I still don't really understand the appeal of this character (type).
I still don't really understand the appeal of this character (type)
I still don't understand why you are making these threads.
Hidden depths. In Rei's case at least.
Most other attempts at the archtype are paltry imitations.
Living sexdoll
She cute.
>submissive character
its essentially a trope made for beta males who are too pussy to deal with an actual woman (Asuka, Misato).
The doll arch-type? Pretty fucking straight forward brah. This model comes with a secret crazy bitch mode though, so there is that.
The Rei archetype preys on man’s intrinsic desire to be needed. Her fragility arouses a protective instinct, her submissiveness makes any man feel “in control”, her mysterious nature provides a feeling a depth and an incentive to dig deeper.
Her stoic disposition obscures her true feelings underneath and it is through that obfuscation that those feelings seem somehow magnified. When Rei smiles you feel as if it couldn’t be a truer smile. Her dainty and pale frame moves elegantly and with intent. She is extremely intelligent and carries herself in a way that arouses respect.
That is why Rei appeals to me. and I say this as an Asukafag
Pristine clean, otherworldly. Closer to a strong AI than to a human being. There is nothing submissive about kuuderes - if you are not their love interest, they either ignore you or stab with an icicle, so to speak.
Duty-focused archetype, shows itself throughout the show. Never mind the thing with Rei is that there's a recurrent theme to her character of trying to (re)discover/reattain her Self.
Precisely this, we don't get a clear exposition of Rei, contrast to Asuka, who is fully and entirely psychoanalyzed. All information about her is entrapped in within her mind, or perhaps her interactions with Gendou.
This is the most retarded interpretation, as not only is it a shallow critique of Rei, but lacks understanding of the characters she's contrasted with (Asuka or Misato).
Well you don’t want a girl to be submissive to EVERYONE only to you, obviously. Rei is very much a “take orders” kind of girl, especially early on.
>its essentially a trope made for beta males who are too pussy to deal with an actual woman (Asuka, Misato).
But rei betrayed the target of her affection (Gendo) So even on that front she fails.
Who? Is this that girl from that show evangelion I promised myself I'd never watch because the "fans" of the show are rabid monkeys?
This is #1, Madoka is #2.
Mind you in a few years I think Madoka fans will surpass this in sheer retardation, which if you asked me a few years ago I'd never believe.
Who the fuck cares you newfag piece of shit. Go blog somewhere else. Inb4 LE PRETENDING TO BE RETARDED
“I wouldn’t treat her like Gendo, I would help her discover the joys of being human”
Not my words, this is how reifags think, which is reasonable enough.
I'm not a newfag, these are just shit shows.
Go watch a real anime like Ashita no Joe, or Legend of the Galactic Heroes.
Or Mobile Suit Gundam.
muh psychological drama full of teenagers with angst, big whoop. (omg user wtf, it has intelligent subject matt- yeah yeah, fucking low IQ retards)
You haven’t even watched it, you can’t have an opinion, and no, naming 3 easy 3x3 core shows doesn’t make you impressive. Kill yourself.
You've never ate shit, you can't have an opinion on how it tastes user.
>literal Yea Forums meme
and stay out
I don't visit Yea Forums, if they have the same opinion on video games as Yea Forums does anime then they're not worth listening to.
Mind you how exactly do you know what this Yea Forums meme is?
Perhaps you should leave.
>Mind you how exactly do you know what this Yea Forums meme is?
because they post here too, they're also fucking retarded, like (You)
Thank you for the information, but I'm not retarded, my IQ is around 140.
>autistic shitposter is playing the “I get the last word” game
>another evangelion thread.
please don't forever be stupid guys, crack open a book sometime or at the very least just read manga.
ok retard
this is beautiful
>made for beta males who are too pussy to deal with an actual woman
It's funny when you see nerd like this who believe dealing with a woman imply constant arguing or humiliations, not even able to understand simple mens need like a loveable cute wife we want to protect.
anyway not even sure that the person who made this post has actually a dick.
And I don't get the appeal of tsundere
The appeal of a perfect girl that most people wish to find but they couldn't they only found trash do they think every one should share their fate of being eith trash but the truth is that they can't find a perfect girl because they are trash themselves thats why at the sight of perfection they get scared.
when in reality they know its perfect snf it's bad for them because they don't deserve perfection they deserve the alcoholic roast beef or the bitch who lusts over older men while being a bitch to them.
In that sense yeah Asuka is for them a trashy girl for a trashy person they think it's a real woman because they can't picture themselves being good at cooking or cleaning they think girls are like that like them asuka is just a boy in the body of a girl just like them a girl in the body of a boy
She struggles so hard with human feelings that she doesn't understand as an inhuman being that you can't help but want her to be happy.
"Now it's time, I fear to tell
I've been holding it back so long
But something strange deep inside
Of me is happening
I feel unlike I've ever felt
And it's making me scared
That I may not be
What I think I am"
"I don't sleep, don't feel a thing
And my senses have all but gone
Can't even cry for the pain
Can't shed a tear now
I realize we're not the same
And it's making me sad"
To be honest I only saw the appeal of this character after I reached 30.
Pic related.
this but unironically
>too pussy to deal with an actual woman
Misato is written too realistically for modern days. She is the perfect representation of modern, single career woman who both craves dick and despise men at the same time. Not wanting to deal with this shit doesn't make you a pussy, it makes you sane.
Uh, no The Yamato Nadeshiko appeals to Japanese tastes of modest, devoted and beautiful house wife/mother. That's existed since feudal Japan. Only dumb westerners want an obnoxious and bitchy woman for a wife.
>modest, devoted and beautiful house wife/mother.
Why does Tumblr and Reddit think that wanting this is supposed to be bad?
The sexual revolution destroyed the ideal of refined feminine beauty. At the least, Japanese still care deeply about it.
>he actually wants to be dominated by bitchy cunts with no self worth
Cringe and bluepilled
(((I have no fucking clue, user)))
Not all women are bitchy and useless like Misato
>Sister is drunktard and doesn't cook for shit like misato
>Mom is bitchy and dumb like asuka
I didn't know how to cook i took cooking and confectionery courses to learn because even i could see that learning to cook is a basic skill for females
That just means you can only land that kind of girls because you're a shitty person yourself user
Every woman should be able to cook, clean, and wash the dishes... like everybody else. It's a basic skill that's necessary for anyone who wants to be self-sufficient.
perfectly illusutrates why rei is best grill, thank you user
Why can't we get along?
Because you need to be a fully developed human yourself in order to appreciate a character (type) whose entire arc is about fully developing into a human.
Only retards don't understand, people who need a girl to be openly bubbly or wear their emotions on their face because they are too stupid to read into the emotions of stoic characters.
Stoic girls require work and understanding on part of the viewer, tsunshits and the like require no work at all.
It's fine to like both of them, I just have a preference
rei and asuka are like cats and dogs
I'm not gay but...lads....
But cats and dogs do get along with time and enough care.
Bro I don't know how to put this but I think you're gay
Shinji would get fucked up so bad by this version
Analogy works out quite well, actually. The actual cats and dogs get alone fine while the cat-lovers and dog-lovers go to holy war against each other.
This, but unironically
>tfw no musclesuka to smash PRs with
For the folks who wanna fuck their mothers
>he thinks Yui is my mother
This is your brain on self-inserting, sasuga Asukafag.
They are both kitties.
Rei is Shinji’s sister.
Speedwatcher, Rei is her Not Step sister
Have sex