Say goodbye to one of the most charming YGO rivals of all times. He deserved better.
Episode 117: 交わらない道 – Majiwaranai Michi
(Paths That Won't Intersect)
After finding out where Ai is, Yusaku heads to an island located on the outskirts of Den City, all by himself. Ai has already started making copies of himself on the island, using the SOLtiS he acquired from SOL Technologies. Ai reveals his motive for attacking humans, as well as all the thoughts he's been keeping to himself. And now, with the future of the world on the line, Yusaku and Ai begin their first and final battle.

Fujiki Yusaku/Playmaker: Ishige Shoya
Ai: Sakurai Takahiro
Homura Takeru/Soulburner: Kaji Yuki
Kogami Ryoken/Revolver: Takeuchi Shunsuke
Kusanagi Shoichi: Kimura Subaru

Script: 吉田伸 || Yoshida Shin
Storyboard: えらん|| Eran
Direction: 三家本泰美 || Mikamoto Yasumi
Animation Director(s): 佐藤瑞樹, 長谷川一生 || Satou Mizuki , Hasegawa Issei

Attached: Revolver loves flowers.png (700x740, 451K)

Other urls found in this thread:


ARC-VII when?

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I could only accept a reboot from end of s1 on.

RIP, but also at least as the rival he'l get to be in merch and stuff.

>aaand Yusaku never lost
How can Yuseifags even compete? lol.

Attached: EC_1QNXVUAEraKJ.jpg (400x225, 27K)

Can someone please draw Ryoken in a pair of Air Jordans?

Yusaku lost during his childhood.

That doesn't count, brother. Yusei also lost as a kid.

What will they do when they have nobody left to duel?

Attached: 1566418518025.png (998x1090, 305K)

>a Takeru fanboy's ancestor used to be emperor of Japan

Holy shit, SoulburnerCHADs just can't stop winning.

Attached: EmperorOfJapan.png (784x125, 31K)

He lost to Roboppy. And Soulburner will beat Revolver so Roboppy is still the third best duelist of all VRAINS.

Attached: Roboppy cute.jpg (1100x915, 208K)

I guess Ai doesn't count.

hug me please

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Attached: Rock You.webm (748x418, 1.37M)

You all fags need to remember pic related.

Attached: Release schedule.jpg (2048x1152, 483K)

Anything you want to say to this monster?

Attached: Decode Eye.webm (1280x720, 1.21M)

>replaced firewall as the ace monster
>didn't get banned
he was the true winner in the end

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Attached: AhiruNoSora.png (361x579, 302K)

I wonder if the final scene will be in vrains or outside of it.

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Attached: Ace Monsters.jpg (2048x1152, 416K)

Let the next YGO be grounded with no futuristic shit and no "save the world with card games" retardation.

There can't be any over the top developments if you do that.

>no futuristic shit
>no "save the world with card games" retardation
I legit think it's impossible to make a card game show with any amount of stakes unless it involves some external factor like Shadow Games or some shit

Holy shit, this show is still running? Did things get better?

It can just be a generic shounen about a kid that's bad at YGO and wants to get better to win the world championship or whatever.
It's all about the execution.

locals shit would be boring too. It's 2020, making such a vanilla plot for celebration of the world's most crazy-face anime series? I doubt this.

Next show will be WIXOSS with YGO cards.

As soon as you stop being gay.

as expected, this is what all these posters mean
just go read the current manga for that.

I don't care about these cliche tournament plots.

At least you can't fuck that sort of plot up like they've done in the last two series.

Post cereal boxes

European setting with female MC. Driven by revenge dueling underground

Attached: Mirror Force Transcends Human Intellect.jpg (750x1086, 288K)

Next show will be ARC-VRAINS with Crow as the protagonist and Soulburner as the deuteragonist.

Tell that to people who bitch about Yuma incessantly. Or do they not count?

Attached: 1565990804731.jpg (691x490, 41K)

It's pretty much impossible to have any sort of stakes in those types of shows.
The most that the villains of the show could do is like, steal a deck or something. Maybe beat someone up but past that there's not much someone can do to really be a villain and on top of that the entire show would pretty much be tournament arcs with minimal breaks
>Kid joins locals
>plays some games there (maybe like 10 episodes max of this shit before it gets boring)
>signs up for regionals
>tournament arc
>more locals
>signs up for nationals
>tournament arc
>gets into worlds
>more locals
>tournament arc
>show is over
They pretty much need something supernatural or wacky to make it work like the OCG Structures manga

>Did things get better?
The show got a premature death what do you think?

What do you mean? People hate Yuma because he is annoying, not because he is bad at the game.

Wait. So what'll be Pandor's role in the plot? Her name suggests she should be somewhat relevant but if that's all she's doing I would have rather seeing Hayami fight Ai to protect Zaizen.

It's getting axed.

There's definitely an emphasis on him getting better to win a championship.

Mirror Force was peak Vr/a/ins

He's the childish kind of fun. True annoying was Yuya, forcing egao on everyone's throat in the most serious arcs.

Attached: clusterfuck.png (1280x720, 1.02M)

That seems hell ass boring. Literally the more supernatural stuff, the better.

Attached: Lightning Loops.jpg (750x1169, 240K)

>We can't print the cover card 4 months later

Fucking kek

Yeah, but, again, it's because his personality is annoying. If you've seen more than a few shounen, you should know that there are other ways to characterize a main character with a similar goal/path.

>Ai summons a Link 5 during his duel/PM summons a Link 6 during his duel
>use it as the cover
>add some of the anime cards still on backlog
>make 80% of the set be game original like always

You posted that there was no way to screw it up though.

What was the last main booster set where the majority of cards were anime stuff?

I mean the plot, not some characters. You can't fuck up a simple plot like that like ARC-V and VRAINS did to theirs because of how simple it is.

Just mix both. Have your smaller scale story about someone getting better but slowly introduce more supernatural elements into the story. Transition from smaller scale to full blown 5ds/GX/DM crazy by the end. This way we get to know the characters and develop them on a more intimate level before things fall apart and people start dying

VRAINS plot isn't fucked.

>"save the world with card games" retardation
But that's half the appeal of YGO

The early sets of VRAINS, when they were printing the initial wave of the very few VRAINS decks ever printed

What's with wanting foreigners in yugioh?

So just GX except actually properly planned ahead.

Stop having extremely high expectations for children's anime. You are almost certainly not going to like it as much as when you were not an adult.

Essentially, yes.A properly planned out GX would be the perfect way to have smaller scale conflict, standard shonen escalation and YGO madness. It'd have everything a ygofag would want

I don't think wanting small scale tournament arcs all the time counts as "high expectations."

GX was necessarily dependent on having a world ending conflict every fifty episodes.

I don't think lowering the scale or wanting decent character development is having high expectations NuhUh-kun

>boring protagonist
>muh cyberse
>rival whos one of the few sources for entertainment
>so many archetypes that will never get made
>no tournament arc
>terribly written female characters
>predictable plot
>getting axed in about a month or 2
I'm starting to think VRAINS may have been a slight letdown.

Attached: INTO THE DRAINS.png (960x540, 320K)

It's hyping yourself up to believe they won't go
into world ending or super serious conflict at any point when they've shown they'll bounce right into at any time.

>a slight letdown
it's more than that not even the real card game survived how bad vrains impacted the series

>it's more than that not even the real card game survived how bad vrains impacted the series
How fucking delusional are anti-vrains fags exactly?

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He's talking about Firewall.

i wasn't talking about the success of the game you idiot but the health of the game link summoning brought ftk's and loops to the game and introduced extra linking that can stop you from playing the game

So it's pretty much over already, how would you rank Vrains assuming the last few episodes are decent?

>gross profits
>below black clover
user... this is ink for axing a series


Attached: itshappening.gif (327x251, 958K)

Unless the last episode has Emma pop out of the screen and blow the viewer, pretty poorly.



Sourbanana lost, eh? Well, that was expected.

Ahhh i still remember like it was yesterday when a retard said a S4 was coming. Wheres your S4 now huh idiot? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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Assuming that the last duel is god tier and that Revolver vs SB has a good resolution (it won't, everyone knows it will be a draw from Exploderokket and the whole motivation for the duel is pointless), I'll give it a plus simply for not shitting itself completely like ARC-V.
Season 1 was peak VRAINS and it was boring as fuck. Season 2 is even more boring. Season 3 is a whole bunch of wasted potential unless it has a good resolution.

>Soulburner dueled 2 times
>Revolver dueled 1 time
>Playmaker dueled 1 time
Based Chadburner

Attached: Best VRAINS Character.webm (720x404, 2.64M)

You know how many episodes it took 5ds to get to its serious world saving parts? 4 episodes. It wasn't even supposed to have filler.

>ARC-VII when?
YGO7 is an anniversary series with Yuya, Yuzu, and Sora being the legacy characters from ARC-V. That will do

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You know they would only bring Crow from Arc-V so they could have 2 Crows meet each other.

>VRAINS ends in two weeks
Holy shit, now this makes Aoi the most pathetic main girl in the entire franchise

Attached: Aoi Pussy.jpg (930x1200, 147K)

not in two weeks wtf
It ends at the end of September

People said the same for season 3 but it came anyways.

What is this super suplosed to mean? A reference to super nintendo?

Dragon Ball Super

Are you sure we are playing the same game?

A reference to the series that started chad canonical sequels!

Attached: official_dragonball_super_logo_by_aubreiprince_db9ivxt-pre.png (1350x592, 266K)

Who cares about Emma, really. I wish the old hag had stayed away from the main cast. She and her brother were a waste of time. Lost Incident children would have been better.

nobody on Yea Forums plays the tcg user and what i told said to you was all true if you don't believe me then go back and see how many people complained about firewall bringing back ftk's and loops in to the game during 2018

Yes. Don't listen to these weaboos:

Now you're just getting into ranker bullshit.

For the few autistlovefags that still lurk these threads, don't be sad if Aoi and Yusaku don't get a scene together again. Since Aoi is the only girl of Yusaku's age he knows and the main girl, that alone makes her the clear endgame for Yusaku. Well, that would normally be the case but since Aoi and Yusaku haven't really shown any type of attraction I guess it will depend on how VRAINS ends.

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She is a girl in Yugioh. Why the fuck did you expected her to amount to anything? You only have yourself to blame

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I don't think they set themselves up into a postion where they can't have all the other characters absent for the ending. It's not like GX where they already showed everyone's ending.

>Pandor didn't turn evil
Welp, the autistic revolverhater was wrong after all. Revolver managed to do something right for once

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>extremely high expectations
Nobody had high expectations for VRAINS. It manages to be a disappointment regardless.

What was the point of Ai sparing Aoi?

>Aoi's last duel had her losing her brother and dignity again while sitting in a pool of her own piss
You can't make this shit up

Attached: 76425373_p2_.jpg (1200x1200, 487K)

He's sadistically cruel?

Kind of disappointed Vrains ends next month. I was really looking forward to SOLTIS versions of the Ignis dueling their counterparts

Hell Jin never got a speaking role

And no tournament arc

Attached: 61D62D76-7A06-4210-80CC-92372ECB375C.jpg (500x281, 21K)

No. He deserves somethig better than Aoi. I think Miyu would fit him the most since them both share the same harsh childhood. Miyu must have also seen the footage of the ignis war. She will want to know who Playmaker is and since they share link sense she probably won't have a hard time finding him. It's all set up for them to share their lifes together.

Attached: Miyu_alone.jpg (1920x1080, 79K)

Bohman was peak vr/a/ins

Attached: 18654131021.jpg (1920x1080, 227K)

>ARC-VII when?
There are no loose ends in ARC-V so no reason to have an ARC-V II. Now a BBT 2 Movie with Yuya, Yuma, and Yusaku would be great

Attached: D2l8BOdU4AAlnCV.jpg (1200x1069, 394K)

Why don't you go watch ecchi instead?

>And now, with the future of the world on the line, Yusaku and Ai begin their first and final battle.
Where's the imbecile who said this wasn't gonna be the final duel? I bet you must be feeling pretty stupid right now

Attached: Ai Vs Playmaker Final Battle.webm (720x404, 2.9M)

>I was really looking forward to something that had not been foreshadowed at all

>Gem-Knight FTK
>Tier 0 SPYRAL ft. Firewall
>Gouki Knightmare Extra Link ft. Firewall
>DARK Warrior Gumblar Handloop
>Rhongomyniad Turbo
>Starving Venom Lyrilusc Pendulum FTK
>Utopic ZEXAL Turbo
>Amaryllis Plant FTK
>Samsara Lotus Plant FTK
>Assault Core/Wind-Up Bat/Grapha Cannon Soldier Firewall FTK
>Danger! Saryuja FTK
>Dragon Link Gumblar Handloop

So when do the pissfag and delusional miyufag finally leave?

>I was really looking forward to SOLTIS versions of the Ignis dueling their counterparts
First was Jin being relevant, then Spectre being relevant together with the other Lost Incident Kids, S4 and VRAINS II. If ARC-V didn't exist VRAINS would be known as the season to BTFO all the fans expectations

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Firewall is good.

>VRAINS ending in september

This is the only reason i like Yusaku. The fucker is more OP than Atem and Yusei combined

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He actually brought some fun into threads with the whole Real Yusaku deal

Attached: Groundhog Day.jpg (936x1391, 907K)

>production breaks are good
And you'll be shitposting harder during the next one.

>no "save the world with card games"

Roll Credits

Attached: D59M-51WkAACyhU.jpg (732x1024, 257K)

absolutely SEETHING lmao, get fucked vrainslet

He was cooler than Firewall Dragon but still shit compared to Flame Wingman and Junk Warrior

Attached: VRAINS Main Characters.png (1200x853, 536K)

Attached: I'm you.jpg (1280x720, 114K)

You're the only one who'll get fucked if you believe the production issues will go away.

and don't forget that firewall caused some cards to get hit instead of it so it can dodge the banlist for almost the entirety of 2018 and was also protected by shueisha

Thread Reminder VRAINS ends in 4 weeks

Attached: VRAINS Is Ending.jpg (450x338, 34K)

No I won't, at least ygo7 won't be remembered as the only ygo to get cancelled early because it's such a flop, SEETHE more

Attached: OCG Cannon Soldier.webm (450x252, 2.78M)

>DSOD Coming to Duel Links
>Zexalcucks BTFO
>VRAINS ends in 4 weeks
Could this week get any better?

Attached: DykjoibU8AE7guH.jpg (800x450, 122K)

>No I won't, at least ygo7 won't be remembered as the only ygo to get cancelled early because it's such a flop,
Can't be cancelled early if it wasn't planned to go on as long. And you're so unaware, you don't even know about the toei series or the fact that GX was only 180 episodes. Dumb flop poster, go back to your WSJ ranking threads.

Yugioh isekai let's go.

Does anyone know the source of this doujin?

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Card Cames with cooking

MR5 gives back non-Link Extra Deck Summonings their independence?

So Saikyo Card Battle Anime?

Attached: D6iNZIkU8AAbeqe.jpg (1199x848, 139K)

Next is the World Legacy anime adaptation.

Attached: 73381077_p0.jpg (1500x1500, 460K)

Based Sora

Attached: Sora Dies.webm (495x372, 2.53M)

he plays duel links link summoning doesn't matter to him

VRAINS World in Duel Links when???

Attached: D_bTq2mVAAERnPE.jpg (648x1152, 103K)

I wish

Attached: WorldLegacysContinuation-CHIM-JP-C.png (491x727, 791K)

Cringe. Where do you think you are normalfag-kun?

around the time ygo 9 starts

I wish but sadly the ED spoiled the ending

Attached: Yu-Gi-Oh!.VRAINS.full.2407160.jpg (2894x2039, 3.48M)

Everyone in this show deserved better (except Go) what a incredible waste if charming designs and ideas
And you know what's the worst part? If the next series isn't a DM reboot it'll be a Youkai Watch looking toddler shit starring an ugly Yuma-tier sperg

I fucking swear if Kiku doesn't appear outside a flashback

Attached: Kiku.(Yu-Gi-Oh!.VRAINS).full.2404853.jpg (1202x1428, 488K)

>shitvulva's only duel this season will be shilling his structure deck AND losing

But Yuma was cute. Grow a better taste.

Attached: cuteYuma.jpg (336x528, 153K)

>a Youkai Watch looking toddler shit starring an ugly Yuma-tier sperg
this is literally what 90% of the people ITT want

>dm reboot
The realities of 2020 anime will hit nostalgic retards like a brick.

It's over, Chadburner gave it all up to become Nerd and play card games. No more sex for him now.

>Everyone in this show deserved better (except Go)
Cringe and Playmaker pilled

Attached: Brain Hack Overlimit.webm (640x360, 2.05M)

VRAINS is the first show to break the 3 year Yugioh Anime cycle. What does that tell you?

Attached: 928b30ba84d34b80bc695525f859d293.jpg (1080x720, 136K)

And handsome.

Attached: handsomeYuma.jpg (1280x720, 125K)

That NAS can't keep production up like they used to do?

A Classic

Attached: Of6aa2S.jpg (473x650, 136K)

How unstable will YGO and the rest of the anime industry be in the 2020s in production values?

I've enjoyed every single season of Yugioh until now except for VRAINS. They clearly did something wrong

Attached: 1491014196011.png (1000x454, 211K)

Worse until full automation?

Yugioh will be fine no matter how bad things get because konami only cares about card sales in the end

They want character interaction heavy segments instead of card games.

I regret picking this up. If only I knew it isn't well received.

>So it's pretty much over already, how would you rank Vrains assuming the last few episodes are decent?
Writing wise VRAINS is definitely better than ARC-V for the simple fact that it didn't turn a Nazi army into good guys with the power of EGAO. On the other hand ARC-V was more enjoyable as a whole so i personally gotta put VRAINS in last place

>Better writing

>More Fun

Attached: 1566083964831.jpg (1280x721, 80K)

>If only I knew it isn't well received.
Every yugioh series since DM on here.

YGO7 will be starring all the abandoned characters
MC: Misawa
Girl: Mieru
Rival: Durbe
Best Friend: Jin
Villain: Divine

Attached: Bastion_3318.jpg (300x225, 30K)

Right now im watching Precure and Savage Season. Next month i'll watch Gundam VRAINS II

Attached: 1562279102668.png (322x304, 157K)

Divine had a very succinct ending though.

So with Vrains ending early, can we say Bohman is the Zorc/Darkness/Z-One/Don Thousand/Z-ARC and Ai is the Atem/Yugi/Jack/Astral/Reiji?

It was forced and he should do something bigger for all this foreshadowing

As long as they have Hikokubo as their duel writer the card game segments are unsalvageable so might as well scratch the card game aspect altogether and go for a Duel Terminal/True Draco/World Legacy/whateveristhenextstoryline adaptation.

We are here to stay, autistlovecucks.

Attached: I am your CEO.jpg (1200x800, 311K)

Those aren't new cards. The anime has to showcase effects too.

>He lost to Roboppy.

Attached: 1565796289138.jpg (683x619, 241K)

Sadly, every time someone mentions Aoi in the future they'll bring the piss meme. Is never going away

I guess we have to put up with stupid stinky vanguard.
Though that's also gone into a shit season so cardgames well and truly are fucked.

Then just watch an actual slice of life instead of clinging to a card game commercial.
But Bohman doesn't start with a D.

>no "save the world with card games" retardation.
That's like the best part though.

Attached: 1515189560982.png (1089x765, 2.28M)

It just got out of the shit season into a much cooler one, based off the first episode alone

Attached: Uranus Ride.webm (852x480, 2.9M)

Yeah, this general lied to me.

>lost to roboppy
he didn't though

Attached: 1313.21032.png (1124x29, 2K)

I'm not the one complaining about interaction. There are a lot of people who can't handle a slightly different type of story.

This is why I listed whatever the next archetype storyline is as a possibility.
>The anime has to showcase effects
They nerf/buff most of them and that doesn't mean anything when you consider that Hikokubo doesn't know how to play with the cards.

Attached: MekkKnightAvram-FLOD-EN-C-1E.png (477x700, 727K)

>Filtered so heavily Kotori's hair is black

Neither Ai nor Pandor. Besides, I meant it as Bohman basically being the Final Boss while Ai is the Ceremonial Duel (ending with his death). The former's Deck in his last Duel reeks of Final Boss gimmick while Ai's Deck is actually cohesive for example.

Let's have GX's mangaka be the duel writer for YGO7

Attached: GX Manga.jpg (1536x2304, 1.26M)

Well you can't mention Yuya/Yuzu without bringing up the manga ending so I'd say that evens it out.

>They nerf/buff most of them
Yeah, but they'll still want to actually show off the card game for real. We're not looking at digimon here.

Just looked that up. It's just a ygo ripoff. And a very weaboo one. I'd rather watch regular anime over it.

Thank goodness. It's a shitty ship in both mediums after all.

Don't know what that has to do with Aoi but whatever

>a very weaboo one
Where do you people even come from?

It's not just effects, but rather the game itself. YGO is a difficult game to get into, and many kids/new players will be willing to sit down and look at a rule book. By seeing the characters play in the anime, they get a general idea on how the game works.

Surely they'll be too busy spouting nonsense about the currently airing characters.

probably gamefaqs or some other normie communities. These posts aren't even reddit tier.


What the fuck do you think yugioh, or for that matter other anime is.
You're a weeb yourself son.

ahahahha so what will come out of this ahahahahha

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 111 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.32_[2019.07.24_23.36.48].jpg (1280x1440, 300K)

What monster is behind atticus in #8?

The Atmosphere. His Manga Ace.

I come from /his/ if you are so interested on me. Wanna date? put on a nice dress and we can talk.

they don't learn the game from the rulebook or the anime the anime just gives them interest to play once they go into any simulator they play until they learn the rules and decks the used

Yeah, I'm sure they had planned for the final season of Vrains to be less than 20 episodes. All part of their master plan to purposefully make things anti-climactic.

>octobor vjump climaxfags were right
>tweetfags were right
>lastduelfags were right
>s3 will go on until 2020fags were wrong
>s4 fags were wrong

Is it confirmed that VRAINS will end in the coming weeks.

Maybe they shouldn't have extended arc-v.

Attached: 1566601135911.png (4208x1264, 3.21M)

Yeah. They never emphasized what could be a third major villain.

I'll miss vrains..

Attached: love.png (1846x2000, 2.72M)

If we ended on high climaxes then GX would have ended after Yubel, 5DS at Godwin, ZEXAL at Vector and Arc-V at Sora vs Shun.

>Yusaku is a quickCHAD

If vrains does really end I'm getting into the actual game. I'm tired of not understanding half the things that happen during duels. Watching the monsters and action was entertaining enough to me but I guess it's time to get down the rabbit hole.

Attached: Ai Yusaku 2.jpg (1280x2048, 252K)

Is it really that bad?

There is no official confirmation yet, but everything points to it. There is even an anime coming to take VRAINS's timeslot now.

Same here. I need ygo in my life one way or the other.

And I almost forgot Yugi vs Malik for DM.

There are so many things that would feel really off if vrains ended after ai vs Yusaku that I can't bring myself to accept that it is ending.


It's just sort of a card game about playing a card game.
Very low supernatural elements for the first 100 or so episodes, and even then the card game is the focus and not entirely saving the world.

Then the latter seasons kind of ramp that shit up. Also MC is kind of a loser and doesn't win every match, more so loses a bunch of the first ones he plays which might not be so exciting.

Iunno, I like it for different reasons than Yugioh. But can see why a fan of one wouldn't like the other.

Bastion had a decent ammount of spotlight, thouth. A better representative of gx would be Chumley.

So, 100 episodes for the next one?

IWAE. This is now a WAGA MAO thread

Please, we're going for a 26 episode season.

You guys say that but couldn't be bothered to do so during arcV so why act like "this time for sure!"

10 episodes, if you're lucky a swimsuit OVA.

How would you have likey pic related to perform instead of what we got?

Attached: Bohman and haru cutes.jpg (680x900, 163K)

maybe this time they will do it for real since vrains is ending sooner than expected

I didn't watch arcV. I only watched gx back during the day.

What are they goint to fill the next 2 booster packs with if not anime archetypes? Also, when was the last time that we got a cover monster that didn't show up first in the show?

At least we'll have memories.

Attached: 1566765596470.png (1019x1111, 968K)

>when was the last time that we got a cover monster that didn't show up first in the show?
i'm not sure but this probably happened before at some point

I know how to play but I'm not up to date with the meta. Plus, I wasn't even here when arc-V aired.

>implying that anime decks get printed

Yeah, the "Vol 1, 2, 3, etc" times.

>Inb4 it is only now that we get the multiple unprinted decks of VRAINS.

>4th generation
uh, guys?

>What are they goint to fill the next 2 booster packs with if not anime archetypes?
They don't print shit from VRAINS. They have dozens of archetypes to choose from if they really wanted to put anime stuff into the last Link era set. They most likely will just whatever new big boss appears in Ai vs Playmaker as the cover and add some of the anime cards on backlog like random dork dragons, random cyberse and stuff like the Altergeist/Marincess Link 4.

I'll wonder how they would sell girly cards in a DM super scenario.

>Also, when was the last time that we got a cover monster that didn't show up first in the show?
Not counting non-main sets? Flaming Eternity, with Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys.

>I'll wonder how they would sell girly cards in a DM super scenario.
if the cards are good and have potential to be meta it will get bought 100%

wasn't there some Arc-V deck that didn't get printed until last year

I mean there aren't many girls in DM to play them. There were only 4 duels with girls in the manga.

Yes, but Vrains was obnoxious with not printing new Decks unless they were used by main characters. Without counting Dinowrestlers and Marincess since they just replaced Goukis and Trickstars, the only actual new Vrains Decks we have gotten since Season 2 started are Salamangreats and @Ignisters.

>>She is a girl in Yugioh. Why the fuck did you expected her to amount to anything?
It turns out I am the fool

add some new female characters then

Every player got BTFO you retard

I mean VRAINS decks.
It's common for series to not print every single archetype, but VRAINS in particular barely prints any.
Pretty much every major character of ARC-V except Akaba Leo has their deck printed.
The 3 Knights of Hanoi, Specter, Blood Shepherd, Lightning, Windy, Earth, Bohman, Haru, Roboppi, none of them do.

I'm legitimately not sure whether to rank it above or lower than Arc-V, my least favorite series. I can't tell whether it's worse to be given high hopes and then have those hopes completely fucked or to have little hope going in and the show doing nothing to make it feel better.

I think I might rank it the lowest solely because I didn't like any characters that much except Revolver. At least in Arc-V I got to be disappointed in the writing in characters I liked

They did but they were all filler.

>the most pathetic main girl in the entire franchise
Worse than Kotori?

>Ai and Yusaku's Final Bosses
>Salamangreats Lemming, Zebroid X and Shrine. Synchro and Tuner if we are lucky tomorrow
>Marincess Basilalima and Great Bubble Reef
>Noctovision Dragon
>Gouki Iron Claw, Guts, Diver, Double Impact and The Powerload Ogre
>Altergeist Pookuery, Fiflajert and Memorygant
>Tindangle Returner and Stairs of Mail
The cast's recent backlog fits like a glove.

Bohman was a big part of why I started not liking the series as much

then just wait until they finally allow a female to be the main character someday

I miss Shun

Cope XYZfag

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I give Zexal a lot of credit for turning me around on Yuma who I really hated in the beginning. It's funny how Yuma never really changes as a person but gets better as a duelist and the circumstances around him make you sort of appreciate what he's about more.

Also, Yuma at least stands for, like, something at all. Which is more than I can say for Yusaku and even Yuya to an extent

Vrains needed more cute TEEN girls like Miyu and Kiku but actually recurrent.

No, I'm just saying they don't have prominent female characters to shill girly cards.

Kotori was at least cute and fun to watch. The complete opposite of Aoi

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Arc-V ran for the standard amount though didn't it?

>brainlet is a vrains faggot
But of course. You faggots don't even understand the game.

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>ZEXAL at Vector
But Yuma vs Nasch was pure kino though.

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Regardless of it apparently ending early I enjoyed vrains a lot.

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>GX would have ended after Yubel,
Probably a good idea honestly
>5DS at Godwin
That wasn't even the best deal in that season.
>ZEXAL at Vector
No Nasch no buy
>Arc-V at Sora vs Shun.
Yuya vs. Reiji round 2. Series ends in a giant fuck you cliffhanger. Still better than the actual ending though

>they don't have prominent female characters to shill girly cards
they can do what they did with aoi she shilled trickstars well but didn't get treated well but that's mainly due to yoshida if they get better writers the future series might have better female leads

What happened to the cute blue trap?

>they can do what they did with aoi she shilled trickstars well but didn't get treated well
Aoi is a prominent female duelist regardless of win record. DM doesn't have anything comparable.

He's never coming back after they made his monsters synchro irl


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The blue trap became less of a trap and his story reached a reasonable end so now we have a prequel about the shopkeeper's crazy adventures in high school

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>but that's mainly due to yoshida if they get better writers the future series might have better female leads
They have had 3 separate chances with different writers to get even one girl written correctly. Aki, Yuzu and Aoi are the only duelists who it felt like were even remotely connected to the larger overall plot and they fucked them up in different ways. It doesn't matter who the writer is, they cannot do girls to save their lives.

Which sucks because I tend to like YGO character designs but I just know they're gonna job half the time

There were two new Manga coming out instead of vrains. Where's the other one?

Yusaku will give everyone hot dogs.

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>vrains was so bad it has to be ducking cancelled

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>DM doesn't have anything comparable
it was hard to shill things during Dm Because the card game was being introduced at the time and archetypes were not a thing yet so anzu or mai didn't really have things worth shilling

It's oddly cathartic how, in a series where most of the characters are consumed by grudges and personal baggage, Yuma spends most of his time trying to connect with people or telling them to stop being assholes to each other. It feels considerably more genuine than Yuya's EGAO or Yusei's KIZUNA.

Do you want NAS to work animators to death on two big productions at once?

I was thinking of picking it up for him. I didn’t know his anime already ended.

What's the second one?

His run is still worth watching and it's only 65 episodes compared to the 196 of the original. He's also very likely to return since they're doing this weird thing where the prequel is still part of the same series

The next series?

Are you retarded?

Not that user, but you do realize that anime production starts well in advance of airing, right? That VRAINS itself was largely unable to do this is even why there were so many early recap episodes.

NAS never actually worked on vrains. They just half assed shit. Surely they could half ass it some more while working on 7.

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He has a point. Unless the YGO anime is cancelled like for good or something, they are likely working on YGO7 now

I wish Battle Spirits was more popular. But I know very well it will never be as more known as something like Vanguard because a)it peaked too early and b)it doesn't get subbed timely and c) the character designs look too youthful unlike YGO and Vnaguard

There's a new ONA coming out for it's 10th anniversary of that one series that it peaked at, Battle Spirits Brave, that has the few fans hyped

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>120 episodes


I guess I'm the opposite from most people here since I think something that stays consistently mediocre is still better than starting out promising and failing to live up to the hype. So I'd rank it above Arc-V and post DS 5Ds
Kinda middling but never quite reaching the lowest points of the franchise.

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Do you think animation is a performance art of some sort? These things take years and tens of thousands of hours of work.

Yuma was a great main character and HOPU the best ace monster. Still the most soulful duel youtu.be/PvubvP7ESaI

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>few fans
I've been seeing this shit on my TL twitter all the time with tons of retweets though

I think the issue is that something can be mediocre consistently as long as the characters are enjoyable. I don't think too many characters were enjoyable except for Revolver. There just was much for them to do except follow the plot along.

For fuck's sake, a running gag around here was "okay Yusaku will make friends in this arc right?"

I wouldn't take retweets as an indication of a big fanbase. Those are mostly japanese onlookers.

>8300 monster
>Yuma beats over it with 79200
The sheer amount of UNGA never ceases ro move to tears.

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And I'll appreciate the ambition, even if failed, over something that was completely, utterly soulless.

I largely agree with what you said but the best ace monster will always be my son and his upgrades

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"Blocks your path"

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>There just was much for them to do except follow the plot along.
Yeah, that was definitely an issue. One thing I want for YGO7 is Vrains' tight plotting with actually good characters that are fun to watch.

>tight plotting

You could make everything that happened in VRAINS 1/2 of the episodes it currently has.

Anime plots are a dime a dozen.

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Arc-V's ambition is the bad kind of ambition. Ambition that failed but went all the way should be praised even if you didn't like it, like the last season of Duel Monsters. It wasn't the arc Kaz really wanted and the animated version looked pretty bad but he tried his best to make it work.

Arc-V put it's hopes too high and then didn't want to actually keep going so they just relied on conventions of the series and couldn't think the plot through. That deserves strong ridicule. What makes it worse is that it's not like they didn't have enough episodes

Same could be said for almost all of the seasons.
Maybe Yugioh should go to a 50-70 episode season.

The biggest problem with vrains is its characters are fucking shit. Simple as. Tells a lot when characters like roboppi and ai already have a better rep than yuzaku. Like how the fuck am I supposed to root for PM to win his duel when the good and fun character is the one that could lose. Like if Ai destroys the humans and revives his family I'll call that a win.

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It can never do that because the anime is just advertisement

More like Arc-V became so bad it seemed like they wanted to fail purposely.

Most advertisement anime is 50-70 episodes and they do it just fine.

One day maybe yugioh will be seasonal.

The problem with Playmaker is that his growth is hard to tell because he didn't suffer through defeat or loss, that was his default from the start of the series and so he's just been kind of angry on a revenge burn for so many episodes until now it shifts and he doesn't have enough of a personality to show for viewers to identify or sympathize with his plight. The lost incident is barely worth remembering at this point.

That's why Ai's deal is much easier to feel for, because he's been through some shit that was shown that was significant that the viewer can appreciate.

Most advertisement anime aren't the biggest card game in the world. Also you realize that if the anime were yearly, they'd have to invent a new rule every year right?

I feel more for fucking Blood Shepherd than I do Shitmaker

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Which NAS might eventually shift to.

Boy SoL sure was the worst Yugioh tech company we've had to date, like what the fuck was that?

Yuma was boring with how repetitive he was both character and duel wise.

He did the same thing Yuya did but with Kattonbingu instead,he said it in every damn duel.

I'm convinced that they knew the writing was on the wall and started cutting the season down months back. That's why YGO7 was announced as soon as it was, and to cut their losses they'll just give up on Vrains.
Which is why the plot points are all being left to the wind

They come across overly corrupt and incompetent, perfect in a cartoon way I think.

>YGO7 was announced as soon as it was
Fairly certain Arc V was announced around the same time. And there's still absolutely nothing to show for YGO7 so it's not like they moved up the schedule or anything.

Aikatsu is moving from Thursday to Saturday morning. Do you think that Vrains will shift there?
Not to possibly rain on your it got cancelled party or anything.

Egao is about getting other people to do something. Kattobingu is a matter of self-affirmation.

You're boiling the subject down to the simple presence of a character tic, when the actual problem people have is how these tics actually impact or are executed within their respective works.

>shits on your 10th spinoff cashmilking series

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>That's why YGO7 was announced as soon as it was
But YGO7 hasn't been announced yet

We didn't get a fucking Kattobingu world.

Depends if there's an announcement soon or not. There's actually a timeslot on saturday airing ygo reruns so they already have a booked slot and all. But still unlikely.

Based Boomer

Have they ever moved before?
If they've kept the timeslot then no, it's dead Jim.

based and truthpilled, original Yugi > all

Yuma did not force Kattobingu on his opponents. That's what made it slightly more tolerable. Yuya was screaming about EGAO for every fucking thing to solve the world's problems. "These kids are hungry? Egao. These guys are trying to kil us? Egao. There's a fucking baby? Apparently the last duel needs to be about making it EGAO".

I think they announced a new season or crossover or something. I don't think vrains has anything like that.

Arc-V was a Sunday show, airing where Pokemon is now.

seriously could any of your current pink haired femboy characters take even 1000LP from Yami Yugi? if yugioh even still has LP

Yugi's deck is total garbage.

Arc-V didn't move timeslots though

Judai could.


Zexal moved I think from a monday to sunday, also in October. But moving just for half a year would be odd.

huh? did somebody say something?

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Yusei would beat Atem. Yuma could do it too but his character isn't about winning so who knows

Not with that many tournaments. One is enough.


Neither Yugi nor Atem even have Exodia anymore.

Oh, nice Exodia, dork

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did you?

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>Playmaker hasn't lost a single duel
>Loses vs Ai
>Ai nukes humans
>Series ends
How do you want it to end?

was there no new episode today?

Yugi wasn't even the best Exodia user. That was Amon from GX.



But in the end it boilled down to people doing what Yuma wanted,just like the EGAO thing.

Yuma more so in season 1 was extremely autistic about people using dueling for revenge despite Shark having a very valid reason to be pissed.

Kaito even tells him off about his attitude during the Barian Onslaught Arc but nothing comes out of it since everybody hops on Yuma's bing anyways.

In the end its Yuma yelling about Kattobingu in serious situations and people still follow him in his autism.

Does that sound similiar?Its the same situation as the 2nd half of Arc V.

vrains II soon it will go the zexal 2 part route

Start Ignis RequAIem.

It's a Tuesday.

literally who?

>watches filler

t. xyz syncro etc zoomer


yes, some kiddo from a dueling academy is better than the pharaoh of egypt

What's funny is that the only time he even used Exodia was when he happened to draw into all the pieces after stalling on "set monster, pass" for the majority of a literal 22-turn duel.

airs in like 10 hours m8

You sound upset. Maybe you should smile more, user. Lemme help you out.

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Yeah, but Yugi would lose in a fistfight.

Shark wanted to kill people, bro.

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If life is a game
They say I can't win
I'll never amount to nothin'
Tear me down before my life begins

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against your current twink rainbow colored characters? are you joking? Yugi is ripped as fuck compared to them

Next season should reintroduce action duels and just let players deck on each other like Kachidoki did.

The pharaoh of egypt lived in a world of jobbers. He never faced a real Yugioh duelist.

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And Yuma still wanted to be friends with him despite him killing people he knew,which is what Kaito told him of on.Shark was being serious,Yuma was not.

Heck he was still calling Alito his friend,despite him mocking and killing Gauche who has been a bro to Yuma.

There were two gigantic tournaments back to back.

And since this faggot want to talk /fit/

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That was for a new series though.

he did during the time that his soul resided in Yugi Muto...

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All pales in comparison to this absolute unit

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I don't get why YGO has this thing about making the villains buff for the big battle. Getting muscular isn't going to make your dueling better.

Getting more monstrous is one thing but getting buff is just weird

>But in the end it boilled down to people doing what Yuma wanted
All Yuma ever wanted was for people to stop being dicks to one another, and it's ultimately everyone else's choice to take up the hand he extends to them. When Yuma puts his faith in Vector and gives him yet another chance, Vector decides to be a better person because he's moved by Yuma's compassion, not because he buys into a fucking kattobingu cult philosophy. The motivations in play here are nowhere near as asinine.
>Yuma more so in season 1 was extremely autistic about people using dueling for revenge despite Shark having a very valid reason to be pissed
Please don't tell me you're unironically defending the cycle of revenge that landed everyone in that situation to begin with.

Revenge never did anything for anyone in ZEXAL. The obsession with getting back at people who have wronged you is what ruined multiple families up until that point, as well as the Barian Emperors later down the line. Nasch fucking loses everything because of muh revenge. You're saying Yuma should just sit on the sidelines while everyone, including some of his friends, are trying to kill each other?

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Biggest YGO chad

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It's not always about being buff.

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Gains from drawing
Why you think there's always those practices
Shows that they are one serious duelist from it

I want to fuck Melissa Claire

We've also had this absolute unit

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>The man who traded STR for INT

What purpose is bringing up Exodia in the context of decks for characters who don't even have it?

literal galaxy brain

They should have animated her.

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Yuma was being serious. He wanted to save everyone. Alito is the perfect example. Yuma knew Alito was a good boi and then he came back evil because of Vector so Yuma wanted to bring back the real Alito.

>this is what’s replacing VRAINS


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This is now Yu-Gi-Oh! GAINS thread

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I didn't know it was possible to make basketball gayer than Kuroko no Fagsuke

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>Yuki Kaji

What was she trying to accomplish here again?

Showing Yusuke that she won't let go once she wraps her legs round him. She's getting his kids.

Who had the best summon chants in Vrains?

I didn't know yugioh fags had such bad taste, ahiru no sora is great

>sports anime
Not even yugioh can be as drawn out as this.

>All Yuma ever wanted was for people to stop being dicks to one another, and it's ultimately everyone else's choice to take up the hand he extends to them. When Yuma puts his faith in Vector and gives him yet another chance, Vector decides to be a better person because he's moved by Yuma's compassion, not because he buys into a fucking kattobingu cult philosophy. The motivations in play here are nowhere near as asinine.

The problem was the exxecution(just like the egao thing)Yuma even had issues even by seeing Shark vs III duel,when they were not even being dicks,just competitive.

Also no comment on Vector's forced redemption.

>Please don't tell me you're unironically defending the cycle of revenge that landed everyone in that situation to begin with.

No what i am saying is that Yuma was putting more emphasis on Shark using dueling for a revenge with a very valid grudge behind it instead of having an issue with IV burning Shark's sister.

>Revenge never did anything for anyone in ZEXAL. The obsession with getting back at people who have wronged you is what ruined multiple families up until that point, as well as the Barian Emperors later down the line. Nasch fucking loses everything because of muh revenge. You're saying Yuma should just sit on the sidelines while everyone, including some of his friends, are trying to kill each other?

Yuma has an obsession with them not fighting each other instead of caring what they did with each other.

Alito kills Gauche,mocks him in front of Yuma but Yuma still calls him his friend,because its ok that he killed Gauche since he rejoined his harem now.

Also Nauch did not lose everything because of revenge,he lost everything because life hates him,he is the Future Trunks of Zexal in terms of not being able to catch a break.


don't worry man I'm probably gonna watch it

Not him but Yuma didn't know about what happened to Shark's sister. IV told him after losing to Shark the duel.

More like obssession with everybody holding hands with each other,again Kaito calls him out on that.

>Alito was a good boi and then he came back evil because of Vector so Yuma wanted to bring back the real Alito.

Guess what?The Alito that killed Gauche was the 'good boi' since by that point Donny's brainwash had worn off so he had to apply it again.

Does it have any cute girls or is it a sausagefest?

Boy. I'm so fucking on edge this week. I hope they release any announcement soon. I am going crazy with all this speculation.

It's revolver's time to shine.

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>No what i am saying is that Yuma was putting more emphasis on Shark using dueling for a revenge with a very valid grudge behind it
Whether or not Shark has understandable reasons for being pissed does not undermine the point that revenge is stupid and meaningless. It's consistently so within ZEXAL's narrative.

Hell, when Yuma himself falls into it, it feeds into events that almost tear him and Astral apart.
>Alito kills Gauche,mocks him in front of Yuma
The Alito who was under two layers of brainwashing? That Alito?
>Also Nauch did not lose everything because of revenge
Nasch literally lost everything because of revenge. His inability to let go is what drove him into a long war and battle that ultimately resulted in the destruction of his people.

>I am going crazy with all this speculation
Whats there to speculate? VRAINS is over

This is the end Revolver

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I hope the next main girl has a fairy deck as well.

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>next main girl has a fiend deck

>not Sea Serpents
You sadden me, user.

>not Divine Beast

>Playmaker can't meet with Ai unless he has the letter
>Revolver will get the letter if Soulburner lose
Revolver is going to lose, isn't he?

Main girl, not half man half dragon chimera.

I'd rather have some type variety rather than pigeonholing types like that

>YGO7's main girl is actually a literal god

If it's ending they won't say anything unfortunately. For seasonal anime, they usually announce how many eps it has but long running shows are different.

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It's already been set that way for a long while. Every main girl has used a fairy card at one point or another.

>Its ok that they don't change the status quo because they keep doing it

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I don't think it's that they're shit so much that they aren't allowed to do anything. The structure of most of VRAINS has been
>Yusaku gets a lead
>He and whoever is riding his coattails goes after it
>Rinse and repeat
So everyone in the cast is just a prop for whatever mission falls into Playmaker's lap. I think it would have worked better if they let the characters have their own subplots and explore the world that way, and get back together when their interests coincide. Imagine the Miyu plotline was brought in earlier and Aoi, with Emma's help, searched for clues on helping her, which brings them to Earth, Aqua, and finally leads to Lightning, instead of
>Aoi and Emma follow Playmaker because SoL
>Earth messages Playmaker because reasons
>Aqua shows up and lands on Aoi's lap because reasons
>Also, Miyu exists

It's not pigeonholing anything new.


10/10 ending

What do you think the next "buy" character will be like?

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So what was the point of Pandor?

Crow, Takeru, Johan all have the exact same personality so I’m guessing something like them

She's there to reestablish relations between humans and AI.

To have Ai's baby who will be the Ignis to live peacefully with humans.

>yfw the series ends with revulva having a lower winrate than go and aoi

>Maybe they should have extended arc-v.

>shitvuova is going to lose while shilling a structure deck
>he will be forever remembered as that pathetic rival who loses while shilling
>he will be forever remembered as having a lower winrate than blue jobber
oh no no no no no no ahahahhahaha

combine all 3 to get flaming crystal blackwings

Miss me yet?

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This all happened because of over extension. DSOD made a structural weakness and it just kept going.

>So what'll be Pandor's role in the plot?
She is a woman (AI), so of course Yoshida was going to make her useless and axe her at some point.


Implying a fifth arc of Arc-V wouldn't have been kino. More if it was heavily related to Zarc's background bonus point if it somehow revealed us a Ritual Dimension.

Vrains was such shit, I barely remember anything from S1, S2 felt like a long boring tournament arc and S3 is wasted potential. The only fun parts were S1 Revolver, Lightning being chuuni and the beginning of S3

Animate more capsule monsters.

Opinion discarded.

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>S1 Revolver
Weren't you spectreposting back then?

Bring Kamishiro back

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I'd say keep making Symphogear but that's dead too.
At least that'll end with a bang.

I wonder if they could have had another duel.

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Anything official yet?

They'll never announce anything official unless it's a new series.

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Wait for the spoilers. There should be a "Final episode" symbol for the last episode summary which should be 120.

inb4 YGO7 also doesn't end at 140+ episodes.

inb4 YGO7 is a series of movies.

Any weebs who actually follow TV Tokyo, is vrains' timeslot the only one changing?

Aikatsu Friends is ending and a new series is starting shifting from Thursday to Saturday morning.

Fuck off.

You fuck off. The guy is only asking a question. What's your problem?

>Friends and Vrains shitcanned halfseason
Loving Every Laugh

>they actually follow anime outside of the ygo franchise

Attached: Ash blossom laughing at U.png (560x600, 167K)

When do monthly spoilers drop again?

I think they just gave one a week ago, so not anytime soon.

First week of the new month.

So, next week? Oh boy.

Just kys, delusional cuck.

Funny coming from a Miyufag.

what was wrong with Friends?

Any show that takes place in New York is by definition bad. I think it is big in China, though.

How i met your mother wasnt bad

I think they are a pripara poster.

Yusaku never lost and he runs the only main character ace monster ever banned in the physical game, so, yes.

How the fuck is vrains ending in early October when Link Vrains pack 3 is coming in December?

World legacy pack filler?

Nice try onee-chan, I just don't like Friends, I'm an OGfag.


You can have card releases without its respective commercial. The fact is there's just too much evidence suggesting otherwise.

>animators/storyboarders confirming they're done with production
>YGO 7 announced way earlier than usual
>117 summary describes the "final battle"
>timeslot being taken over and unlikely it's just switching timeslots

LVP is completely unrelated to the anime and most of it is support to game original archetypes. Are you retarded?

Who could forget the last Link Vrains pack, featuring such anime archetypes as Fire Fists, Magical Musket, Thunder Dragon, and Six Samurai?

Stop spreading your delusional disease.

It features Links for GOs and previous series' Archetypes.

Because the early 2010s was the beginning of all idol anime.

>Aoi only gets to Fusion summon and nothing else while using Trickstars
>Loses it when switched to Marincess and became Links only
>Go gets to Fusion and Synchro while using Dinowrestlers
>Loses them when went back to Goukis and became Links only

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It was the beginning of Aikatsu as a franchise, yes.

A Gouki Synchro would have been based.

Ai took the YGO staff and replaced them with his SOLtis army

The bounty hunters had fusion and synchro, so Aoi got fusion while Emma got synchro, because they were working together.

>meanwhile CHADburner gets TWO Xyz's
>forcedvulva will probably debut tracer tonight (inb4 game original lmao) and have TWO tuners

I want you and Yoshida out of this franchise

I miss Yuzu and Gon

Don't forget Yuki Kaiji being done with a character and V-Jump saying the Climax of the Anime. VRAINS is ending only people in denial are the fags who still believe we are getting an S4

Not even S4, S3 is being cancelled

>Yuzu literally only gets Fusions and nothing else, not even Pendulums
>Literally gets cucked by Serena

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lmao based yoshida dabbing on all these niggers, someone post the pics of playmaker, soulburner and revolver posters

Let's not pretend Yuzu had anything outside of S1

You are talking about a franchise that put 5 weeks of live action comedy to not leave us without YGO more than two weeks. This all think is too odd to jump on quick conclusions.

>>Literally gets cucked by Serena
shes the best ruri it's only natural for that to happen and to add to that lunalights won a ycs in 2018 so that just makes it 100% that serena is best ruri

And don't forget autistlovefags, SoltisIgnisfags and VRAINS IIFags

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>Yuzu get cucked in the anime
>So she cucks Yuuya in the manga

Soulburner was a waste of time. He doesn't even offer anything interesting to the dynamics of the anime. He's literally just there to sell yuki kaji and salamangreats.

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>This all think is too odd to jump on quick conclusions.
LMAO and here we have another one

Attached: October V-Jump.jpg (2710x3853, 1.36M)

He is the only character worth giving a fuck about

Attached: Super Link Summon.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

Just think of this trio. Playmaker wants humans and AI to cooperate, Revolver wants humans to rule over AI, and Soulburner wants humans and AI to cooperate. It's redundant and things would have been better if he was actually on the side of lightning.

Yeah, I really should take the opinions of someone who hates vrains and perpetually shitposts about it seriously.

>Liking VRAINS
Da fuck?

>Not liking vrains

I'm not an idiot who would keep watching shit I hate. There's no benefit, even if I played the game I could always just read card info that gets posted.

it doesn't matter if you like vrains or not in the end vrains will be remembered as a low point in the franchise and possibly the weakest spinoff even weaker than arc-v

Oh NOW it doesn't matter?

Are you living under a rock to think that Vrains isn't either hated or seen as extremely mediocre and uninteresting?

Nostalgic faggots say this every goddamn series.

It's fine. Vrains might not live up to anyone's expectation but it didn't become something so shit that would leave people in agony like ArcV.

yes but this actually works on vrains

It's never been more true. Other shows at least had high points. GX is remembered for dinosaurs attacking satellites and dark shit. 5Ds is remember for a great 64 episode run. Zexal is remembered for a drastically improved second half. Arc-V is remembered for having a lot of promise in the first season that gets squandered.

Vrains will be remembered for having a lot of recaps.

I honestly almost forgot about the recaps.

Same, I always forget until some rando brings it up

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You might want to get your heads check, it sounds like brain damage


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Maybe you're the brain damaged one lol

Literally Seething vraisnfag

I'm not the one forgetting Vrains has had 7 recap episodes

No it doesn't. You probably don't even believe that yourself.
Of course it's a hype faggot. I don't think everything drastically bouncing is actually good for a long running series. And people will remember vrains for stuff like mirror force or go. These characters aren't totally uninteresting like you claim.

Easily the biggest joke in the show together with Aoi

How sad is it that the best things you can come up with are a bad meme and a character whose character arc was completely fucked? Not even a span of episodes people will remember, because it's become obvious that none of the seasons are going to be especially memorable in the long run.

Literally the only good thing the vrains era brought was Rei. That's it. The anime is absolute shit, a literal shitshow.

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how could I forget irlfags when the fucking series is about VR

The mirror force gag worked once and that's about it. Revolver went down the shitter after s1. They tried to hit lightning twice by giving him more nostalgia traps and it was just meh.

You're all fags and all ygo animes are bad lol

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Based and sky striker pilled

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What joke? Anime isn't funny.
That's what people keep bringing up as "hype" moments so that's what I mentioned. Not that the other characters are bad, but it's about on par with the dumb shit that's get brought up from other series like the dinosaur satellite or invisible misawa.

vrains will be forever remembered as the series that got axed halfway through the 3rd year lmao

And the only spinoff with no Manga

>An anime being memorable and talked about long after its release is just "hype"
This is just sad, the ways Vrainsfags are trying to justify how weak and dull their show is

And being the only season with no video game.

and the only spinoff where the ace monster got banned

Attached: how can firewall ever recover.png (274x24, 1K)

Give up, no one remember everything about any of these long running series off hand. Otherwise they would remember all the down time each one consistently has.

>anime isn't funny
>it's the "yugioh is serious and not real anime but actually westernized" anime fag

No. Japanese people just aren't funny.

But they remember the important bits, which is why the points I listed are brought up time and time again. But Vrains has no important bits, because it was a nonstop trashfire from a production standpoint, that enough people presumably stopped watching to warrant giving it the axe half a year before the next series starts.

maybe if they kept evilvolver the show could have gone for the full year, yet again fujovulva ruins the series


I give Vrains a lot of shit (and still will) but I appreciate that the staff realized the Link summoning animation they initially had was dogshit

season 1 revolver would have won against lightning

VRAINS is still too profitable for the your supposed audience drops that you don't have any proof for to even matter. It's clear they no longer have the ability to produce two long running series for yugioh at the same time anymore.

>you don't have any proof
lmao way to out yourself, see you at the end of September

>VRAINS is still too profitable
Then why is it getting cancelled? Come on man, the show isnt popular

You don't have any proof of audience drops but there's tons of proof of production problems. And you'll definitely be saying all this shit again next series because it's not going to be like anime for 10-15 years ago but a lot closer to Arc-V and VRAINS. Even if it's some kind of DM reboot.

>Then why is it getting cancelled?
They can't produce two anime at the same time anymore. Anime industry isn't getting any better.

Don't forget the part where he spend 98% of his time scowling.

And you don't have any proof that they are any less equipped to deal with "two anime at the same time". In fact, if anything they should be better, since GX was abruptly ended and that led to 5Ds being shifted way up in start date.

Also, it's funny how you still can't actually provide a better defense of Vrains than "it has Go in it", as though that's supposed to be praise.

Sound Duel 3 when?

>And you don't have any proof that they are any less equipped to deal with "two anime at the same time".
VRAINS has half the number of animation studios as arc-v, multiple recaps, and had to have live action for the first five weeks. Now that it seems like they announced the next anime and are ending vrains, it's very easy to tell they can't manage multiple productions. You act like so much about vrains but seem to forget all the production problems when it suits yourself.
>Also, it's funny how you still can't actually provide a better defense of Vrains than "it has Go in it",
Your defense of GX was dinosaurs and satellites and dark shit, when it couldn't keep shit straight for even half as long as 5DS. And your defense Arc-V was that it showed "promise". Well Spectre showed "promise" and it didn't mean shit.

Next month

>Well Spectre showed "promise" and it didn't mean shit.
Edgy faces aren't "promise" user

He laid a mysterious scenario, and it didn't really pay off at all. He was supposed to drum up sympathy for the villain in the mean time.

>Well Spectre showed "promise
I think having an interesting backstory is slightly different to the kind of promise Arc-V had

You can't compare an edgy dude being raised by a tree to an interdimensional war .
>interesting backstory

Wasn't one of the main parts of the hyping up of arc-v its ambitious mystery?

October 30th iirc