Fled the battlefield like a coward

>fled the battlefield like a coward
>died like a faggot on a family trip to Norway, because the enemy "fought dishonourably"
>son turned into a failure and his wife into a single mom
>you have no enemies
>a true warrior doesn't need a sword

Is this the most pathetic "male" character ever? Even harem MCs would have a field day with him.

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Other urls found in this thread:


You're supposed to self-insert as Thorfinn "Uchiha" xXxBl4d3m4st3rxXx

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The guy who allows himself to be enslaved and then toils away on some other guy's farm while having nightmares about the people he's killed?

>killing everyone on the ship
>all your family died in the boat
yea sure

Vinland saga manga threads were right about animeonlies being retarded brainlets writing shit the moment this story gets an adaptation. My apologies for telling them they were exagerating.

>playing the animeonly card
As if manga is any better when we talk about a generic shounenshit getting an anime adaptation. Stop pretending that Vinland Saga is some kind of misunderstood masterpiece ruined by WIT. It's really surprising that such a shit title nobody gives a fuck in Japan got an anime at all.

>Being a massive edgelord is bad
>instead be an absolute pacifist
The message of the story is shit

Vinland Saga is trash. Edgy chuuni shit at the start then gay NTR shit later on. Also devilfruit Sharingan powers as a dropped plot-point. But everyone that recommends this manga is a below surface-level reader unfamiliar with the medium.

>shounenshit has shit writing relying on over-the-top presentation and lack of nuance
Color me surprised

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>characters shitposting faggots like OP will never understand

>manga has good and comfy threads
>anime adaptation comes out
>anime onlies and series warfags shitpost
>threads are ruined
Every single time

>huntards STILL don't understand what shounen and seinen mean

I guess you'll have to suck it up and wait until the anime has finished airing and your shitty manga is back into irrelevancy, vinlandfag.

Is this the containment thread?

Bear with me: Vinland Saga is flopped shounenshit that had no impact on the industry despite being serialised for over 14 years.

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Gotta go through shit and mistakes to grow as a person, though. Explains why Yea Forums is the way it is.

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>character growth
>different hairstyle
I pity thee

>not knowing the endgame will be knowing to balance between whenever be violance or be pacify

You are missing the context of the post you are replying to.

axed soon

I don't get the appeal of anime vikings. Who is this made for?

It's a good thing its a seinen manga.

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>change magazines
>author still writes bottom of the barrel shounenshit
>transcends its shounen origins while still being in a shounen magazine
Go jerk yourself to death over your emo faggot MC

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>transcends its shounen origins while still being in a shounen magazine


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Not as asspull unlike rubber nen. Thorkell literally does a 5 man axe swing in the first scene of the first episode.

>Fled a warrior culture that would have never let him leave in peace
>Died saving his dumbshit son who ultimately became the reason why shit escalated the way it did
>Son will literally become the historical figure who grew a community on the other side of the plannet to run away from Europe's conquering bullshit
> Askellad was so impressed by Troll's warrior code that not only they spared everyone else, he also spared the son who wants to kill him
>It's an ideal, not a literally statement
>It's an ideal for true men, which is something your stupid edgy ass wouldn't get
>Stupid dumb retarded anime only threads unable to consider character's ideologies beyond MUH BADASS VIOLERNCE

Like clockwork.

I think I cringed audibly IRL after reading this post

Record it on vocaroo and post your audible cringe.

>plot is bad
>blame the "character" from that plot, not the idiot who wrote it
how retarded you must be

How is the plot "bad"? Please go in detail.

It's great because it appears lofty yet Thors himself doesn't truly understand how retarded he is because he doesn't apply the golden rule of too much is as bad as too little. It's what makes this godlike commander who could have either made the Jomsvikings go down the path of becoming better people like his son does years down the road (and do a much better job thanks to his much higher prestige and influence at the time) or even at minimum he could have at least secured the safety and well-being of his family.

But because he went full retard he harmed his family all for his own ego and those he spared on the other side ended up dying a bit later anyways because ya know they are fucking vikings who have no long-term plan for survival.

The Thors male lineage is full of mistaken idiots whose only redeeming traits are their sincerity and prowess, a perfect example of good intentions paving the road to hell.

It wouldn't be Vinland Saga if Thors and Thorfinn were smart people. The story is about failure and coping with failure with escapism which leads to more failure. No matter where Thorfinn goes he can't escape conflict and war because he, like Thors, doesn't wanna shoulder the burden of power and responsibility. They just wanna be the lowly peasants and have a peaceful life without realizing that kinda shit is merely a crap shoot and that peace is forged and more importantly maintained through controlled strength of arms.

Instead we got some newtype shit ideology about understanding and compassion and what not. Kid's completely out of touch with human nature and it's hilarious.

That's probably because before the anime nobody was posting because who on earth gives a fuck about vinland saga, and after the anime only those with the most wretched shit taste are posting because the anime is so poorly made.

Why shouldn't we discuss dumb characters even if they are mouthpieces for author's views?

who hurt you?


your low iq is showing seething vinfags

What was that? Speak a little louder.


Whisperniggers making these bait threads are the ones that are actually obsessed. Rent free.

Kek, rent free

>it's a serious seinen for grown men like me carrying profound moral lessons
>characters yelling chuuni attack names

hahahaha, lmao

might wanna get your story straight vinlandtards

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Of course the rent would be free since you still live with your mother at the age of 32.

>Whisperniggers making these bait threads
You got any proof?

Look at this fucking thread nigga.

Shit manga with negative sales that's gonna bankrupt the magazine it's printed in unless they axe it first. Tick tock

The voices in his head.


Speedreader. Say what you want but it's consistent within the nen mechanics.

Oh fuck off, and don't you dare pull out that image.


>gay NTR shit


>y-you are being paid to have that opinion

Who are you quoting?

I don't get it why vintards are getting so worked up defending seasonal filler. You're not so much deluded as to think that this wet fart equivalent of the story will be remembered for years to come, right?

Vinland saga could have been a good story if it didn't revolve around this braindead, shallow philosophy it pushes so hard

Why do you care so much?

It really is pathetic. I had very little interest in the anime and I dropped it after this fucking beta male cuckold gave away everything his family owns just so that a dying slave could ''die free.''

>beta male cuckold
God-tier projecting

Bingo. It's like reading Ayn Rand novels and expecting the characters not to fall in line with her political philosophy or acting like a total one-dimensional antithesis.

Eziest (you)s in my life

thors was swede cuck and there's nothing you can do about it lmao

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That doesn't even make sense.

And what does?

VS feels like a shounenshit. All attempts to discuss more serious themes are pathetic, laughable and preachy. I've dropped it on baltic sea war because Garm tested the limits of my patience and characters started becoming even more one-dimensional than ever.

But that was a deep emotional moment highliting Thors selfless sensitive nature making him to put strangers above himself and his family only true men™ are capable of appreciating. OMG. it makes so much sense and I'd totally do the same thing! What a moral lesson!

There are a lot of things you could have said that make sense, like ''you are wrong'' or ''I disagree,'' or ''ur a fagget.''

You are wrong.

I bet he also felt bad about all the women he raped during his jomviking days he thought it would better for him to do a noble sacrifice to wash himself from sin. In other words, a total cucklord.

Pleb filtered.

It fails to be a deep emotional moment because of how ridiculous his actions are.
That's a problem with a lot of these shit-tier manga/anime. The mangaka lacks any kind of subtlety. If they want to show that a character is strong they will show the character punch Earth and make Earth explode, if they want to show the character as smart they will do a massive asspull by having the character figure things out as if he is reading the manga and breaking the forth wall using knowledge he doesn't have.

What was supposed to be this somber moment that shows the kindness of this guy ends up being completely laughable and downright retarded. The guy put his family at risk for nothing. He didn't even spare the slave from suffering while being a slave, he just gave away cattle for a technicality, because technically the slave wouldn't have been ''free'' for the 5 minutes it would have taken for him to die. The slave wouldn't even survive the trip to whatever place he escaped.

This is what every vinland Faga says when someone points out an issue in the series. They think they're some kinda of irrefutable patrician because they like a manga with a surface level, unrealistic message

Pseudo-elitist delusion is hell of a drug

He probably talks about animeonlies having low IQ. Which in context of this thread is true.

What issue? Your extra chromosome?

This thread needs some cleaning.

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Enjoy your shounenshit characters

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I know this is Yea Forums and we all call each other faggots and stuff but come on you guys aren't even trying to justify this very weak series

More sour responses from upset vinlandtards

is this Vinland Saga?

Are you 12 years old?

Based gaychad from Yea Forums


Stupid zoomer. Go back to twitter.

>retards posting in a shitposting thread expecting a discussion
People aren't going to drink from a poisoned well. Might as well spit it back at the eyes of the shitposters.

It gets worse

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Fuck off boomerkek.

Seinen, huh

Mom I'm quoting everyone who I disagree with and insulting them! That will show them!


Go back to your moderated subreddit, assblasted faggot.

>go away from my safespace

>feeding Hunter""""""chad""""""""
fucking hell fucking DBSpic is smarter than you guy

I guess Saturday morning cartoon villains and shit writing are the plebs filter we've been hearing about here.

OMG! He is just like me! I too would give away all my possessions to keep a slave free for a few minutes! Slavery bad!
I am such a nice guy.

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Imagine letting the feelings of inferiority when confronted with HxH live rent free in your head

This manga contains some of the most cringeworthy moralization i've seen in the entire medium.

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*tips fedora

How was this piece of garbage compared to masterpieces like Vagabond and Berserk?

Valhalla isn't real, Mortyfinn

Holy shit, the author thinks that vikings were fighting because they wanted to go into afterlife and if everyone knew that their life is pointless there would be peace. This must be the most retarded train of thought I've ever read.

It was actually getting criticized for years, all the way since Farmland and its obnoxious moralization at the very least.

Valhalla wasn't some sort of peaceful heaven or anything, the Vikings loved life and what they did. They wanted Valhalla because it was the ultimate divine validation of their penis size

Its better

What better?

Yeah, the setup story is retarded.

That's where I dropped VS