ITT: Characters that absolutely nobody on Yea Forums dislikes

ITT: Characters that absolutely nobody on Yea Forums dislikes

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Only Yotsuba. Noa's great, but really. Only Yotsuba.

I don't think anyone hates Holo

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Attached: it_is_I_di-_I_mean_yotsuba.jpg (2048x1151, 113K)

>used goods

My wife Vigne.

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Who is this? I don't like her.

>ITT: Characters that absolutely nobody except one guy on Yea Forums likes
Fixed. Now go make a sequel to your shitty fanfiction, subhuman Noafag.

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Cuddling with Kaos until she falls asleep, then taking advantage of her vulnerable position!

This certainly isn't a legitimate post. I like her, but you must admit there are many who don't.

nobody respond, they just want a (You)

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I can understand people not knowing this character, but I can't understand anyone disliking her. It's not possible.

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Attached: Shizuru_Fujino.jpg (640x480, 44K)

Sadly too many people cower in fear from Kaos' perfect feminine form

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Kaos is minifridge.

i was told everyone in this board loved kaos

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god that is so hot

Attached: chikane-himemiya-3179.jpg (240x368, 33K)

Take your meds, schizo

Attached: k3.jpg (2579x3643, 2.18M)

Nyaos HAET Kaos

Attached: nyaos.png (214x386, 154K)

I miss you, Aniki.

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I love her. By the way, just checked the spelling for her name and it seems that "Yukari" means "gentle countryside flower" in her case. Never knew that names in GuP had such a deep meaning.

I can't see anyone hating a friend from the first season

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Can't argue with this.

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7/10 b8, made me reply

The lewdest.

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404 Girl.

best witch ace

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wrong yotsuba

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Lunge is the walking embodiment of autism.

She has a few fans but we usually are asked to shut up about her.

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More like “used GODS” amirite?

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>creating a bait thread just to get LRD to respond

I hate it.

Is this user LRD?

Gabe. stop posting and get back to healing in your MMO.

how can anyone hate sakura?

Attached: sakuranwn.png (347x347, 155K)

Probably, Noa still a shit but LRD is a supreme shit

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Dumb useless goddess

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I love this war mongering cat.

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The hell is wrong with this guy? It comes in every thread Noa appears to spout this nonsense...

Also, Shamiko!

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No doubt

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Well, you don't dislike her either.

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an obvious one

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I'm sure we'll get some contrarians sooner or later.

You can hate on maid dragon, but I've never heard anyone say they hate Kanna.

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Literally unhateable. It's not physically possible.

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It's only a matter of time, since he can't win anything.

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Only plebs say otherwise

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Only Narutards like him for allowing shonen.


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I am all of Yea Forums, and indeed I love Kaosm.

Literally who

Kys dumb rat

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I hate Kanna. She's fucking terrible.

FUCK Kanna

read the VN faggot



Please consider offing yourself

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Worst girl


Only these

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How can two men be this absolutely correct

Shit nigga, that girl's kawaii as fuck

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You're going to hell

more bocc

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Noa's the worst character in Wataten and most Noafags are obnoxious.


Bocchi threads gave me a genuine distaste for the series and character. I've never had that happen in a series before, funny enough.


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hello alice


welcome to rock and roll night

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I have no idea how you still do it with such sincerity after all this time.


>animeonlies thread
too bad

Not true in the slightest.

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And here we see a loli performing her mating dance. Look at how she swings her hips around, a seducing movement to attract adult males...

Best zombie

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wanna get caught up on seven deadly sins but don't wanna wait for season 4. what volume should i pick up on?

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Yotsuba is fucking brat and a massive piece of shit

Get out.

Ah, so that's why I just became diamonds watching her.

Mods hate it

Goddess no!

I don't hate most dumb girls, but Aqua's incompetence is the kind that gets people hurt. Fuck her.

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Fucking moeshit

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This thread is called
>characters absolutely nobody dislikes
>characters everybody loves

So the key is to pick a relatively minor character. That way, the only people who actually know her are sincere fans of the show. This weeds out most of the trolls/contrarians right away.

Picture = good example. Either you like this young lady, or you don't recognize her. At absolute worst you're indifferent to her and that means you're a soulless speedwatching golem whose opinion can be discarded.

Attached: Always There When Needed.jpg (320x448, 231K)

That show was bad and its fans are autistic

>show bad, fans autistic
This may or may not be true (it isn't) but the important thing is that even if you feel this way, I bet you don't actively dislike the character pictured.

That autism face really makes me angry