Soulburner vs Revolver edition &
Ending Next Month edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


how to save Vrains:
>remove Playmaker
>make Soulburner the mc
>make Revolver the rival



It was all fine, until they ripped off Sora for Roboppy. Now he pulled the trigger.

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>It was all fine
Things have been downhill for produciton since arc-v at least.

Think Yoshida is writing the next one?

Soulburner, you dueled well...however I activate Explodevullet Dragonā€˜s effect which allows me to take Vrains along with me

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I swear if YGO7 is some kind of DM remake I will kill myself

>anime is delayed a year because it's not up to kaz's standards
That would be funny, and it still wouldn't be up to old nostalgic viewers' standards.

RIP Revolver

>vrains is over
At least Yea Forums is still there to comfort me.

it will be just that Boomers rule Yugioh user

>DSOD content getting added to Duel Links
it's happening

They owe us at least one more scene of autistlove, don't they, anons?

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Predict the n/a/me of YGO7.

Something that doesn't contain the letter a

Remember when people thought that Vrains will have better character development compared to previous series thanks to its small cast?

We would need to know at least one gimmick to speculate

>make Kiku main girl
I'd watch it

Whatever it is, I want a unique new word. Looking up fanwork for zexal/arc-v/vrains etc is so easy without having to wade through unrelated stuff.

It better have the letter a. It's fun to be combinable like vr/a/ins or Yea Forumsrc-v

I suppose. The future should be shown in the last episode I think.

Based sora releasing us from the vrains suffering

Vrains 2 incoming
there's no way they're introducing new mechanic just yet

Better get your wallet ready for the fancy new red cards user

Thanks man, it's been awhile since I actually laughed at an OC that's made here.

Seems kinda pointless to make a continuation if it's only 25 episodes.

the game doesn't need a new summoning method just an update like nerfing links so that you can use the other summoning methods like before without the need of link summoning first

How about Revenger Windy?

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>Implying they'll use red for a new mechanic

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What a weak ass finale. Everyone just lined up and job to like the past 2 season and now we have Revolver and Soulburner killing each other for the dumbest reason ever. Can we get the Zexal writers back

>vrains ends at ep 120
this timeline is a failure, time to erase it and start again

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2 of the major VRAINS' writers were ZEXAL writers.

>Can we get the Zexal writers back
You're killing me with the irony here user

Leave YGO7 to me.

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I know Yoshida is in it but there's so many thing wrong with Vrains since season one I feel like he doesn't have much power

*Challenges Oma Zi-O in a duel*

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You guys haven't gotten the note yet?
YGO7 will be Card Games during the Olympics!

Producers want soulburner. They get soulburner, not much he can do about that.

$0yburner is shit but he is the least offensive out of the problem with vrains. 99% of the cast being irrelevant is one

So we hate Vrains now.

4th season, eh?

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>Challenges the power of every kamen rider ever

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Chillin' out with the crew in the school yard
Findin' trouble, never lookin' too hard
Well back at class, they never taught us this
Some things you gotta learn, hit or miss

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Kind of hard to make other characters important when you have to focus on the new "breakout" character constantly.

it's been hated since revolver lost his first duel with yusaku

You guys told me to watch it just three weeks ago.

Give me reasons why Yusaku is the best protagonist compared to others.

Yusaku vs Yugi
Yusaku vs Judai
Yusaku vs Yusei
Yusaku vs Yuma
Yusaku vs Yuya

No, disappointed nostalgic posters never stop whining.

Not VRAINS' fault NAS can't keep up with the times.

he's the worst protagonist

Darkfluid, save me!

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He isn't

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I only remember three moments where majority of people in these threads think positively of Vrains.
1. PM vs Akira duel
2. Lightning reveal / Revolver vs Windy
3. Start of S3
Every other time, it's mostly complaints.

this is firewall dragon
he got banned and was never allowed to show up ever again
Say something nice about him

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Make Ai the MC. Character with the most personality in Vrains ironically.
>CHADAi gets Vrains' last cover

>Darkfluid, save me!

Stupidfags. Yusaku isn't a bad protagonist

Did he have a great run?

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What makes Yusaku a good protagonist
>inb4 he always wins

Maybe they should go back to Toei.

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Quantum, Clockwork, Exceed and Darfluid we're better.

Honestly, that set up makes it more in line with the original description of VRAINS with Yusaku as the lead anyway.

Yusaku is the man that we need like Yusei. A role model for us, shonens

At least this duel won't be dragged out.

thats a very flattering shot

>Lightning Reveal
>War on Humanity
I still remember all these theories about PM/Lightning/Hanoi/SOL 4-way war. Sadly they couldn't even deliver on half the set up, and we got a whole month of Bloody Jobber for no reason.

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Not too late to hop on board. We welcome anyone!

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>Bloody Jobber

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I miss Yuma. Do you miss him, anons? I want another Yuma clone on the next YGO series

I'm gonna watch it if that grey haired boy ends up pulling a Kiri.

>jump on our ship
>Error: ship doesn't exist

Does that anyone include shitposters?

You never know what you have until you lose it.

Good news, you'll probably get one. Get ready for another short dude with a ghost partner and a magical pendant.

Lightning is defective.

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And yet you guys told me to watch it anyways.

Not after Ai.

Are you that guy from the last thread? If you liked it then who cares, stick to your own opinion. I liked Vrains from the start and some randos from an anonymous chinese cartoon board aren't going to change my mind.

What's Ai got to do with anything? I'm saying the next guy will be Yugi 3.0 or Yuma 2.0

Yuma - Yugi clone
Yuya - Judai clone
Yusaku - Yusei clone

So yes, the next main protag will be Yuma clone

>when there are new cards that aren't links but need em zones for balance
ruling nightmare

Personal preference, I prefer serious MCs to happy-go-lucky MCs.
But Judai's not bad.
If we go by
then it's gonna be a Judai/Yuya clone.

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>talks about patterns
>doesn't know how to count
The pattern goes in threes. See

He's probably one of the worst protag user but atleast he's miles better than Yusaku.


The next protagonist can't have as close a spirit partner after Ai.

The levels of desperation are palpable.

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Ai isn't an amnesiac invisible ghost who lives in a magical necklace and has to hunt down his memories, so it'll be fine.

>Come back from a shit day at college to find this

No but he's still a really close partner and it would be stale to do that twice in a row.

Should have given him an errata

I feel bad for all the untapped potential that the lost incident children were. I'm sure that everything would have gone way better had they been more recurrent instead of Emma, Blood Shepperd and Go.
la Americano dramatico.

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Time slot changes are a thing in ygo, don't lose hope, bros.

The lost incident children aren't all based off gods. Go is based in one though.

All they have to do is change up the dynamic and it'll work out. Like literally just rehash Zexal with a genki protag and a serious ghost dude.

>changing time slots with only 25-30 episodes left
That's super unlikely user

I don't know, I think they like to keep it at least sort of varied.

I wish I was this optimistic but unless they're moving to that saturday ygo slot they already have, it's probably not happening.

Blood shepperd's duels leading to nowhere are the biggest waste of season 2. He is the Battle beast or whatever that arcV gladiator beast trap was called of VRAINS.

>that arcV gladiator beast trap

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So maybe just a little more hand holding?

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At least Battle Beast was just a random fodder.
Blood Shepherd hinted at some serious shit that never happened because writers

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Umm, guys, wasn't there a Hanoi spy in SOL technologies?

Who cares? SOL has been destroyed.

This. One time was not enough.

>nothing to do until March

lurk in /dng/ and figure out what MR5 will be about

We didn't even get a link 6 and on. Why are you rushing to the conclusion that we are getting a new Master Rule so soon?

there has to be a new master rule to update the game and even with this new master rule link 5 and above can still be created

>vrains ending
>zexal not coming to duel links
This day just keeps getting worse. I just hope they don't delay sound duel 3 any more.

Same reason why people jumped to the conclusion with Pendulums despite not having different sided scales

I figure they have to close it somehow, they're not even given a ending slide in this ending.

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Zexal 3 WHEN

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Wait, is this thread auto-saged?

Why the fuck is the thread not bumping?

cause retard OP forgot that this is not /vg/ and he put edition in the OP

well shit.

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Not OP but wow I never knew that would trigger it. Good to know.


They'll use bright orange.