Kyoto Police Officially Releases 25 out of 35 Victim Names of KyoAni Fire

1) Shouko Ikeda(44, Animation Director, Chief Animation Director, Character Design)

2) Atsushi Ishida(31, Inbetween Animation)

3) Naomi Ishida(49, color design, Color coordination, Finish Animation)

4) Nami Iwasaki(31, Inbetween Animation , Key Animation)

5) Norie Ohtou(26, Paint ,Special Effects , Finish Animation)

6) Megumu Ohno(21, New Recruit)

7) Yuumi Kaneo(22, New Recruit)

8) Seiya Kawaguchi(27, Inbetween Animation)

9) Sumire Kusano(32, Key Animation)

10) Aya Sato(43, Inbetween Animation)

11) Kouta Sato(28, Key Animation)

12) Sana Suzuki(30, Key Animation)

13) Hiroyuki Takahashi(48, Animation Director, Key Animation, Setting, Accessory Setting, Musical Instrument Design)

14) Miho Takechi(25, Key Animation)

15) Tomoka Tokimori(22, New Recruit)

16) Maiko Nishikawa(29, Key Animation)

17) Takahisa Fujita(27, Production Manager)

18) Kana Matsuura(24, Inbetween Animation)

19) Koujirou Matsumoto(25, Production Manager)

20) Tatsunari Maruko(31, Animation Director)

21) Atsushi Miyaji(32, Inbetween Animation)

22) Yuuko Akemi(29, Animation Director)

23) Chitose Murayama(49, Inbetween Animation)

24) Shiho Morisaki(27, Key Animation)

25) Sayaka Watanabe(27, Key Animation)

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Other urls found in this thread:

Should have just left them unlisted as people wanted out of respect

No wonder all their shows utilize excessive amounts of instagram filters. The entire staff consisted of zoomers.

I don't think this counts the injured. Who knows whose on that list.

>we'll never know the conclusion of Kumiko & Reina's story
It's not fucking fair. I badly wanted S3 which is fucking rare for Kyoani to be making season 3 in the first place.

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26) Jun'ichi Uda (34, Inbetween Animation)

27) Yoshiji Kigami (61, Legendary Animator)

28) Ami Kuriki (30,Key Animation)

29) Yasuhiro Takemoto (47, Director)

30) Sachie Tsuda (41, Finish Animation)

31) Futoshi Nishiya (37, Chief Animation Director , Character designer)

32) Keisuke Yokota (34, Production Manager)

33) Mikiko Watanabe (35, Art Director)

34) Yuki Ohmura (23, New Recruit)

35) Yuka Kasama (22, New Recruit)

stop posting about this shit studio that nobody cares about

Kyoani still has B-team and Yamada.

sad to see so many female names

>all those new recruits, big names, everyone in between

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The ones not release may have been just because of that?


All of the people that died who still had parents alive are going to Buddhist hell, you wouldn't want everyone to know your son/daughter is going to hell, right? That's shameful.

>Buddhist hell

I think he means America.

presumably they've worked out permission from next of kin for those released so far

Stop caring.

glad to see so many female names

Based, they had it coming

>most is 25-40ish years old

you've got your meme generation wrong, user.


Die Yea Forumsermin

>so far
10 names were released before so now they released all 35.

Phoenix Ani will rise. Feels good knowing i have contributed to it.

>not a single seiyuu
In short, nothing of worth was lost.

I wish there was an indicator like the Yea Forums pass sign so I could disregard all your posts.

ignore the bait retards

Darn day is made.

>all those young women

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That's what they get for not staying home popping out kids.

based edgy shitposter

Fuck you Aoba, you should've torched Gamefreak instead of KyoAni.

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Just touching a hot kettle accidentally hurts so much.
Can't imagine how would it feel being roasted alive

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It really depends.
For most KyoAni employees it was probably painless. The gases would have knocked them out long before the fire reached them.
They would have suffered from the smoke and the panic.

Woke post

>It's another "Yea Forums says they are heroes but they let 35 people burn" thread

>Legendary Animator

What is that?

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this thread is bait

Done "correctly", it's one of the most painful ways to go. I just hope they passed out from the gases as the other user said.

Somebody who everybody says was an animator in the past, except nobody can verify the claim.

>I just hope they passed out from the gases as the other user said.
They were lying in front of an unlocked door. Do you think they were doing breathing exercises?

It's kind of funny how triggered they are.

He was a key animator for things like Akira.

>he's not legendary

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20 of those people are between 22 and 32. That's precisely the generation that takes pictures of their meals.

Some meme animator who got his ass carried by Nakamura. Can't believe Nakamura is indirectly responsible for KusoAnus. Wonder if he'll ever be able to repay that debt to society.

Gen Z are people born after 2000, retard.

No seiyuus? Meh.

No, unfortunately they didn't pass out from CO... Fire spreaded way too fast.

God fucking damn it. It is so cruel.
I wanna fucking kill the faggot so fucking badly. And my chuu2 instincts kick in and I wanna go back in time to save them.

Phone Ani sounds about right.


>all those new recruits
Looking forward to Aoba getting the rope.

I bawled my eyes out most of last month and a few days of this month, but I don't think I've got anything more to give now.

Your grandfather.

Yeah I'm pretty numb at this point myself
Now that we have all the names it feels like moving on/acceptance is the only thing left to do.

He was the animator that would bring balance according to the we won't have balance for a 1000 years unfortunately

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>work your ass off chasing after your dreams
>finally can start your career, have a desk you can call home
>everyone nice, many others consider your company to be saving animation
>some guy comes in one day with a knife a gasoline

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I fucking hate those fucks with their gasoline knives

I'm going to do my best for their sake.

fuck those fucks

Fuck you Abe.

I'll continue to do nothing to ensure i never end up like them.

>I'll continue to do nothing
I'm not doubting you.

RIP in piece

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an animator that flees every time you encounter him

Abe, even for your standards this is a little extreme

did they kill the person that was responsible for all the sameface?

They are next

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