Tejina Senpai

Episode 9

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Other urls found in this thread:


God, I hate how her tits are drawn disgustingly like that

It's not out yet, is it?

>here's my magic trick, impregnation in less than one minute

Its literally airing right now wait 30 mins

God, I love how her tits are drawn disgustingly like that


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that shitty gyaru and her pig brother killed this show

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get some taste

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So you can read letters, huh

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I'm starting to warm up to Saki

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Lewd clothing with embarrassment is my fetish.

Senpai, how shameless.

>powers of 4 + 1, like 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25
Is this a shitty sub or a joke that she's stupid?

She only has eyes for her little brother.

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Yeah, this isn't how the manga did it at all.

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The brother actually had some funny moments this episode.

>they gonna skip the senpai's "boyfriend" chapters
It was what I wanted to see the most. I should learn to expect nothing from life already

I think Senpai might be legitimately retarded.

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The brother's great though. His seiyuu is killing it.

manga comparison

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why dont' you see her nipples in this one but you do see her nipples in the wardrobe? don't get, still great anime though

Why do I have a mighty need to breed with every girl on this show?

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The voice acting in this show is something else. I'm having a blast

I'm worried the show will end before we get to the good Shark-girl chapters

He remind you too much of yourself eh?

But what was Assistant-Kun's secret?

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So soft.

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That, the clown and the puppet story. I understand the need to get to the beach, but still, I liked those ones. Senpai's boyfriend especially had a great punchline.

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nice artifacts faggot

>real fang

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Show me the nipples.

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>Tfw I will never be an alpha chad gaijin in japan who joins the magic club before the mc of this show and starts fucking Tejima daily

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I kinda want to watch this anime or maybe just read the manga, but I fucking hate skin fangs.

Where does the skin fang end?

Brocons, not even once.

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Stop asking questions

Orgies inside the club room when.

There's nothing wrong with love.

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is the MC gay or something

I just can't find this bitch stimulating.

Just look at him.

No he's normal, it's just his dick telling him to not breed retards but he's slowly falling.

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His dick is into senpai but his brain keeps telling him that if he fucks her her extremely fertile body will pop retarded triplets and he'll be fucked for life

Well she does steal her brother's used underwear for sniffing...

Don't bully!

never stick your dick in crazy

rewatched and it was poorly placed shadows, not nipple. sorry for jumping the nipple gun here, i was too excited.

See, if we had the chapters that had Assistant-kun on suicide watch over the idea of senpai having a boyfriend people wouldn't ask such questions

Bro, you can't just say the word nipple unless you're absolutely sure. Even areola's pushing it.

He has common sense.

Senpai makes the best faces.

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>wear swimsuit backwards
>suddenly easy paizuri access
This is a good swimsuit.

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He just knows not to breed with a literal retard.

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big honking tits

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My dick at
>pun pun

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Why hasn't shark science girl had any screen time lately? Gyaru is shit by comparison

You have the big gay boy.

Next episode is arsonist Senpai. Can't wait!

Who the fuck is the glasses girl?

Chemistry club president, with shark mouth features. She let assistant-kun join Chem club as a member so he could keep spending time with Senpai, partly because she has a crush on him. She'll get some play at the beach.

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Pretty sure that was just a figure of speech.

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How have I not noticed till now that Saki has balloon pins in her hair? Am I as retarded as Senpai is?

While there is truth to this, you must also balance hotness versus craziness of a woman. She's fucking nuts, but I still would. Now if she started breaking out whips daily as a dom I'd draw a line in the sand, but instead she's just a hot moron.

Is the anime worth watching if you already read the manga?
The artstyle is very ulgy and not as sexy as the manga.

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Absolutely. The timing of the jokes and the voicework of the VA's makes it really enjoyable.

It never is, but I'm still watching it as usual.

Imagine the smell.

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Kind of gay.

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ah fuck it time to hit the gym instead

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Sweaty unwashed tits.

Dear diary, today Tejina-senpai's cancerfang was especially unnerving and unbearable.

is there a different kind of titties you prefer or just gay?


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Me on the right.

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Did she do these in earlier episode? They sound too much like the dick disappearance tricks.

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>why yes i love big titty sempai's how could you tell?

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instead of trying to do tricks, she should turn them

This very much looks like a yukkuri.

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>no mock rendition of 20th century fox

i want to breed that dumb cow

What are you talking about

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Not really, but there could be more chem senpai though

Why do tejina threads get so many images reposted all the time in the same thread?

There is when its a fat man doujin + incest, especially the former.

Fatty is alright though.

next episode seems to have of her, good.

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Why did he confuse the shark with a crab? And why did it make her flustered?

titcow senpai

Don't make me pause my animu to look up words you dumb translator faggot.

She though she was alone and just played with the crab, when she noticed assistant she gone back to her scientific persona.

No, the meat fang did that first.

>not knowing what lurid means
read a book

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Maybe they're saving those for the end of the season?

Friendship is magic.

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What was she trying to do here?

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There is no spoon.

Will the gyaru ever fuck her brother or will she get a boyfriend later? Need to know.

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Giving blowjobs as a cute girl sounds like such a good idea, if you charge 5 bucks the shot and do at least 10 per day you'll end up with 1500 bucks the month, that's twice my salary bro.

I'm not putting my dick through paper and you can't make me!

wtf are you talking about? she's not crazy; just kind of autistic.

STDs though.

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this episode felt more QUALITY than usual

why is she so smug when she's so dumb

It's lust, plain and simple

Too dumb to know she is dumb. More common than one would think

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>not liking Saki

you gonna get purged, fag

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How does a magic blowjob differ from a regular one?

What, you like silicone?

She slides a bead into your urethra then magically gets it out


I need this

user, pls, your gay is out of control


>anime titty drawn with sag instead of fake looking balloons
Titcow fags really have no taste

>trapped in blood ince
Kill me


Mentally ill

What's up with Japan and their teenager girls with such breedable bodies? What the fuck do they eat? Hormones with salad?

Feels like they outsourced different segments to different animation studios.

Fukushima fish.


You goddamn pleb, they are both great additions into the show in their own right.

It is a comedy manga, what do you think?
I do wish for the former, though.

>she totally would
>in a heartbeat
>dude can tell her anything
>no matter what
>she'll do it
>he doesn't

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> nagatoro coping in other threads

i hope they animate the puppets chapter
cause its pretty cute

If that rule were always followed, there'd be no children.

Keep your objectively worthless thoughts to yourself roody poo candy ass.

He clearly has sexual interest in senpai, it's more that he doesn't want to take the initiative to go beyond ogling her erotic body.

what has magic done

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It's like you didn't even watch the last episode.

You're actually okay, fat nii-san. Open your eyes to the beauty of incest and you'll be the best.

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He is literally in the magic stuff just for senpai, it doesn't matter if it isn't a club he will go there to see her lewl body. However he is a gentleman with fine taste and he will not cross the line like a lustful beast.

Are you this faggot by any chance?

Based fat nii-san for giving us the fan service that we needed


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fatty is based

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Not sure what you mean? It's right.
As long as you hit any of these numbers you're guaranteed to win.


man, those are some impossible nipple angles.


Imagine this idiot constantly bossing you around and unjustly condescending all the time.

And she also has big bazongas, a nice butt, smells really good, and is very bouncy.

If I do I'll cum in my pants again


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>Getting chewed out because you snuck up behind someone and got hit as a result
Is the School Director a retard?
Tejina Senpai literally did nothing wrong

This is the perfect image to reply to that Swimsuit autist with
>t. pic related

just japanese. please understand.

>3 more episodes

I don't understand Japanese.

>no fang
So her lips are actually deformed uh?

don't remind me, at least we'll get a second season...... right?

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Still waiting for second season of Galko

still waiting for second season of Aho Girl

Is there enough material for them to even make a second season of magic titties?

I too want to ravage shark teeth's butthole but there is no way I'm sticking my dick in her blender of a mouth.

>aho girl ended
Hope its still possible. I miss her body. I mean who wouldn't fuck her.

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May be I'm a bit dumb, but I thought this was the right way it was supposed to be used too.
So when she appeared I didn't get the joke, I thought the entire point was it just being tight, I didn't realize was backwards until assistant said it.

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I think the girls were just so into their game they didn't hear him. In the manga she doesn't smack him though.

>Speed watching a 10 minute show
user, I...
The Assistant said "This is pretty modest, but it has strings in the back which are kind of lewd before Makuron interrupted him

if he were skinny, he could be a pretty trap, but her sister reaction could become her punishment

fuck, marry, kill?

Well he was trying to avoid getting that albatross wrapped around his neck. Wasn't there a manga chapter where the mother was trying to have him drugged so Aho Girl could sleep with him thus forcing him to have to care for and marry her?

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why was fatty so shocked?

Why is senpai so stupid?

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So I assume this series doesn't have nipples?

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The manga has a few areolas.

otsukare katsu-curry

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Fucking tease series.

She is an autist who is trying to hide her depression stemming from no friends through her hobby of magic

He touched her tits.

christ, I just want to spoonfuck her

The coloring reminds me of Maken-ki!.
The fact this does have nipples is a war crime.

This was when my peepee became the bigger peepee.

He's japanese
He has a micro-dick.

ok tyrone

I want to FUCK shark teeth in her tight butthole!

What I've learned from manga is that 2D japs usually have forearm-sized dicks

How would you react if you see your mother or sister wearing it?

Expand my family

>tfw no science senpai this episode
just to suffer

Senpai a susceptible weak-willed hypnoslut and is VERY cute for it.

Next week is the beach trip and she'll be there.

she will be in at least two segments next week, there is that

I want to motorboat senpai

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Pregnant Senpai

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>she sees your magic wand

>sees your SMALL magic wand

Fatty is bro of the year

No longer pregnant Senpai

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Because you're ronery and horny.

Not Kazuma or Subaru

Attached: Aqua sees your micropenis.webm (1280x720, 1.39M)

what a faggot

What type of swimsuit is this?

Senpai makes such cute faces when shes trying to be a trickster.

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She's goddamn dumb, but why did the top changed colours?


You're seeing your sister in an extremely revealing bikini. It's disgusting.

I don't understand why they'd introduce madara and then give her zero scenes since. What the fuck?

Did they skip chempai's scenes?
Feels like she should have appeared when the gyaru and fatty joined and yoshi-kun left the chemistry club

Why can't I hold all this tiddy?

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someone pls post the tickle scene

I don't want it to end bros.

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Why does senpai makes my pp very solid?

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 03 [720p]4.webm (640x360, 2.92M)

I have the mightiest boner for today
The h-doujins write themselves

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My heart...

put me in the screenshot

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I blame her thicc frame

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So, how many manga chapters are translated?
How many have been released?
I could find up to 78 chapters translated and 94 released.
Was this dropped?

It's licensed.

So far for beign a poorfag

I congratulate Assistant-kun on his restraint. At this point, I would have somehow used magic to rape Sempai like 30 times.
(Also, I'm glad he's not dense/gay, and actually kinda has a hard-on for her.)

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I must protect that smile

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virgin and fag

Dude, the men in this anime are such nice guys

is fatbro /ourguy/ for this season?

t. pedo

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>not a single good doujin for this title
Lads, where are the fat old men at?

Will Senpai and Assistant ever become a couple?

>Lads, where are the fat old men at?
fucking your mom lol

It's obvious she likes Assistant-kun.
Why doesn't he just go for it?

Attached: tejinaLEWD.jpg (1898x2420, 355K)

>cheap boobie show
>no balls to actually show any boobies
>at all
fuck this shit of a show, I'm out.

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full blown ecchi doesn't really sell anymore, it's all normie fanservice now. 10 years ago this would have showed bare boobs.

Hopefully not cause f that happens the story s over

t. urning

blame the nip market

someone go and tell japan they fucking suck

It should say multiples of 4 not powers of 4

Dumb Kaosposter

made for bukkake

>boobie show
>no boobs at all
Oh I get it, if there's no nipples the boob itself doesn't exist.

I fucking love those type of swimsuits just for the paizuri access.

Yeah. Why draw characters at all? A sticky figure should do the trick. Are they all retarded or what.

>t. seething flatfag

I'm sorry for you to have to interpret it like that.

Damn you totally destroyed him . Nice

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Goddamn it senpai stop eating or you'll turn into a literal pig.

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yeah, they're too small

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Would you still love her if she did?

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sex when?

This is way too cute

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>no shark teeth again
Manga shark teeth is so fucking cute.

I would love her as a slam piggy

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Have sex and get a clue ya pinhead

You can't imagine fucking your mother? well then why not try imagining fucking your onee-chan, then?

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Attached: gay.jpg (420x578, 35K)

why is she talking to a taser?

Swap Ma-kun's bishounen face with the Assistant's face, and you'll have a glimpse of a thinner, fit Ma-kun to match the seiyuu's voice.
Possibly meningitis she got from being bukkake'd by pigeons' shit every single day. Yes, IRL pigeon feces really have this power.

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Emetophilia-senpai doujin when?

Boobs look better without nipples anyway.

are you first post on every big tit thread today FFS
you need to get that faggotry under control

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Fuminofag detected.

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Is next episode the one where they end up losing their tops?

is this show good enough for a fap?

Not the best out there but I'd say so if you skim through it. The manga has a scene with some nip so I'd say it's a little better

Seek help son

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Is there any magic feets yet :^)


Still backwards.

Is there a hentai with a girl that looks like her?


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>big breasts
Yeah, one.

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Senpai's fingertips!

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White hair, green eyes, big tiddies & jolly attitude.

There are several doujins of her

smug attitude

So pink and cute, I want to hold

I don't get the numbers trick
>21 (you supposedly win if you hit this number)
>22, 23, 24
>25, 26, 27
>28, 29
>30 (Magician loses)

I love Sirius chan!

Attached: 1552324966698.jpg (2480x3300, 2.47M)

If you stop on 29 the other person has to say 30 and you win.
However many numbers they say, you can say enough that they add to four. So if you say 25, you can make sure you say 29 next time, and so on for 29 - 4*n.

Take the first move.


You can get 25 and 29.You will definitely win.

low test

>it took me 72 chapters to see nipples

Are you the assistant?

more like tejina creampie amirite guise

I wish

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What a slut.

What are Senpai’s magic braps like

I'd rather fuck Fuuki. Even compared to magictits sempai she has a god-tier body.

>Ywn marry senpai and have lots of childrens with her
I am sorry abe


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C-cute and funny

Masashi is fucking based.

Is this THE anime for cumbrains?

Why hasn't assistant kun given her a nakadashi yet?


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Attached: Society is a trick that made her free will disappear.png (616x631, 166K)

delicious, pillowy gyaru tits complete with nail polish. outstanding.

The brother's amusing and I'm enjoying the dynamic between Tejina and Saki

man, I wish I had a brocon big sister

Personally, I prefer brocon little sisters, but big sisters are good too.

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But if she's a brocon big sister she can pamper you like a baby

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This is so well drawn. It's from that author, himself?

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Which One Piece villain is this?

so the anime adaptation is fine? I was worried

You can always try one of Erikas doujins

Bros I don't think I could have handled if she bombed when performing infront of kids.
The thought of Senpai who wants to bring the wonder of magic to those young minds instead completely destroying their naivety would have been to much despair for me to handle

Attached: w i d e r.gif (640x360, 997K)

>completely destroying their naivety
I would have enjoyed that.

Attached: sour.png (1358x764, 1.57M)

who's you country's most famous and/or best magician ?

China is a shit though.
Senpai on the other hand only means good

based and eldritchpilled

His soul is purer than his boner, and senpai is too innocent to notice his obvious attraction towards her.

low quality bait yet people still fall for it

I can’t watch this show without pausing midway so I can masturbate furiously

Flat chest lover here, I can confirm that the poster is an actual faggot. Natural tits are precious no matter how big or small they are.

Even the shark teeth loli scenes?

Attached: 1521125227107.png (661x720, 491K)


I want senpai to hug me from behind

I find it funny that subs make Assistant even better than he actually is. I am pretty sure that in Japanese he was not saying anything about his boner but just about being excited

I want senpai to fug me from behind

Yeah, he says tokimeki there.


So what are these?

God dammit, she is really cute. It is such a shame that she has almost zero screen time

I know it's weird but honestly watching Senpai make a fool out of herself week to week just makes me wanna see her succeed. there's this dichotomy where I wanna end her suffering, but also realize if she doesn't fuck up there's no plot (or plot).

>manga is licensed
god fucking dammit

Now you can buy it and contribute to the author.

Attached: 1566291314387.png (1280x952, 1.37M)

Except if she is alone and no human eye is looking at her

Attached: b13eccc537.png (504x533, 257K)

Being the best magician when no one watches is like being amazing at sex but only when you're alone.

>buying licensed contributes to the author
That's where you're wrong. Buy the raws if you actually care about helping out the author.

hnggggg plump

Yukkuri Sheit Ne!!

Attached: 0072-005.jpg (1124x1600, 412K)

Based fatty

𝕯𝖔𝖔𝖗 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖋𝖆𝖈𝖊.

Sweet lord
When will this idiot cure her stage fright with his dick?

That's the TRUE magic. It lies in misdirection. You're so focused on Senpai's naked body and embarassed face you didn't even notice she swapped out the bra for a different one.

She performed badly in front of kindergarden kids but they loved it

She's like the Neil Hamburger of Magic wait no, that's Jerry Sadowicz

Back in the seventies our president made ten thousand people disappear. Many are yet to be found.

>they loved it
Thats what matters.
Bombing a set is when there is no or a negative reaction from the crown

Is this the new pasta

>not first magicking millions of people out of thin air and then letting them disappear, never to be found again

el chileANO

>consorting with thots

Hey senpai, wanna see a magic trick?

Attached: Yall+wanna+see+a+magic+trick+check+the+comments_b7cce4_6317881.jpg (480x342, 43K)

Attached: You_like_magic.png (550x808, 400K)

Attached: 2.jpg (1438x2048, 604K)

He wants to bang her, but he isn't romantically interested in her, while senpai kinda likes him. In the lastest chapters he kinda starts dto develop feelings for her. Yet she rejects a a bet they did to go to a date, and lloks like the MC got actually hurt

Who knows
Maybe wanting to bang her?

that's cute

Attached: ss+(2019-08-28+at+09.39.42).jpg (252x315, 41K)

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What's up with her upper lip?

Terrible genetic defect

Attached: 794.jpg (680x603, 43K)

Skin fangs are cute and you guys need to stop shitposting about them.

They're shit.

they are cute as long as you don't think about how they are supposed to work

Based and flatpilled


wait what? is there any mention of his dick size?

>how they are supposed to work
Well, people do not think about how small dot-like noses are supposed to work. So why should skin fangs have different treatment?

They're clearly just stylized fangs. I don't understand how so many people fail to notice this.

Green is the swimsuit, purple is her underwear. She didn't put on the swimsuit yet. You're the one who's dumb, user.

Funsub faggotry. Shame, because most of the rest is decent.

Those teeth utterly, utterly ruin her. She'd have to file that shit down before I let her anywhere near me.


Absolutely fucking awful taste, fuck you.

I am sure that he just posted that for free you's. No sane straight person can possibly think that her teeth are ugly

Attached: chaos.png (177x238, 20K)

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Dead thread ;(

It was the user-disappearing trick

And this was thread resurrection trick


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best girl

Serious question, why do women post this kind of shit? Do they think they're fooling anyone?

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I love how sloppy her tits look

Teenage girls have breasts, some of them quite large. I'm not going to argue this with you, just know that if you've ever said something like "I don't remember girls being this mature in highschool" you are wrong.

>why do women
Which women? I though that everyone here is underage little girl

Yes yes yes.

>digital only
Fuck off
I don't care about helping the author, I like physical copies.

>>digital only
It's clearly being sold on amazon as paperback.
>I don't care about helping the author, I like physical copies.
>buying localized copies
You really are retarded.

Green is my pepper

Where the fuck is the cute, flat girl?

Attached: 1442596850608.png (873x720, 648K)

Next episode.

Will we ever know the main character's names?

i want to inseminate her breastpussy

Why didn't I've heard of this manga before the anime?
It isn't popular?

>being this shameless

you can't fool me, Satan.

>Senpai's tits weight more than 2kg
Dear lord

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I think it's here, but I can't into japanese

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Translation stopped when it got licensed, anons don't usually dump official translations on Yea Forums but it's fairly known everywhere else, the current amount of doujin is proof of that. Also I've heard about this from here last year or so.

m gonna watch this shit just for the doujins better not be disappointed later

I've sawfapped the doujins and then I've read the whole manga, and I'm not dissapointed

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It's been a day and you're still a faggot

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Attached: rainbow.jpg (943x900, 201K)

Why are her finger tips red?

Because that shows that blood is flowing in them.

>that's twice my salary bro

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.13.jpg (656x720, 41K)

its where the magic is stored

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>that's twice my salary
Yikes. Do you live in a third world country?

Attached: 1564558890583.jpg (1280x720, 139K)

She should stop using all the magic stored in her fingertips onto her crotch and use it in the magic tricks instead

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Why’s her hair all bluish green


Attached: 13.jpg (1312x1056, 683K)

>tfw just realized the tips of my fingers are kind of pink compared to the rest of my hand

Attached: dude like whoa.jpg (370x501, 61K)

It still does, it just depends on the series. Also, manga generally tends to show more than anime.

BD most probably will show up more, at least at the same level as the manga

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 09 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_10.46_[2019.08.27_11.59.47].jpg (1920x1080, 157K)

So, they're going to fuck like rabbits.

Attached: 12o.jpg (1108x624, 135K)

When will a former club member will show up? I want to see a senpai of Senpai

This anime looks fun, ill watch on 9anime.

does the manga go anywhere? is there any development at all? dont care whether it's senpai getting better with her stage fright or the siblings entering an OreImo scenario, just any progress at all?


The progress should be Senpai getting over of her stage fright. She does get a liiitle bit over the stage fright but it's basically nothing.
The siblings aren't going anywhere.
Shark teeth becomes a more recurrent character, and she clearly has something for Assistant (but it's basically just a deduction from the readers).
Obviously Assistant start to have feelings for Senpai, but of course he won't even think about that.
In the lastest chapters, after messing arround as usual, Senpai and Assistant ended up betting to going together to the aquarium if their presentation during the school festival was a success (basically a date). During and after the presentation, Senpai looks kinda off, and despise that the presentation went fine and people liked it, Senpai ends up rejecting a nervous and anxious Assistant to not go to their date and that she's sorry for that. Basically that last chapter almost has no comedy.
Uh, take this last part with caution because is what I was able to deduct since I don't know japanese

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Hey, senpai. Wanna see a magic trick?

Attached: boner_chill.jpg (768x576, 36K)

Saki: Assistant-kun, you're bringing the average down, huh?
Assistant: is there a point to bringing it up?

The real magic was the friends we made along the way.

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>Senpai rejects assistant kun

Looks like it has something to do with going to the university or something like that.

>doujin featuring both of them
Good read.

Underrated post

Tejima is best girl of the season

Attached: 76459675_p0.jpg (1865x1323, 792K)

I wanna touch senpai as a joke ha ha

Anyone got the weird scene where she gets a big creamy hot bird shit on her? That seemed like a fetish bit.

Attached: HorribleSubs_Tejinasenpai_03_720p.mkv_snapshot_11.21_2019.07.17_12.40.10.jpg (1280x720, 135K)

Just taking a big relieving load all over her, UNF.

Fucking birdshitbrains I swear to god

The warm, milky plop and squish sounds as it cascades down her face.
Someone had a fetish.

That bitch's sanity is dropping to the point she'd be a rapist worse than Yoshiko's mom.

Yes. Wish I could find a better pic

Attached: Small penis.jpg (1920x2160, 304K)

Her voice is so damn sexy. I love it when she cries.

Was it rape?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 08 [720p].mkv - 0008.jpg (1280x720, 172K)

I love anime girls that are good with children. Fucking Abe's propaganda is starting to get to me.

The voice acting continues to be on point

So what was Assistant's secret

he likes senpai in a non-sexual way

Is there a name for this? Leaving a bitch stuck in a tree and letting birds poop all over her?

I'm pretty sure it's the opposite way around. He's annoyed by Senpai, but he appreciates her body. At least that's how it was for the first half of the story

>Is there a name for this
Yes, it's a sin to leave your precious senpai crying alone

>I'm pretty sure it's the opposite way around.
More like he tries his best to convince himself that this is true

Tejina has the best facial expressions of any girl this season.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Tejina-senpai - 09 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_11.22_[2019.08.29_05.51.10].jp (1280x720, 357K)

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cute jammies

I don't think that it'll ever make it to the stores

This thread needs more cute senpai pics

is the show worth it or should i just jack off to the porn of her online?


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