Why are people so afraid to admit that she's the most compelling and well-written character in the series?
Why are people so afraid to admit that she's the most compelling and well-written character in the series?
That's not Araragi.
Because people have bad taste and instantly flock to "haha I hurt myself for other people's sake" characters, like cat, even though their character is really shallow and basic
She's not though. I mean, she's one of the most compelling and complex, but she's not far and ahead the winner in that regard. As to why people hate her - it's because they're shallow assholes who don't really understand anything that happened in Otori or even Koi.
I really liked her arc so I was surprised when I learnt that most fans hate her.
because shes not and is 2nd worst girl
Because people like familiar dere types and an actual character scares them.
that's not kiss shot
Who also had the best openings.
I don't understand your sentiment. How is horseshoe crab superior to nadeko? Hitagi is basically edge and woe the character who gets the spotlight for no reason
She's not Shinobu
That's not mommy
That's not shinobu
Nice lie you got there, Kami-sama
>most compelling and well-written character
Wrong girl mate, she's not Shinobu
How cat got this amount of screentime is still a mystery to me.
I shouldn't be this surprised though, considering she's a fucking cow in a fanservice franchise
i think the 3 with the most screentime, being nadeko, hanekawa, and shinobu, are all about equal in terms of writing. nadeko tends to be underappreciated though because she isnt all that likable in bake and has one of the weakest character designs in the series before god form
She will be. wink
>best character
>best openings
>best girl
there's no contest.
I like Nadeko but I like Sodachi even more.