I want to headpat Eatsuki
5Toubun no Hanayome
Other urls found in this thread:
Eatsuki more like Shitsuki
dun paa paa paa paa paa paa paa paa
me too brother of good taste
Oh the OP I used is too smug... I prefer cute Eatsukis...
They're both good
cute thread
i want to hug, no, i want Miku to hug and we discuss about history all day
Why settle for Itsuki when you can have a much sexier version of the her.
Ichikyut!!! Am I the only 15fag?
Yotsuba is the cutest
I want to marry Mutsumi
Why are Eatsukifriends the best posters?
Who is she anyway?
Too much smug.
la sexta hermana
Yotsubafags and Ichikafags are the best posters
Ichika a best
Nino a second best
Yotsuba a third best
Meeku a shit!!!!
Yes and I'm the only 12 fag here
>Stuffing your face as usual
>I gotta have a good meal
>Itsuki you fat woman you are so big and fat why are you so fat?
>I eat Fuutarou, it's what I do
>It's time to kick Yostuba off the manga
>Don't do it Itsuki, that's my childhood friend Yotsuba
>You're going into orbit you stupid bitch (kick)
>Time for a nap, I'm a woman who loves to snooze
>Itsuki you lazy girl!
>I hate alarm clocks
>I'm hungry, I want some lasaga
>You're eating your sisters out of a house and home Itsuki
>Enough with the chit chat let's get some grub going
>Where are the 3-cheese pizzas?
>I ate those food
>Where are the taco shells?
>I ate those food
>Where did all the hamburger helper go?
>You're such a bad kitty that's it I've had it with you that does it I'm done that's the last straw Itsuki
>Itsuki gets married
Eatsuki a best and the cutest, but would be better without the ahoge.
Dead series dead thread
New quints whoring themselves, especially Ichika with that red whore nail polish
Nino got back.
How does she manage to be the cutest when they have identical faces.
Itsuki a shit
I need source
It can't be helped, Ichika is generally better than her sister.
Who is this?
Fuutarou loses his memory. We're at the start line again.
Has Negi been foreshadowing Ichika vs Itsuki endgame since the start?
I just finished the anime. So, who is the bride?
The cutest wife
despair girl
Calling it now, all quints get rejected because he's not ready.
4 and 5 cannot be rejected because Fuutarou doesn't know they like him, heck 5 probably doesn't like him that way too.
But how can 5 be the kisser if she doesn't like him already
I keep seeing these cute chibi drawings of the quints. Are they by some artist? Got a link to all of them?
Because she's not the kisser, did you forget how grossed out she was when the image of them being together popped into her head? What is she, another Nino? Do we really need 3?
If the quints are supposed to be so beautiful in-universe, how come none of them have had boyfriends yet?
Friendly kiss, just like friendly bath & hand holding.
Miku has takeda though.
1, 4 and 5 can't be rejected because they haven't confessed. the only ones who can be rejected and 2 and 3, who were just filler for the real endgame
Do people really think that another girl besides Nino and Miku has chances?
>he doesn't know
Imagine being this retarded.
Crop it on your own
I already cropped like 40 pics of it.
All 5 will be rejected.
Why post that fleeing loser?
The quints don't deserve Fuutarou.
Is there anything better than watching the genki one give in to despair?
ch103 Fuutarou will meet Miku at the school rooftop
I hope she loses. The manga is building up to her ultimate loss.
Ichika has always put work first
Nino probably treats most boys that come clse like she did Fuu at first so it's not really a surprise she hasn't had a BF
Miku is autistic and hard to start a conversation with
Yotsuba has been in love with Fuu since grade school
Itsuki is fat
It's the ultimate gratification.
I want to FUCK Miku so she can make her ahegao face like the slut she is
Delete this
> This pair arrives at school festival
Then why couldn't he say that at the beginning of the festival? "I'm not ready yet, but I promise I will give you an answer before graduation. Let's enjoy this festival for now!" If it's some sort of delay, I sincerely doubt Negi can come up with something that the majority would accept.
Leave Yotsuba to me.
Fuuts would beat prez in a manfight.
What did Negi mean by this?
Negi knows that he really fucked up the story, now he doesn't know how to end it.
Of course Nino is planned to be the bride since the beggining
He is good at sports and comes to school with a bicycle. Futarou has no chance.
Cope ninonigger. Just because your quint got eliminated from the bowl doesn't mean he fucked up the story.
Physical wise prez is way above average teenage male. F stands no chance and would get manhandled easily.
Imagine already getting butthurt from one sentence.
Wedding flash forward
He rejects Ichika
He rejects Nino
He rejects Miku
He rejects Yotsuba
He confesses to Itsuki.
The manga is called "5 equal brides" there's is no reason why the most popular wouldn't win.
F lifts off his mask and it turned out that he's burger-kun all along
The volume ends in 104.
Heh, bring it on fatty!!!
And? It will be a volume developing Thierry relationship.
The cope
How so? Negi says he loves them all equally, he also says that he doesn't like the first girl trope to scare off firstgirlfags. He let's the readers decide who is the bride.
>He let's the readers decide who is the bride.
Only bad writers would do this.
Found this on Reddit. Mikufags are delusional.
Go back
go back
Why is Reddit so obsessed with Miku?
>mikufags are delusionals
Cope harder
Because she's best girl
Why are Nips so obessed with Miku?
Because she is le cute quirky nerd girl. Perfect for losers like them.
That dude in the comments tho
Every girl has the same chance at this point. There's is no better writing if x wins over y. It's all the same. The only difference are the fanbases. If the mst popular quint wins then most people will like the ending. This is not Nisekoi where the end is basically in the name.
Negi's reply
>Too much confidence in your future ...
What did he mean by this?
Nino win
tsutsui still mad over the roasting Negi gave him.
and you're not a loser? You're on Yea Forums hating on fictional characters, just think about that
The summer versions ain't recent.
Also what kind of girl whores herself out with double water guns?
Speak only for your own quint.
When did that happen?
>better without the ahoge
Completely wrong.
I love prez but he would only beat Fuutarou in a fight after maybe 100 rematches. And then consistently after 200 more
best girl
Almost forgot Itsuki has this
>32+1=33 Ninoxfuut cute moment
>32+61=93 Ninoxfuut cute moment
>32+68=100 ________ cute moment
Add Negi hints about Nino ticket 100 (2000)
No she wouldn't
Has the new chapter been released in English yet? I've seen various pages posted but not the actual chapter.
dead manga, dead thread
Negu said he wished Bokuben to get a S2 and S3. People were "Kek sAVage" while completely ignoring the fact that japanese, or asians for that matter, don't have the minimum sense of sarcasm. It's an unknown concept to them. He was just genuinely wishing good.
>still more active than reditguya thread
>4 and 5 cannot be rejected because Fuutarou doesn't know they like him,
>Fuutarou likes 12345
Fuutarou says he loves all 5 of them.He's finally able to tell them apart?he can now distinguish them so 100%obvious
He knows who is the kisser, lolinakano 1/2,Rena..and that 14 are in love with him ~~~maybe 5 too.
Damn dropout just destroyed Yea Forums
>discord tranny scans
No thank you.
I mean, the good version
If someone didnt compliment Miku would she have a mental breakdown? Everyone treats her like she’s retarded
It’s dropout
Based, thundercuck and Lovescans BTFO
Hopefully someone colors this soon. Can't wait to see it
Seems like the translation on this changed. She seems to be complimenting Yotsubas acting abilities (which we all know she’s actually a good actor because she acts ok) wonder if she asks her to take a bigger role for day 2
>harem ending
dropped, its been good Yea Forums
Last page. Help still needed
incoming disaster
He's going to choose Itsuki
Why even pretend otherwise at this point
Huh, I am pretty sure I read the JP leak as "lack experience". Probably dropout's mistake desu.
>has the 2nd least development of anyone in the group
>hasnt even said she likes him once
ya no shes going to get btfo screencap this
>5: i'm quite jealous
>F: *confused*
Big winflag right here.
she's not going to get btfo cuz she´s not even in the bowl
That's no despair though. That's a dokidoki maiden blush.
Also Yotsuba never gives into despair. 1/2/3 were getting wrecked and in puddles of tears over their first world problems. Meanwhile Yots keeps supporting her sisters and Fuutaro while getting NTR without a single tear. Only expresses her love to her sisters and Fuutaro.
Yep. Fixed.
>but I'm quite jealous too
>because he can confess his feelings unlike her
Never gonna read a romcom again if 5 wins
Harem end? Harem end.
>Fuutarou wanted to taste his waifu pancakes
>Yotsuba parallel
4fags: wow that's nice. 4 so cute. i just want her to be happy. don't worry guys despair soon.
>Nino parallel
kaguya threads are so dead you have to shitpost on 5toubun threads
>5 didn't think he was including her.
>F is confused.
I thought there's nothing romantic between them.
>Miku and Itsuki call Isanari "dad"
>F calls Maruo "dad"
3v5 endgame confirmed
>color pages 20p
Huh, first time I encounter full color chapter in manga magazine.
>despair soon.
this is correct though
It's not a full color chapter it's a 20 pages chapter with a color page.
you said the same for the last 3 romcoms jim
let me correct myself, I'm never gonna read a harem again
How does the grammar work anyway?
>color page ga nanto 20p mo
>color page is, surprise, 20p too!
Yotsuba will realize that in order to secure the confession she must first murder her sisters.
>second panel "planetarium"
I wonder if Fuuts will go there with Yotsuba.
I think naruto's last chapter was fully colored
how is he going to reject someone that isn't interested in him / confessed?
It's this arc's mystery, will not be revealed until later on alongside the kisser's identity.
Spoiler for the next chapter:
Raiha gets hurt
Fuutarou doesn't find out 'til later . . . do the quints start murdering each other behind his back again?
You sound so obsessed that it's unhealthy
Imagine actually thinking that Itsuki has the little development compared to the rest of them.
I miss proper proportions. Now the art is dogshit.
Zetsuba returns and start threatening them for real.
who is Lolikano?
By my dick
subtract 1 to your post number and you have your answer
There’s a few ways to interpret this page.
1. He’s confused because he has no idea why she’d be jealous since she doesn’t like him.
2. He was including her and saying she’s jealous is weird because he’s not said anything yet.
I had another one but I forgot.
read slower
A couple other interpretations:
-He's ID'd her as Rena and mis-ID'd her as lolikano, so he's confused as to why she would think she's not involved.
-He's planning on confessing to her and is confused as to why she she's jealous of the others/thinks she's not involved
-Her remark makes it seem like she wouldn't mind getting confessed to herself which could be cause for Fuutarou to do some recalculating depending on how he feels about her
the out there option is that he’s still dense and is just gonna say what he’s gonna do after high school, but that that sort of thing goes against the mood of the festival. Of course the mild blush after Itsuki’s comment makes this heavily unlikely option even more so.
Fuutarou thinks Itsuki=Rena=lolinakano and thinks she doesn't likes him since otherwise she shouldn't have a reason to do the Rena act so her saying she felt jealous confused him
I hate you
So what were the reactions when the spoilers came out? I've been gone for a few days
>Nino the biggest bitch has fans that are also bitches.
>Literally only liked him because he is "hot" and has daddy issues.
Yotsuba fans don't attack miku. Mikubros don't attach Ichika once she's past her snake phase. Literally just Nino being a shit.
Aaaaand the Mikuroach is here
One more for the collage
What's wrong, user? Can't take a girl with a little attitude?
Fuutarou is a fucking faggot. We need a chad mc like Lloyd.
imagine putting all this time into theories and parrallels when it's the first girl who always wins.
If I ranked who might win based on just how much he might love them right now, it feels like Miku would be at the bottom. Maybe I just ignored the better moments of her recent chapters but I see less of a spark with her than the others. That’s no reason to count her out though.
The only other series I recall doing that was Naruto for its final chapter.
This means 5toubun must be quite big in WSM to pull this off.
We already know that Miku is the bride
This but Nino
Yotsuba is at the bottom
this but Ichika
The winner will be Raiha
Ichika ending = kino
Nino ending = bad
Miku ending = good
Yotsuba ending = great
Itsuki ending = shit
harem ending = absolutely disgusting
She'll be very happy about Fuu's choice
F becomes more beta and generic with every chapter, he's lost so much of his character I bet the editors did that
Holy shit, this is not good...
Yotsuba ending = retarded
it's basically do nothing and hope for the best
I can't believe Fuutarou is the bride!
you're a fucking cuck
based list
>t shit taste user
>Ichika ending = kino
>miku calls isanari dad too
5fags and their "itsuki calls isanari dad" BTFO
Ichika ending = shit
Nino ending = shit
Miku ending = shit
Yotsuba ending = shit
Itsuki ending = shit
harem ending = shit
This story was more fun when they were friends.
No, Yotsuba is a cuck
No, your dad is a cuck
No, Yotsuba is still a cuck
the fact Nino wants to go to Uni and still has Maruo stuff (which may be resolved, or not considering his grievances with going to the wedding) is the only small hope I have left for her to win. Though she has like the 4th best chance at best.
No, your dad is a cuck and your mom is a whore
No, Yotsuba is a cuck
You forgot to add Takebayashi = Best
>mfw Ninofag
Takeda ftw
This but Miku. Wait...
Kill yourself faggot
Yotsuba will kill herself probably
What's wrong with bokuben anime? Didn't watch it. Did it flop?
I still think Maruo is Nino's way out of the bowl, seeing her hurt after Fuu rejects her will make Maruo's paternal instincts kick in and he'll open up to her to confort her, maybe tell her some story about him and Rena, maybe the class reunion plot will be for her leaving the bowl the same way Ichika's dropping out from school plot was for her
I love Nino so much
It flopped, and the artstyle was extremely simplistic. Lackluster animation too.
Will Fuutarou get to taste the pancakes during the festival?
He'll eat Ichika's lower stacked pancakes.
It's probably gonna be relevant at some point
what the FUCK did he mean by this?
Itsuki always says something shit out of her fatty ass
Nino is the bride why Negi is so obvious
>Red Nino idol
where is the color pic
>Everyone treats her like she’s retarded
Because Miku is retarded
Why would F gather 145 if only 23 confessed to him? Snekkery never wins, so pretty sure 123 loses. Someone please convince me that 5 wont take it all home.
I'd color it but I don't have the skills. Hope a coloranon will do it. There were a lot of color worthy panels of Nino in this chapter
Which one will it be?
>Fuutarou confesses without knowing lolikano's true identity and the reveal is either left aside or used as future source of drama
>He already knows it's Yotsuba, whether that will affect his decision is yet to be seen
Make your bets
I'll go for option 2 because 1 is too hack
>Nino-nee why would you do this?
>i-I was supposed to be RED!
>I thought I'm supposed to be in the center!
Nino takes revenge on fatty for taking Miku's date chapter.
So based.
>4 now the real Rena/Loli, in reality the real "first girl", removed from Negi's twitter icon as mascot, and now more tragic "heroine/maingirl" and less comedic relief.
>2 now the RED of the quints. The leader and alpha of the group. The star of the show. The tsundere girl.
>5 literally reduced from 1st/main/tsundere girl to fat-joke comic-relief mascot tier by superior evens.
I kind of feel bad for her, but she still stole Miku's chapter so it's hard to feel too bad.
>lolikano is completely irrelevant to the upcoming plot
here you go
I cannot wait to have all 5 yandere edits in a convenient pic or shopped into the Exodia cards.
If not, Raiha surely brings some home.
>prince Fuu-kun will save his precious princess
Meta has been moving towards a Yotsuba end since the Kyoto arc if you haven't noticed. That's why 123 have been more or less finished their development so that they can move on after being rejected and Itsuki has taken a supporting role outside of the bowl
Go back
I cant wait for fuut to confess to miku. itll be great seeing ninoniggers seethe, yotsubros go on suicide watch, snakes slither back into the grass and lardskis have a heart attack
> not LOVE
This needs a proper translation it seems.
>I missed the threads when this got posted
Round 2 soon
spoiler: they can't
This post is the proof that everyone actually does know Itsuki is going to win and denial is the only way to fight it.
Bondrewd, Lord of Dawn
What's the significance of the quints birth order?
1 is the big sis but the rest is kinda random? 3 is the middle so she gets the best spot in most group shots. What about 245?
This but huh... Actually I don't know it doesn't matter they all look the same anyway
Better than the ESL speed scans but there're still grammar issues and weird word choices. Feels like it was rushed out to beat Yea Forums.
That bubble speech was literally the first spoiler pic. Imagine the reactions.
>The first day of the school festival did not end very well
>First day???
So the disaster is the first day of the festival? Not the last day?
This arc/chapters will be the same day
Ichika ending = utterly shit
Nino ending = meh, ok I guess
Miku ending = ok I guess
Yotsuba ending = pic related
Itsuki ending = ok I guess
harem ending = shit
>>F calls Maruo "dad"
For Nino
>>Miku and Itsuki call Isanari "dad"
For Fuutarou
35 likes Fuutarou but Fuutarou likes 2
It's over Miku bro, we're going for a 45 ending
The youngest who is serious and tries to act mature.
what did she mean by this?
>cucking herself
what a retard
"feel like"? it is rushed to beat out Yea Forums. that has been obvious for a while.
1 is the stereotypical cool older sister.
2 is shades of both the mother hen and the bully older sister.
3 suffers middle child syndrome with no clear role in the family.
4 is a more typically anime imouto where she's energetic and supportive but just a little bit bratty.
5 is the youngest and the baby.
He'll finally rescue her from the stalker
3 doesn't want to stand out much
5 is the largest number
4 is the number of death
Then Fuu will choose Miku in which she will reveal that she's lolikano
from my point of view:
probably 4 or 5 are gonna win, now as why
simply because they haven't had that many "romantic" interactions with the mc (I'd even say 5 has had none apart from the lolikano shit)
trust me on this one I can fucking tell the author has been building up 1 2 and 3 to be super likeable characters romantically just to pull a "twist" at the end, and he is gonna be like "HAHA U GUYS DIDNT EXPECT THAT" which in his head might look spectacular but in reality It's just gonna be shitty writing.
seriously I can even get 4 winning, that would be a likeable ending for me, she has shown romantic interest for f and I can see why f could be attracted to her, but for that same reason and the fact that f has literally 0 reasons to be attracted to 5 over any of the other quintuplets I'm so fucking confident 5 is gonna win.
>3 doesn't want to stand out much
>is the center of attention
Would have made more sense if Miku was 5 and Itsuki, the firstgirl, was 3.
>Studying on "their" desk
Oh Itsuki. Why are you always so unintentionally cute.
>shitty writing unless my quint wins
>a "twist" at the end, and he is gonna be like "HAHA U GUYS DIDNT EXPECT THAT"
Why would he do that?
How is Nino so popular all of sudden? Did Ichika transmit her Stacy aura to her before leaving?
Itsuki's win always been obvious, it's hardly going to be a twist.
People saying she doesn't have enough romantic development are just in denial about the victory when romantic development is legitimately one of the least important components to a win. Like 50% of all harem winners just go most of a manga without any explicit romantic footholds and just have every platonic or character development event converted into romance by an epiphany into late game.
because it's a manga and it's gotta have a twist at the end otherwise it is not cool
Huh. Good catch.
she's obviously been the winner because she was introduced as the "main" quintuplet, her design is basically screaming "hey guys look at me I'm gonna marry the mc" but there's no reason for f to like her over any of the other quintuplets
Suicide watch
Wtf this chadtarou
I don't give fuck
>Wtf this chadtarou
more like
>that hotdog looks like a dick
>studying on their desk
>being jealous of Fuutarou being able to convey his feelings
Sigh, it's over. Itsuki is actually going to be the bride.
>first girl wins because
I hope Negi will get punished if 5 actually wins
The main conflict will be Fuutarou choosing Itsuki despite her not liking him the same way the others does.
At least for now. She has a whole arc to sort out her feelings.
I just wanted for Yotsuba to win...
Why? Being rewarded for doing noting is just wrong
Typical mikek, wishing harm to someone for such mundane reasons.
careful with the fear
>Negi "I dislike first girl trope" Haruba
These are delayed reactions. 2 literally ripped up her paper cup the next panel. With her mouth.
>user "I misinterpreted the interview" Faggòt
only thing I would not like right now is 5 winning, it's not that I don't like the character but it would feel unnatural asf.
Why are you sucking his dick so much?
I would actually prefer a 5 ending over a 3 end, but that's my opinon.
>Nino trying to keep a low profile last chapter
>Ends up gaining the attention of the entire school
This isn't going to end well for her at all, is it?
3 is the best end
i thought 3 ending was set in stone at this point but now im not so sure
Watch this school festival last 30 chapters before Fuutaro gives a non-answer.
You have the cause and effect mixed up. Itsuki isn't going to win because she's first girl, she was written as first girl because she was always going to win. Any quint could still conceivably win and the story could've been written from the start to make any of them show up first and have them do important stuff, but at some point there was an outline and Negi chose a winner and wrote the story to make her more important.
It's why every time Fuutarou has some internal problem she magically shows, high jacks another quint's chapter, and says something that fixes his problem and moves forward his relationship with the quint.
I smell fear
>3 ending was set in stone
Are we reading the same manga? 2 and 3 have been getting non stop loser flags since chapter 70 or something.
Why are her tits so big here?
>Itsuki has taken a supporting role outside of the bowl
I wanna believe, but
> Even if she isnt the kisser, the kisser dressed up as her which could make F think about her more
> Fuutarou always takes her advice and trusts her with his problems
> Fuutarou might have caught on that she's Rena, and might think shes Lolikano as well
>Makes narrative sense if F5 both become teachers
>Negi can squeeze out a chase arc in which 5 believe 4 deserves it more(4 can get the same arc where she believes 123 deserve it more)
Holding out hope, but Itsuki might just eat up the competition
Those so-called "loser flags" are red herrings.
>mystery manga
>winner is the first girl introduced
I smell back pain for Yotsuba if 3 is actually going to win. Poor girl will have to carry her to the altar.
Of course.
Yotsuba is a cuck afterall.
>Negi uses literally every generic loser flag
>cuts off from F's thoughts always when it looks like he'll reject her
>user thinks he'll actually reject her
kek, negi is laughing at you
The break between Itsuki defeatism threads keeps growing shorter.
Yeah, Miku will not stop at getting carried to the altar. She'll probably ask to bear and raise her children with Fuutarou too.
>literally chef cooking skills
>kinda retarded for studying like the other sisters but she's shown to be keen and quick on learning new things
>she's the only one who's directly confessed to f.
>with the one above, even tho I started disliking her because she was literally a kid at the beggining she's shown to manage her feelings for f much better than any other sister.
>performed in front of the entire school and they loved it.
>second hottest looking sister, this is just an opinion tho.
F: yes I think I'll have literally anything else
sadly things are looking bad for our girl
Yotsuba will watch F and Miku fuck and give them advise for new positions.
Nah, Miku will have Yotsuba do the fucking too.
you do realize that Nino is only good now because she's in her dere mode? She is still a dumb bitch to any other person.
Cucks like to watch, Yotsuba is a cuck.
No shit, Miku doesn't have time for that since she took all those shifts at the retirement home.
I don't get how you guys feel so threatened by Itsuki. There is no way she is the bride. It wouldn't be coherent at all after everything that happened. You guys can say that Negi is a hack all you want but he isn't that much of a hack.
this, and I'm also calling the "turns out every sister was lolikano" around that time too
>waaaah she's so mean and not always nice
Were you picked on as a kid?
>drugs people for no reason
Stop defending that shit.
>childhood friend
>waaaah she's so mean and not always nice
Kek, that's literally the reason mikufags hate Nino so much. They can't stand any character that doesn't turn dere in half a chapter.
>muh plot progression device hurt me
Case in point.
You haven't forgiven your bullies, have you user?
she's actually pretty sociable, so no, she was just a bitch to f, I don't remember the exact chapter in which is stated but anyway, here's from the wiki:" Nino has an outgoing personality and is socially aware, resulting in her having many friends, noted by Yotsuba calling her a "social butterfly." "
I dont mind if its stretched out, but if there isnt a payoff as Kino as President's Confession in Kaguya, Negi is a hack and the manga is now Nisekoi.
I'm the bully
Goodbye Itsuki. I'm a Ninofag now.
>Kek, that's literally the reason mikufags hate Nino so much.
I'm pretty much indifferent about her, nothing special nothing too bad, just the generic tsundere I've seen dozens of time before. Ninofags are what make me dislike her though.
The second, the fourth, and the fifth column are such reaching. The rest is pretty much what Itsuki's role always been. Telling F what he needs to hear, and probably considered, but refused to admit it.
>letting the fanbase dictate what you like or don't like
Just read the chapter and can't believe how slutty Nino is dancing in whorish outfits on stage and sucking on other dude's corndogs.
So fucking cute. Nino is a best
Looks like female Fuutarou.
You shouldn't let a fanbase decide your opinion of a character. Especially from Yea Forums of all places
I kind of agree on the second and fifth, but the fourth column is a direct reference.
If her character was good enough I wouldn't care about her fans.
I'm sure.
Probably my favorite moment in the chapter. Out of all the places she can be, she chose to be there.
Who else wants to bet that Fuutaro's answer to Nino will be interrupted by her fanbase?
>Nino's fans will be responsible for her downfall
That would be too clever and too ironic. I doubt Negi can pull that off.
I don't think so. F talks about graduating with smiles on their faces. Itsuki talks about how she wishes to see what teaching is like cause of her dream during her "part-time job". F doesn't even respond to that, brings up what happened recently. F falls asleep, wakes up, finds the paper cranes, he is happy they are with him. F brings up to Maruo that he wants to help them find their next path in sight with graduation, their dreams. It's reaching to claim that he only said this because of Itsuki.
They're all SUGOI DEKAI, user. It's just a matter of the type of clothing they wear.
Usually, Yotsuba's the one with the more "pronounced" bust.
/fa/tty bros unite!
>Poor girl will have to carry her to the altar.
That's how you know Miku isn't loli, rena, kisser, or bride. They weren't carried.
It's literal and unambiguously directly referenced.
>disregards 2/3 who's all over him
>thinks about 5 when she isn't around
>thinks about 4 when she isn't around
23fags will keep saying they aren't filler tier.
>How is Nino so popular all of sudden?
It's same thing with her real popularity after ch59
I know it's bait, but do you aware there are pages where he thinks about 23 even when they aren't around?
Cope wait and see..
Reminder that Fuutarou was the stalker. He takes many pictures of his cute wife because he wants to give her a family album gift
I can feel the Sachi end incoming.
Who had the best reaction to Fuu's confession?
What does she mean by this? Does it not even occur to her that she's also in the running? Is it that farfetched for her to think that Fuutarou likes her "that way" as well?
Who else?
This panel is very NTR-ish. All there needs to be is a panel following this one showing one of the sisters moaning while getting drilled from behind by Fuu, Poor Nino. Getting cheated on.
all of them had an unrealistic reaction to what he said but Nino's is the most generic so I'll go with 34
Nino, hands down.
Fuutarou fell into a coma after overworking lead him into an accident.
She's jealous of all the people who can confess. It's just shitty set-up to make her enter the bowl.
Nino always
>How is Nino so popular all of sudden? Did Ichika transmit her Stacy aura to her before leaving?
Nino has always been a notch below Ichika in alpha/staciness, but she wasn't far off. If 1 was the 1% then Nino in the top 10-20%. Nino had a mini-crew of friends/followers days after transferring when 5 was still eating by herself/sisters. Boys didn't confess on masse like Ichika, but Nino was still popular.
Nino not as good looking, smart, sexy, driven, or successful career-wise as Ichika. But Nino is also cuter, more caring, just as aggressive, better at cooking, and not as likely to snake.
Only one that gets BTFO is Miku because she's an omega girl.
She also said she felt jealous on ch70 but meant it as a friend
Itsuki bro where you at? Can you believe we just won this shit? hahah
>Only one that gets BTFO is Miku because she's an omega girl.
Miku doesn't have to be popular she's for F after all.
Yes actually. She's mom-zoned herself so hard that she can't even begin to comprehend cucking one of her sisters. We see evidence of this throughout the manga -- she often gets flustered/embarassed/etc around Fuutarou, your typical romance signals, but she herself is unable to understand her feelings. She's a whole new kind of dere, a densedere to challenge even the densest of MC-kuns.
>has a chance against 145 DESTINY trio
Well, she is the thiccest girl after all.
>Fuut tells the girls who likes them
>First girl he speaks to is Itsuki
>having a chance
>1 kisser+loli
>4 loli+rena
>5 rena+kisser
>2 muh bread
>Nino drinking
>Miku leaking
>he still believes lolikano is relevant
Yotsuba and Ichika kiss when
If this manga ends without Yotsuba ever revealing to Fuutarou that she was Lolikano, I will be severely pissed.
More than Miku
We'll see, I'll buy you a rope if lolikano turns out to be filler.
Fucking coward
>but yeah, I'm not that much of an ass to say it in the middle of the festival
>declares that he'll answer them by the end of the festival
>makes everyone nervous and distracted for the rest of the festival
He's either completely retarded or Negi is. What's up with that garbage writing?
Ichika is Yotsuba's bride
Like literally anyone but shitsuki, literally any fucking one just please............................................
He's a highschool kid. Give him a break. He just can't pent up those feelings any longer.
Now Miku can cook dead mom bread and dead mom pancakes for hers and Fuutarou's children
I want Itsuki to keep leaving secret marks on him. Especially in his heart.
He's supposed to be smart and clever. There's literally no point in telling them that he'll answer at a later point. The author is trading F's character for the audience's attention and that's just shit writing.
What do those hashtag looking marks mean on the girls in the third panel ("all right." one)
doki doki
Ah til. Thanks
It's just a lazy way to force 4 or 5 to confess. Then he'll have to rethink his answer and the manga can run for another +20 chapters.
i dont think it's a barf, it looks more like she is ripping it
Final arc begins now.
Isn't Nino doing a spittake? Taking a sip and spitting out what's in her mouth reaction. I don't think she ripped up the cup
>Every quint gets a sip except Yots
>4C talks about it every day
>Negi clearly watching us
>Gives 0 sip to Yots.
>Gives more sips to other quints
>Gives them spits too
>Yots just wants to get flowers for her mom
>For some reason 4th oldest sister holding the wallet
>Yots just wants to study hard for her mom
>Her mom dies
>Yots just wants to keep doing her best at something she's good at
>Yots gets kicked out of school
>Yots just wants a fun field trip
>Field trip turns into disaster
>Yots just wants Fuutaro
>Yots doesn't get Fuutaro
>Yots just wants sisters to get along
>Sisters go to war
>Yots just wants a fun Kyoto trip
>Kyoto trip a disaster
>Yots just wants a fun last event
>Last event a disaster on the first day
Why does Negi hate her so much?
It's 100% a barf, you can see the line of her face through it.
>Yots just wants to live, Yots dies
Yotsuba got those flash cards from Fuutaro.
is nino throwing up? lmao
I like to think it's because she's legitimately cursed because she's the 4th child. She didn't do anything wrong, it's just her lot. Negi will never explain this, she'll just keep getting bullied by life.
Man I want to think that this festival is a perfect time for a Nino win but there’s just no way surely.
>she'll just keep getting bullied by NEGI
user, I...
Or it could be that it's not implied to be romantic and he's just shy to share his dream. And that dream would mean saying goodbye to the quints.
don’t tell me the truth
>The childhood friend is destined to lose
>childhood friend
Not sure if 're stupid or trolling
Don't speed and read faggot
t. lightspeeder
Translation: 100 yen for a date with Yotsuba
Fuck you ;.;
It's because she is the ugliest quint. She has the worst hair style and her bunny styled ribbons are dumb. She also has a tendency of making her own despair.
>Home, where I learned the truth about despair, as will you. There's a reason why this prison is the worst hell on earth... Hope. Every man who has ventured here over the centuries has looked up to the light and imagined climbing to freedom. So easy... So simple... And like shipwrecked men turning to sea water from uncontrollable thirst, many have died trying. I learned here that there can be no true despair without hope.
>t. Haruba Bane
They've all been held back a year. They're all retarded.
It takes a lot of balls to ask out the girl with Down's Syndrome. It's only socially acceptable if you're either another Downie yourself or if you virtue signal to the max.
Ichika has always been hit on. She just never found someone she likes until Fuu.
Nino has a grotesque personality and no one likes her. Fuu was the first to be tolerant enough of her disgusting attributes.
Miku has autism and is flat.
Yotsuba has been in a delusional love since she was wearing diapers.
Itsuki is fat
>she tried out his corndog
Yotsuba is for rope-kun
The girl Fuutaro will lose his virginity with
Looks like Miku
>Miku looking like her mother again
> Fuutarou will protect nino from the rabid fans
So romantic
Like a man?
Is it safe to say this is going the way of Soma?
She's and idiot (but not near as Meekufags).
quiero meter mi verga dentro del culo de Nino y hacer que cague mi leche
Aww man! I don't want Miku to die just because 3fags are shitposters.
No, anyone with at least 3 neurons could tell you that.
That's a cute reaction from Fuutarou's wife!!
quiero que me la chupen bien rico las otras 4 hermanas
It's big so Fuutarou can fondle them on their honeymoon
It's ok you Meekufag, keep sucking dicks
I want to comfort Nino getting cheated by fucking her butthole
Let this thread die like Nino's chances over the last 3 chapters/
I love Yotsuba
It doesnt help that its an american corndog
BASED Ichicute.
>1 is the kisser
1fags are more delusional than 2/3fags.
Fuu's reaction is good on this. Why the fuck she is jealous? He is doing it BECAUSE OF HER.
What sip?
even for a mikek, this is some serious reach. the bell kisser is likely ichika based on the information we have, but since the bell kisser is almost certainly the bride, any leads on it are pointless outside of negi straight up telling us.
Imagine thinking Ichika is the kisser when Negi has written her out of the story. KEK
I meant what I wrote.
Read slower user.
So Itsuki officially won this arc. Is this the first arc she's won?
These two haven't appeared in over half the manga
Hard to say, as this arc isn't over yet.
Him dating one of the quints affects all of them
Translation coming out weird. Who the fucking is this Kita person?
She thinks he'll take whatever quint he picks to the restaurant.
>Kita person
They are still best frens user
Looks like it's actually 20 full color pages after all?
>if you have time to draw and color 20 pages then draw 40 monochrome pages instead
>Kita person
It means black man in Japanese.
I'm sick of these set up chapters. It has been shit since the beginning of the kyoto arc.
Well you're in luck then. Someone's going to die next week.
I wish. I'd even be okay with my quint losing if it meant actually advancing the story.
Raiha got food poisoning from Miku's pancakes.
If so, the whole school would get food poisining. Not likely.
Raiha has a weaker immune system than the teens and adults. The other little kids die too.
It also doesn't help how the art has gradually turned to shit.
That's most likely what happened. Fucking Miku ruining shit once again!
They are gonna get the " trapped in the classroom" cliché, no big deal.
What is the font?
By the same guy who said his goal is to draw as good as Oh Great
At this point I just want to know who's the bride. Even if it's the one I hate the most.
Well it's Itsuki so have at it fuckboi
Hopefully it's ending soon and these threads will crash and burn with all the butthurt.
Now that Miku has poisoned Raiha, Fuutarou will never look at her again.
Ichika a shit
Nino a shit
Miku a shit
Yotsuba a shit
Itsuki a shit
Nah, she'll just cook him dead sister curry and all will be forgiven
>who's the bride
Jokes about raiha are not allowed user.