Why do all anime depict studying as someone who is writing/copying something on a book continously...

Why do all anime depict studying as someone who is writing/copying something on a book continously? Do japs really study that way?

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All japanese education is based solely on memorization.

How the hell do you study

what about people cooking for the first time and ending up with bandaged fingers?

Japanese education is garbage, they just repeat stuff over and over again until it sticks. This is why they have problem with languages, all they do is memorize the vocab.

With an open book and using a highlighter to highlight stuff. I'm also leaning more on ebooks since it's cheaper than a hardbound, and it's easier to highlight stuff with it. I don't know why all anime that I see involves the characters copying something from a book and writing it on their notebooks. Kinda time-consuming for me desu, rather than just reading and try to understand stuff.

What are you, a woman ?

If they are selecting the important parts, rewriting and summarizing that's a pretty legit method.


condensing is pretty effective if combined with spaced repetition
method of loci is also very effective for memorisation

Why? I never understood why people do this.

So when I go over my notes, I don't reread the whole paragraph. Just the important points/highlighted texts.

At least they're capable of learning one, unlike angloids

lol retard

Writing is thought to be better for memorisation. So if they're writing down the key points which they should know by memory, it's legit.

My history teacher used to teach us that way.
He would write everything he said down and we had to copy it in our notebooks.
Surprisingly effective for remembering historic events.

And what if you highlight the wrong sentences, you never re-read the whole paragraph and therefore you will never know you made a mistake and you don't actually learn anything useful?

the writing part is very true, it recruits more of your brain regions

Go through your notes and summarise them (typed up or handwritten, doesn't matter).
Summarising forces your brain to actually process information making it more likely to stick.
After that just do as many questions as possible from textbooks/past papers and use your summarised notes to help you answer questions you don't know (if you can't then your notes aren't good enough).
t. Ex top performing student

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>highlight the wrong sentence
What the hell does that mean? I only highlight stuff that I when I see it on my book, it's the first thing I'll see. Like "The most common cause of X is Y". Stuff like that that needs continuous exposure when I read.

I never study and got fucked while I was in uni. Or maybe I'm brainlet after all.

pretty much this
also the mind is ridiculously good at tying information to locations or rituals which is why the method of loci is so effective

tfw Yea Forums is helping u study better

literally useless. Write down the important stuff, it makes you memorize it easier.

It's anime, it doesn't aim to copy reality down to the most trivial detail. By seeing that kind of scene, the viewers would immediately recognize it as someone studying. If studying is a major element to the story, then maybe you'd get to see other studying styles. Also, the Japanese needs to memorize more than a thousand runes just to understand their local newspaper(and atleast 2000 runes to be considered literate). Must be why memorization stuck to them.

Not really that useless. Highlighting is good during a lecture since it's not that easy listening while writing down whatever the lecturer said.

This. A scene with a still frame of someone staring at a book won't be visually representative of someone studying. Which would also probably explain user's post . You don't normally get injured when cooking for the first time, but to depict someone working hard, they exaggerate it with the bandages.

Pretty much the problem of asian vs western education.
Asians just cram everything, but never are teached to aply it, western education makes you actually understand what you are learning and gaving ways of using it outside of the classroom.

Thats why so many of these chinese "einsteins" who come to the west turn out to be frauds.

Its called taking notes. Its a method that was used before you were forced to buy every single book ever used in education, where you simply had to borrow the books from the school, so you took notes and wrote it into what is called notebooks. Notebooks used to be something akin to paper books with no pre existing text written in them, not the now known weaker portable computers, which are also called notebooks.

Oh lord how mistaken you are. As someone from a country that is apparently somehow at the top of the education index. When you get scored, memorization is almost always the only thing that matters.

No teacher has time anymore to rate pupils or instruct pupils trough applicable test, or just checking their knowledge in applied problems.

How else do you study? Just reading shit doesn't help you remember much.

>Just reading shit doesn't help you remember much.
Not everyone is retarded as you are.

Yep, you can even go full autism and have specific clothes or smells when you study, very very soon your brain assosciates those things with learning. If you have trouble focusing and you create a studying ritual it can help remove distractions a lot.

I'm always reminded about that funny experiment where people memorised two lists of words, one underwater and one on dry land then were challenged to recall them a few days later by recalling both of the lists underwater and on dry land
the under water list was better remembered under water while the dry land list was better remembered on dry land.

But that's exactly how I studied in uni, and I finished it. I don't know what to say to you man. It is possible to learn things if you read it while focusing on it.

>mutt education

I would just search for videos on any subject (most are by passionate teachers that can efficently introduce and explain their topic of choice) but I doubt you'd find that in nip-tube or nico nico.

Engaging more senses improves retention. Reading, writing, listening, reciting.
And highlighting does nothing except let you pretend you're committing something to memory.

>he doesn't take notes

it makes it easier to find a passage later on but not necessarily remember it better

Personally I just read through the material a few times and it sticks. Those books often have pictures or something for reference so that way you can easily remember where important details are written when you need said detail.

best advice you can take is to eat a good balanced diet, get exercise regularly and have a strict sleep schedule

>Studying by copying stuff

lol best way to study is to find someone to teach to the material to, identify holes in your knowledge, then reread and find more information about the stuff you lack

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Summarize information, condense into simplified, memorable, arbitrary characteristics and associate with imagery, then apply method of loci.

They unironically do. Nip have some of the lowest PC proficiency in the developed world with various cries about teens and 20 somethings unable to use PC at all.
The idea of using a convertible tablet is restricted to only graphics professionals.

I will copypasta what I've said 4 days ago.

There's this report recently written by Kobe News NEXT which states that the nip highschoolers to young 20 somethings that they coined the "smartphone generation" who are so poor at using computers that major corporations have to provide computer training as well as typing courses to better acclimatize these people into the workforce.
There's one account from the report which states that "it's way easier to text on a phone, since you got to memorize the location of the keys on a keyboard" by this male student from the Kobe university.
The Japanese tend to use the 3x3 square system for cell phone text input, which meant that your average Japanese simply wouldn't need to deal with the QWERTY. The inability to type on a QWERTY keyboard is such that actual bluetooth devices that allow cell phones to input text directly to the computer are being marketed to businesses.

In fact, teens cannot unto the concept of file directories, nor could they actually write properly formatted email due to the prevalence of LINE as their day-to-day communication texting platform of choice. Kobe university actually hosts seminars on Microsoft Office suite to undergrads who are about to enter the workforce, because they are unbelievably illiterate on the PC.

Zoomers are literally reincarnated boomers.

All generations are retarded, no exceptions.

That's how everyone is taught numbers and language retard.

To be fair, imagine typing japanese alphabet on the fucking keyboard.

That's because Nips cannot unto Latin character for Romaji. The Gooks can do that just fine with their Hangul and the Chinks also do just fine using standardized Pinyin.

They have kana already though?

computers are a black box to most people.
How many of you know how to install a linux distro from a cd or usb stick?

It's doable but nowhere as efficient as English. I tried Sanskrit and that's a pain in the ass too to romanise. English, being the mutt abortion of a language is amazing.

I took notes in class. Read them.

There is no universal mapping of Latin character to the kana script or to Kanji, which is the problem. The Hangul and pinyin system have standardized such syllable input, so using a run of the mill keyboard is plenty doable.
Nips are hooked onto the 12 square input on smartphones to the point that there's bluetooth dongle that lets them using the phone as an input device for the PC.

In my experience you just kinda wing it despite having never gone to class and then have teachers get upset for some dumb reason when you get a decently high score despite that.

Installing Linux is easy, most people can do it with a quick explanation, but nobody is going to use Linux over Windows unless they genuinely need to or have the /g/ flavor of autism.

I studied for uni by reading a paragraph and then walking around in circles, book in hand, while fantasizing about lolis. What works works

>They actually have to study

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exactly, it's piss easy, but how many are familiar with it?

In before you install Gentoo.

I've fapped using a Loonix machine so that's pretty familiar.

Because it's the best way to study.
Summarise what is in the textbook and write it down in your own words. Guaranteed to remember at least 80% of it in one go.
After that just do past/practice exam papers repeatedly and find marking schemes for them to find out what examiners are looking for.
Learn how to pass the exam not the subject. If you are genuinely interested in a subject you can explore it in your free time.

>English, being the mutt abortion of a language
You mean a chimera of 3.5 languages.

I study Chemical Engineering and I like the fact that my professors don't bully us into buying old books and they actually send us their scripts so I study on PC with a list of paper and a pen. Meanwhile my brother's studying Economics and he had to spend A LOT of money to buy books his greedy professors wrote.

it's gone way beyond that now. it's becoming a mishmash of putative creoles

why though? there are at least 4 very very good open economics textbooks? not to mention libgen exists
was it one of those disgusting pull out the page to submit homework textbooks?

econ is way too tainted by thesocial sciences cancer.

>trying to describe a manmade socialogical construct with numbers
>not tainted from the very beginning

This desu.
Please realize the irony of the above sentence.

There's nothing wrong with this however, it's just linguistic globalism.

Each one of his professors wrote a textbooks for their subject but the only way to get their books is by buying it. And they put stuff from specifically their textbooks in exams, some even allow them to bring their books to an exam. So they have to buy it or else they are at great disadvantage. And his professors get a lot of money that way.

imagine actually believing anything written by a human is worth learning.

Do you mean "mishmash" and "creole"?

These professors and courses that allow it sound like shitheads.
only way to stop it is for people to look for this info when applying for college on forums or something or some dedicated uni review site

No I meant "desu."
It doesn't even have an equivalent in the English language it's basically a Japanese-specific blurp inserted into a completely alien syntax because fuck it. Human language is fucking great.

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This is based
>change the textbook's exam portions a little each year
>suckers keep buying new books every year
"You don't have to buy the books " :^)

Can we consider shorthand and greenposts as pidgins relevant to 4chins?

Poor japs. I just memorized every-fuking-thing after few quick reads, then took an exam, forgot everything in a day and was ready for the next exam.
And nowadays kids just do tests, you have to be braindead not to pick the right option.

I use a linux distro because all I do is browse the Internet sometimes. I don’t need to pour endless money into bloated Windows machines. I don’t even use it because I’m into computers or anything.

"desu" and its equivalents are prevalent in Asian languages from what I've heard. Interesting how the European languages didn't develop/need it.

I do it for living.

>people who study with actual books instead of digital books and a writing program in another window

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if you study you are a retard desu

Some what depressing but true, however if you don't study you're even more of a retard.

>b-but ur a r-r-retard t-too....
the mind of someone who studies.... so interesting...

I would not be surprised if someone wrote their paper about this. Searching on ebsco but only /pol/shit results yet.

Yea Forums shorthand?

The English language still don't have an English word for schadenfreude. I understand pork and zebra but ffs.

What are you talking about? Schadefreude is an english word now we just "borrowed" it.

But they do have one. Schadenfreude.
The dirty anglos have yoinked another German invention.


You're all failing because you don't review what matters. Your mistakes. Look over what went wrong and review the relevant information on that. Reviewing everything is like a sniper practicing with every gun because his accuracy with his rifle fell slightly.

Huh, that's a new word for me. Thanks user.
And look, ANOTHER stolen word. The eternal mutt language strikes again.

mongrel is a better word for it than mutt, a mutt is just a dog
english is the mongrelised bastard child of language

t. Hasn't attended uni

Do you not know how to take notes?

Funny thing ism according to a German friend of mine, the Germans no longer even use Kindergarten. They just say "Hort" instead.

Mongrel is more accurate for sure. I just like saying mutt because of le 56% connotations.

in britain it's called playschool I don't know why kindergarten is so american

angst, zeitgeist, doppelganger, hinterlands, letimotif, rucksack, prattle, hamster

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I like how you deleted and remade your post but didn't fix ism

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I don't know if stealing Greek words is a bad thing.

really "rucksack"?


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Who is she?

it doesn't roll off the tongue that well

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What about haversack?

This thread is 心地よい.

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Sigourney Weaver.
You really should watch alien.

It's a meme about America being 56% white. I'm not even sure about the accuracy of the statistics but it's fun to post.

mid 18th century: from French havresac, from obsolete German Habersack, denoting a bag used by soldiers to carry oats as horse feed, from dialect Haber ‘oats’ + Sack ‘sack, bag’.

To indicate they are studying without having a still. Plus it is good practice to write your notes then type them.


t. ESL Retard

>English is the result of Norman soldiers attempting to pick up Anglo-Saxon barmaids, and is no more legitimate than any of the other results. From Fuzzy Sapiens by H. Beam Piper (1964)

> The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that English is about as pure as a cribhouse whore. We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary. James D. Nicoll (1990)

please kill yourself as quickly and efficiently as possible, thanks

And it is the lingua franca of the human species for no other reason. If you are to pick a language that most closely represents globalculture you have to go no further.

>not using the superior Google Furikku... or even the futuristic Furikku Sensaa

Presented 31 March 2016 after midnight.


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By reading books.

Because they learn by rote. The entire Japanese educational system is set up that way and revolves around tests.

Every student learns English, but how many retain it?

>take notes is bad
>writing is bad
>memorization is bad
>basic arithmetic is bad
>basic calculus (antiderivative, integrals) is bad

the american education is terrible

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based underage faggot

Is this one of their april 1st gags?

yes, but the mechanical keyboard is believable.
The sensor? Nope

>being this tryhard

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I dont mind that as much as
>aah i really dont get this part
>eeh but its so easy, all you have to do is this and that
>character points at notebook
>oooh now I get it! youre such a good teacher
What the fuck is that even about


That's exactly what tutoring someone means, pointing obvious connections that retards can't make themselves.

okay so Yea Forums doesn't study and is dumb as a rock

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I can attest to this
t. teacher and cognition researcher

probably a decent percentahe

No, you are wrong. That's like "learning" with opened google tab.

Copying and highlighting is incredibly inefficient and error prone. Just read the whole thing and actually pay attention to it. By trying to take shortcuts you're actually just wasting time.

>I would just search for videos

Fucking modern kids

I used to spend a few minutes after every lecture writing a summary of the key points I remembered
it was honestly quite helful.

Writing and using flash cards is very helpful

Speak for yourself. I study modern Japanese culture by analyzing their art

I never did my homework or wrote a lot of notes. I'd just read the textbook chapters covered in the test once or twice on the night before and pass with an average grade. I probably could've scored near perfect if I read the materials a few times more, but why bother?

damn, user! you sound soooo cool and misanthropic and detatched

I think it depends on your course but being exposed to industry professionals can be quite helpful when they're discussing variations in practice that textbooks miss or anecdotes about how they used so piece of tech and wound up in some odd scenario attempting to debug

I'm sorry you put all that time and effort and sleepless nights into something that was ultimately inconsequential to your life.

Flashcards are OP.