oh no! he's finally gonna get raped this time, for reals!
>for reals!
Doesn't count if it happens in a book, even if that's his real body inside the book.
If its in the book, it means its canon
Then he should have had his first time with someone that deserved it sooner.
I liked this design better
Please, all this is some kids literal fanfiction based on a fantasy novel. It's like saying my TRPG campaigns based on Conan the Barbarian are canon.
Feels kinda like Berserk's God Hand
When will this arc end.
/tg/ here, is this some sort of pleasure deity? The symbol on her chest looks like the mark of slaneesh.
when everyone is pregnant
Pregnancy doesn't even need to be confirmed yet, but sex with them all should happen.
guts vs slan, finally
It always feels like i missed an entire chapter.
How far behind are the translations? I just got up to date with what is up in mangadex.
Also, I can't believe Needle became such a best girl so fast.
but our hero will win without any sort of bullshit in his way
Threading the needle needs to be a priority.
>forgiving catcunt so easy
>best gril
She needed someone without the slave curse to do what she wants. Forgiving her is part of the plan.
just a few broken bones and more beatings, she could have been healed anywais, so why the fuck no? fuck you shinobu
so this isn't from the manga? I stopped reading it a while back?
it is
This started so good but got so bad after a few volumes, now it's just sad.
That's a good pose for Needle.
I would hate fuck that cat all day long
She needs that kind of punishment eventually.
God fucking dammit, this manga does things to my dick.
time to use the dragonslayer, Gattsuya
So based.
Shit opinions are discarded.
So she's the good guy then.
Did that titty witch ever get naked?
Are there more spoilers beyond this one? I haven't seen yoshi stream in a while.
dear fa/tg/uy or ca/tg/irl
if you know about she/he/it/xer/attackhelicopter that thirsts
you must know that pleasure and rape need not be the same
t. your friendly neighborhood Ordos Hereticus Inquisitor
Are these from a stream or is the raws out?
How come he's not been streaming for awhile?
needs new desk and chair
Doing premiums for the OVA on paper, and couldn't show them on stream
Stream, OP is from his twitter
He just started again after the premiums, this is from 124 and 123 comes out next month.
TL has been coming within a week of pub date; this is all from Hamada's twitter
I don't think yet, so there will have to be an opportunity soon.
it's a bitch in a book
she might be double fictional
the translations are up-to-date, that thing about checking out the discord or website for more is literally just advertisement for their discord/website
Picked the absolute fuck up