Other urls found in this thread:
>force a boy into servitude by threatening to frame him with attempted rape
>surprised that he is suspicious of your intentions whenever you try to get close to him
Isn't she supposed to be a genius or something?
She's pretending to be a masochist, but deep down hoping he'll grow a backbone to call her on her shit and then whip her into submission. Not that unusual.
Does she eventually get raped for real?
dumb forgotten childhoodfriend
I think you meant sadist. Also don't ruin this with reversal bullshit.
She has a superpower which makes sure everything always goes her way. She is not used to being denied.
I am not the one with headcanon about it.
What is this manga?
user-kun Is A Retard Who Can't Into Image Search.
It's a heartbreaking story about a guy who doesn't have enough brain cells to walk and breathe at the same time.
I'm on mobile.
Image search works on mobile too you retard. Actually you're a double retard since you're on mobile too.
Haite Kudasai Takamine-san
I just want more anons to talk about the manga with fuck the rest of you.
Stop spoon feeding people you faggot.
Especially phone posters.
>false rape accusations
>why isn't he picking up my advances
I was just checking to see if it updated last night and saw nothing. What the hell?
Where are the raws?
I thought I was satisfied with the occasional "rejecting the tsundere because it's obvious she doesn't like me one bit" but this manga has shown me even better primises of idiocy-induced heartbreak. I want to see her end up alone so bad I'm gonna keep reading this even though it's obvious they'll end up together anyway.
pure autism
I am ignorant. Sauce please
Read the thread retard.
If i could read, would not ask for help. Thanks jerk.
did this get axed? where is chapter 7
You seriously need to get laid incel.
They are slow to translate and raws aren't being posted for dome reason. But you can see chapter 7 in Portuguese here:
>you're a retard
Wait, he didn't say it like that. He's just calling you out for your frustrated toxic geek virginal trucelent attitude
False rape blah blah trigger trigger...
It's a pretty sweet soft dom manga from then on. Takamine is hella hot and the closet dressing her up is a really sexy femdom theme.
I usually don't mind spoonfeeding but this is stupid. There is no excuse you litterally just have to read a few posts above yours.
the guy should have just raped him for real and forced her to either rewind time to undo the accusation or live in a timeline of becoming his fuckmeat
>She has a superpower which makes sure everything always goes her way. She is not used to being denied
Well we already know that since she's female.
Or instead of unmaking the accusation she could unmake him being born with a penis. Good plan user.
>no nipples
>MC is the typical faggot piece of shit with nothing special whatsoever other than he's nice
>girl is the typical black-haired slender "perfect" student council president
>MC is too beta to make a move
>it has already been implied that he was nice to her in the past, or some gay shit like that
I honestly don't know how you people eat this drivel up. Yea Forums's motto should be: "Don't think about anything, just consume shitty anime product."
It's disgusting.
Not wanting to make a move on someone crazy enough to fake rape accusations is not beta
>>no nipples
buy tanks
>pretending to be a masochist
>proceeding to be an actual masochist once he inevitably takes the reins
Mission success?
Takamine would happily indulge so many of your fantasies. She gets too much hate.
Wasn't there a theory that because when it showed she knew him in the past, the MC was popular/had friends and was more outgoing and she still didn't have her powers, compared to the present where he is a pushover and pessimist friendless guy, it implied she must've done something to change it, specially since he doesn't remember her?
This was fantastic. This series is an underrated gem
If she is letting you take a gander at her pussy, touch her legs, thighs, ass and breasts, then yes, it is absolutely undeniably fucking beta behavior. Faggot apologist.
>dude omg she used her Haruhi powers, to like, change the MC's personality like in Oreimo! he was a chad but is now a virgin beta faggot so that she'll be the only girl interested in him
Oh my god, how do you read this kitsch? How are you invested in it? Isn't it sad not knowing what real art is like?
I don't know why anyone still brings up 'le rape'. MC has clearly moved past that. How couldn't he when this bitch is so thirsty that even protagonist density can pick up she's coming onto him.
Translations when
>only 6 chapters out
So is this a new manga or one with a dead translation scene until now?
One day you too will succumb. I haven’t even touched my PC in the over a year.
new manga with a new (and dead) translation scene
>Especially phone posters.
Some of us have to go to places outside the basement.
>Being a normalfag
You don't belong here.
I'm in it for her design, it's the hottest anime look I've seen so far. Supeeeer sexy
What are you gonna do about it?
That doesn't vouch well for you. Every shit-taste faggot here does that for some show or manga. Yeah she's hot, but so fucking what. Thousands of anime girls are, that's the fucking point.
Yea Forums needs to get out of that mindset, going outside to do something isn't normal fag shit. It's courage, to get something that needs to be done
Not as hot as her, I mean it's ONLY 6 chapters. Something magical could happen, his primal desires could grow, supreme plot twist were her powers stop working, who knows
Went through most of this thread thinking this was kawaikereba despite reading both.
This guy is so lucky.
>no nipples
You could literally see her nipples in pic related
Anyways, stop bitching and just don't read it if you don't want to.
No, it's shit and you must be shamed for having such atrocious tastes.
Wishing that was I
It died after chapter 1 or 2, got picked up, and is just taking a month for the most recent translation, for whatever reason.
Am I supposed to believe that such a timid little girl turned into an absolute goddess when she grew up?
Also MC said that he knew her in middle school but never talked to her but in the latest chapter it's shown that they met when they were kids with MC offering her a milk carton.
We're only 6 chapters in and this author can't keep his story straight.
Did you miss the part where she has the power to turn back time?
Literally how?
Using a phone touchscreen will always be worse than mouse and keyboard/trackpad.
PC/Laptop is just more comfy.
he's too dense
>the guy should have just raped him
stop that
Alternate timelines mess with one's historical perception. Just one or two small events can change when, or even if you met someone, and additional microevents change their perception of who you are, their relative status to you, etc.
>Isn't it sad not knowing what real art is like?
I too was a 13 year old once.
Also nice devil trips
>and is just taking a month for the most recent translation, for whatever reason.
It's because it's being translated by SEA monkeys.
What does this have to do with anything?
Just because she has the power to turn back time that doesn't mean her attitude/personality would change completely.
Not to mention it's kinda unbelievable how hot she turned out to be.
I mean her kid self doesn't resemble her current self whatsoever, it looks like a completely different person.
And if she erased his memory of her when they were kids...why? Why would she do it?
What are you talking about?
I was asking how come the MC couldn't remember meeting her when he was a kid.
>I was asking how come the MC couldn't remember meeting her when he was a kid.
This is pure speculation at this time, but because it never happened, from his pov. She fell for him when he took care of the cat with her, but maybe something happened and she had to undo that first meeting, so in the new timeline, he only knows of her as "that famous super-elite Takamine-san I knew in middle school", whereas she was nobody outstanding in elementary school.
Did she rewind time until puberty hit her just right or what?
I'd bury my bone in that.
Because we've already seen how she manipulates time to make situations better for herself. It's easy to see how she became the Stacy of the school through that. We've also seen that it effects memories too, nobody will remember the old event, even the MC sorta forgets some of the old events. You can infer that something happened when she got her power that also caused him to forget her.
>oops, too fat, cut down the calories this time
>oops, no tits, put some more milk in the diet
>oops, too short, need to sleep more
>oops, too tall, a little less exercise
And so on.
>It's easy to see how she became the Stacy of the school through that.
Even with time altering powers there's only so much you can do. You're bound to your genetic structure so if she wasn't anything special when she was a kid there's no way she would ever turn out to be this goddess she is now.
Plus there's the mathematical part. Before the MC became her closet she could only manipulate shit one time per class or something like that and you can only have so much underwear before you can abuse your power too much.
Again, that's not how genetics work.
>Again, that's not how genetics work.
Genetics are hard and fast, but there's a decently broad range of heights, weights, and body types you can manipulate yourself towards with nutrition, sleep, and exercise.
>Before the MC became her closet she could only manipulate shit one time per class or something like that and you can only have so much underwear before you can abuse your power too much.
>take off underwear
>repeat entire day
The madwoman
>dude i know i like shit, whatever lmao
>I too was a 13 year old once.
It shows. Congrats on turning 14.
>you can manipulate yourself towards with nutrition, sleep, and exercise
There's a limit to how far you can go.
And it also involves very specific knowledge that the average person doesn't have let alone at a young age.
I was under the impression she needed clean unworn(after wash) underwear, hence why she makes closet-kun carry around a lot of underwear for her.
You unironically need to be 18 to post in this board.
>Someone older than 18 can't possibly think I have shit taste!
You're as pathetic as your attempts to save face.
you need to go back zoomer
If you're this buttblasted over having shit taste, then the solution is to stop having shit taste. Or to grow some thick skin and enjoy your shit while being judged. Your choice, faggot.
The only one who's buttblasted here is you over what other people like.
If you don't like this series then don't read it and don't click on this thread either. It's very simple.
You're assuming she's not enough of a madwoman to do-over literally decades of life for that "one perfect result".
>he's still going
>y-you're the one that's buttblasted!
Saw the thread, read it today, shared my thoughts, and it is what it is. This kitsch is derivative and completely devoid of anything interesting. If you like it you have bad taste. Deal with it, deal with the fact that anyone can say whatever they fucking want about this piece of shit, and deal with negativity around you. This thread, this board, and most certainly this website, aren't your fucking safe-space you eunuch.
Like I said though there's only so much she can do when she's limited by her genes and in her childhood she looked very average/nothing special.
The only way it would make sense is if she had reality warping powers but that's not the case.
Not him but I don't see why you thinking I have bad taste should matter to me? I like it, you if you want to say I have shit taste because of that, well okay, will still like it though. You're the one wasting time in a thread of something you don't enjoy.
>he's still going
So are you? I fail to see your point here.
Do you not realize how pretentious you sound?
Do you really think you're smart for not liking this series? Do you really think you're the only one who thinks this series is shit?
You think that everybody here is dumb and thinks this series is good?
Nobody here actually thinks this series is good. NOBODY!!!
Everyone knows that what they're reading is wish-fulfillment trash.
See this is why I called you a 13 year old kid. Because you write just like a dumb pretentious know-it-all teenager.
It's been a month since a 7th chapter release. Raws? TL when?
Just look at this cute little dork.
What a LOSER
Anyone using this website is wasting time. I don't tell you how to spend yours, don't tell me how to spend mine. And I agree, I think you have shit taste, but so what? Good for you that you can enjoy stuff.
>Do you not realize how pretentious you sound?
Don't care how you decide to interpret my personality based on my posts.
>Do you really think you're smart for not liking this series? Do you really think you're the only one who thinks this series is shit?
No and no.
>You think that everybody here is dumb and thinks this series is good?
No, I think you're dumb if you think its good.
>Nobody here actually thinks this series is good.
Not factual.
I'm honestly surprised to learn about how big of a sensitive faggot you are. Truly. To think the manner in which I write bothers you so much you make up these autistic deductions about me...
Seek help.
Right? She's walking all alone. She'll never amount to anything, just another social outcast eating her lunches in the stairwell.
As I said again you need to be 18 to post here.
You also don't belong here, you belong in reddit.
>As I said again
As you said before, you mean. Illiterate ape.
>you belong in reddit
Just how buttblasted can you get? Move on dude.
So what was her plan? Make MC a loner so she could have him all to herself?
We're not even 10 chapters in yet, but it doesn't look like she intended for him to be a loner to begin with. My money's on him giving up after she just pulled too far ahead with her time cheat.
Translation when? I want to read more of her.
>Move on
Oh the irony.
Raws where
Where are we getting all of these theories from?
I read all the chapters and it never showed him being popular or ambitious or anything when he was a kid.
Not raw but latest chapter is chapter 7 and you can read it in portuguese here
What a slut
i hope. fendom girls getting the tables turned on them is the best not only because its hot but because it leaves fendomfags seething
I think it's more comparing the sixth chapter where he had friends while she was alone, as kids, vs the first chapter, where he describes himself as being a grain of sand in the social pyramid, whereas she sat at the apex.
>too short, need to sleep more
Nigga I sleep 10 hours a day and i'm not an inch taller than my Dad (175cm)
>tiny, little nips on those jugs
Looks like she isn't perfect after all.
>where he had friends while she was alone
That wasn't him was it?
The t-shirt was different from the boy with the friends.
Those aren't tiny or little. Those are medium to big.
They're basically perfect nipples.
Nigga, if you're not an underage b&, it's too late for sleep to affect your maximum height. At best all you're doing is removing the day to day load that compresses the spine.
>10 hours a day
must be nice to be a NEET. I'm lucky if I can get 6 hours
Yes, pretty obvious that the MC used to be popular and she used her power to swap their role. Now she is the school goddess while he is the loser slave
Overall pretty meh, I will check back once this manga eats the axe and get a rape arc or something. Femdom and/or ecchi are a dime a dozen these days. By any chance it took off, it will be probably 50 chapters before anything remotely interesting happens. And then the author will decide to toss in another girl.
I'm talking about my adolescence of course you tard.
It's pretty depressing honestly.
It's more common to stop growing in your mid teens than through your twenties. Once you're past that 4cm/year phase, it's unlikely any amount of sleep will produce significant growth.
Not him but..
>It's more common to stop growing in your mid teens than through your twenties.
What the hell are you even saying?
Most guys stop growing after 20.
This manga is ah my goddess levels of morally abhorrent. It's not funny. She robbed him of his life.
That's what I meant. It's a common misconception that guys can continue to grow into their mid 20s. Only a very small fraction of the population actually experiences that.
>She robbed him of his life.
Why do people think MC was the one who was the one with the friends in the flashback?
His t-shirt was different wasn't it?
Oh I see I misread your comment, my bad.
Because seeing a cheerful boy with 2friends trigger her flashback, the implication is there
No worries. Have a presenting Takamine-san. I hope I didn't fuck up the fingers too badly. I edited from the hue link above, and I can't find the original picture from the tweet, and desu is down.
You don't know what happened yet. Settle down.
On that note, where the fuck is my next chapter?
She really is way too perfect.
The portuguese translation was uploaded in August 11th.
This is another case of dumb SEAmonkeys purposefully delaying their translations just like Shit Yau does with Kanokari.
What the fuck? That was over two weeks ago!
Yup. It's a dumb SEA group.
They're really infuriating but it's all we have for a lot of series out there.
>le epic secretz club 4reddit xDDD
"as I said again" is both completely grammatically correct, and standard idiomatic english.
you're only outing yourself as "barely literate"
Absolute chad fetish. People getting mad over it is always a laugh.
>calling someone underage and telling them to go to reddit destroyed my argument
Not in the context he used it, you fucking moron.
How isn't she getting raped by all the teachers and half the school on the regular?
did you like, not read the manga or..?
Literally every second manga with a popular female
Based but only if it's not really rape and she gets into the spirit of it
Switch is literally the greatest fetish ever
I wish every hentai was a guy and a girl basically fighting for dominance (and temporarily ceding it on purpose, too).
So fucking hot.
Now that it's back up, found the original. Guess I'll merge them when I feel like it.
you are blind or trolling
Found that image. This is her chasing him, the popular boy at elementary school.
Mein neger.
If she gets any hotter, I swear to fuck that I am going to choke her.
Fresh(2 days ago) from the author's twatter.
Guess you better break out your choking gloves.
What a loser.
The author might have a slight sameface problem. Then again, that's some smugface mastery right here, so why fix what ain't broke?
I too wouldnt want to get with a girl that tried to fake rape claim to coerce me onto something.
This is the pic that was on the cards he previously posted.
that isn't him, it's just some random kids
you mean its pure shit. im through the first chapter and im already pissed off. if she doesnt suffer greatly and gets taken down a few pegs and STAYS down, then this will remain as pure shit. its the epitome of beta fantasy
Yeah, just reread that chapter, she's just regressing to her childhood self. The implication is still there though, that she was chasing the popular boy as a loner.
It's also been the cover for the series on mangadex for ages.
you're right that she was a loner but it's just that, she was alone and had no friends. it wasn't some romance shit like she wanted the popular boy to like her.
I mean she can turn back time all she wants, but she'll still remember the rapes, and they should keep happening.
Have you considered that you are a degenerate and most people are not?
You're that guy who likes the reverse
She is likely more lonely now because of her power.
so only read the threads then? but really even if you've only read the threads you should still get the idea at least, weird.
Kill yourself underage.
well, yeah. i wasn't saying she was alone in the past and isn't now.
Don't you have a trap appreciation thread to be the op of?
Manga name plz
>people who see her tits retain their memories
>virtually all the girls in her class see her naked every day in the locker room
This shit is dumb.
What makes you think she just lets that happen, especially when none of the girls in her class have immunity?
Based and redpilled.
>teacher breaks out into tears from poem
Does she attend a Nobel ceremony next chapter after curing some disease too?
Fucking autists are being all analytical what makes sense and what doesn't in this manga. The fuck you think you're reading? Don't take it so seriously.
Because she has to shower at some point right after gym, yeah?
On the one hand, SCP should be clean and nice-smelling at all times. But on the other hand, this is the same girl who worked up a sweat and crawled under the covers with the school loser, so...
What point is being made here? She wouldn't go through the whole day in school smelling like shit, unless she secretes aroma oils from her skin now too, courtesy of the hack author.
>dude just turn your brain off bro lol
well i don't really agree with that user but with this kind of series you can just kind of turn your brain off and enjoy it for what it is
>virtually all the girls in her class see her naked every day in the locker room
It was already established that she changes in private in the first chapter.
No. Use your brain to recognize what it is you are engaging with and realize it's fine for the fun of it.
We all know the author is a hack and that the series is shit. That doesn't prevent it from being enjoyable though.
Couldn't she just put on her own panties ...couldn't the MC just walk away...
Yuusha ga Shinda! Murabito no Ore ga Hotta Otoshiana ni Yuusha ga Ochita Kekka
That is exactly what it means to me. Why waste time with shit when there is actually good stuff out there? Because the girl is hot? So fucking what? Every other anime girl is hot.
If you enjoy the series then it's not time wasted.
I can't enjoy something I consider shit. I can't comprehend how you can, or how you will yourself something by a hack author that you know is shit. It is illogical. Don't bother responding, we don't see eye to eye and this conversation is going nowhere; I don't get you as a person, and that's ok.
There's no showers in that shed she changes in, unless she uses the hose and spigot - which I find hilarious for someone demure like her.
Fuck it