Why are colored outlines better than black outlines?
Why are colored outlines better than black outlines?
they aren't and you already made this thread. black outlines provide contrast while colored ones make everything mesh together. it's fucking faggot shit for subhumans
no game no life is like the only anime to do this anyway
I can't really comment because ngnl has a bnch of other artstyle choices that cloud up my judgment on how it looks
I inclined to say it doesn't make a difference though
>not being disgusted by colored outlines
>actually liking colored outlines
Be gone, heathen.
god forbid Yea Forums is full of different people and not just one big "I only like GOOD things!" circlejerk right?
Jibril a cute!
THICC black outlines is where it's at.
Thick > colored > thin
>someone saved my screenshot
I... I love you too user
Because black outlines don’t exist in real life, and a light color of some kind mimics how we see shapes somewhat better.
I'm sure nobody else anywhere online capped this screen.
>everything needs to be the way i want or it sucks
>being proud someone saved a screencap
you're cute
because Jibril is the best girl
that's why
post moer bobs
you're a fuckin nigger. i'll travel over to your shithole city and kill you in your sleep
edgy but
Dumb genocidal BITCH
But she's cute so whatev
What about no outline?
She's never taken a life that mattered. Subspecies should be honored to be killed by such a divine being.
it's my computer exif newfriend
save more of my screencaps pls
Jiburiru is perfect.
NGNL uses the outlines as part of the setting so it has artistic merit in itself. You can see when Sora and Shiro are in their room in ep1 every outline is in blue but when they get isekaied all the outlines are red. This changes back to blue when they are in the VR match. Also for the majority of Zero when Tet is not good all outlines are in blues
Sorry guys, I meant to type moot* is perfect
Those words don't mean what you think they do, retard.
thick outlines is so good
looks softer
no game no life is both visual diarrhea and created by a wh*te brazilian who tweets about wanting to fuck kids but also has a 4 year old daughter.
the absolute state of japan and anime.
that sounds pretty fucking based
Raping loli Jibril for genociding millions, and filling her with your disgusting human seed!
This, imagine if Hitler was a cute girl.
>implying she wasn't
I think sexual intercourse and other such relations with preteenaged girls is a good thing and should be promoted not frowned upon. It is immensely pleasureable and permits for a higher degree of intimacy. Sex is the strongest physical expression of love after all.