Admit it Yea Forums, the Fate zero adaptation has been far superior compared to UBW and HF

Admit it Yea Forums, the Fate zero adaptation has been far superior compared to UBW and HF.

Aoki was a hack but even he had more understanding of the source material compared to Miura and Sudou.

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UBW adaptation is objectively good and HF is good if you take in account the small amount of screen time they have compared to the VN.

>UBW adaptation is objectively good
Only episode 20.

>HF is good if you take in account the small amount of screen time they have compared to the VN.
Kirei and Illya are butchered beyond redemption.

Fate is trash. Shit's just one big eroge fanfic with way too many spinoffs.

>Fate zero

big eroge fanfic with way too many spinoffs. = I'm so Jealous

Fate/Zero definitely works better as an anime. That doesn't mean that the VN is any bad though, they're both good in their own way.

UBW is decent and HF is actually great.

UBW was better adapted. HF has been ruined by Sudou's waifu shilling. Kirei and Illya have been butchered hard.

I’m halfway through both Zero and UBW and I prefer Zero; that’s not to say UBW is bad - both are good, but I feel more invested in Zero.

I get why you wouldn't be happy about Illya, even if I disagree, but how the fuck is Kirei butchered, are you really that attached to some fucking infodumps

>UBW was better adapted
UBW was padded beyond the limits. At this point I almost think that Deen did a better job adapting it than Ufotable did.

The Zero anime was also mediocre. Every old character is worse than in the VN and none of the new ones even deserves mention.
The only good Fate anime is Extra.

Attached: [mdcx] Fate Extra Last Encore - 09 [Blu-ray.720p.x264.10bit.AAC][C409A184] (1280x720, 169K)

>>generally seen as one of the worst Fate animes along with Apoc
>>user said its good

>Deen did a better job adapting it than Ufotable did.
>Actually believing this

cry more MoSfag

And Zero is generally seen as the peak of Fate. You shouldn't listen to general consensus.

>Complains about Illya and kirei being shafted


The last couple episodes were a complete trainwreck, not to mention the awful Rin filler.

There're no spin-offs in fate, you fucking retard.

Everything after Zero is a spin off.

I admit it. Fate zero is definitely better than UBW. Kiritsugu is generally a much more interesting MC, and you actually care for the other combatants a bit.

>The last couple episodes were a complete trainwreck
>Episodes 23-25
>Not pure kino

I cant disagree. UBW suffered from odd design choices and HF is completely shit and is basically mission: Ignore content from route in desperate bid to make Sakura popular

The general consensus here is right. Extra is utter shit and Last Order managed to be even shittier. Fuck off.

I always find it odd how Yea Forums does not conform to being a hive mind yet there's agreed upon general consensus despite... Not everyone agreeing.

The vast majority of people here detested Last Order. It got the same reaction in Japan.

Nero is a shit character who simply cant be the main character in any series

HF is by far the best when it comes to tone, the other adaptations feel half-assed by comparison.

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I didn't watch Last Order because I have zero interest in FGO.
But Extra is far more interesting than any other Fate anime.
Though that might be because it doesn't have to be compared to the original VN.

I was speaking about the idea rather than the specifics. That there's a consensus on anything here on Yea Forums while there's simultaneously a shield against such claims.

On the case of First Order; I think it was fine. Nothing I would ever buy or rewatch, but fine considering how much worse it could have been. Had some fitting music too. Extra? I was okay with the series in general, but really enjoyed the last 3 episodes. I think there's more to enjoy if one played any of the extra games but I don't think most people here have. Maybe on /jp/.

>But Extra is far more interesting than any other Fate anime.
Literal brainlett post.

And atmosphere, really nails those aspects.

The most common criticism of Extra I've seen is that it doesn't make sense.
Extra is brainletproof.

Fate Zero was great because of Urobutcher source material and was ufotable's first proper Fate flex to the anime fandom.

UBW was alright but was directed as if it was a continuous 10+ hour show, then divided into episodes as an afterthought. Also too much padding.

Heaven's Feel is the best so far, especially considering the shitty source material (even if it was the most intriguing of the 3 F/SN routes). The entire animation team has done a brilliant job so far.

HF is godawful and a butchering of the sorce material

This. With how they handled Illya, True end won't make any impact.

Zero is spin off too.

It's not.

Aoki is fine as long as he doesn't do originals.

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>It got the same reaction in Japan.
You mean first order? A cheap special that sold over 20k without any bundled shit attached? Sure looks "hated."

>UBW was padded beyond the limits
Read the fucking VN retard

Not really. It had its own problems. The fights were lame, minimalized and servants' power was underplayed, it was the opposite to UBW/HF's Bayism- pure explosion galore. Second part was rushed(but not as much as HF or DEEN fates), content was cut short and ending was just badly adapted mess (Examples: Iri and her dress, Berserker's death, no Gilgamesh and Angra scene, Angsty and edgy Sakura). I like Zero more but UBW as an adaptation is just much better.

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Zeroniggers were the beginning of the end of Fate.

Aren't you mixing First Order with Last Encore?

Pretty certain when it's all looked back on the only Fate anime to stand the test of time will be Zero.

That said visual novel uber alles.

I watched the UBW anime before reading the VN and I seriously regret it, it completely ruined my enjoyment of that route. UBW has always been my least favourite route but I imagine if I'd actually gotten to experience it properly for the first time that probably wouldn't be the case. UBW anime is not good at all, it's better than DEEN sure but that's a low bar.

>UBW anime is not good at all,
I read the route in the vn like 3 times before ufotable made the anime and now the ubw anime is one of my favourites of all times. Perfectly adapted imo.

Enjoying an anime adaptation as someone who's already read the source material is different from enjoying it as it's own thing. I got a lot of enjoyment from the HF movies but that's just because I've already experienced the story before and I just want to see all the cool scenes animated. But like I said I didn't enjoy the UBW anime at all because I watched it first, and as it's own thing it's not very good.
