What was this anime about
What was this anime about
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ikuhara showing that he's a fraud
revolution of what?
Piloting Ave Marians
This is lauded as Ikuhara’s best work, yet it was a collab
About a girl who protects her hymen.
She failed.
Why there were so much incest and so little yuri
About needing MOAR COWBELL
Left wing propaganda aimed at impressionable children.
my dick in your asshole
Freeing Anthy from her brother.
There doesn't have to be a reason for everything.
i jerked off this whole episode, so fucking hot
Growing up and feminism
It's about a lot of things, but at its core it's about how we as humans are never truly complete, and that the task of every person should be to strive to realize a better version of himself by destroying the old, outmoded version, e.g., revolutionizing his own world to advance beyond what used to define him. A person's life should consist of a series of stages, with each stage being successively destroyed in favor of a new, more advanced stage when the time is ripe. Basically, we all must follow our own highly individualized journies through life with the goal of becoming the best possible version of ourselves, and while others can provide guidance to help show us the way forward, it's ultimately up to us to destroy our former selves in order to attain the next stage of our lives. This is why the phoenix (Ohtori Academy) is so important in Utena; one could describe an individual's life as a long (or short in some cases) series of deaths and rebirths.
However, the characters in Utena can't take the next step in their journey. They're trapped in various ways, and their inertia is equated with being dead (hence the symbol of the coffin). While there is an initial goldilocks period after reaching a new stage of one's life that lasts for a certain amount of time, one must not get too comfortable at the risk of utter stagnation; soon the time will come to revolutionize even that world and progress to the next one.
Taking Utena as an example, we know that she gives up on life and actually crawls into a coffin upon the death of her parents. The only thing that pulls her out of her depression is the arrival of the prince and her subsequent adoption of the identity of a prince herself. And at first this is a positive change that represents her progression to a new stage in her life, as it enables her to escape her depression and continue on her life journey. Eventually, however, this assumed identity becomes a shackle to her, and her entire arc in the anime is about her recognizing this, coming to terms with it and finally letting go, abandoning her former self in a favor of new, more advanced one. And over the course of Utena’s own path of self-discovery, her interactions and duels with the other characters help them to recognize the nature of their own predicaments and begin to emerge from their respective coffins, although each bears the responsibility to take the final step and revolutionize his or her own world.
The egg and chick metaphor is really just a restatement of Utena’s message; the chick is the individual and the egg is current life stage that that individual exists in; by breaking free from the egg, the individual attains a more actualized self, but it he fails to do so, then he “dies,” i.e., becomes static and therefore stagnant, no longer making progress toward becoming the best possible version of himself. All of the imagery of rotation/spirals/”revolution” also factors into this discussion; as long as the individual remains confined to a lower stage of being, refusing to acknowledge much less break free from the thing that’s rooting him to that stage, all his actions will just send him in circles. The only way to make real progress is to get dirty and destroy his current world.
Adolescence and entering the world of adults.
Growing up, brown girls, accepting your sexual preferences, brown girls, frienship, inferiority complex, and brown girls.
God I want a 3d clone of Anthy to be my gf.
And it's AWESOME
Free software
One catchy song and some flashy stock footage
there were 3 catchy songs
there were 3 songs
there were a lot of duel songs
but i honestly didn't like like 95% of them
You just have no taste.
A girl wants to become a prince and fuck another girl, but first she has to overcome the biggest bisexual manslut to ever exist who fucked pretty much the entire cast. Also in the movie she turned out to actually be a transformer pretender.
"How bad can I make a series and still have people defend it".
>biggest bisexual manslut to ever exist who fucked pretty much the entire cast
Come here,user
but what does it have to do with revolution
She revolted against gender and sexual norms.
It was like music videos to J.A. Seazer's music.
How could you, she's the worst waifu candidate
she was turning into a cow, one of my fetishes
She quickly became popular despite being a tomboy and fucked a dude. I see no reasons for revolution
I see. My fetish is about slave sword-swallower turning into free person, so Nanami is not my type
i never mentioned her being my waifu or even liking her you cum chugger
Why would you wank on her then
Please user, don't fuck cows.
people who get this out of utena baffle me. ikuhara is a gay but theres a lot more to it than the simplest interpretation possible
>implying criticism of gender norms isn't a major part of Utena's plot
I don't know how you could watch the series without drawing that connection considering how blatant it is.
Ikuhara also isn't gay. He's a effeminate straight man at the very most.
> criticism of gender norms is a major part of Utena's plot
Is it? Utena isn't even the only female duelist.
>Anthy is a personification of the Madonna/Whore complex
>Akio is an controlling, but charismatic patriarch that lives inside a giant phallic symbol
>"Swords and dresses don't really go together, do they?"
>The Prince and Princess archetypes end up being constructs with no basis in reality
>Rape is used as tool of power
I know people don't like talking about gender politics and feminism around here, but saying Utena isn't at least partly about those things is as delusional as saying Princess Arete isn't about those things.
>Anthy is a personification of the Madonna/Whore complex
She could solve my Madonna/Whore complex. Since she's an immortal being that can't get an STD
Is that not what the movie is for.
Was it rape?
She's like 14 so it's statutory rape anyway
And its also rape rape
Nah, he tricked her into consensual intercourse.
Anthy is a big cunt.
Cars and proper auto maintenance.
She was the victim, and her mind was twisted because of that.
So Akio was also a victim and his mind was twisted because that?
Well, Akio got corrupted too, at some moment
If your soul has not truly given up...
...you can hear the engine roaring...
Can you hear it?
It's a shame that no one has acknlowdged your post yet. I never picked up that ohtori academy was suppose to represent a Phoenix. But goes to show how Ikuhara puts in multiple symbols of the same theme throughout his shows.
BTW, what do you think about Makoto's stopwatch? Since Ikuhara himself said "only Makoto knows" but I'm sure he was just trolling.
Or him, but there’s two possibilities:
-It’s to show that time is frozen in Ohtori
-It’s just a visual cue used to punctuate certain sentences during the meetings
It’s probably both.
He's Miki.
False he showed he was a fraud with literally everything else
while we are doing this, what does
>"If it cannot break its egg's shell, a chick will die without being born. We are the chick. The world is our egg. If we don't crack the world's shell, we will die without being born. Smash the world's shell! For the revolution of the world!"
bumping this. Anime is a medium ripe with introspection and exploration. it breaks my heart that most people are content to bitch about power levels and censorship of kindergartener panties, when there is so much beauty to be found
It's pretty self-explanatory. Not sure if trolling. It's just saying that the student council members want to have their personal revolutions (a major point of the show).
Him I was thinking something along those lines too. But do you place any weight on the specific time it stops, or is that too much?
Lmao, sorry I went for the more Japanese name.
its certainly an aspect of the themes but some treat it like the tumblr bullshit is the entire point of the show and disregard everything else as artistic flair or some aspect of that specific narrative when it is only a portion of the whole of utena
Yeah, now that Sarazanmai is done, it's pretty clear this wasn't a coincidence. Saito reigned him in for the better.
I agree, and a lot of classic shoujo suffers that fate unfortunately. Remember how RoV is this big historical epic told on a scale most anime can only dream of, and yet the main thing a lot of western viewers take from it is "lol lesbians"? The same thing happens with Utena and how people ignore many of it's other themes.
Is it ok to find Kozue cute?
Of course. I was on the fence about her first but then someone explained to me that the "slut with no shame" aspect of her character was part of her appeal, since she's brutally honest about what she is.
Explain in it to me too, user.
I want to read about her.
>I have a low opinion of Gentoo GNU/Linux.
>Gentoo is a GNU/Linux distribution, but its developers don't recognize this; they call it "Gentoo Linux". That means they are treating me and the GNU Project disresepectfully.
Basically Kozue sleeps around out of fierce loyalty for Miki. She wants his attention, as he's ignoring her, so he wants to bait him into chasing her. The tragedy of this is that it's this behaviour that's driving Miki away in the first place. Even so, she never abandons Miki, which is proof of her devotion. If you're looking at her as a waifu, I'd say the benefits this proves is that she would always love those close to her strongly, even if she often acts rebellious against them. She's not my favourite girl personally, but unless you're a purityfag, her sluttiness can be interpreted as a manifestation of her character strengths.
>Saito reigned him in for the better
>Utena is 10/10
>Sarazanmai is pretty good
>Utena manga is crap
>Utena manga is crap
I thought it did some things better. It's at the least more straightforward and less about repeating scenes ad nauseum. I liked the whole ending stuff more in the manga too.
gender roles
manga was Utena minus Ikuhara
movie was Utena FULL IKUHARA
>worst waifu candidate
By the end of the series, she's like the purest girl.
I think it might have had something to do with the fire of his youth, and the stupid huge budget. The TV show was fantastic, but it was bloated as fuck. He could have cut some stuff, or condensed it better. the movie is all the proof you need of this. That thing 39 episodes! way longer than the typical show, even by 90's standards.
Penguindrum was much more focused, even if the message of the story was weak. Yurikuma Arashi was focused, but still had too much extra crap that made it feel bloated and jumpy.
Sarazenmai is perfect. just enough story to keep it tense and meaningful without feeling drawn out.