Original ED:

Original ED: youtube.com/watch?v=Z6sJn-x_fR4

Previous Yea Forums draws:

Make sure to claim your frames before you do them.
For the frames in green pick a character and follow them for the duration of the frames you choose, when you claim say the frames and the character, if you don't know their name say their position in the first frame they're in in your section.
As for deadlines, there aren't any but if it's been a few weeks since your claim and you haven't posted a wip then your frames will be reopened.
If you want to do inbetweens you can ask and I'll render them for you.
Please only draw the character not the background. On a similar note, if you think you have 0 artistic talent in the slightest and don't fancy trying your hand at drawing a character, you can draw a background, I'll add the spotlight, but as long as it has a floor in the same position as the original go wild.

If your frames have pink on them make sure to comment in the thread or post a wip so I know you still want them or I'll open them again after a few days.

Lastly here are the frames: mega.nz/#F!hDwBjYIA!ZuLdzfZp8YLwM5z6eysO7A

Attached: SSTBS4.jpg (2000x7000, 1.66M)

Other urls found in this thread:

desuarchive.org/a/search/subject//a/ Draws Daicon IV/


Attached: 1566829377109.png (355x259, 73K)


>no thread title
I almost didn't see it.

Apologies,I dropped the ball on that one.
Chain is already taken in that section.



Safe to say that most is already finished, right?

There's a nice chunck finished but there are still a lot of unclaimed spaces, especially in 216-237








Hopefully you faggots can keep this thread from dying this time.

Do it yourself

So once the WIPs deliver it'll be roughly 70% done right?










>Chain is already taken in that section.
I meant this guy

Attached: Dog_coming_out_of_Deldro_outer_armor.png (1280x720, 681K)





why would you call him dog?
not OP btw

I didn't watch this while it was airing, and only finally watching it a few weeks ago due to these threads, and he's not really a regular character so what he's actually called didn't really stick, and so I looked up his name on the wikis and used what seems to be his first name.
My bad really, I can see why it would be confused for Chain.

Attached: mokoushrug.png (460x360, 146K)


Right,got you user, what did you think of the show?

Attached: SSTBS4.jpg (2000x7000, 1.66M)

Very enjoyable, especially loved the OST, animation, and worldbuilding.
Anyway here's a WIP

Attached: 226 to 237 WIP1.gif (1280x720, 171K)

Glad you liked it, wip's looking really great too

wip 51-61, or did someone else took it because I was away?

Attached: 20190828_163014.gif (432x382, 216K)

Nope still yours.Looking good.

I'm working on it, sorry for being slow as ass. Got a wip for 276-279, and Neyka on 226-237 is on the way too. I stuck her in Leo's suit without really thinking about it but followed through with it. Think I should I give her the normal outfit instead?

Attached: frame_00276.png (1280x720, 175K)

I think the suit works with the text







Looking great guys

116 posting a WIP. Since it's a still shot that lasts a while, I'm taking some extra time to make it look good. Also, I took a few artistic liberties.

Attached: yo.png (1080x1675, 217K)

Holy shit that looks great, love it

Holy shit, this is looking like this'll be the best looking Yea Forums draws to date, very nice.

Attached: 1559100611275.png (694x720, 525K)

Attached: 1541128040859.jpg (250x271, 20K)









an attempt was made

Attached: frame_00221-00225.gif (1280x720, 110K)

Good job user



Okay, I'll go finish my frame


This is fucking sad.

Eh not really. These things always take some time and there's been several WIPs posted in this thread so clearly some work is being done.

Yes, you are indeed very sad, user.

Don't bully my husband user.

Your husband seems like a sad sack of shit

Attached: Z7HeRxU.png (512x512, 361K)

>"Things not being completed immediately is sad"

Sure faggot

Attached: IMG_1194.jpg (246x205, 14K)







Fuck it, claiming 136.


what are you gonna do about the credits on top from frame 199? are you gonna leave it black?

Here's 226-237

Attached: Redman226-237FIN.gif (1280x720, 223K)




Just so you know, I'm almost done with 152.
Hope it's okay for you, Yea Forumsmigos.

Attached: 20190828_222632.jpg (1388x1080, 891K)

Oh hell yeah nigga, Trigun doesn't get nearly enough love these days. It's coming along nicely.


Fucking newfags. Previous Yea Forums Draws weren't nearly this lame and slow.

cry moar

Incorrect. Daicon took 4 months. Azumanga took like 2. It's only been just over 1 for this one and we're probably 60-70% done.

bumping on senpai

daicon was almost 2 months and a half
desuarchive.org/a/search/subject//a/ Draws Daicon IV/
the other ones were like a month more or less




I was going to leave them unless someone has an idea for it.

Attached: SSTBS4.jpg (2000x7000, 1.65M)

Claiming 197B





user btfo by FACTS

Daicon was also the biggest project yet and it actually took 2.5 month. Azumanga took almost exactly 1 month, Code Geass was 3 weeks. Cromarties was like 1 week. By all means it could be done by now guess interest just isn't that high for this specific ED. Yea Forums Draws should just stick to stuff with little animations and lots of different stills, makes it easiest to contribute creative shit.
Call me an asshole for complaining but seeing these threads dwindle really is sad. Contributions are less frequent, there's less discussion and the thread ends up being a lifeless husk with more plain bumps than actual posts. Previous Yea Forums Draws I'd often check out and keep open just to see the progression. But this one is just lame 100 posts in and only a handful of actual drawings, most being just wip.

I'm not closly following all the claimed parts and who posted wips and shit so excuse me if I make a silly mistake here.
Look at sections 21-27 183-188 238-241 255-260, these have all been claimed by the end of the very first thread and still aren't finished. Have they been opened up and new people claimed them? Then it'd be different.
But it feels like people are just taking their sweet time with their frames. Maybe that's why it's so slow? Everyone just assumes it'll take weeks to finish anyways so they've got time? Niggers sit down and finish your frames. I finished mine in 3 days after claiming too it's not that hard. Oh well but everyone has to animate their characters dancing, it's a bit different from just drawing a single frame, I feel that. It just sucks.

He's wrong about both though.
Daicon was a 4 minute long music video. 3 minutes if you ignore the intro part. That's still twice the length of an OP/ED. It taking long to finish should be expected.
Excusing this drag of an Yea Forums draws with "but Daicon took long too" is just a bad excuse and you know it.

Attached: 1565468677796.jpg (640x432, 36K)

Okay, I think I'm done with 157

Attached: frame_00157.png (1280x720, 399K)

Most of the parts you said were opened and reclaimed a few threads back.

Where do I begin with you user.
There is just so much wrong with your post.
I'm sitting here drinking coffee and eating cake and I honestly just considered telling you to kys. But that wouldn't be good enough because it wouldn't help you understand what an annoying, autistic little bitch you really are.

I've participated in a few Yea Forums draws, one of them is also Cromartie, pic related was my entry.
Every Yea Forums draws is different. Cromartie was very easy, and I personally think some of the frames ended up wonky in the end cut because people didnt take enough time to perfect them.
This ED is very complex. But that's not a bad thing, people just need to take their time and have fun while they participate - that's the most important thing, not to end it all quickly because faggots like you complain about it taking so long.

This specific Yea Forums draws gathered some undeserved hate since the very beginning, and I'm willing to bet it's you who's keeping on propagating it just because you're so anally devastated by it happening you can't seem to sleep at night and you must shit up these threads.

The ONLY good part of your post was about releasing claimed frames that havent even shown wips. OP should do that, indeed.

Other than that please go fuck yourself, and then kill yourself, your presence here is not wanted or needed in any shape or form and we're all very tired of you.

Attached: 1.jpg (673x480, 133K)

Nice, that was one of my favourite frames in Cromarties.
I guess you're right, if the end product looks good (I don't even doubt that it will) then that's great. But what I'm mainly complaining about is the threads. Maybe it's just me but this one has felt the most dead. Previous ones you could lurk and there's be creative new contributions every other hour and following that process was fun.
Not sure what propagating means but some time around the start I made a post that I don't think this ED works very well as an Yea Forums Draws. I still think so because as you say it's very complex. If someone wants to contribute he pretty much has to draw a character dancing on stage, which limits how creative you can be with your contributions. Additionally lots of parts being animations instead of single frames makes it more demanding, especially for non drawfags.

Am I really that crazy for thinking this one isn't as cool as the previous ones?

Attached: 1551843860713.jpg (370x370, 45K)

>Oh well but everyone has to animate their characters dancing, it's a bit different from just drawing a single frame, I feel that. It just sucks.
I think this is a really big factor for why the project has been taking so long, more than half the frames for this are animated segments, and theres only so many anons willing to do those, and even the ones who do may not be willing to draw a 12-frame-long segment of their character dancing. hell, I took one of the 5-frame-long segments and I regret it because I have lost almost all interest in it by now, but I don't want to drop it either because I'm like 85% done with it and it would be a waste.


I just want to mention that some people (me) didn't participate because it's some zoomer garbage this time rather than classic like all previous projects. Still, good luck.

Kekkai Sensen is a modern classic.

Kekkai Sensen is subpar even compared to bones' other works from this decade, let alone a time classic. But I respect your opinion.

Where does the word "Zoomer" come from? I just hear it thrown around every now and then but it feels like another retarded /pol/ meme

The ED itself is a classic, I'm betting you're completely unaware of what a huge meme it also became in Japan simply because it was so good.


Attached: 1490977276879.jpg (225x234, 54K)

There's a huge meme in japan every few months.

Not of this size.
It was huge, just learn about it instead of being stupid.

It's big enough to be in pretty much every kumikyouku after 2015

I've started doing my frames but there are at least 2 Anons who are doing characters from the same Anime.
Is this okay if we draw different characters?

Meant for

Not OP but he's said a few times that he doesn't mind one series having a few cameos.

I would feel more stupid for trying to define something on a basis as relative as popularity.

Just another retard /pol/ wojak meme

Nobody is defining it by popularity you dumbfuck, we're telling you that you cant call it zoomer garbage because it holds a massive part of the culture.


I need a deadline, I've been procrastinating for days with only 1/4 frames finished. This is hell.

Attached: 1546750224639.jpg (1641x2048, 335K)


You're waifu will become real if you finish user

This one wasn't about the anime itself (although kekkai sensen is actually pretty decent) it was about the really good song and the fun animation in the ED.

I've been procrastinating for weeks.

Had the same problem but I did what other user suggested
>Do all the sketches then do all of the linearts then colours
>animate what you got and it will motivate you like nothing else
If you are reading this user who said this
thank you

I wish I had this advice when I started mine

Your "intelligence" is leaking. Whatever, define that "massive part of the culture" by whatever measure you want, be it "huge meme in japan" which is totally not popularity or by placing it near similar timeless nico nico classics such as shakugan no shana, I'm out of this special olympic.

Good song and fun animation is a stupid reason to pick something for Yea Forums draws.
Needs to be something cherished by Yea Forums.

I don't know what to tell you user. Suggest something better for next time?

Shouldn't you say "do it yourself next time?" instead, sweaty?
Although that's exactly what OP did, since there wasn't a single suggestion toward kekkai sensei in any of the threads. His right I guess, but also his responsibility for not getting enough attention.

There were a few sugestions being bounced around in the last threads for soramimi and this ed was definitely one of them.Iirc other sugestions were a SZS OP and flyers though there were probably more

Not a single mention. Literally.

I think it is less about the original and more about what anons do with it. It is true this one is looking like it'll have less phallic references and other crude humour, but is that such a bad thing? I think an Yea Forums draws where anons just try to make something that looks nice and have some fun is allright. It is only natural that it takes anons a bit longer to do their frames since there are many animated segments, don't be too impatient.

Get some glasses user.

Attached: one.png (841x290, 43K)

Say a~n user


Alright my bad, it's titled as Blood Blockade Battlefront in OP so that's what I was looking for.

BBB is the name of the show

I thought the name of the show is border teacher.

You are fucking retarded and have been completely and utterly btfo by FACTS please gtfo this thread already you colossal faggot.

Attached: wtf.jpg (400x800, 83K)

Spotted this thread and wanted to say good luck anons.
Can't wait to see the results.

Attached: 1495807786475.jpg (276x276, 58K)

Yea Forums two blocks down.

Attached: 1564749691727.jpg (400x285, 9K)

Attached: 1563768414327.gif (360x725, 1.17M)








Delivering 216-220 Zapp
I only drew flat simple shapes for the areas blocked by other characters, but I uploaded versions with or without those simple parts, so it's up to you.
Let me know when you've downloaded the images (or if the link is dead), because I don't know how long imgur links last without an account.

What said,
thanks a lot.

didn't attach gif

Attached: frames 216-220 animated.gif (1280x720, 129K)

Donn with the bocc


back to Yea Forums


delivering 197 D

we are almost there guise!

Attached: frame_00197 D.png (1280x720, 78K)

>best bro archer


I thought you were done, in that case

Claiming 137 to 139

Claiming 275 C



Got them user thanks
Looks good, don't forget to post your frames when you're done.

Attached: SSTBS4.png (2000x7000, 1.74M)


Sorry marked the wrong one off.

Attached: SSTBS4.png (2000x7000, 1.74M)

Whenever I see bump bocchi in these threads I use her as bpm bocchi and leave her on to clap to whatever music's playing. If she matches the beat, the song's been blessed.


Blessed post

Attached: 1563693474892.jpg (501x372, 49K)




Attached: Ganbareanon.gif (498x278, 1.26M)



It would have been great to see him dueling with that design.

Claiming 246-247






when is this going to be done?

When anons finish their frames

when you claim some frames and finish them




Attached: SSTBS4.jpg (2000x7000, 1.63M)



So what happen to op's wife?

I'm still here user, supporting my beautiful husband

user I think your mistaken you see OP is MY husband

Reminder that both OP and all the posters are the same person.

Shut up me

God I wish I was me

Don't fucking touch MY husband, sluts.



Oh come on, I don't have THAT many personalities.

Of course I do

Fuck you





Claiming Klaus from 216-225


Attached: 1565865385379.png (250x303, 25K)

Attached: genki.gif (1280x720, 102K)

I saw page 10 and panic posted, please no bully decapitated floating head frames

>decapitated floating head
The hilarious part here is that you could just leave it like that and it'd be just another gag of her body smashing to pieces as per usual.

I was thinking about doing something like that after landing from the first jump, but there's only a couple frames and there's anons drawing characters behind him, so I can't do anything too different. Plus with the way the manga's going right now the world needs more happy cute whole Phos.

a gem of fine taste I see

Gee Archer! how come Yea Forums lets you have two cameos?

I'm gonna have to ask for some help.
can anyone tell me what exactly is going on with the skirt on this frame? I can't understand how shades work on here and it's driving me crazy. I have tried going back to the ED and watch it at 0.25 but it doesn't really make sense there either

Attached: help.png (1242x926, 322K)


I think it really is just bullshit someone had to make up to avoid the panty shot. Maybe just do what feels right for who you're drawing, or ask OP for the inbetweens next to it as better reference.

This. Fix the error and do the justice we all deserve. Draw the panty shot back in.

I second this. This is a good idea.



I think it's a part of the skirt that would normally be on the backside, but maybe due to the kick's force, it found it's way to the sides.
The main problem I think is the lines in yellow, which makes it look like it's connected to the front part of the skirt, which would be fine if the skirt had 2 layers, but it doesn't look like it does. Tried fixing it lines on the right, which should hopefully make more sense

Attached: maybe.png (1242x926, 421K)










Front page! Bump!

Attached: 1556344949898.gif (500x540, 919K)






Dumpin' 197B

Attached: frame_00197.png (1280x720, 55K)





Claiming 199A, B and C


Attached: SSTBS4.jpg (2000x7000, 1.63M)


Hey OP, how do you do the Yea Forums draws? Do you get every single frame by yourself or donyou use an application? How do you edit everything? I got an idea for making one

In after effects you can render a video as a jpeg sequence, so I just set it to 3 fps and let it do it's thing.As for editing ,again, I'm using after effects I have the original video as the bottom layer as a size reference and use the frame slider to place the frames in the right place.

Thanks doc

If you use AE and actually know how to operate it then I trust you OP.

Don't worry I've got 4 years of ae experience behind me,at the very least it shouldn't turn out as utter shit.

I know that shit is hard as fuck to learn.

Yeah, though once you know the terminology and the basics it gets a lot easier.


Let's try having some conversation.
what OPs/EDs do you think would be fun to do an Yea Forums draws for? why?

Eva op could be good since not much actually happens

I think this Yea Forums draws shows us that it would be nice to do OPs/EDs that have more variety (not just characters dancing), something a bit crazy and over the top is best suited to Yea Forums draws (like daicon for example). With that said the first ones that come to mind would be both of the Nichijou OPs, or maybe Great Days.
Both of the Nichijou OPs are catchy songs, that even have pretty good Yea Forums sings, but mainly they are fast paced and have many characters in different locations doing over the top stuff, so a lot of space for creativity.
I think Great Days could be cool, manily because of the "Solitaire victory effect" in the beginning, that could blend together many different characters by different anons.
Maybe if anons wanted something a bit less new, the Hidamari Sketch OP could be cool.

Whilst the song is legendary, I'm not sure the animation itself lends itself that well to an Yea Forums draws, most of it is just cose-up slow panning over characters and then a lot of images quickly flashing after each other towards the end, not much crazy stuff. But it would have the advantage of being a lot easier to do because of this.

Aoi shiori

Thanks OP
I was thinking about doing an Yea Forums draws about Goku and Cell high speed fight, every frame is submitted by anons
For an ending, I guess we could use Hitori Bocchi ED

Has Lucky Star been done?

It hasn't. That'd be a pretty solid pick.
I think Gurren Lagann's OP would be hard but really good if we could get it right.

>I was thinking about doing an Yea Forums draws about Goku and Cell high speed fight
Don't, that sounds awful.

would it really be a good pick? I like the song and visuals a lot but it doesn't have more than a few characters dancing an facing at the camera, it has even less variety than this one honestly.

I think Mikakunin de Shinkoukei's OP would be nice and relatively simple, especially compared to this.
It starts off with a bunch of stills, and you can shove a bunch of jokes in 0:25-0:41 and the chorus from 1:00. It finishes off with a group picture like Soramimi too.
Hell, we could do the ED too youtube.com/watch?v=Fye5EhYTlNw

The problem is it's a forgotten show except for lolifags remembering Mashiro

>Yea Forums draws Goku vs Vegeta fight
Sounds like an impossible project. Shit is too highly animated and long, Daicon isn't very long but took 4 months

That ED would be a great one

But think of the memes.

Different user, but precisely because it is just a few characters dancing facing the camera it wouldn't give as much freedom to make funny moments or memes.

I'm honestly surprised we don't have a Haruhi one, super relevant culturally and with a lot of variation between shots, with longer takes and some more insert-y frames. youtube.com/watch?v=C337shIT9LI

I'd like an Aria one too, although how would that work? The OP always played over new scenes.

That's a great idea, probably the best one this thread desu.

I would like Kyouran Kazoku Nikki op, but it seems chaotic

I think Guren no Yumiya would be a great choice its a middle ground between character exposition and stuff happening

Carnival Phantasm's OP has a lot of varied frames of characters just doing stuff which could allow for a lot of great frames, and also has a that big sequence of characters just moving around which could be turned into a clusterfuck of references


Konosuba ops because most of Yea Forums likes plus there are funny especially the 2nd op


That Azumanga OP is stellar, good job lads.

I definitely agree with this. Feels like a natural pick.


Attached: 0137.png (1280x720, 143K)

Attached: 0138.png (1280x720, 145K)

Attached: 0139.png (1280x720, 144K)

it's fucking perfect, user


I can see it now, filled with fire memes all over the shots.

It's not much, I did one of that opening alone and it took me like three months with a lot of procrastination

SZS was agreed to be the next one.