Holy fuck, was this movie great.
The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya
>only watching it now
Are you new to anime?
>Implying I just watched it for the first time
Honestly, yes, I just watched it and I am fairly new. I'm doing a lot of catch up for now and checking out all the classics.
>Was this movie great?
You weren't there, user.
>The director of this masterpiece is now dead
How do I cope with this?
I wish I were.
Knowing the director of the best part of the series (S1) is still alive.
The movie is better than both s1+s2 combined. It transcends the medium itself. While the tv series is pretty good, the movie is another level.
>The movie is better than both s1+s2 combined.
That's just because S2 downgrades the series a bit.
>While the tv series is pretty good, the movie is another level.
Pleb opinion
Im right and you are wrong. Don't argue with me.
10/10 for me. I watched the series and the movie back in October 2015. Next 2 months I was thinking about it every day. I wish I could erase my memory of it and watch the whole thing again.
ok pleb
Feels good to be consistently having the right opinion about things(unlike you). Why am I so cool?
Needs more long-haired Haruhi.
Favorite scene?
A lot more
Can't choose between "Of course!", "John Smith!" and caterpilaruhi.
Cmon, we all know the right answer.
fire burned building down it wa sokay but oyu only watching it because fire burned building
Are you actually braindead? Disappearance is on an entirely different level. I love Haruhi, it's easily my favorite anime, and Disappearance still blows the two main seasons away.
wot if the fire burning the building down was the real S3 all along?
Man, talk about catharsis. I'd side with "of course" mainly because it's the culmination of a build-up that had been set in place since the start of the series; a true turning point for Kyon. "John Smith" is also a significantly cathartic moment for a different reason; it is more immediate within the context of the story and its build-up is set within the movie; seeing Kyon finally, finally establish a connection in the universe he was sent into is incredibly satisfying. That's why I choose the more global one; Kyon literally fighting himself to admit how he really felt, even with the Kyon that was encouraging him stepping on him was amazing. Literally this:
This is not correct. The movie was a turning point for the story, a necessary interim stage, especially for the development of Kyon and Yuki, but, as with anything necessity it's actually its foundation that is most interesting. The foundation for Yuki's actions in disappearance were laid in endless eight and to a lesser extent other events such as The Day of Sagittarius. The foundation for Kyon's actions are literally everywhere in the first two seasons/first three LNs from his introductory scene where he hints on his deep-routed believe and desire for the existence of the supernatural to every single instance when he rants about Haruhi's antics while obviously having fun. It was only consequential that everything came about as it did in Disappearance. That's why the movie is great and important, but it's also why the actual basis of all the development, the actual heart and soul of the characters, lies within the first two seasons.
Director and character designer/animation director
This year's rematch is going to depressing as fuck.
Since I wasn't there to watch it while it was airing, I watched Haruhi through the course of an entire year.
S1 in April, S2 at end of July, and the movie mid-December.
The entire series is good and each have their reasons why, even though it does build up all for Disappearance.
It really hit since besides the anime itself, I had to make a similar choice to Kyon's during that timeframe. Not often do I acknowledge anime into my thought process.
This. They are dependent on each other to be fully realized; this isn't like comparing different arcs with clear separations. You can watch S1, S2 and the movie as a continuous storyline without ever realizing that you've gone from one season to the next. It's a perfectly cohesive series.
Is Yea Forums doing a rewatch? I presume that on December the 16th, right? I'm just assuming; tell me if I'm wrong.
No you are just a retarded pleb.
Not an argument, cope.
Like you had one in the first place, dumb normalfag.
Woah, normalfag, what an insult. At least say something about why the tv series is better in your opinion so I can get your angle.
Not that user, but I wouldn't claim that either the series or the movie is better; that seems like missing the point. They're both components of a major story; one without the other would be worse off. Disappearance wouldn't be nearly as good without the series that preceded it, and the closure that the movie provides makes the tv series so much more satisfying.
Has a more subtle development and is less of a theatrical melodrama compared to the movie, also movie has 0 development for Haruhi which is the most interesting character imo.
sums it up quite well.
One thing I'm not entirely clear on. Was Yuki into Kyon even while she was an alien, and her human form allowed her to express this more freely, or was that a side effect of the transformation?
Whoever directed bamboo leaf rhapsody is the best director
yes she is
mikuru too
I never thought Mikuru was really into him. She seems kind of aloof about it at all times; I'm wore willing to believe that she's putting up an act than she likes Kyon.
There are multiple times during the show when Yuki seems to only be listening to Kyon. So I think she was.
He does seem to care about her more than the rest of the Brigade. I think her feelings of isolation are well justified; most times it feels as though Yuki is a planet away from them, except Kyon now and again. He took notice of her distress three times and addressed it twice during Endless Eight, after all.
I also recall her saying that, on top of not compromising the mission, she had "personal reasons" that made her want to keep him alive.
>English dub
Haruhi's dub is one of those that don't elicit a "disgusting" reacting out of me, desu. Still prefer the sub and haven't touched the dub much other than out of curiosity, however.
I felt that Future Mikuru definitely wanted to jump his bones, or at the very least wishes she should have when she was younger.
Now that you say it, when I remember how that scene went down and what Mikuru said before resting her head on his shoulder, I am starting to see it. Still, it seems to me that she was too focused on the mission to even think of Kyon that way until after the fact
Younger Mikuru also let him drink out of her water bottle
>or at the very least wishes she should have when she was younger.
She doesn't have a choice, not only are relationships with people from the past not allowed, last time she got too close to Kyon Haruhi caught them and got jealous enough to come closer to destroying the universe than she ever did before or ever does in the series again.
which is why at the end she tells him they can never get close again
>Younger Mikuru also let him drink out of her water bottle
I think it would be a stretch to call that an example of Mikuru being into him; it just seems like her being sweet and cordial. Now, Haruhi getting irked and snatching the bottle away? That was a sign of attraction and jealousy right there.
yes there's usually a rewatch every year on the 16th
Cool; I'll join in this year. No rewatch of Endless Eight on the last 2 weeks of summer, though?
Seriously though, why is it so good?
>wanting to put yourself through endless eight again
I'd be down, but I don't recall if that's something that happens on this board
It wasn't that bad; if I ever did a rewatch of the series I'd probably go through it again. Then again, I didn't watch it week by week over months, so that might be why I'm not as disgusted by its existence as other people are.
Crispy Freeman is my man, get out of here.
Fuck off.
Why did you get so upset?
One thing I really must admire about the movie is its pace. It is slow but I never got the impression that it dragged on. It really helped consolidate the atmosphere.
Hello zoomie quit watching anime while you still have a chace.
Naw, I'm having fun. I've felt something unlike never before watching this movie, and I want more of it.
Never understood the hype for it, it was a solid 7/10 but it felt way too generic, imo S1 was the actual masterpiece
And yet you type like a disgusting crossboarder from Yea Forums
Imagine being this contrarian.
I've started listening to this track separately and holy Christ is it good. I was so into the scene during the movie that I didn't really notice how fantastic it was.
Love putting this one when it's snowing outside and just enjoy being cozy indoors
Not at all, i actually watched the anime + movie very recently (like 2 weeks zgo) Everyone was praising the movie as one of the best but i felt disappointed after experiencing it, I didn't care about Yuki to be fair so that could explain why, i thought the movie would also move forward the Haruhi God plot but it didn't, S1 felt so fucking fresh though, broadcast episode 1 is one of the best i've ever seen and every episode was a new spin while moving forward the character relationship, i also loved the ugu arstyle, too bad it became more modern generic with s2, i'm not saying the movie is shit; it's a solid watch but it didn't feel fresh and amazing line s1, it was juste your typical MC travel to a world where nobody know him.
I love this one too. However, I had heard so many times before in creepypasta readings that I was baffled when I realized where it had actually come from.
> i also loved the ugu arstyle
You don't have to be this contrarian, cmon. The art style of s1 is pretty ugly(compared to s2 and the movie) and no it's more "soulful" or some other buzzword from Yea Forums, it's just plain inferior in anatomy and expression.
You forgot another good one
>Having your own opinion and not forcing yourself to suck something you didn't like = contrarian
Yep sounds like a broadcast order tard to me
Here is a chronocuck
>typical MC travel to a world where nobody know him.
I think there's more to it than that, and that's what makes it compelling. For starters, that other world Kyon goes to is actually the world he used to inhabit before he joined the Brigade. Much of this movie's conflict stems from the fact that Kyon is being put in a spot in which he can choose two realities and it isn't until he is made aware that he has a choice that he starts doubting which one he prefers; until that point he had been desperately trying to make the world weird once more. This is all a part of the foundations of his character that started being explored at the very start of the series; making him face the world he said he wanted and having him trying to get back to "normal" without much consideration is a fantastic way to culminate his arc. I believe you are overlooking some important ideas if you think the movie is average.
Your opinion is your opinion; I don't intend to impose my own upon yours, but I would like you to reconsider it.
All the things you're saying are not impressive from a storytelling standpoint, it wasn't necessary to get a 2h40 movie about something you could easily show in a well directed 24 minutes episode, and i didn't say the movie was average for me, i said it was solid, great, good, but not a masterpiece in my opinion.
I don't think you could insert as much as the movie does in a 24 minute episode without losing anything. The movie is also crucial to Yuki's development, for example. The slowness of the movie is also fantastic at building up tension and intrigue, as well as offering plenty of catharsis. I do think that it could have maybe been condensed into its own arc of several episodes, but that doesn't mean much considering the length would be the same.
Based. Too bad season 3 never. Read Biscuit Hammer btw.
You've put it quite well. S1 has a lot of ideas and ways to develop the characters, movie takes some of those and expands on them. They flow into each other quite well, the movie clearly showing that all the events in the series were heading towards a clear direction (that is made even clearer in the 8th LN, Indignation).
Thanks; I'll give it a try.
manys the time ive watched the john smith scene, then stayed till the end
Yuki is more like a sister to Kyon imo.
> I think her feelings of isolation are well justified
Yes. Rewatch Someday in the Rain knowing what happened in the movie. It's pretty much spelling out Disappearance for the watcher. Yuki is the one who put her vest on Kyon, but Kyon was too busy to notice or give her attention. The whole episode is a sort of mirror, showing how both Kyon and Yuki go through a boring, lonely day, but only Kyon gets remembered at the end while Yuki goes home all alone and forgotten.
It's absolutely a masterpiece relative to all other anime movies. I don't know what it is about movies where they always fuck up and fall short compared to the source material, but Disappearance didn't do that. Also, the fact that it isn't a standard 90 minute duration is in itself incredible and I'm curious how the fuck that was made possible, since both anime and western animated films are usually hard capped around that length.
I don't even fucking like the Haruhi tv series, but I was still extremely impressed with just about every aspect of the movie.
To Kyon, sure.
>Yuki is more like a sister to Kyon imo.
I used to feel the same way, until I saw how her human version acted around him in the movie; that muddled the waters for me. I guess it could still be taken as platonic, though.
>Someday in the Rain
Fuck, I didn't notice that. I thought it had been Haruhi who put that jacket over his shoulders; if the show got meta on me by making even me disregard Nagato then I'll be very impressed. Also, what a sad conclusion to her day; if I had watched the series in chronological order I might have picked on it, but as it is it eluded me completely.
>it's not impressive because I say so!
You'd lose a lot of both the aesthetics and the substance if you cut it down. The feelings of melancholy and devastation Kyon feels after the world changed are pretty meaningful, but even if you forget about it, about everyone in the SOS Brigade shows more about themselves, and there are a lot of scenes filled with informations on them or ambiguity. The scene where Yuki bites Kyon clearly evokes a mix of despair and gentleness for example. Which contrasts with Asakura saying that Yuki is in fact responsible for her being back, and therefore that Yuki was the one who was willing to get Kyon stabbed to protect her "ideal" reality. This movie doesn't just feature the "you actually loved the things you said you hated" conflict, it puts the things Haruhi do in another perspective (hint: it's not just muh aliens) and also begins to set up the SOS Brigade as the family they'll become. It's not just about supernatural, it's about the place Kyon and Yuki can call "home".
Bebop's movie is the best thing to come out of the show IMO. Disappearance's length makes me think of the movie as a 6 episode arc that got the budget of a 12 episode season.
This; some stories simply required more time to be told. It isn't even a matter of needing more time to convey x information, but rather, how long it needs to extend the action to make you fully empathize with the characters. The staff already proved that they were very committed to that idea with Endless Eight, and I can't help but agree with them.
Guess if Kyon had noticed the jacket, the movie might not have happened at all. But that's the point. Yuki's problem was neglect. Everyone forgot about her. It's not anyone's fault, but the problem was there.
>that muddled the waters for me
Human Yuki was a complete mess, not only around Kyon, so I wouldn't say it was 100% romantic. That's kind of the point after all, she made her "ideal" reality by turning into a crippled, sad human being, but she also had all these feelings in the first place, this reality bending is just how she finally gets to show them. But at the same time, trying to turn reality into an artificial thing, based on what she thought should be best, turned her into a broken mess.
On another note, Yuki clarifies to Kyon he's not jealous of Mikuru flirting with him in the slightest. I think she feels a lot of respect for him. And there's also that love letter short story.
satie is great
It's a little hard to blame the group for Nagato's neglect; after all, in all their outings she always sat quietly with a book. I've been that kind of guy before and that isn't bound to make you popular. Not saying Yuki's situation is entirely her fault either; both parties could have tried more. Kyon specially, being the one closest to closing the gap between them (as he properly acknowledged in the movie).
I really enjoyed how Yuki's human form was so fragile; it makes sense how thrusting a nearly omnipotent alien into the body of a human girl, an alien with abandonment issues no less, would result is such a fucked up person. And while I do admit that Yuki made herself a yandere as a bidy guard, I don't think she intended to go so far as to stab Kyon to protect her reality. After all, she made that reality hoping that he would be able to choose between what he preferred for the both of them.
In the end, she really wanted to be free from being at the mercy of Haruhi's whims without any or much regard from others.
She also erased her own memories from when she was an alien by redefining reality, didn't she?
the movie is great because it's long and keeps you drawn in. It's much longer than most anime movies (and most western movies) and had it been cut up into an episode format, is the equivalent of 8 run-on episodes, which is more than Haruhi or many manga-to-anime usually ever get. It basically is a season in itself.
The latter part of the film also creates question for the viewer as to how shit happened since it's from Kyon's point of view while he's basically dying - which in its presentation makes one think it's some super epic shit if we ever found out in anime.
If you pay attention to the end of the movie though, it tries to summarize that bittersweet future where kyon rationalizes that because his future self saved him, then that is "something he has to do at some point", and after reading ahead he really just does kind of go do it on a whim cause he's got some free time and it's less exciting than the scene in the movie made it out to be.
Honestly, Disappearance was Season3 and there's no more continuation after it because it's really not all that interesting. I question if haruhi would have even been made into an anime at all if not for Noizi Ito, given whatever she lent her art to was readily adapted into an anime, even if the stories were kind of shit.
Fuck. Now I have to watch this series again. Gonna do broadcast order. It's been like 5 years since I've seen it last.
I know I'll end up rewatching it a year or so down the line. Maybe then I'll go for chronological.
Yeah, like I said, no one is really at fault here. Things got complicated on their own. The most responsible was Yuki's boss for fucking with her emotions, and thanks to Kyon they do find out about that.
>I don't think she intended to go so far as to stab Kyon to protect her reality.
Obviously not, but when she created this world, the despair and loneliness she felt were big enough that she put this much value into it. Enough to stab the only one she respected. That was a temporary feeling and she got way over it as she grew thanks to Kyon, which is why it's fitting that she's the one to save him and stop Asakura in this scene, as shown after Disappearance.
>She also erased her own memories from when she was an alien by redefining reality, didn't she?
Yeah, although she probably kept most of her personality
very nice, thanks!
The "let's wrap up everything from Disappearance" is far more serious than you make it sound to be. First, it's the big stake in Snowy Mountain Syndrome. Kyon fears that if he's blocked for too long, he won't be able to save the timeline. When he comes back from the mountain, saving himself is the first thing he does. And finally, this episode is more centered on Yuki than trying to be cool: it shows how she grew out of how she felt during Disappearance, it shows the difference from her previous condition since she doesn't have to synchronize with her past/future selves at all times, and finally, her refusing to synchronize with her past self shows how much she valued being able to be saved by Kyon on the rooftop and especially thanking him herself for the first time.
Kyon figuring out how to fuck with a godlike entity was pretty cool. I don't know if it will work, as I haven't read the LNs (although I'm seriously considering doing so), but it was a great moment.
I interpreted the scene as more of an accident, to be honest. I though that Nagato was actually afraid of turning into a human because she would be much more fragile, and as such she got herself someone to keep her safe. When Kyon pointed at her with a gun she saw herself in danger and the "safety protocol" if you will, sprung forward and stabbed Kyon in the back.
Basically, a misunderstanding turned into tragedy. I might be mistaken, but that's what I got from that scene.
College Haruhi when?
With Ikeda dead - never ever.
To be fair it's hard to tell for sure. What's sure is that a calm Yuki would never get to this point. Since Asakura - a creation from Yuki - tells her she's the one who wanted all of this as she stabs Kyon, I'd say Yuki was losing her sanity when she rebuilt she world. She didn't check a "stab anyone who threatens it" squarebox, but she overdid her job
God that was such a heartwarming scene. Wish this got animated
I watched it for the first time recently. The tone was on point, loved it.
After Endless Eight I completely understand. I watched the series in broadcast order, so I missed many instances, but I could tell that following the endless summer Yuki was acting different; she was quietly broken. While introspective, she never struck me as sad or depressed, but after those loops she looked crushed, like in an eternal haze. The one time I remember her emoting more and acting like herself was when she tilted herself quietly asking Kyon permission to take Mikuru down while they made the movie. Other than that, she was pretty much broken. It is odd knowing that now, how she is close to her lowest point in the first episode I watched.
Endless eight is vital for watching Disappearance.
and watching only one episode per week
No one on Yea Forums skips a single episode, right?
Nowadays they do,
Bunch of pussies. I'm a self admitted newfag and
even I have watched the whole thing in a couple of days (1-2 in one day, 3-8 the following day).
Endless eight comes after dissaperance in the novels itself. And it's only one chapter.
So not really
It is referenced though.
That seems so weird. Are the novels in switched around in the chronology too, or are they straight to the point in that regard? Because it seems odd to have the endless summer take place after winter.
It happens before Disappearance, just in the next book, which is arguably the worst choice the author made regarding the series imo. Well, the second worst, as the worst was not writing anything since 2012 making S3 impossible.
Do i need to slog through endless eight to enjoy it?
The LN order is Melancholy, Sigh, Boredom, Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody, Mysterique Sign, Remote Island Syndrome, Disappearance, Endless Eight, The Day of Sagittarius, Live Alive, The Adventures of Mikuru Asahina.
Yeah, pretty bad choice. However, aren't there up to 11 volumes? If there isn't a S3 there must be other reason for it.
Did you watch all the endless eight?
Switched around. The novel is mostly short stories. Eh, actually I guess its about half short story collections, and half full novels, let me think
1, 2, 4, 9, 10, 11
3, 5, 6, 8
Well never mind, I guess with its mostly full length novels. You could count 10-11 as one if you really wanted
There are enough LNs for another 2 seasons and movie. What we need is another LN to promote at the moment so Kadokawa would greenlight a new season. No new LN was written, so no S3 was made.
Kinda hard to answer your question, because in this case your suffering and boredom that comes through the slog is purposeful and what the staff wanted you to feel. I think the experience is all the richer if you watch all of Endless Eight (the final scene at the cafeteria felt so fucking good after going through it 7 goddamned times), but from a purely plot focused perspective, E8 1, 2, 3 and 8 are enough to fully get what's going on. The emotions are only conveyed (IMO) if you watch it in its entirety.
I have no idea how you think you could condense a slow paced movie into a 24 minute episode. Boggles the mind.
Watch 4 Endless Eights.
I don't think I'd want another season given the circumstances, to be honest.
I'd love it if they could somehow put as much love as they did in the rest of the franchise. The question is whether they'd be able to do that or not, and sadly I'm not sure they can.
>one of those
Funitards say this about every single thing they license. Come up with a new line.
>The emotions are only conveyed (IMO) if you watch it in its entirety
What is it supposed to convey? Is it supposed to make me bored and annoyed bc i dont need 8 episodes for that. The relief id feel after only watching 4 would be the same as 8. It made me drop the show and although i wanted to know what actually happens next and have the full experience of this supposed masterpiece of a movie i just dont think a medium that i HAVE to sit through 8 episodes of the same shit is worth my time. Again if the only point of endless eight is to make me annoyed then i dont need 8 episodes
The point of E8 is that it's a cool way to show summer. No, really. Each episode has its own ideas and clever directing. It's quite genius and comfy. Not everyone will appreciate this though.
>director is dead
>character designer is dead
>both of the chief animation directors are dead
>the layout supervisor is dead
It's truly depressing.
It really feels like endless eight is vital to fully enjoying disappearance. Sure it's a slog but thats the point and why is genius..
It is supposed to make you bored and annoyed to a certain extent. For me it was a different experience; certain scenes take place differently in each loop and it was interesting for me to see in how many ways the same story could be framed and transmitted. I never got bored in that regard; visually, it kept me engaged. It also did something weird which was that, after watching the same thing so many times over and over, I began to get nervous during the final episode because that one had the most differences; I got uncomfortable by the new pieces of dialogue after getting used to the constant sameness. I totally understand why people wouldn't like it, but I honestly enjoyed myself and I don't regret watching it one bit. It also feels weird that someone would drop the show over that instead of skipping to the end. Either way, you don't need to watch them all to see the movie, so you don't need to complain.
Im not into “neat directing tricks and visual and story framing” so i can enjoy it much passed the plot and character development.
I dropped it bc i went a time withou watching and i couldnt remember which episode i left it at and it also didnt help that i couldnt figure out in which order the website had the episodes.
Biggest mistake was not adpating Adventures of Mikuru Asahina so to this day animeonelies are left with no development or insight into her character besides that one line from Koizumi that is by the end of the series is at best maybe not complete bullshit.
It's a meta commentary man. Also if you're not into directing in general you're probably not gonna care as much for it.
That's after Disappearance though. Can't adapt it before the movie. It'd be so great though, especially ending with that digging scene.
I just downloaded them and kept checking the guide to make sure I was following the correct order.
I guess you didn't like FLCL much either huh?
>Adventures of Mikuru Asahina
Is that another LN? I now want to read it.
i miss this series
i miss the friends i watched it with
i miss my youth that i had when i watched it
i miss the feeling of being deluded with the series after endless eight, but then giving it a shot years later.
i miss what i felt when i saw the movie for the first time
i grieve knowing that we'll never get more and if we did, it wouldn't be the same, why did this have to happen?
Never got my attention so i hvent watched it but i assume it is also repetitive
More like it very plot lite.There's a plot there but its not really the point.
Yeah, it's the 7th LN which has more Michiru which helps understand her more (although everyone gets a lot of screentime and Haruhi is the one who really shines in this book imo)
If you wanna start the LN, you can pick it up from Snowy Mountain Syndrome in the 5th
Ishihara is still alive, so hope isn't quite dead yet right? ;_;
So I assume that the anime adaptation compiles enough of the LN so as not to confuse the readers if they choose to jump into the source material?
Yeah. Some details aren't adapted, like Kyon thinking Koizumi might be right during the movie shooting and that Mikuru mighr actually be just bait for him (being cute and helpless). But most of it was well adapted until the 2/3 of the 5th LN
>the director is dead
what the fuck happened, did he get a heart attack?
Thanks; I'll save myself some money then. Unless the LN offer enough on their own despite the anime's existence.
Man, make some space under that rock, I need some too.
Have you been living under a rock.
Sadly I really believe the door on this series has now been closed with all the staff deaths.
At least disappearance is a satisfying enough place to leave things I suppose
This. I an anime only pleb and usually I'd be desperate to check out the source material after the movie but its such a good movie I'm fine with it ending there in a weird way.
I'm normally a fan of shorter hair but long-hair Haruhi is the kind of superiority that one just has to concede to.
> my birthday
I... think I need to do this every year now too.
Yo are you the same user from yesterday that was gonna watch the movie earlier but was feeling sick? Glad you enjoyed the film. It's genuinely my favorite piece of audiovisual media ever.
This thread is making me realize that I still have not fully recovered from watching the movie the first time.
I can dig that. Im not a plotfag if the characterd are good anything they do can be interesting.
Honestly I don't even know if I'd call it very character focused either. More like its about themes. It's not the most straightforward thing to watch but if you're tired with a lot of the trash coming out recently there are worse ways to spend your time. That and the animation is at the very least on point.
Is there any comparison you can make besides haruhi?
Its kinda its own thing but its got Eva and Flip Flapper stuff to it.