Is her anime any good?

Is her anime any good?

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Eye porn, just don't actually think too hard about it.

Attached: [SCY] Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress - 04v3 (BD 1080p Hi10 FLAC) [2C777EF9].mkv_snapshot_09.37_[2019. (1920x1080, 209K)

the first half is

I saw it airing on a weeb tv channel I didn't know we had until recently, and I must say it does look pretty for a tv series.

First half is stupid and good, last half is even more stupid and gay.

There you go OP. An exact accurate summary of what Kabanari is like to watch.

Now give her a go and realize all the doujins will be about mystery gun fu kung fu girl and never ever anything about musclechad conductor.

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its a steady decline from a fantastic first episode, its bearable until this guy shows up, then it dives harder than an olymic swimmer on steroids

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God damn it. Why are japs like this?
The same channel recently aired Kado, and I've heard the exact same thing about it too.

as soon as the train stops at the first town, you've seen all you need to see.

Goes full Final Fantasy after the first half.

That's the problem with japs. They have excellent initial ideas and horrible execution

Anime is good. Movie is a masterpiece

the MC is great, and he does a lot of cool shit in the first episode, but then it just becomes generic "durr I'm half monster with all the strength of the monsters but good" and it goes from some cool setpieces and trains to awful melodrama and episodes near the end where nothing happens at all, it's bizarre, really.

Second half has its highlights.

Attached: [SCY] Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress - 11v3 (BD 1080p Hi10 FLAC) [7FCF37C3].mkv_snapshot_20.57_[2019. (1920x1080, 222K)

It was fun until Biba arrived on the scene.

When did this happen?

>oh cool MC is doing something different from the rest
>I hope MC has his own way of doing thing which undermines the norm and it leads to him constantly evolving and thinking on his feet
>MC just gets fucked in S1 and becomes meh dude with pew pew gun

not as good as her

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Biba was god tier villian

>hurr cant empathize with the villian or his ideas
You are not supposed to, retard

Stop watching as soon as they stop in the big city
This is the kind of anime that didn't need a random villian that just pops out of nowhere.

I didn't like how he showed up and completely derailedlol the whole thing to revolve entirely around him, really he's more of a marker of when the whole thing went from good to absolute shit

The problem I had with the show was the red flags it gave off letting me know "we humans was the baddy all along!" shit was coming and nothing could stop it. This show just needed to be about how a train full of people were trying to find ways to deal with a huge threat and how the MC found different ways to deal with it.

I just wanted more mc and mumei jumping around killing zombies but instead we got the anti-fun police Biba.

Imagine how much cooler it would have been if the baddy was a Samurai ghost zombie and the outbreak is his wrath for abandoning the old ways or dishonouring him.

>I just wanted more mc and mumei jumping around killing zombies
Please user, the poor budget. You think they can afford 12 episodes of that?

does someone have the monkey feeding edit of Ikoma feeding Mumei rice

It was promising for the first two episodes or so but quickly turned into shit. Similar to AoT.

No, I've watched the show only for her lewd back.

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