People hate fire force? Why? I just caught up to the Anime and it seems pretty fun!
Fire Force
Its too kino for ADHD shounenbabes
everybody who hates it is a false flagger or a basic hater
nobody who is a decent human being hates things like tv shows or devotes energy to such an activity unless their content is literally harmful to society
>unless their content is literally harmful to society
Fire IS harmful to society.
Fire also built society
shaft's reddit directing sucks all of the fun out of it
Society is an ungrateful bitch who chases you away, after being helpful.
A mixture of "Soul Eater was better than this" (forgetting that Soul Eater needed like what, 50 chapters before getting even remotely good, while people are judging Fire Force by the first 5-10 chaps), "the pacing is weird" (because there are more than five seconds where nothing happens per episode) and "fanservice bad muh respect of womyn".
I mostly just think it was bad timing with the Kyoani fire that fucked it over. It's middle of the road shounen. Not outstandingly good, not outstandingly bad; it's just here. Maybe lingering dissatisfaction with Soul Eater is haunting it.
Here's your problem right there.
Why is anything shounen related so cancer on Yea Forums? Fucking 15-year-old retards.
looking forward to seeing how DP animates this
Because people hate fun...?I mean, Soul Eater was full of fan service, why would anyone expect anything else? Freaking canon r63 manga chapter.
It's pretty good, one of my favourites of this season.
I don't think there's a lot of hate for it, but there are jarring issues hard to get around.
It's way too edgy, has characters with nothing working for them (arthur. usually a dumb character has a special schtik, just being dumb is not funny)
Animation work is pretty good, but breaks down sometimes for the sake of fluidity
Zero world building aside from a 2 minute explanation and spoonfeeding us with what we're supposed to concentrate on.
I still think it's enjoyable, but it's certainly not without problems.
>It's way too edgy
But that's the best part
Ah, i don’t know about the worldbuiling part, i felt like the last 3 episodes tried to give us a lot of insights. And it kind of showed us whatever badass qualities Arthur has, who I will admit is generally kind of annoying.
>It's way too edgy
>Implying is a bad thing.
Go back to your moeshit.
but you're a tripfag so it doesn't matter
Also I found out Okubo plans for the series to be at least 30 volumes, but no more than 50. That means we're about halfway through since volume 17 just released.
Fireflop has kino animation, but eh everything else
Second cour OP is "Mayday" by coldrain feat. RYO from Crystal Lake
The manga has tons of world building, every arc keeps revealing new things. The way Ohkubo does world building is what makes Fire Force and Soul Eater so good imo
Can they top the current OP? The chorus is catchy as fuck.
Are they going to fight fire monsters again or is it just tournaments arc from now on?
>tournament arc
What? The series doesn't have any of those.
The manga is really boring. You'll like it now but there's a reason it never really caught on. It only really started getting attention because of the anime. I also don't think it's really anything speical as a story in general eitehr
>A mixture of "Soul Eater was better than this" (forgetting that Soul Eater needed like what, 50 chapters before getting even remotely good
This is some strong history revision. People liked Soul Eater like almost immediately out of the gate because of the manga's unique style and concept.
>People hate fire force?
No. I fucking love it.
this. anecdotally, I'm rather on the moe shit than on the shoenen crap show of side of things.
>shaft's reddit directing sucks all of the fun out of it
t. pleb. On the contrary, it's what makes it so fucking great. Just goes to show that
>Zero world building
What the shit do you want? Copy'n'paste crap lore à la Overlord or DanMachi, stolen all over the places, but mostly from wikipedia?
Worldbuilding is fucking overrated, and only shitshows that can't tell a proper story make excessive use of it. It's a distraction you morons.
it has nice worldbuilding anyway, the anime just hasn't gotten to most of it
-Extremely generic and forgettable battle shounen characters and plot
-Stilted pacing
This isn't notable enough to have a hatebase, most people drop it out of disinterest. Note it doesn't get threads outside of airing day unless someone it taking a piss.
Is the seven days of fire shot really still that iconic? God damn, long shelf life on that one.
I had agreed but since you're a tripfag everything you say is meaningless
i won't deny my inner 13 year old linkin park fan is pleased with it
not exactly what i was talking about, we know the names of things that exist, but not why or how
die in a fire
The manga has it. But we're talking about the anime.
They could leave out a few cuts of shinra's grinface and in about 40 seconds an episode let us know what we need.
>only one extreme or the other exist, there isn't any middle ground
yeah ok
>worldbuilding is overrated
i see that so is proper education in your household.
>something, something about lack of education
>ad hominem
>"fanservice bad muh respect of womyn"
While conveniently ignoring that one of the main characters is a musclegirl rather than a conventionally attractive one. What happened to body positivity? Oh right, that only applies to fatties.
>flop in japan
>shit sales
>flop in the west, even with the low IQ demographic it caters to
I feel bad for david pro, at least they have jojo.
this show could need some more fanservice, if you ask me. some proper fanservice. you now. the good stuff.
>>shit sales
20th best sellling manga in Japan right now and the 24 eps aren't over
Cope harder
>Obligatory beach episode
>It's a muscle beach
>The 8th company has to take on the musclegirls of a different company in a round of Fire Powers Enhanced Beach Volleyball
>Maki ends up carrying the episode by being a cute dumb dork with a cute dumb bikini
Nice cope
I just got bored of it, the music is pretty good though
Fire Flop.
One Piece- 2,174,006
Kimetsu no Yaiba- 1,393,353
One Punch Man- 709,606
Kingdom- 629,612
Slime- 537,729
Neverland- 516,710
My Hero Academia- 487,352
Kaguya-sama- 404,088
Kusuriya no Hitorigoto- 403,453
Fire Force- 342,500
Go Toubun- 341,330
Dr. Stone- 285,395
Black Clover- 273,916
Takagi-san- 255,986
Jujutsu Kaisen- 254,766
Grand Blue- 234,970
Saint Young Men- 224,063
Fate Grand/Order- 216,564
Chihayafuru- 216,303
Act-Age- 212,131
also thats only for July
I'm a filthy casual but this shit is what surprises me the most
>One Piece STILL at fucking number 1
>Slime that high
>Fireforce over Black Clover
>Saint Young Men is a thing? I thought it was just the movie
The Japanese really like their Jesus-Buddha slice of life I guess.
>we beat dr. Stone
There's a chapter just about taking pictures for the annual firehouse calendar competition.
Get ready for bara.
It's nothing terrible it's just past the pretty lights it really is just another one of those and if you've had enough of those then you're probably gonna be turned off by the series.
Combine that with the fact that people get very upset when they feel like a show tricked them into thinking it would be something else and you get lots of negative flack.
still selling more than most manga in Japan right now. how is it a flop, faggot?
Because it's not. Fire, clover and stone are all fighting for last place while actually successful manga have 5x the sales. At least the latter two have actual fanbases in japan and the west though.
How is this any different from your average shounen show? It's a typical shounen through and through, downright to the shitty fan service and unfunny comedy.
>arguing over shit sales
He's just being retarded on purpose
What did people think it was going to be? I felt like coming out of Soul Eater it was pretty much what I’d expect.
Isn't it weird that this series was relatively unknown before the anime, especially when it is written by Soul Eater's mangaka? I didn't expect it already has 17 volumes.
I don't think I ever caught a manga thread, even now.
>i won't deny my inner 13 year old
You better.
Cause your outer 40yo unemployed basement dweller is nothing better.
>calling other people morons
>complaining about ad hominem
>complaining about ad hominem on Yea Forums generally
not the same guy, but gb2reddit
Holy fuck, im ALL FIRED UP
Maki isnt really dork tho. Shes well educated and knows her etiquette from home.
Shes just hopeless when it comes to her El chica romantica side and some of her complexes.
Your criticisms are typical and unfunny.
Black Clover is trash
>shitty fan service
And your opinion into the trash goes.
>One Piece STILL at fucking number 1
OP is on its own level. There is nothing else that even comes close to it.
>Slime that high
Slime is such a phenomenon that it managed to get in top 10 best sellers last year, the only LN adaptation to do so. In fact, it has outsold the LN long ago.
>Fireforce over Black Clover
Backlog sale.
I'm here just to say that Inca is the best girl
So no different to fireforce
Just like this show is generic and unfunny.
Tipical doesn't mean unenjoyable.
And when the shonenshit that define the shonenshit "one piece" is the best seller, i really can't complain about people liking fire force.
There is a barely engaging plot, some entertaning moment, and the girls are waifu tier.
Not regretting the 3 minutes i waste to read a new chapters every week at all.
I like fan service as the next guy, but there is a point that fan service stops being sexy and comes across as annoying and grating instead, especially when it's not a ecchi/fetish show.
The average animeonly is not that informed. They wouldn't know the manga is made by Soul Eater's author.
Does no one else find the dialog in this show retarded?
you might just be autistic
main character is an annoying faggot and I hate him
none of the other characters are really likable either.
this show is so nice looking too why would you waste time and money on this awful story with these awful characters
Come on, i could understand if in the middle of a space battle between giant robots, would appear a pole dancer that while twisting on her pole would destroy everything with rocket tits and vagina lasers. But a short smokey shower scene every few episodes while nothing happen is perfectly ok.
it's such a massive step down from Soul Eater it's impossible not to be angry at it, no matter how I look at it it's almost impossible to believe this came from the same author
>when the shonenshit that define the shonenshit "one piece" is the best seller, i really can't complain about people liking fire force.
You can't complain about something objectively shit? Alright
Everything about it is retarded.
>KING knight
this shit is more repetitive than InuYasha
Still better than "soul eater NOT".
Probably something imposed by the editor cause it was the moeshit golden age.
Good thing the author decided to make a separate trahbin manga for that shit.
I legitimately completely forgot Soul Eater NOT was a thing.
>Obligatory beach episode
Funny how fanservice is always the worst in those gay beach and/or onsen episodes. I fucking hate that bullshit. Someone make it stop. MAKE IT STOP.
>the annual firehouse calendar competition
Now this sounds like something. But who the shit is bara?
It's not great but it isn't shit, having a Shaft guy directing at least makes it look different than most shonenshit, can't understand who really hates it other than Kimetsubabies falseflagging.
>but there are jarring issues hard to get around.
I agree. However
>It's way too edgy
Fuck off, this is not a complaint.
don't care about it that much but my old man used to be a harbour firefighter and used to see someshit, and i'd rather watch a show about real firefighting
B-but i like little girls having tea parties...
>i'd rather watch a show about real firefighting
That's generally a really bothersome and just annoying crap habit of mandarine color by numbers writers
>pick super specific and interesting topic worth to be explored
>nah, scrap that, let's reduce it all down to aesthetics and do the usual good guy, bad cop shoenen from zero to hero bullshit
why. WHY.
>Zero worldbuilding
Bullshit. It just doesn't beat you round the head with it. In half a cour we've established that:
- spontaneous combined is a scientific phenomenon, or at least one that can be approached scientifically
- the government is a good old-fashioned blend of dictatorship, theocracy, and national socialism
- a new state religion was created, blending christian practice and imagery with the worship of whatever is making the fire happen
- like in the best-known example of national socialism, a great route to power is to become a large and important corporation/institution so you can gain the favour of the government and operate extralegally
- there are still zaibatsu
- the government has reinstated church orphanages, presumably because of the number of parents just combusting
- Tokyo district is one of the last bastions of humanity OR the churchgovernment is lying to everybody and they're all in a North Korea
- Fire-related superpowers are getting stronger with each generation. People know this, but don't seem to know why
- life for a civilian is pretty close to '90s Japan. This may be because of a deliberate drive to promote a sense of normalcy, like in Fafner
None of this is expositioned or data-dumped at you, it's just going on in the background and the characters don't react to it or point it out because it's the world they know.
You were making sense until Soul Eater
Jojofags will never learn
>like in the best-known example of national socialism, a great route to power is to become a large and important corporation/institution so you can gain the favour of the government and operate extralegally
So what is that best example? Because I'm pretty sure Nazi Germany didn't operate like that. Unless I'm overlooking something of course.
>Fire Force over Black Clover
I haven’t read the manga but I’m pretty sure that’s because the anime is hot garbage
Animeonly here. Will this guy confess to Tamaki?
He'll get cucked by Assault
I want a shot like the firemen and the cross at notre dame, that would be so epic
Isn't this dude's name Arthur? Why the fuck does a man named ARTHUR have a KATANA?
>Isn't this dude's name Arthur?
Nope,that's his brother
>filled with good animation, fights, and flashy scenes
Yup. Sounds like something shounenbabies hate it. An absolute snorefest.
Too cliche and poorly written. The low brow pandering with cheap tna fanservice and shit also makes it hard to care.
i can't believe Hinawa fuck this every night
what a chad!
He literally loses a hand and a leg for her
I really like it, shame Yea Forumsnons seem to prefer shity mommy fetish isekai
How is it a stepdown? You're not making exactly a strong case here with your empty aimless bitching.
I binged it yesterday, its really fun
Is his brother actually alive?
That's Sho, not Arthur.
>Why does Yea Forums hate x?
Because its popular right now.
>Yare Yare Daze
yuru camp was allright in that regard, i suppose. they just camped and shit.
That’s Arthur, he’s fucked up in the head. Both parents went out for cigarettes and never came back. They just left a note saying he’s king of the castle. He was like 5-6 at the time, and the only book for bedtime stories was about King Arthur.
I love the ideas and the soul eater quirky aesthetic stuff, but I just think the characters are really really damn bad. I like the girls just fine though, but I can't watch a show just for that if it's a battle shonen.
Damn, you can already listen to the 2nd OP. That was fast.
It's legit bros.
visually, this is kino. everything else about it is complete and utter shit. The source material is worthless and should be barred from harming the viewers fucking eyes
meh. what kind of prolo garbage is this? is this suppposed to be heavy? don't make me laugh. stupid poser crap. first one is so much better.
Fire force? More like kino force.
Because the show is fucking dead today.
>first one is so much better
First song doesn't fit at all with the manga content it'll be covering. And I dont mean the visuals.
So this is the Demon Slayer ripoff?
Na they can do it well and do it poorly. I liked in in Kill la kill cause it fit the theming well. If its
A: Actualy fucking hot and not garbo "Oh i slipped and touched her boob"
B: Works well with the pacing
its fine.
what I hate is shitty formulaic phoned in shit.
user, those sales aren't good. Especially for a series with an ongoing anime. It's even beaten out by series that don't currently have an ongoing anime.
>selling more than most of the other series in its magazine, only matched with 5toubon
>5toubon anime ended recently while FF anime started recently
>not good
5toubun ended like half a year ago and still does better numbers even without backlog sales boost like FF has. When FF backlog boost ends it will drop considerably. This reminds me of Black Cuckver fags defending their failing series.
tamaki is for chadra
>First song doesn't fit at all
So what. It's a great tune. The second one is shit. Utter shit. I thought that shit went out of style 5-10 years ago? What happened?
>forgetting that Soul Eater needed like what, 50 chapters before getting even remotely good
What an absolute revisionist bullshit are you spewing, faggot?
People loved first 50 chapters more than anything, it's post-Arachnophobia where SE went downhill because the author sold his soul to the moe gods.
I liked it more then Dr Reddit
I get it. Ep 1 hooked me, but the rest of the episodes have been hit or miss. Shounenshitters are always getting their panties in a twist over children's cartoons. Some people aren't going to get the hype and will get irrationally angry over shit that just does not fucking matter.
It doesn't help that Soul Eater's fanbase is largely people who have seen exactly seven (7) anime.
You can't fight fire with fire. Stop it.
>. The second one is shit. Utter shit.
nah you just have terrible taste
Like your mother