They can’t be stopped. We’re all doomed

They can’t be stopped. We’re all doomed.

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How much older would Miu be than the colors?
I reckon she could take them.

At least two years, I reckon. Though I hope she’s ready to go up against heavy weapons.

Ichigo Mashimaro started in 2001 Mitsuboshi colors started in 2014
I'm not quite sure what their in universe ages would be but that's 13 years at least

not even anti-tank weapons can defeat the diamond erection the colors give me

what are their ages?

I have a Hinata, she heard colors were talking shit about her Mya-neeeee.

Attached: Hinata_smash.webm (1280x720, 510K)

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Colors don't wear school uniforms to school and from what I understand that means they can be no older than 12 years

I'm going to watch Colors for the first time!

Done with first episode's 1st half, cute so far

Prepare for a slideshow

At least no-one ever tried to sell this show as well animated.
Maybe it's because of all the posting about how shit it looked I saw before I picked it up that I actually thought it looked alright.

Attached: yui_2.jpg (1920x2145, 3.55M)

The animation works for the show.
The only real major problem was Yuis dance getting shafted.

They can, actually. It seems like second season never ever, remember? There, doom stopped.

Oh Juliette, you French freeloading father fucker, you

I hope you like it, but pls don't become like most of these people. This thread is weirdly nice and calm so far.

I’m going to fap to Colors for the first time!

what do you mean? I just watch comfy anime for cuteness.

They’re elementary school girls

I’ll stop them with my penis

Thread ruined


The user you’re replying to is one of our resident shitposters, ignore her

Every post before yours was fine, fuck off

>ignore it

The show runs on the budget of a shoestring, an elastic band, and a piece of lint, but it's still charming and comfy.

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But user, they’re children

Don't blame for your friends autism.

It’s average for a show of its kind, low IQ shonenshitters are the ones whining about muh quality as they do with most moeshit

Christ, for somebody who autistically screeches in every thread, your English still sucks

Doesn't that depend on the school, though?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mitsuboshi Colors - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_01.37_[2019.01.11_15.31.07].jpg (1280x720, 72K)

>It’s average for a show of its kind
Dunno, Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou didn't look bad

>your friend's autism
Happy now, teacher?

I think 6-12 is the range they could be, although I highly doubt it's 6 or 7.

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Once again, report and ignore

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I did say “average”

Yui’s chest is so fucking FLAT, goddamn that’s hot

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It's funny how you always post Saito since he much surely will be the one mad at you, not me.

>Colors don't wear school uniforms to school
They do wear them to my bedroom

Well probably but what I have gathered from CGDCTs, middle school and high school have almost always mandatory uniforms while elementary seem to be more free form
They act 10-11ish year old to me. Not naive enough to be 6-9 but not yet quite in that teenages mindset that starts to set in around 12
The police ones when they go to arrest you

>the Colors in police uniforms

Some elementary schools have uniform while some don't, but it's common standard for middle school and high school to have uniform.

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Stop sleep-posting, user. Wake up, it's almost evening.

I think user was talking about real police, you know, the ones that take you away to jail.

Does your dad wear an uniform when he goes to your bedroom?

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>The police ones when they go to arrest you
Fucking SEXY

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It's unhygienic to wear the job's clothes in home, didn't you know?

Don’t reply to her, just report

I’d like to give Yui my shaft

>Forcing car repairs on a little girl
come on user

I’d force my penis in her too

I doubt the police will run after you with a Colors picture in their hands to distract you while someone behind handcuff you. It's a funny thought tho.

>sir, look at this!
>eh? What?
>*handcuff you*
>wtf no!

Cunt, what the fuck are you even saying?

Paper cut lol

Come on dude, first person is the policeman and the other is you. It's not difficult to get.

Not with your barely intelligible retard-speak

No matter, what's important is that I get it and think is funny.

how nice to live in such a safe place your kids can wander around without any fear.

goodbye thread it was fun for such a short while...

Bye-bye user

I know right? Saito and “those guys” do such a great job of taking care of the Colors

what would be the most creative way to have sex with all the colors at the same time

Yui is for consensual lovemaking only

Pick a Color to penetrate in the missionary position, probably Yui because it’ll be the most embarrassing, then pleasure Sacchan with one hand and Kotoha with the other

You know, I love how angry Saito and colonel Monochrome and the cutest ones in that pic.

Saito pls

It is true tho, look again.

This but switch Yui and Kotoha.

>They can’t be stopped. We’re all doomed.
...Can I go now?

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Yes, and?

We have no choice. We must use that.

What is "that"..?

Obviously user is talking about the most dangerous super weapon in the world, duh.

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Saito and “those guys” will save us

Now kiss.

Contact your local fat bald faceless old man. They are experts in dealing with these threats.

Indeed, lolis have a weakness, they cannot resist the filthy lolicon semen from the dicks of bald fat old men

The Colors are in a category of their own though. A lone old man might not be enough.


Yotsuba will stop them

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Kill yourself

Well, I did say “they can’t resist”. That’s because it must be done by force.

Virgins first

Thanks to your father, it didn’t take long for you to lose that

Ah, fuck the Colors

I want the colors to beat me up, rape me, then drag me to their clubhouse to do unspeakable things.

I just want to point out that submissive men are not hot, that's all.

I want to have passionate consensual impregnating sex with yui

AND also that drawings are not real people. You already hear this many times, but just in case you forgot. Now, that's all for real.

You wouldn't impregnate a loli

Consider hair down Colors.

I couldn't actually, that's the best part about them, you can just cream deep inside their cunnies with no consequences

>Lina Medina

Hey, don't ignore my post and read

In most cases.
Now imagine the Colors with big pregnant tummies.

And twice as annoying because of the mood swings.

This is off-topic. I can send someone to kill you for this.

But they wouldn't be able to play like that.

girls will eventually get mood swings anyway, fuck aging and fuck growing up, worst fucking phenomenon in this world

And they later ask why their threads get deleted, whatever.

What would it be like to teach the Colors about sex?

Because you like being dominated by your father, we know

How about violent nonconsensual impregnating sex with Yui?

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Your jokes were never funny, user.

not into that

A-user! You can’t say that!

You don't like pregnant lolis? What a faggot.

Yui isn't real you dumb head

Making new Colors with the Colors!

Should I call the mods?

To quote (You) what’s important is that I think it’s funny

Their aim is off by about 90 degrees at the least.

We're fine unless it backfires.

Go fuck yourself

Preggo lolis are hot.

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Kotoha would be dominating, Sacchan would be a really horny slut, and Yui would just be scared and crying the whole time

Go fuck your father

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Waifuism is a dumb meme for dumb people as yourself.

Something about them feels so good.

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We know, as evidenced by you bring your father’s loli waifu


If its how normalfags use it nowadays, you are spot on.

Your waifu is never gonna be real no matter how many insult you throw me, nerd

But your father raping you is real, he’s so lucky

but you are real

Die orbiter

I wouldn't mind those swings if they stayed lolis forever.

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Oldfags told me that waifuism used to be a meme in the beginning, but later lonely dudes like started using it unironically.

But you’re being off-topic by metaposting, everybody else is talking about fucking the Colors

Its just magical.

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