primitive version of the internet that you could look up on your TV.
Weather ones still exist in the US at least.
There were many others too, moviefone, sports and news, dial-a-poem, lottery numbers, and many of their ads are burned into my brain forever.
So there are cute cats or un-cute cats in that calendar?
117 strip feels like you need to live in Japan to get the joke.
Thanks, someone told me the speaking clock's number for my country once. But I forgot.
>Do the kids these days know we used to have to those kinds of information phone numbers?
Probably not.
>So there are cute cats or un-cute cats in that calendar?
They're cute, but trying too hard to be cute. Like how a natural photo always looks better than a staged one.
Ah yes, there were plenty of those numbers that cost £6.99 a minute to listen to, but I don't think there was a equivalent "117" government service run by BT or the Met.
I remember reading someone's blog about trying to find a decent vending machine coffee in japan even the most blackest advertised coffee can was sweetened milky shit.
I'm not a big coffee drinker, but it shouldn't be that hard. Every machine should have at least one option with no milk and sugar. It might be weaker than you're used too, but not milky.
that's just the impression the guy gave of what he'd found
Just looked it up, 177 is weather, 117 is to get the time.
Could it be that he didn't understand what he was buying?
How would you not understand what kind of coffee you're buying?
When you can't read the labels that say if it's got sugar in it or not.
Shouldn't really be that difficult.
He knew what he was looking for, so he could have looked up the kanji for sugar and milk.
Would you stare at the jujus?
w-what does she do to the cats?
I would find her a towel and a coat so she can dry herself and cover her breasts.
Endless petting.
She sleeps with them.
Some people get hopelessly lost when in front of kanji. It scares the logic out of them.
> there is no decent coffee in Japan
you people realize Japanese pretty much invented good coffee right?
No, they just made good coffee making robots.
I only know one robot who makes coffee.
There's others with the same capabilities, even if they're doing other jobs like deliveries.
Then they should stop doing deliveries and make coffee instead.
Maybe some day, after the fall of humanity.
>fall of humanity.
you mean the sunset.
Or autumn.
So ... the retirement phase, practically.
But with a double meaning that's open to interpretation.
>open to interpretation.
Thanks OP!
Oh no Sora is being choked by a cat, how are you going to save her?
>how are you going to save her?
The cat?
I keep forgetting Juju is female...
How do you forget something like that?
He's mixing Juju and President up which is an honest mistake.
Yeah, true. They look practically the same!
Will this message self destruct?
I don't know you and you don't know me.
This manga is so strange. I would compare it to K-on in regard to a club that is doing anything but what they are suppose to but Skeetchbook is not even remotely similar.
with cat food
Sketchbook is more about the oddities of life and being a SoL, while K-On is more about cute girls doing cute things and cake.
They got crabs.
I'm guessing "Dakara" means shell.
Do they need some butter?
Actually "Kaigara" means shell.
Dakara is the Japanese name for the Cypraea genus.
The suzukaze combo are the biggest "outside the box" thinker.