Imagine sex with Rikka's tight 14 year old bod!!

Imagine sex with Rikka's tight 14 year old bod!!

Attached: chuunibyou 0002.png (582x1373, 680K)

She's an adult married woman now and has Shinka as surrogate mother.

post rikka's butt

my dick ow

is like imagining heaven

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She's 16-18 OP, depending on the material

Why is Rikka the only one that presents her ass in promo art?

Attached: chuunibyou 0034.png (1598x2000, 2.84M)

It's the only asset she has.
Deko is for lolifags, Shinka for femdomfags and Kumin has the best body.

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would you?

Attached: Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! - 07 - Reminiscences... of Paradise Lost.mkv_snapshot_12.23_[2019.08. (1920x1080, 2.01M)

I want to die in between her tits

you must live on for us, user

Attached: Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! - 07 - Reminiscences... of Paradise Lost.mkv_snapshot_09.45_[2019.08. (1920x1080, 2.53M)

She's in full heat, ready to mate and be bred.

Rikka's autistic ass

(TL Note: BARK BARK means hell yeah bro)

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Would I what?


Sniffing Rikka's butt.

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That's legal in Europe, must suck to be a burgerlander.

take your meds

Why does such a small girl have such a lewd butt? Surely there must be a good reason for this.

Squashed body=more fat and muscle down there

Look at her outrageous ass.

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Trying her hardest to even hold a candle to Kumin.

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If Rikka's 14, how old is Deko supposed to be?

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Mai waifu.

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Rikka is 15-18 depending on which point of the story
Dekomori is 14-17

Attached: 1394726221330.gif (618x497, 1.94M)

Why is chuu2 abuse so endearing.

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What about bullying ex chuu2s?

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Attached: 1483289766641.webm (1920x1080, 2.96M)

Imagine lying on the internet for pedo cred. She's legal senpai.

Heavenly feet

>Want to fuck 14-15 years old anime girl
>Call others pedo


Attached: TIK TOK.gif (600x338, 677K)


now I realize OP took the term chuuni too literally

it's her best asset

Attached: chuu2butt.gif (240x240, 517K)

Not only did I do neither of the things you greentexted but I can see you've neither watched the show nor read the thread. You can keep pretending she's 14, it's not gonna make her any less legal.

Miss Kumin, are you just going to stand there, or come over here and place that delicious rump on my face?

So for 14-15 is it Ephebophilia or Hebephilia?

I'm asking for a friend.

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I'm sad I didn't save the graph but I belive pedo was 7-12 hebe was 11 to 14 and ephebo is the rest to 18

I haven't even watched the show but Rikka is cute cute cute.

Wrong Rikka man.

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