When does liking loli/shotas become not okay? What about highscoolers like Asuka and Rei who so many love to lewd...

When does liking loli/shotas become not okay? What about highscoolers like Asuka and Rei who so many love to lewd? How does that transfer over or not to how you feel about actual children and young people, since we all know 2D=/= 3D?

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oppai loli

>When does liking loli/shotas become not okay?
as long as you stick to 2d, i dont see anything wrong

everyone knows the superior choice is buff males tho

when they're in their late or mid teens but don't like fully prepubescent children

to be honest you need to have a very high IQ to separate 3d from 2d

Peak crossboarder thread

Kill yourselves, ironic lolicons. Your kind belongs on .

i hope you get hit by a fucking rocket pedo, lolis aren't the same as 3d girls

>not okay
To whom
>highscoolers[sic] like Asuka and Rei
Not loli or shota
>How blah blah blah
You answered your own question
>2D != 3D

>When does liking loli/shotas become not okay?
Never. What kind of shitty retarded thread is this holy fuck

Well were else is a good place to ask why people can consider someone like pic related best girl and have fantasies that don't translate to real life? Let alone with someone 2D and a bit older. I know it's not everyone but I'm interested in your guys' mindset. What do you guys like? The cuteness? The youthfulness? Why does that (hopefully and thankfully) not go to 3D? What about a pubescent 3DPD?
inb4 Japan's legal age and artistic representation laws, you can't even watch Puni Puni Poemy in NZ.

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Lolis are meant to be like little girls, you fucking newfag.

It's the usual thread where crossboarder normalfag coming here and act "hollier than thou" to anyone.

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All fucking pedos must fucking hang.

out with lolis

look nigger you can like both separately

Keep that shit on .

Not translating to real life is a major component of fantasy, if not the central facet. To bring up a common point, the #1 female fantasy involves rape. Rape, however, is not only a serious crime, but also has an immense psychological impact on its victims - that is to say, simply because a person has rape fantasies does not mean that they wish to rape or be raped. Japan is not New Zealand. Please either lurk more or utilize an archive's search function before making threads relating only tangentially to anime and/or manga.

Feeling exposed already?

I just hate Yea Forumsermin and /pol/tards that think they're welcome on Yea Forums. You're not welcome here. You're never welcome. Your SJW shit doesn't belong here. It does not concern anime. Not one bit. Do you understand?

You're the only one who bring up that shit in attempt to distract other from your smoke screen.

Please go back to Yea Forums already, or I'll have to take drastic measures.

Like what?
Like this?

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user the advertisers

Yeah like that but with one extra dimension.

But that's pig disgusting. At least dump cute things if you want to kill the thread.


Seething pedophile

When you fap to them on a daily basis.

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I wonder if it was a mistake to expect genuine discussion because of the topic, because it's Yea Forums, or because both. I had some hope for this thread.

this has been discussed over a million times, make your own opinion you subhuman

It’s always okay, faggot. If you haven’t jerked it to toddlercon and diaper wearing lolis before you’re unironically a normalfag

This shit has been talked to death, go be crossboarder newfag somewhere else.

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My cock reacts identically to the sight of a loli regardless of the number of dimensions.