Or at least get nominated?
Will Shinkai win the Oscar?
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Have sex
lol, no.
People still give a shit about the oscars?
>Will Shinkai win the Oscar?
The judges don't watch cartoons. Even the judges whose job it is to judge cartoons don't watch cartoons. You can look up their quotes on the internet.
Miyazaki got his Oscar because of the general mindset of the times. Oscars are political after all.
No. Unironically nobody cares about them anymore. Literally nobody cares.
nah, people only tune in for the cringe, same with E3
those armpits deserve an oscar
I hope not because Shinkaidrones would be constantly spamming it
>caring about the oscars
Not in a world where Parasite exist
No, it's literally just a single dude in the entire audience now. He acts out presenters, winners and misc. staff himself.
His name is Oscar.
Just getting nominated makes people see your movie.
Countries submit to Oscar? Really?
everyone over 40 does
What happened to Mirai then?
Even Japan ignored it
>caring about the jewscars
friendly reminder that most of the just doesn't even watch the candidates for animation, they just vote whatever their nephews wanted to see
They should have gone with the Konosuba movie.
Disney movie will win it, whatever it is.
Too late for submission
Should've gone with Promare
american movie only
Oh well.
Then next year the oscar is coming home.
Disney wins, sorry japan.
Oscars are a joke.
I remember one of the judges voting for a movie because his daughter liked it.
This is for Int'l Oscar submission by the way.
Promare still has a chance in the Best Animated Feature
Lol, won't be even nominated. The competition is too strong.
Heh,* blocks your path*
Who gives a shit, Oscars are as meaningless as Grammys these days
1. It's animated. Which means judges will never vote for it outside the animated category.
2. It's going up against Parasite.
This won't even make it to the final nominations.
lot of old people, tumblr and worthless film students. I hear that the viewing numbers have been going down since more people are just waiting for the winners list to show up on twitter or maybe it's not taking into account of how many people watch it via streaming sites, I mean have you ever seen an oscars? 2 something hours of boring rushed speeches and more and more categories to bloat up the show and you sit through before they just get to the part you care about/ movie of the year
Still had some connection to disney at the time. And even then not nipshit
Frozen 2 is already going to win the oscars.
If Elsa makes out with her sister the movie will be objectively better than Shinkai's.
This guy is set for life, I'm pretty sure anything he puts out will be a instant hit whether it's good or not.
I remember liking the Oscars during the Bush presidency. They've gone downhill a lot, though.
You need a narrative moreso than politics, its like singing competitions or whatever.
This is why Violet Evergarden: The Movie will win next time if their press kit is even half-way properly written.
Not when everyone is slurping the shit that was The Lion King like is the new bastion of animation.
There’s a pretty good chance it wins an Oscar:
>make up for Your Name not getting nominated
>box office success
>Tokyo Olympics hype
>people getting fed up with Disney and their shenanigans
>increasing foreign representation (including Asians) at the Academy
>new bastion of animation
But most people that care about quality hate lion king's "remake", only chinks and nostalgic zoomers seem to like it.
Disney itself doesn’t even consider it “animated.”
they are just really desperate for ratings which conflicts the idea of the oscars to be congratulatory ceremony for the best in the industry. the introduction to Best Popular movie is a back handed compliment and such a shallow attempt at getting more of the masses to sit through their bloated show.
>people getting fed up with Disney and their shenanigans
What planet are you on? the lion king remake made more money than any animated movie and the avengers made more than avatar not adjusted
I hope he has fun.
He should. It's by far the best movie of the year so far.
Am pleb. What's parasite or promare? Worth seeing? This weather shit worth seeing?
Just watched this movie, 6.5/10.
Good art as always, forced plot, cringe characters, and meh music.
Your name is better.
Haven't seen Parasite but Promare is worth watching. It's Trigger's first movie. As for Weathering, if you liked Your Name you'll like this one.
They literally laugh at Japan. Will never happen.
Kek, Madotards BTFO.
I think he's just a journalist.
Also fuck man watch the movie before judging it. It's your goddamn job.
Is he even wrong?
Disney owns marvel you dip
Why does popularity have to be a thing for the oscars?
>executive producer
>has a master's degree in japanese language and literature
>former video game producer
>voice actor
>manga artist
>best-selling author
>acting coach
>storyboard artist
>background artist
>professional photographer
>director of photography
>director of animation
>digital painter
>graphic designer
>character designer
>sound designer
>color designer
>has an asteroid named after him
>married to a retired actress and tv producer
>9yo daughter is already a child actress
>is still in his mid-forties
How can other "directors" even compete?
Rotten Tomatoes love Shinkai. Why not the oscars?
kind of want to say yes
but Rebellion was mostly just really pretty more than anything else
that being said, it's pretty obvious it wasn't even watched by the useless cunt who wrote that blurb
>submitted for International Film Award instead of Animation award
Literally no chance for it to win at all.
Your name was good. I've heard the name promare but nothing else. Nothing about parasite
Spiderman belongs mostly to Sony though. That's why people are so spooked by the Disney-Sony dispute over profits or whatever, because spidey might not show up in the next avengers flick.
This is why a japanese animated movie will never win an Oscar after Spirited Away. The voters only cares about american and english movies, forgetting everything else.
Who the fuck thought submitting the Madoka movie was a good idea to begin with
It wasn't submitted. The last 2 anime movies submitted by the Japanese Filmmaker's Association were Princess Mononoke (1997 - didn't win a nomination) and Weathering With You (2019 - TBA).
So who was responsable for Mirai last year?
Even the Oscars are tired of Disney.
Only people outside of America still do.
That was only submitted for Best Animated Film. Shoplifters was Japan’s submission for Best Foreign Film.
this after they fucking nominated black panther for best picture they lost all credibility
The first one was Pom Poko
Watching it right now
I'm surprised it's about raccoons.
I don't get it, they're trying to submit this for best foreign film? Why? And does it mean that another anime could be submitted for best animated film instead?
It did really well and is different.
I mean it’s not like they’d win regardless - the oscars are only about currying favor and sucking toes.
scraping the bottom of the barrel
nothing else is worth submitting
Unironically based.
merely being chosen to represent the International Oscar submission is good enough apparently.
since it gives an impression that a film body at least acknowledges the film, no matter their credentials.
If everything else is shit, they can choose not to submit anything at all, just like that one time.
Can't really shake the feeling that they just said "fuck it" and submit this though.
Or some other film that was supposed to be nominated for this year isn't even finished yet.
Parasite is a korean movie. Pretty good. Not anime though.
Haven't seen Promare. Its not releasing where I am.
Sounds like he did watch it.
I wish Japan would stop caring about the Oscars.
It's just a circle-jerk award show.
>a non American animated movie winning
They gave it to Spirited Away and that's the only time that will ever happen again.
>an lackluster
Wow, so this is the power of American "journalists"? Impressive.
Will be nominated 2 times for animation and international
Won't win either though
The judges don't watch most of the movies. For animation they usually give the award to what their kids liked.
Do the Nips know what a joke the Oscars are and how the judges are biased against them?
Reminder that the Oscars are a joke.
>Not black, gay or transgender
Frozen 2 comes out this year and that's guaranteed to win the award
oscars are americocentric as fuck, if it didn't play in an LA theater with lots of advertising it doesn't stand much of a chance of winning
judges don't even watch animations unless their kids bug them to take them to it.
then there's the blatant bribing of judges that foreign studios can't do without flying over to america to take the judges out to dinner and give them gifts and whatnot.
Trigger made 2 LWA movies before Promare.
Animation oscars are a fucking joke. Regardless of Shinkai being a hack he has no chance simply for not being american and not making capeshit.
Capeshit invaded the animation award last year. It was very good animation, but it was still capeshit.
That Moonlight/La La Land incident was fucking lit tho.
Best Foreign Language Film that is now called Best International Feature Film for reasons.
Japan apparently nominated this but there is a long list and then a short list of 10 that will be further reduced to the 5 nominations.
>Japan apparently nominated this
Why would a whole country care about oscars. Aren't the oscars just a bunch of jews giving awards to themselves?
He will win if there are enough armpit shots in the movie
What happened?
I’m in my 30s what does that mean?
Parasite is one of those oscarbait slowboil comedy horror movies Yea Forums memes about like Hereditary/Us, it's inevitably going to win best intl picture
somebody misread the winner
Gay nigger movie won best picture but the person announcing it expected the musical to and said it without reading the card iirc
Toy Story 4 came out this year, so no. Also Frozen 2.
Japan is never winning another Oscar after Miyazaki refused to show up for Spirited Away.
Isnt this the cuck movie? Americans will love it.
They own Marvel Studios (the movies and live action stuff), not all of Marvel (comics and some of the characters).
Spiderverse was completely Sony Animation Studios. Disney wasn't involved at all.
Only reason Spiderman was in the MCU movies recently was due to a deal that just fell through last week.
He showed up to get his honorary Oscar though
Oscars judges have gone on record as saying they just nominated whatever their kid liked the most for animation. Spirited Away, Rango, and Spiderverse were the oddities that won due to a lot of good campaigning. That and mediocre competition.
When was this?
Where were all of these discussions when Mirai got nominated?
Mirai wasn't put forward for international film. It was in best animation.
I thought the movie was already out, it was played at a local convention
that's an OVA I think.
>pity sales
who the literal fuck cares
They do own Marvel Entertainment as a whole though (comics, TV live action/animation, etc)
The only ones that they didn't own are some of the movie rights
If Your name didn't, this won't.
Both Toy Story 4 and Frozen 2 are sequels to movies that already won an Oscar each.
Funimation fucked up. GKIDS know what they’re doing.
People care about best actor and best actress and not much else
I still don't forgive them for not even nominating open up your eyes for best original song but giving a nomination to that fucking greatest show song
They might actually have a chance, even if not for best animated picture they have to acknowledge kyoani somehow.
On the other hand acknowledging it would remind people that fire is the most effective method of mass murder which may be too contrary to anti gun narratives for the academy to do, I'm honestly surprised the alita movie didn't get more shit for outright stating anti gun laws are only there to protect the government
Sony owns all movie rights to spiderman, disney was previously allowed to use spiderman as part of a deal until they got greedy and asked for a larger cut at which point sony said fuck off and cut them out completely
Into the spiderverse was completely sony as was the venom movie
How are GKIDS so good? They're almost as good as Madman.
Your Name not getting nominated was solely and squarely Funimation's fuckup. They didn't shill it to the Academy voters like they were supposed to, they didn't send them "for your consideration" screener copies, they didn't wait for a mass market US release to submit it after it had some significant domestic word of mouth so that the voters might even have heard of it at all. They really somehow thought it could cruise to a nomination just by osmosis from East Asia's hype somehow making these retards vote for chinkshit they had never heard of.
Meanwhile GKIDS who are the distributors for this movie are pros at getting obscure foreign animations the nominations. They got My Life as a Zucchini nominated the same year that Your Name failed. And they got Princess Kaguya nominated before that, and Mirai nominated just last year. So there's a good chance they can do it for Weathering With You just by not being fucking lazy-ass shits like Funimation, even if the material they have to work with is weaker, especially if they can get financial backing from the Japanese government to shill it harder. It may not win the Oscar because it will have to go up against fucking Frozen 2, but it has a damn good shot at being nominated with them and not Funishit in the driver's seat.
>Shitkai trash
only normalfag women like them so maybe
>they have to acknowledge kyoani somehow.
They have an "In Memoriam" section in the program.
As if the audience will recognize anyone from it though.
More chance of acknowledgement in Annie Awards.
>Toy Story 4 came out this year, so no. Also Frozen 2.
Reminder that Disney had Incredibles 2 and Wreck it Ralph 2, and both lost.
Toy Story 3 won though
Sequels winning is not unheard of.
One way Frozen 2 will lose is if it doesn't have a catchier song than Let It Go.
What Disney movies were released this year again
Toy Story 3 had a lot of hype and was even nominated for Best Picture. TS4 feels unnecessary and forced, and the reviews aren’t as good.
Speaking of frozen 2 I am still convinced gigantic was only canceled to free up resources to get frozen 2 out faster
I'm not even a giantess fetishist like most of the people mad about the film, it just looked cool
The worst part is frozen 2 won't be the war film it should be, it probably won't even be good
Doesn't even matter what reviewers say though, kids always vote for best animated feature.
As I understand you used to have to work in animation for the nominations and the rest of the industry could only vote on the winner but they changed even that to make it even harder for japshit to win
Disney trying to dominate the world as per
They lost credibility way before that.
There's the climate change agenda though
Amazon burning and Greenland is hot topic right now
I realized that all of these award shows were jokes and stopped giving a shit the year Brave beat both ParaNorman and Wreck-It-Ralph.
fucking destroyed
Did they do the same with captain marvel?
At least black panther was an ok movie when you looked past the politics but you can't say the same about captain marvel
I still believe Disney were artifically inflating ticket numbers
No one fucking cares
Maybe we have a shot to win best animation with Children of the Sea.
Dunno, you'd have to wait until next year to see the final nomination I believe
No, they were movies. Just because they were short, doesn't make them not movies.
Of course weebshit won't win against disney. Only reason it's nominated is because of Shinkai's deep pockets. Imagine it not getting nominated after advertising with near every brand in japan and shilling them in the movie. It's the same shit plot and bland characters he's done before.
Oh this is based.
Not feature films
That made me audibly cringe, holy shit.
Why was brave advertised as being a girl power movie when it wasn't really about girl power at all
just want to say I love Hina chan and I hope we will get an after story like Your name too!
Is the movie making Disney any money? If not, it doesn't stand a chance.
about to watch this in a couple of hours, is it good? Kimi no Nawa was kinda meh for me, it wasn't bad but it wasn't superb either. How does it compare?
This is much better.
for the flipniggers here
who wants to watch the ciné with me tomorrow?
Never. Love story with cartoon is not Oscar material. Needs to be a family film.
Wait, Your Name has an after story?
A LN called earthbound
desu your name didn't need it but weathering with you would benefit from sidestories
Absolutely, there are still so many things that could be covered in the after story like flooding Tokyo, Hina's otouto and his harem, Hodaka's college life with Hina, Mitsuha and Taki's marriage life, Yotsuha's JK life, etc.
Shinkai is only making disaster movies now, I guess. What disaster would be next?
LN translation when?
Who fucking gives a shit? That shitshow has no fucking value for actually evaluating a movie's quality.
They LITERALLY do not even watch the animation entries. Literally, not figuratively, literally. Their are oscar judges who are on record as picking an animation winner purely based on "my neighbor's kid liked it".
Threads like this are why I genuinely have to leave Yea Forums to avoid spiking my blood pressure. What kind of absolute despicable piece of reddit fucking shit actually gives a shit about the oscars? Why would such a braindead pile actually come and post about it here? What the FUCK is wrong with you. Unironically neck yourself and have your note tell your mother to apologize to us all for shitting you out into the world.
Why is it trending worldwide again?
It's an excuse to talk about WWY for longer.
Muh dick.
Anyone have the Mitsuha and Taki cameos? What happens with them?
I only care about the oscars insofar as normies care about it so if stuff I like does well it becomes more well known
Taki is with her grandma, one of Hina's customers in her Sunshine Girl business.
Mitsuha is a saleslady. Hodaka bought a ring from her for Hina's upcoming bday
both are irrelevant to the plot
Yotsuha also showed up, just commenting about the weather.
I'd rather Japan just troll the Oscars by submitting whatever current Shonen Jump film they have on the shelf in the current year.
taki is with his grandmother who they help out and mitsuha works in a jewelry store
Not sure.
Especially with gay chink movie around breaking records like nobody's business. I really hope Japan wins this over chinky show at least
If that happens the author would kill himself.
So no.
Better chinkshit than most american shit
>caring about a platform designed by the jews to push their agendas
Good goy.
Just watched it today and it's not good.
I just finished watching it in the theater and I can't help but compare it to your name.
Animation wise it was an improvement. Story wise, let's just say Your Name was more tightly knit and had a better ending.
Overall it was almost as good as Shinkai's last film so I'll probably watch it a few more times in different theaters.
fpbp, how is possible that japanese people want to submitt this shallow snorefest?
>calling shinkai movies good
titanic shit taste
Do they think that if this thing wins the oscar, sales will increase or something?
>shit taste
Still better than everyone's in this board. Yes I said it. I have better taste than all of you.
I want to BREED with that 15 year old weather girl (this is an actual plot relevant spoiler)
2 movies. One is a side story that was completed before the arson and it screens in Japan starting next weekend. The other one is the proper sequel movie, the "big one" with the even more absurd line count so to speak, that only God knows when it's coming out now.
Cool but idc about shinkaishit.
Does Promare have a chance of getting nominated?
>Mirai’s old fashion animation was really dull.
>Isle of Dogs’ animation was not breaking new ground.
>Spiderverse wowed me because it almost felt like live action.
I am seething right now. These plebs are judging these movies? Literally dismissed the artistry of those three films, fuck.
>just got off last showing
not like I'm going to meet up with anybody from Yea Forums, b-baka!
Based, Madoka is shit
>Spiderverse wowed me because it almost felt like live action
Haha what
Among all the praises that Spiderverse got, I've literally never heard of that one.
No because the Oscars are a fucking joke full of people who don't even watch the films they're "judging".
Emotionally and technically it's weaker than Kimi no Nawa but narratively it's a lot better.
The ending is kinda unsatisfying with how Tokyo is basically half wiped from the map and we didn't get enough service beyond 'they meet again after x years' that Shinkai loves so much for some goddamn reason.
It could potentially be nominated for Best Animated Picture, but I don't see it happening.
They're incompetence is just funny at this point
While "almost felt like live action" is retarded, Spiderverse was cerainly the most visually impressive out of those.
Naturally, it was also cookie-cutter capeshit and as a whole a much worse movie than the other two.
>Caring about what kikes think
Are you retarded? It was at this year's Oscars and won the best animated feature
Kimi no na wa had a wayy better shot than this film. Frlt so half assef desu
why anyone cares about the oscars is beyond me
if you look into who decide who wins, and why, it really loses all its value. and its not like they try to hide it either.
Fuck you OP for advertising them
Rather than whining incessantly about the oscars, i raise you a way more important question:
Would you a Hina?
It was fun watching in real time the big fuck up a couple years ago where they initially gave the Oscar to the wrong film.
Zero chances. Was their live action selection so bad this year that they had to this or they thought it would help validating the claim on the animated category? The Academy doesn't respect animation so they just blew the international category for nothing.
>Or at least get nominated?
Nope. For one, this movie is calling out society as a whole. Shinkai just masked it as a "teen-love story".
Those old men in Hollywood are going to get fuck mad about this one. If they actually watch it.
Japan wanted to promote the movie. Ask them.
It can still win Best Animated Film. Disney is getting more and more unpopular, so Shinkai can beat them.
I want VEG to get nominated just so its fan can sperg
>Will Shinkai win the Oscar?
Nope, with Pixar shitting out Toy Story 4 this year and Dreamworks with How to train your dragon 3, chances of it winning is quite low.
Only if she was half made of water
Release dates are fictions really, they are officially whatever they need to be. Its more about clearing the bar to show they were ever released rather than forensically pouncing on wherever they were first shown.
It all writes itself.
>Neurotypical?...trauma...child solider...loss...redemption...hope...shared struggles of KyoAni....tragedy...these troubled times...outpouring of world-wide support...a theme ultimately of the value of communication across borders (vague implication this is what Hollywood studios do even though they don't)...a fitting monument
Fish in a barrel, you don't to be, er, Violet Evergarden, to write it.
The Oscar for animation movies is always a fucking joke where the voters have admited a few times that they dont even watch all of the candidates,the award will go for whatever Disney movie we had this year
This movie any good,btw?Havent heard of 'weathering with you' before
>When the time came to start working on his next film in earnest, Shinkai's thoughts turned to climate change. "People say that humans are destroying nature for the sake of their own conveniences, and I agree with that," he said. "And yet I'm the kind of person who doesn't hesitate to turn on the air conditioning in my room when it's hot. Climate change is a large-scale phenomenon with an unimaginable scope, but there's not much a person can do about it on an individual level. Even so, my actions as a single person have a definite effect on the environment. It may feel like something that's out of your realm of responsibility, but it absolutely isn't. I made the film while thinking about how to deal with that problem through the framework of entertainment."
>Shinkai also addressed some of the criticisms he received about your name. Although he intended the film to have an empowering message that it is possible to change the future, some viewers interpreted it as a story where disaster is averted with no consequence. Shinkai deliberated on whether his next film should address those criticisms, but eventually decided on a direction that would "annoy your name.'s naysayers even more."
>"In Weathering With You, Hodaka and Hina are at the mercy of fate, but they decide how to live their own lives. I am sure that there are people who will not be satisfied by the choice they make. But that's fine. I think it's my role to start a conversation by creating a story without a correct answer. I firmly believe that's the greatest gift I received from your name."
Is he right Yea Forums?
Screencapped for future cringe.
10/10 will sell out my capital city for her.
By all means, if you've got the balls to post it when I turn out to be correct.