Who is the target audience for thia show?

Who is the target audience for thia show?

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Middle aged women

Moe waifufags.


Also, me.

Little girls like us.

Kill yourself

/ll/ connoisseur

Yurifags like me.

The most inhuman scum known to man: you.

But no /ll/ happens, it's all about a fat girl who owns an accordion and her imouto's friends.

chubby chasers

I want to seduce Miyako


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if Miyako fucked Hana's dad would she be able to create kids as cute as Hana?

No she needs to impregnate hanamom
While your fagass getting railed by hanadad

No, all she will give birth to are more "Mya-nee" spouting little girls.


but they'd be spouting kaa-san and look a little more like Hana

Hana's looks come from her mom so I doubt they'd look like her.

All the Mya-nee's in the world like myself. I have a similar relationship between my imouto the same way Hinata and Miyako do. It's nice.

depends what her dad looks like

Exactly like me.

Fat old men

People who like cute things and light comedy

Little girls who have lewd, and often incestual, fantasies about molesting a shy chubby pedo women. Hence why it was popular here.

That's actually wrong.

Lolicon fujoshi




People who check those quads.


Ýou shouldn't try to argue with shitposters.