Why do we hate FGO again?

Why do we hate FGO again?

Attached: FGO_Archer_Emiya.png (777x940, 417K)

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I love Grand Order
Because Camleot is BadAss Villain

Attached: bandicam 2019-08-26 03-40-15-087.jpg (1343x705, 262K)

Cause literally gambling simulator

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God, I love me some black keys

>wasting money just to get pictures of anime girls

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I dont give a fuck about gatcha but plotwise it only gets interesting from Camelot. EoR has that shitty Agartha.Lostbelt is quite good. Hope they will continue delivering

Because gacha is explicitly anti-consumer and exploitative, they don't have the decency to avoid fapbait seasonal crap, they've started genderbending without actually having a good reason for it, their software development practices piss me off as a developer, there's an obnoxious focus on an unsustainable indefinitely-continuing escalation of stakes, and it's lost most of the things that made me like Stay Night in the first place.

>one of the based Servants wants to destroy gambling because it ruins lives among the normal people in the last event

>they've started genderbending without actually having a good reason for it
That was already in Extra, unless you tell me NERO had a good reason. Or AYYYtera, the shittiest version of Attila the Hun who was created for Extella?

Because it's fucking shit. Not only as a fate entry but as a jrpg in general.

Here's your Paris, bro.

Attached: Paris 3 (1).png (248x350, 146K)

This sums it all up nicely.

gameplay is boring as fuck.
I’ll never understand how people put up with it.

>obnoxious focus on an unsustainable indefinitely-continuing escalation of stakes
By far this is what is plaguing the series the most.
It started with Saver and Kiara and kind of just kept escalating.

Same with Servants.
Stay Night servants are all kind of supposed to be top tier but Strange Fake makes them all look like trash in comparison.

FGO is gambling. It also keeps escalating the powerlevels but that's not unique to FGO in particular or even the Fate franchise.
I do however appreciate the porn from FGO.


On the consumer level it is an exploitative gacha business that preys on gambling addicts disguised as a "hip trend" among young people

On the writing level it is merely historical genderbender DBZ at best

On the doujin level it is like a black hole sucking all the talents in the scene when they could've been working on original materials

Fate giving Alaya the ability to totally delete bad timelines completely removes the entire point of EMIYA.
Why send in the Counter Guardians to fix a mess when you can nope their entire timeline?

The best part of the story is mediocre at best.
Self insert MC.
Some extremely lame interpretation of servants.

Get your own mind you fucking retard.

Are you Yea Forums? Why the fuck should gacha matter to us?

I'm gonna just leave this here.

It's stopping Type-Moon from making anything else and gives people a completely misinformed idea of what the franchise is about. Also, on a personal note, I don't like how most people get into Fate from the gacha and not the VN or even the anime series' anymore

I think the better question is why like FGO again?

>It's stopping Type-Moon from making anything else
Where do you think they're getting all the money for the multiple series and movies they've made the last few years?

Who grubble here?

Imagine acquiring a gambling addiction for the sake of a mobile game.

Imagine paying real life money for a fraction of a percent chance of getting a bunch of pixels shaped as an anime character.

Typefags went from being just retarded back in the good old powerlevel days to being the bottomfeeder existence on Yea Forums since FGO released.
