Dumbbell threads are dying more and more before their episodes start. What killed the hype?

Dumbbell threads are dying more and more before their episodes start. What killed the hype?

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People gave up on working out three episodes in.

I am still working out.
Yet I also worked out before the show. Still love it.

Because the show is insanely boring and the novelty runs out really fucking fast.

Because Im too busy lifting for ayaka

This. Shitty meme show with nothing to talk about. Did people seriously expect it'd take off just because "le webs go to the gym now xDD"!"

Except it's super popular. Fit up.

>it's super popular
lmao can't wait until sales numbers.

Your twitter meme posts will die down the minute the show ends. Forgotten in pile of mediocrity.

Because the threads are literally just blogs and the show itself doesn't have nearly enough substance to carry any sort of discussion

They came out shitter Now go lift.

Exercising is fucking dumb there I said it
I'd rather be watching anime anime is fun at least

>can't wait until sales numbers
Do you fap to them or something? Why do you even care about sales for the show that you do not like.

The show is good but there's not much to talk about.

He is probably a Yea Forumsaggot

>judging a show by its threads on Yea Forums or by Yea Forums's collective opinion of it

Yea Forums doesn't matter, fuckboy. And thank god for that.

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It was good. That arm-wrestling episode was pure kino. After that it became a bit boring and those constant kengan ashura references that I do not get kind of kill the enjoyment to me

Alrighty, then. Tell us all about this masterpiece's numerous merits. Don't spare us any details

Hibiki is cute and it inspired me to start lifting

I don't go into threads because its just /fit/fags blogging
the anime is alright

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What's surprising? The majority of the people here who care about this show (me included) already knew it and read the manga. There is no point in discussing in depth something you already know, especially if it's a comedic light hearted series like this where you don't need to discuss or debate about deep things every week with other anons.

It's your seasonal standard CGDCT I don't get why you're so mad about it. It's probably because contrarily to all the rest of the moepile you cannot watch it because it makes you overly conscious about something.

this show is fucking boring moe shit

>discussion slows down day after day after a new episode airs
wow it's like people run out of things to talk about for a 24 minute episode after a week has passed
you're so fucking smart op, I bet your parents are proud of you

S-Shut up, just let me blog in peace

F/a/tties went to the gym and were disappointed at the lack of big tits or Machios present

90% of dumbbell posters are /fit/ crossboarders

>Wake up
>Go to Yea Forums
>No thread about [anime]
>"What killed the hype?"
Yes user, the hype for Dumbbell is dead. So is the hype for Fire Force. And for Dr. Stone. And for Okaa-san Online. LITERALLY NOBODY watches these anime anymore as evidenced by the fact that there isn't a thread about them in the catalog right now.

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Workout burnout

There's no need for a general for a good show you utter faggot

The humor is actually pretty good, it animates people to do some sport, the characters are likeable and the atmosphere is pretty comfy. Also Macchio is bro.

I don't participate in the threads because I saw too much /fit/izen blogposting.

It's called "shitposters and newfags jump to the next 'meme' anime"
Just because it's slow, doesn't mean there's no discussion anymore.

That really is enough, good shit, user.

Where are the fucking doujins

Too soon

I'm still working out this dick to hibiki screenshots

Except there is a thread for each of those shows in the catalog right now, and virtually at all times theres at least one thread up for each, dr stone usually has two

Will half squats give me a round ass?

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The /fit/shitters are being reminded to fuck off.

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manga has better art

Why would I go into a thread that's just a bunch of gymrat crossboarders yelling at one-another blogging about their lives that I don't care about?

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Why does Hibiki always wink like a slut?

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t. fatty

It's good but it's just that there is nothing new to talk about

>What killed the hype?
I still enjoy the series. I prefer new threads when new episode is out, and not before it.

best gyaru design in anime wasted on an autistic show about going to the gym

I just stopped posting in these threads once the anime started because as always Yea Forums are anmie only fags and ruin every thead.

the only thing worse than /fit/ crossboarders are manga-reading eltists

Literally the only reason she wants to get fit is because she wants to get fucked by hot guys. What the fuck do you think?

she doesnt need to get fit for that


you /fit/tards are worse than Yea Forums

""""my bad"""

It's because people insist Onegai Muscle is better than Macho Are Name.

the fattie fears exercise

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She does in Japan. They hate anyone even slightly overweight there, in real life she would probably be getting severely bullied by her classmates and have no friends.