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Other urls found in this thread:作画監督


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>implying character designers matter
>implying Kyoani could have done Haruhi even if they wanted to

That sucks, man.

She was one of the best. Rest in peace.

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So two (2) of the main character designer in this image has died. 1 left the studio a long time ago. Who will they have left?

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Haruhi S2 designer was K-On character designer
Why should I care

ah fuck

So I'm confused. She did the right one at bottom right?

>inb4 they assembled to reveal work on Haruhi S4 only to get torched

I just hope Kasumi is okay. Her one-chan is most likely looking after her from the heavens now.

>character designers doesn't matter

Who do you think were responsible for making sure characters in their shows to be on-model, retard?

Animation supervisors? Character designers just design the art style and more important for original characters, not adapted ones.

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>Implying character designers are not the first ones to supervise key animations from the rest of the animation staff.

>implying they are
Yeah, I'm sure when they hire some popular artist as a character designer he goes through every frame to check for inconsistencies.

is the designer for the generic K-On faces dead too?


>he goes through every frame to check for inconsistencies.
But they do. At least in Kyoani.
There is some footages from Liz and the blue bird, where Nishiya (the character designer) is drawing is some yellow paper over the original key animation doing corrections, and he has a ton of paper at his side (probably supervising all the rest of the key animations of the staff).

Dude, you don't get Kyoani levels of consistency without this.

Surely he is multirole so he was just doing animation supervision but character designers normally don't do that so they aren't important per se.

Thankfully no.

>Moving the goalposts
>but character designers normally don't do that
You're freaking wrong dude. Stop embarrassing yours

still waiting

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See They don't, dude. You could say it wouldn't be the same without some talented animators and directors but there are plenty of people who can adapt LN designs for animation just fine without the original character designer. Even if they wanted and could do more Haruhi it wouldn't have impaired them much or at all.

>character designers normally don't do that so they aren't important per se.
nigger what? That's literally one of the main point of the job. Check the fucking inconsistency from other frames to see if its fit with Character designs.

Eh? I thought Haruhi's original illustrator is Noizi Ito? Didnt read the list.

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>According to you the guy who does the design doesn't "normally" supervise other guys who are drawing the same design.
Isn't rocket science, it's fucking elemental you ignorant dumbfuck.

Nigger, that's literally by definition the job of 作画監督 aka animation supervisor.作画監督

damn, I'm retarded. Atleast that was the case for mecha designer from the interview I read.

They're already designed, user.

The character designer is in most cases also the animation director. Which means he's responsible for checking all the frames and making sure that the characters stay on model. The anime character designer isn't the original character designer, but usually in contact with the original designer when making the anime designs. After the designs are ok'd by the original character designer, the anime character designer's job is finished and he starts with his work as animation director.

There are often several animation directors and they can do their job just fine without each being the character designer. Meaning that it's a replaceable role.

Original character designer and anime character designer are a separate job. And I'd argue the latter is more important since that is key to the S3 that we want to see.

Which is the character designer almost all cases. When there's lots of work there can be additional animation directors.

Just from this season:
Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru?
Character designer and chief animation director : Kikuchi Ai

Sounan Desuka?
Character designer and chief animation director: Nishio Junnosuke

Tejina Senpai
Character designer and chief animation director: Eriko Itou

That's only if shit hits the fan, and there is too much work for one chief animation director. It's a sign of bad scheduling and a bad production.

Damn, I guess Kyoani has bad scheduling and production if they were forced to use 2 directors in 1 episode and a different one for others. Or maybe there were all character designers? Hmmm...

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After the atrocity that was Haruhi S2, I am glad that it have died for good.


She left KyoAni 5 years ago


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But was he the designer for season 1 or season 2? Important question.

Good fucking riddance. They got the end they deserved. Now I wish the novelist would burn too

overrated anyway

Shoo shoo, Yea Forumsermin

noizi ito is still alive, it was the anime designer

ok edge lord nobody fucking cares

It still doesn't feel real to me

everything "good" kyoani ever did was based on vn's or manga or light novels which already had art. Haruhi wasn't even the first anime with Haruhi eyes. They merely adapted Noizi Ito's art.

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honestly the kyoani drama is more retarded than when satoru iwata died and caused every nintendofag to cry. What an offensive display of ignorance for something so many people claim to be fans of.