Shokugeki no Souma

It's just about time.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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I'm calling it, closure will not be achieved

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Man his art REALLY went to shit huh?

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My fucking dick.
What happened here?

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What the fuck is that hairstyle?

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"Character development" cut
That moustache



Hishoko? Her hair went back to her teen self. Erina at least lost the shitty twintails.

Why do some characters looked like they aged, but some look exactly the same.

Why do Hishoko and Alice look so fucking good while Erina looks so bad

These are all the spoiler pics I've got so far. No, it's not the entire chapter. Someone always thinks it's the entire chapter for some reason.
Also, bakadata is translating them -

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Erina. I want my OG Erina back.

This really went to shit huh, tsukuda didn't even tried

awwww shiiiiit, she's at the diner?

They literally look exactly the same, what the fuck?

Yeah what the hell, I dropped that a while ago but what happened? Did the artist have a stroke or something?

Looks like it.


The real tragedy is that we'll never know the fate of the buttbros.

>meat, Eizan and Yuki
Weird group

No, they will have a panel somewhere. I'm certain of it. The greatest love story ever told will come to its end.

Really cute Megumi.

where's subaru?

Says they started a business.
That's Hinako's bitch to you, user.

So did Tsukuda officially ship them together or is she just dropping by to say "it's delicious"?
Or neither?

Will there be 0 romantic payoff?
Is Souma a virgin?

Probably some ship teasing and that's all, everyone is getting a message so everyone will end up there by the end.

I thought this trash got canned?

This is literally the last chapter of its existence.

It did. This is the final Jump GIGA epilogue.

what happen to giga nigga?

Chapter's the last trash can to be filled before it's sent to the dump.

What the hell happened to Meat's face

For what it's worth, this was also announced -
Though it's not a new manga chapter or anything. And besides that book, there will of course be omake in the final tankoubon.


I don't understand, why would an author willingly kill his own series once it has become popular? I used to love this series so much (from the first chapter until the Moon Banquet Festival arc) , even bought the Jap tankonbon. But the moment he introduced Azami, everything when downhill. And almost everyone hates the final arc. Is the author not aware of the fans' reaction? What went through his mind as he slowly strangle the series to death?

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>Alice and Erina literally switching hairstyles by the end
It doesn't work, he should've gone back to their OG styles.

He probably thought that throwing in battle shonen elements like evil antagonists, high stakes, and putting the fate of the (cooking) world in the hands of the MC would be cool ideas. Maybe he had no self-awareness.

Megumi, Alice, and Hisako look great. No comment on anyone or anything else.


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>Anyone not a virgin
Even the mothers and fathers are virgins here

Eh, I guess I can live with long hair Alice

Since this is Jump it's very likely that it's an editor's fault. Look through the records to see when editors changed.

megumeme and alice got the better end of the stick

Oh, fuck off. No editor would tell Tsukuda to bring in superpowers, and bait NTR into his story.

It’s what the best girls deserve.

Don't think I didn't notice that wedding ring on Hayama's hand.



based Jun grooming her man

I'm gonna miss this manga. Wish we could see more of everyone in the future.

Based old loli jap roastie.

Went to India and picked out the one good looking and nose-sharingan Curry among the 99999999 shitty street shitters. Now all she needs to do is get preggers.

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So what that's it? Where's the rest faggot OP.

TRASHED glad I never picked this up

Grandpa: “By the way Erina chan, when he says, “I’ve come up with a new creation!” and comes back. You have no obligation to always help him out…If it’s too much trouble, you can just decline it.”

Erina: “Huh…? N…no. It’s not really any trouble to me…Also…right! He’s a former first seat. I’m required as the director to do this.”

Grandpa: “Ha…is it so? Well then, make yourself comfortable.”

Erina: “It’s of course part of my role as the director…but is it truly just that? At that time…when we were still in our 3rd year. And I found out that you suddenly went overseas, the reason why I got so irritated…now I know why.”

>shitty tsun act still going after the timeskip

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She isn't being tsun at all, dumbass. She's literally being upfront with her feelings. Way to speedread.

user this is Jump, of course there's an editor telling people to put in superpowers


outside of her inner thought she still acts the same outside

>shitty Hinako clone
Yeah, best girl.

Did you even read the spoiler pictures? How is she even the same??

Fuck you Tsukuda

>the reason why I got so irritated…now I know why.”
Fuck, I don't expect the final epilogue to have Soma and Erina kiss, fuck or marry but I hope we can at least have either of them admit they love each other. That's probably too much to ask for but I can dream.

So is this the final chapter?

yes the finale

It's too damn short. If he wanted to make her hair shorter, should have just stopped at around Alice's old hairstyle length.

Fuck that. Murder Suicide is the only way to redeem this piece of shit.

I expected nothing and I'm still disappointed.
Fuck off Tsukuda


She moved on with her life and makes bank with a loving mentor while Erina's still chasing after (emotionally unavailable) dick. Aight.

they were already basically adults

Friendly reminder that holding hands can actually get your're waifu pregnant.

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wtf I wanted him to confirm tsukasa and rindo were together

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What the fuck has this art-style devolved to?

Tosh not giving a fuck anymore.

Ayy Yukihira oji-san

Soma is now daddy af

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W-What about the scar

they lived happily ever after

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Since Jou is 48 and Souma is 25, then Souma is already older than his father when he begot a child

He should catch up

Remaining chapter on Asahi being Erinas half brother plot twist> Remaining flashback focusing more on Somas family of how his mom died, his scar, etc

So Soma never bothered to graduate? He just became the cooking equivalent of Ryu wandering the world for culinary challenges?

>Not even having the last panel be Souma coming out the kitchen and serving Erina his first meal in 7 years back from overseas


It's time to admit that grandpa Yukihira is Tsukishima from bleach, doing what he did to Chad. It's the only explanation that makes sense.

Meat's Boobs shrunk a lot

once the full chapter releases, how much of the meme chart will be canon?

>tfw this image is from 2015

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I dropped this at the kidnapping but it still feels like I lost

poor isshiki

Isshiki likes Nene and Nene is tsun (loves) Isshiki. Isshiki would be glad to end up with Nene.

>Megumi ended up in a christmas cake shop
What a waste.

Megumi is more beautiful than Erina shitty shit

She's mirroring Hinako, while Nene is mirroring Mizuhara. I guess they'll waste away too.

>Megumi is less beautiful than Erina cutey cute

Soma is cute

So now that this shit is ending, did anyone notice the quality drop in Tosh's drawings?

Who did megumi end up with?

Alice's too. The art went to hell long time ago.

Same as Hinako, forever with a one-sided crush.

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What a waste of a perfectly good cake

This is cooking school, not PE.

I'm a little miffed on how no one won the Shinomiyabowl

Wrong board, buddy.


Who won the MCbowl?

>hair cut=character development
Stop doing this you stupid nips

I feel like Azami arc was planned from the start. But the lackluster reception made Tsukuda snap and burn the series to the ground.

I completely forgot about this and just read the previous chapter, was there a shitstorm when it was revealed that El Hermano was actually Erina's hermano?

>cut her hair to show easy development
>still shitty tsundere

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kind of, though the series is too dead on Yea Forums for a proper shitstorm

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This author crashing everything i love it

You're trying too hard

He's handsome/ sexy

What if Nene and Megumi are lesbians?

She's working for Inui, a Kaiseki restaurant. That's not a waste.

Nene, obviously.

Takumi and Isshiki tho

Takumi is oblivious to love or has a hot italian woman and Isshiki is gay with Kuga.

Boooo. Give my girl Megumi her shojo manga romance with the resident pretty boy, smfh.

Hot take but Tsundere Childhood Friend Antics>>>>>

>erina got the shitty let-me-talk-to-the-manager mom haircut
>hishoko is still cute
>megumi got the cute fresh wife haircut
>meat is a monkey
>takumi got fire emblem's dimitri hair cut
>cute class that ruined everything is still cute
>alice is still the best and got even cuter
>took me a while to notice this butler kid was dog

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How far is this into the future?

10 years.

I actually like this haircut more than the one on the previous chapter.

Not really because the series decline was so sharp that even the shitposters were fed up with it

as the other anons have already said, series is too dead on Yea Forums, but the few people that still follow this trainwreck were, I don't know, not even angry, more like resigned and accustomed to Tsukuda's bullshit.

>meat's face
I do hope we get a better look at her, she looks like a fucking monkey here. her new design in the first epilogue chapter was great

Wait, who did Megumi like? Tsukuda confirmed she only felt admiration for Soma.

>tosh is freed now

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Wtf happen with her hair?

He'll just do work on another non-porn that will do pretty well until it crashes and burns just like Souma.

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>no one got together besides that pair no one really cares about.
>most of them look the same.
>art is shit.


Is this the last chapter?

Time to get him for another one of Jump's haremshit

what a shitty ending lmao

>inb4 he gets to draw a fujobaity battle series
Not that i would mind desu. Is the Giga cover out in good quality by the way?

I would unironically prefer a straight-up romcom or harem series instead of, whatever the hell Shokugeki no Souma tried to be.

>the harem series suddenly turn into a cooking manga during the end to find out who will win the MCbowl

And that's why "Character Development" cuts don't work.
But tumblerina short hair fags will say otherwise because beauty and sexiness are evil

Most likely went with short hair cause it's easier to draw or something.

Man if only Alice's boobs didn't shrink like everyone else's I'd be fapping like mad

No it's because it's an author's crutch and ruins designs with idiotic and archaic ideals made by a country that encourages bullying individuality and works 16-18 hours a day.
Japan needs the head out their ass already and stop ruining Top tier designs with this bullshit

Obviously they completely skip the school graduation and went with a cheap timeskip(i think this is the 4rd in 50 chapters), but I am happy that i freed myself from this burden.

So did Erina and Soma end up together at least?

>Will try out his new dish
>Probably says it's shit again
Please let it end in fire

Are there any noticable inversions (short to long)?

> I'm new Erina now

No, it was a bait till the end. Shit manga/10

Doesn’t look like it.
Maybe he'll throw in some ship bait towards the end but Tsukuda can fuck off with that as well for all I care.

He had one job

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Cute mommies.

The only good thing about this chapter is akira looks so hot

>fujobaity battle series
I wish

At best we had Medaka fixing her butchering and Rukia's SLIGHT hair growth
Usually it's just short hair lolis growing their hair our when they're older

The cooking never ends!
Please look forward to the next work by Yuto

Maybe he thought it was good.

>final final chapter
>have an entire month to work on it
>art looks like ass

Tosh is free

Tosh drawing some full homo when?

he made billions on souma and can rest till the end of ages

>Tsukasa, Rindo, Megishima, Momo, and Saito all have their own restaurant and even obtained a WGO star. They’re right now acting as judges for Tootsuki’s training camp.
>Meanwhile Megumi and Nene are stuck working for Hinako
>Kurokiba is a fucking butler
So much for the Jewel Generation. I figured they'd be big shot chefs but nope, seems they settled.

We don't have all the pages.

it's guaranteed to be shit in full form too

Ah my HIshoko returns.

Also is this like another 2 year timeskip or something from the last chapter?

Nah, everyone here is like 25 or older

holy shit, i just realized that dog is a literal butler now. dogfags be seething.

>Soma and Erina still not together
It's the least you could have done Tsukuda

Inb4 Soma comes back with a kid


is that nikumi or did curry get a sex change ???

Soma x Asahi was the OTP after all!

God, Megumi and Hisako look so perfect. Alice is good too, but her outfit is a bit bland. I expected 20 year old something Alice to be more posh.

Was EL HERMANO the final nail in the coffin?

Where is my autistic Italian.

All he did was swiftly kill an already dying manga. Sales were dropping already. Azami started the steady downfall.

yes. imo it was still salvageable after azami

Probably something like World's End Harem

new editor + chef consultant got pregnant

in other words, tsukuda was a hack

isn't Jun in her 40s ? she was in Totsuki at the same time as Soma's dad

O shit, i miss autumm election arc user

Even if both those things are true-the chef consultant thing is a rumor to this day-it still doesn’t explain the shitfest of the entire last arc. The guy went off the went rails. It’s like he was trying to get axed.

All they had to do was add more SoL There's like billion of opportunity in a school setting. They didn't even do the cliche shit like Valentine/Christmas stuff. Whoever editor was in charge of this should deserve to get fired.

You wanted the manga to do MORE cliche shit?

tsukuda is a negationist retconning piece of peepee

This series peaked at the Staigiare Arc. Change my mind.

Erina goes the dinner, she orders without knowing it was cooked by Soma. Erina immediatly recognizes Sona's cooking after taking , she rushes to the kitchen and they see each other. The end.

>no valentine chocolate cook off ever

Would've been more fun than the last couple arcs sans the hotsprings bit

a valentine arc would have propelled the series to lightspeed popularity

what was tsukuda thinking ????

Oh, the redditfags have appeared since I last came in the thread.

the kyoani arsonist got the wrong target

I don't know if this is true but I could see something like this happening

I want to see angry sex between kurokiba and akira

where is shinomiya and the rest of the polar dorm characters??? mana too and grandpa nakiri

The "jewel generation" did nothing for the past 100 chapters if not give their energy to Souma, every time i think about that it piss me off so much.
Also The jewel generation was put aside for a lot of time with little developed for it that when was introduced back for Erina came-out-of-nowhere matters seemed something that should not exist.

Man it feels weird to see a manga I liked crash and burn like this.

>No editor would tell Tsukuda to bring in superpowers, and bait NTR into his story.
Maybe not, but he wouldn't ALLOW IT EITHER, which as we can see, didn't happen.

Tsukuda is attending the CR expo. Remember to bring your knives and the gasoline can.

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anihilating him won't resolve anything
all I want is to ask him why did he do what he did

Hopefully someone like this guy will be going.

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Well, 10 years from the start of the manga. 9 years post blue, 8 years after the desert ch 2.

I will never unterstand these 10 years timeskips, you have to be really autistic to just leave for 10 years all your family and friends out of nowhere and come back like it were a few days

Where's the rest?
Someone dump the rest so I can finally be free from this shit.

Well, from the spoilers, Souma's been leaving and coming back repeatedly. His grandpa's telling Erina she doesn't have to come taste his food every time he comes home. He hasn't been gone for 8 years.

She also became a christmas cake. A fitting end for such a boring character. I hope she bakes the wedding cake too.

Erina Souma shippers ruined this entire series.

Megumi has her inn and it's only helping Hinako or her free time according to that page.

> erinafaggots

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So how many of them are still virgins?

Lol, Kuga is an eternal shota.

Imagine thinking baking your best friend's wedding cake is some kind of L. Just say you don't talk to women and go.

Guess in which volume Azama appears?

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Everyone but hayama

Did they do anything besides cheerleading? Why the fuck were they in Tootsuki? Can they even cook?

It's not, but baking the wedding cake of your best friend and your decade year strong crush (that you've gotten over by this point, but this is irrelevant) that you and said friend were "competing" over is an L.

Who were they again?

>call your manager RIGHT FUCKING NOW hairstyle
why the fuck did a princess turns into a karen?

Who thr fuck even are half these characters?


Megumi's been over him since like, chapter 61. There is no love triangle in Ba Sing Se.

Who's the guy at the top ??


He was already axed when the final arc was written. Jump announces axes to the writers of long-running series 6 months in advance. It go axed a little bit after El Hermano showed up.

The two guys in the psd who came across as slighty too gay for each other. They were often with Marui.

Literally who?

alice's boy toy, man, c'mon

At least they got the better end. Erina's got the worst one, now helping at Yukihira's because she wants to ride Soma's D before going full Christmas cake.


The floating pair of glasses.

I didn't know Shinpachi was in this manga.

so what the hell happened to her?

she ded

No one in SnS wore glasses besides Jun, nice try.

Quite ironic how some cliche like Valentine's or Christmas would keep this series afloat better than actual plot.
Also ironic how these two themes fit the series to a t, yet the author completely skipped them.

but how

At least it's tonally correct cliche shit unlike the Azami arc

Agreed, Megumi is totally over him.

Her shippers, on the other hand...

> A garbage tsundere kills the series

Just give us the rest of the chapter.

Grandpa Nakiri is there Dog

That's actually Grandpa Yukihira.

>Grandpa has resurrected

Exactly what will happen, because that way she ensures that he keeps making dishes for her

Why does everybody take people moving on from HIGHSCHOOL CRUSHES so damn seriously.
How fucking many of you ever saw old highschool crushes lead to anything serious in later life, or seriously get in the way of later relationships?
This is the same goddamn living in the past mentality that gave us garbage like Masamune's Revenge and Hatsukoi Zombie.

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>There is no love triangle
Don't lie to yourself

Tsukuda comes off as someone who legit does not care for his fanbase at all.
I mean look at Nikumi and Alice.
Nikumi is 70% of the reason they had a western fanbase the other 20% being 'Lol Foodgasms wtf?' ironic otaku and 10% genuine interest in cooking, but we all know what happened to her
And Alice was consistently top 3-5 females in the polls yet she was also a footnote, even in the fucking family drama arc she is a part of.
And do we need to talk about Erina and how awful she became the Azami arc happened?
It's shit like that makes me roll my eyes at Yea Forumsnons who go 'Why should authors listen to their fanbase?'
Honestly the Azami arc was flawed from the start.
You make a villain but have zero intention of ever giving him any sort of comuppace.
The only way that arc could have been saved is if a dimensional portal open up and Kazuma Kiryu just walked up and gave Azami a 'Best Dad' punch, but anything even closely resembling was never going to happen.
He ate food and suddenly his crimes of abusing his daughter are resolved.
Cue all the idiots claiming it wasn't abuse clearly showing their poor understand of child and average human psyche.

The same reason why childhood friends used to always win: for most of human history you were expected to stay in the area of your birth your whole life, and get married to someone you knew for a long time. This mentality has still persisted to this day, even with the advent of globalization and a major increase in mobility meant that staying in one place is no longer 99% likely to happen.


>Nikumi is 70% of the reason they had a western fanbase
No one is this deluded

>even with the advent of globalization
[Visibly confused Japan]

>Nikumi is 70% of the reason they had a western fanbase
You aren't really this delusional right?

There really isn't, though? Megumi showed more care and concern for Erina in the last arc than she did for Souma.

Yeah no one is deluded enough to think the west doesn't like big stonking tits.
They'd have to be stupid and/or gay

>Nikumi is 70% of the reason why the series had a western fanbase.
Say sike right now

So you think the reason why people don't like characters moving on from highschool crushes is because it doesn't comply with human marital standards from well over 100 years ago?

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>Says the fucking board that read Akame Ga Kill just because of Esdese

Yes, but multiply that 100 by a 1000.

We read it because it started as pure edge shit. We always flock to that like flies. Remember that pumpkin head manga last year?

But that makes no sense, nobody who is alive right now experienced a life or a society even remotely like that.

>Nikumi is 70% of the reason they had a western fanbase
The fuck? The manga has a western fanbase for the EXACT same reason it has an eastern one. It's a shonen with food and sexy characters. Why pull out outrageous numbers from nowhere?

>what is culture

Where are the anons who made that chart now? Do they still think this?

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>sexy characters
Which Nikumi is, she had the biggest tits and was right in Episode 1.
She was the bait on the hook.
Only if you're some 'Oh she's brown so she's shit' retard would you think otherwise.

this was just Kaiki's argument to get snake to stop obsessing about rararagi

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Of course they still think it, because then they'd have to admit Stella wasn't shit now that we've seen how the 'perfect tsundere' ruined Souma and that they were wrong.

This chart was a joke to begin with. No such thing as a "good" tsundere.

No I don't. I didn't fucking read it. Cause there were no tits to draw my hormone riddled brain in like AgK did before I threw that tit killing shit out

I remember it stopped getting translations because of some whiny little bitches.

She's neither in ch1 nor episode 1.

The rest of the spoilers are out

>Erina didn't win the Somabowl


The best tsunderes are the ones that make a genuine effort to stop being shitty tsunderes. But then they wouldn't be tsunderes anymore so your point still stands.

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Yeah, the writer forgot that Soma grandpa is dead so he did a retcoon.He probably did the same for Azami being Asahi's father

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No one won any anyonebowl

Im so glad I dropped this

Are you serious????? Were can i find the rest of these fucking scan?

What the FUCK

Tsukuda's final middle finger.

It's not at the usual place so user's either shitposting or doesn't feel like sharing.

>just a few chapters a ago erina seriously considered getting hitched with some random guy who came out of nowhere and kidnapped her who turned out to be her brother
>all these years later she still doesn't even consider the option with soma despite all the ship baiting between the two in the series

The only pair of glasses I’ve seen in this manga is from Hisako this chapter

Erina became a joke in this last arc...tsukuda did a shitty job with her(and the side characters).

The shit ended the fuck are you talking about?

U rike it?

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Why are nips so shit at ending their series? And if you're going to bait a romance for almost the entire manga, then fucking pay it off at the end. I'm not even a shipperfag but goddamn the sheer incompetence of the writing here is enraging.

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I think a Thanksgiving arc would’ve made alot more fucking sense than a Valentines arc but whatever nigga

>Nikumi is 70% of the reason they had a western fanbase
No one here ever gave a shit about meat.

Imagine the humongous sales if he had done a valentine arc
Why is he such an idiot :baka:

You don't even know who Nikumi is, do you?

>Nikumi is 70% of the reason they had a western fanbase

What did he mean by this

I don't know what I want out of the ending anymore. On one hand he tore down the entire manga for his Soma x Erina plotline so he might as well go whole hog and have them end up together. But on the other hand their romantic chemistry was so meager that I'll feel nothing for it, so whether they get together or not won't make a difference to me.


The theory that tsukuda's manga has been overtaken by someone else since azami is beginning to be more plausible now desu

And I ever wonder: why start the series with "the secret for great cooking is finding someone you want to cook for" when the only characters this ever matter is Jou on a flashback near the end, and nose with Jun.


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I don't see these spoilers anywhere and not where they'd usually be posted, so I'm assuming it's fake.

Stop telling lies

Yes. The whole Azami arc was worse and less fun than what came before it, but it could've still improved. When some entirely noname character popped up and beat Souma's dad off-screen I was entirely done. Still haven't read the rest of the chapters, though from what I've seen it got even worse.

The third years got a pretty good ending. Opened up their own restaurants and got a WGO star? Pretty good.

Boy you really riled people up with just a single line, was that on purpose?

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Another successful Genji plan.

This series was on a downward trend since Azami, but the El Hermano arc just tramped over what was left of the corpse. In the span of a few chapters Erina's entire 250+ chapter character development was ruined for the sake of this faggot. I haven' seen such a poor excuse of a final arc since Prison School.

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Which one? 15? Even if that's the case and the series slowly began losing sales, it kept making better numbers than all volumes up to 12.

>mangahelpers and reddit is full of souma/erina fags who don't care about plot
Wtf bro i thought we have the shittiest taste

Yoshino just looks like a kid again

If you still want to derive any enjoyment out of this series then the best choice of action is to ignore the shitty plot that's been going on for a year.

Souma and Erina shippers are the only people left with any reason to give a fuck about this series. Everywhere that doesn't have the autistic must finish what I started type should be full of them.

Is it realistic for all the 3rd years to have already have gotten a star? When did Shino get his?

Or maybe Yea Forums just doesn't want to admit they're faggots who hate tits for no other reason than 'because that's what normal people do' and grossly overestimate their numbers and value?

Because people who give a shit about the plot(or the other side characters) dropped this manga a while ago.

I didn't follow this ever since the last arc. It's absolutely astonishing to me how this managed to get itself cancelled even though it seemed like one of those unshakable rocks that would run forever. Hopefully we will get the full story in some way as the decline is more interesting than the series itself.

>ruined the story for soma x erina bullshit
>doesn’t even make it happen
Honestly what was the point of this manga again?

Well sales went a lot down sooooo the axe is not a suprise at this point.

Attached: unknown (1).png (1140x614, 54K)

So what's the point of having one guy doing the story and one the art if the story ends up complete shit any way?

One Japanese fan immediately responded to the ring in that panel with "usagi drop?" btw, 5ch makes Megu wedding cake jokes too. I was surprised by that.

I think many manga would still kill for those numbers so I think there was some kind of conflict between the mangaka and the magazine.

yes, at this point she should be 44, since she's 2 years younger than Azami, who is 2 years younger than Jou.

I unironically want the series end with no conclusion as to who wins the soumabowl just so i can enjoy all the salt and tears of those autistic souma erina shippers

The axe sure but the 3 chapter axe? That one is usually reserved for complete failures.

This place is full of retards and men of refined taste. Most of the other places are just full of retards with shit taste

Those are still high numbers though.

If it's like those ichirukifags tears compilation then i'm in

How much did Tsukuda make off of SnS?

I don't think anything will ever beat the end of Bleach or Naruto in terms of shipper tears.

You already got your wish, then. Erina will probably say Souma's dish is delicious and boom, the end.

>implying she won't say it's disgusting for a "everyone laughs, throwback-to-the-start kino"-type ending

I bet she tells him it sucks, you had better cook for me every night until you make something decent.

There's a vast difference between tears produced from shippers who wanted a couple that wasn't going to happen in the first place to happen and tears produced because a series threw its other characters to the sideline and tanked the plot to shill a pairing that may not even happen in the end despite everything. Coming in here and going "hurrr I can't wait for the shipper tears lmao XD" makes you just as obnoxious as the faggots from reddit and mangahelpers.
>I think it would be fine if Megumi is the one making Erina and Soma’s wedding cake.
>What was Jouichiro’s role in this manga again?
>So, no one ended up together?
>Hayama is wearing a ring…his wife is that person right?
>Guess my prediction that Soma and Erina would have children at this point was wrong.
>The chapter will have 34 pages.
>in response to the comment above: Only 34 pages huh. Thought it would be more than that. Isn’t it quite normal that a monthly release has 40 pages?
>People don’t know that Jouichiro has a son? What’s the point for that.
>Megumi looks like Hinako and Alice looks exactly like her mother lol Dojima hasn’t changed.
>There will be lots of pages this time, right?
>Erina looks cute. I like her current haircut more than the old one. I like Alice too but I personally prefer short hair.
>That old man is Tamako’s father, right? I thought he had already died lol Looks like Erina is frequenting Soma’s home.
>Nakamura has returned as if nothing happened. The audacity to come back after everything he did…
>So did Jouichiro genuinely lose to Asahi or was he just acting?
>in response to the comment above: Soma kinda gave a rough explanation. The author probably believes that was enough to get Jouichiro’s honour back.
>The art is horrible.
>Nene didn’t end up with Isshiki after all? Is she in the group of Hinako and Tadokoro because they’re the ones who’re dragging their regrets from the past?
>It’s hilarious how Erina looks like the wife waiting for her husband.
>Eizan, Nikumi, and Yoshino together lol
>I thought none of them would end up being a couple. What happened?
>in response to the comment above: I guess Soma and Erina will end up together and Hayama has a ring on (I assume his wife is the loli professor). Don’t know about the rest.

Manga is the shittiest medium by far. It's always the same fucking shit at the end. Even Berserk turned to shit.

Who cares what she says when she clearly likes the shit?

Stop reading WSJ series

Souma did. You think he didn't realize she got wet from his food since the very beginning? The thing is, he wants to make something so good that she won't be able to say it's bad no matter what.

The problem is universal to all magazines. There isn't any other medium with so many awful endings or semi permanently unfinished work. Fuck manga and fuck mangaka.

Is Soma actually going to appear at all in this chapter ?

He's the protagonist for cheese's sake

Obviously. He's gonna serve Erina his dish at his diner.

>>I think it would be fine if Megumi is the one making Erina and Soma’s wedding cake.


I just want to watch them suffer so whatever

>Replace Asashit arc with an Anime original
That’s the only thing I can see turning this utter shitfest into just a shitfest. But then again it’s probably going to end after RdC, as it should do.

We are talking about a manga that in the past was doing 300k in 4 weeks(RdC) but now cant even do 190k in 4 weeks..
its true that a lot of manga would kill for this numbers but we should also consider where that manga was before(sales-wise) and in the soma case 100k copies sold less in 3 volumes is not a small loss.

Very cute Megu.

>rdc finishes
>next ep or two will skip straight to the finale timeskip

i would be okay with that

Damn my Megumi is almost a christmas cake now?

It's a matter of expectations. Even if it still sold more than a lot of manga the decline probably resulted in a loss for the magazine, since they probably printed more volumes than what sold.
Not to mention it probably got less votes in the reader surveys as well.

She is a cake, and so is almost every other girl from the main cast in this manga now unless they're all hiding boyfriends/husbands somewhere.

That saddest part is even without the blue arc, the timeskip would still make fucking sense. Just shows how redundant blue arc was, holy shit.

Yeah, like Bleach.

It's not like shounen jump can pull out sellers like this out of their ass though. The magazine is in decline for years now.

Who said it was 3 chapters? It could have been months in advance for all we know.

Jump is shooting itself in the leg by axing so many old and still comparatively popular manga. They won't get even the lowest sales of Souma with any new series. I mean look at Dr. Stone. That's another retarded decision by nip management. They can't into business.

I really hate these "final chapters"
Medaka, Negima, Hayate etc
I hate all of them


Epilogues when done right are kino, it's just that mangaka can't ever seem to write a good ending

Going by this chart the last volume sold 113k in a week. I don't have the exact numbers but JJK and Act-age, which are from 2018, will probably gonna surpass that soon. And that's only comparing the first week, they probably sold more overall.
Everything from 2019 looks like it will be a flop though, save for maybe S8.

Attached: 1565718327968.jpg (2048x1935, 850K)

Is jujitsu kaisen any good?

Hopefully not.

Is there a chart like yours that has series from before 2010?

Nah. But the reason is wasn't axed was probably because the author of My Hero gave it a shout out.

It's the new bleach. It's good when you binge read it in one go.

Probably not, this is the only one i've seen.

I was thinking of making one but I don't have the time nor any idea where to get all that information.

It's loved by nips for some reasons and also the most successful one in the new batch I guess?
Act Age is flopping up and down lately. Other new manga are just cushions. Hori's opinion doesn't mean shit. The fujos might take a look but Jujutsu won't live up to their expectations like BHA did.

>character "development"
My disgust can't be put into words.

>Juliet end
>Soma end
Finally Yea Forums will have a little bit of peace.

Cutting hair doesn't mean "character development" dumbass. You think people , women especially will keep the same hair style for years? It's natural for women to cut hair hair for a new style.

This happens very often, author has a good idea and plans the story out to a point, but has no idea where to go after that, and so the story goes to shit.

Juliet only had threads once a week, maybe twice when the anime was airing.

Lurk for a couple years, faggot.

Tsukada didn't


Attached: Emeril-Lagasse-edu.jpg (300x300, 57K)

>>Juliet end
Are they gonna fuck? Or double suicide?

Retarded newfaggot

Go outside more and get a better education and maybe you'll understand the difference between a character going through "development" with the cliche hair cut and a character naturally deciding to change a hairstyle for no reason after many years of having the same hairstyle .

But they contributing a lot for attracting the refugee at the height of their popularity (Around when anime was airing and Leon arch).
Now we wait for the end of current big 3 of harem cancer.

>Finally Yea Forums will have a little bit of peace.
These two series are not even that popular on Yea Forums, or at least not anymore.
Wait until 5Toubun or Bokubenis finished instead.

>>Erina looks cute. I like her current haircut more than the old one. I like Alice too but I personally prefer short hair.

Attached: gay.jpg (480x360, 23K)

>Not liking short hair
You just don't have any taste

As the other user said JJK and Act-age will surpass Soma very soon which is true.
For now there are 6(7 if we count HxH) WSJ series higher than souma sale-wise which are
One piece,Boku no hero,Neverland,haikyuu,black clover and kimetsu no yaiba.
Also Soma vol35 did 172k in 29days which is the same as its vol 2 ,however, volume 2 required 21 days instead of 29 to do the same number.
Furthermore Soma had a decrease in sales even when the anime was on the air, add what I told you + the fact that many didnt like the "final arc" you will get the end of the series.
It doesnt seem a stupid decision seeing how everything went down and lets be honest evem tosh probably got bored with soma seeing how he is drawing these last chapters.

Why are ships almost never resolved in anime/Manga?

>"The secret to cooking is to find the person you want to cook for"
>Lol sike

Do you seriously truly think people give a shit about the plot of this garbage anymore

>Bokubenis ends
>the immediate sensei chimp out begins

Whatever. I didn't read this series for the ten trillion characters. I read it
>because food looks delicious
>because teen girls were being stripped naked and orgasming from tasting food that looks delicious
>every chapters
When he started to really think there was STORY TO BE TOLD this manga stopped being any good.

Who won?

WSJ series turns to shit. What else is new?


I can't see much impact when Bokuben ends.
5toubun is gonna be a shitshow

For the life of me i can't understsnd what people see in the quintuplets series. Shit bored to death.

Don't forget OreGairu

Reminder there's a new season of the anime for this trash

Not as notable as Oreimo means it won't be as big

The rest of the spoilers aren't actually out, that user is just trying to rile the whole thread up.

Oregairu would have been a huge shitstorm but the hype died down since the author is a hack and doesn't know how to end his story. Also, Saekano and Masamune meltdowns were fun too.

Where there really people delusional to think the ending wasn't obvious.

Wow Megumi at 25....WOW, hot and cute

Attached: IMG_20190827_135130.jpg (749x1062, 128K)

>Reminder there's a new season of the anime for this trash
How does this even work? Manga gets cancelled but anime gets another season because it was immensely popular? This is the most retarded shit I have ever experienced in japanese publishing history.

It's haremshit with quintuplet girls + MC not being a total fag
That easily makes it stands out among any other haremshit.

Erina looks like shit compared to her, long hair is where it's at, thus is why Megu is best girl

still doing the pose

Sales agree with you but the festival was fine until Azami spoiled it.

You mean like a BAM BAM BAM BAM
I miss that show.

Attached: exploding oven.jpg (1076x800, 296K)

All five girls are boring. The main character while not a fag has no significant characteristics other than I'm poor. It doesn't even have humor to fall back on. Its the same boring harem melodtams we've seen hundreds of times.

Someone should do an umami count for the entire series, and maybe megumi pose.

I'm one of the 4 Yea Forumsnons that like it. It doesn't have that many chapters yet, you could give it a try.

Hori gave a shout out around Vol.5 or 6? Can't really remember, it was already selling long before that.

She's texting.

Saekano wasn't really 'that' big because I think most people knew who was going to win. Masamune was notable because of how shitty the series had gotten

Why did this Shokugeki no Shit even get an epilogue when Hinomaru Zumou had so much potential for an amazing one? It was a sumo manga and the romance was a thousand times better than what Shokugeki tried to have but failed miserably

>Souma teaming up with giga nigga to take down Kuga
God I miss those days.

People like harem drama and waifu wars. I guess that the series seemingly giving all five girls a chance helps unlike the regular haremshit with obvious main girls.

The thing was selling like hotcakes way before Hori promoted it.

Because sumo wrestling is inherently gay.

Giga nigga was the OG.
Best character development.

Erina's short hair is amazing.


Attached: This is Shokugeki No Soma.gif (474x326, 826K)

Girls are cute, art is good
Same as Shokugeki really

Masamune wasn't that big either initially
It's not until the author started baiting during the final arc that the shitstorm started.

My wife is so cute and perfect

This gif needs an explosion for peak filename accuracy.


Phones carry a lot of bacteria. I hope she washed her hands after that before handling food.

Full chapter WHEN?

So you're telling me that absolutely no one got together in the past 8 years? Really? First you let boys and girls dorm together and then show us that none of them ever hooking up despite being in the most horniest stages of their life and now no one got with anyone? Wtf Tsukuda

And like the user said before, its gimmick makes it stands out
Just like how Osomatsu-san became so damn popular at first.

>he doesn't know about the pure bromance and heterosexual goodness that is Hinomaru Zumou
Read it and learn what a satisfying romantic subplot actually looks like.

Attached: 1534329572095.png (891x1300, 274K)

Tosh has at least ensured he'll never get work in another manga again lmao. Garbage hack.

Cope more

So it's finally over, can the body be buried already?

Viz translations tomorrow

Chart still work if you ignore everything after the RdC.

Tosh is just the artist.

What about Subaru? Do we not get his fate?


I am hoping that one day the females in this get canon nudes, the only thing that will save this,

All these years and there’s still Mehgloomyfags here. What a fucking travesty

Rent free


Better than being an Erinafag. Erina and her stupid shit are a big reason this manga became the way it did.

Tosh doesn't write, if anything he did his job too well

Living rent free in your head like always

>still a fucking t-rex

But we don't live in a culture like you proposed as you just said we haven't lived in one for ages

>shows more backbone than Erina throughout the entire BLUE arc
>still has that pose

Attached: 1476042291433.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

Can the T-rex hands collage be finally updated?

Not until the whole chapter is dumped.


Kek, my sides.

I'm not talking about a 2 page cameo at the end, I want him to take most of the pages

Wanna know how I know you didn't subject yourself to the BLUE arc?

Attached: 1553193161396.png (430x692, 217K)

What the fuck is wrong with Erina in this picture, isn't she supposed to be the haughty tsundere who can conquer anything?

Remember when Kurokiba was hyped as Souma's arch-nemesis ?

Attached: shokugeki-no-soma-5297253.jpg (800x1155, 170K)

>not wanting to eat megu's bacteria

Yeah, I remember when the 1st years were each others rivals and not just fodder for Souma and Erina.

I didn't even know that was Kurokiba. Why is he in the family picnic for shitty Nakiri characters?

Because he is Alice's manservant.

When does the chapter drop?

>random long haired Nakiri is Alice
My bad, Alice is alright.

I remember when every other character wasn't just fodder for Souma and Erina

Because he is fucking a Nakiri.

Attached: 6a14f65f05bf4ea5c2f2e64d80e5d4cb.png (775x710, 674K)

A boxer always keeps her hands up

Attached: 21.png (885x1300, 380K)

no ass

I'm sure Tosh is too tired to put in any effort in his art for this series anymore.


So, the Italian brothers went back to Italy where all the locals don't give a single shit they studied cuisine in Japan because FUCK Japan, cook me some Italian food you half-breeds.

Attached: Hibiki Question.webm (960x540, 105K)

Italian food is better, anyways.

Japanese food, specially shushi, is really popular in Italy.

Man he should be voices by Kamiya

U get barrs cancelu prease.

I see shit taste and fisticuffs is always living rent free in your head

Yeah, it's "popular" in America, too.
People have it...once a year. A California Roll on clearance from Wal-Mart.

She’s better because she didn’t do shit to hurt the manga that much but she still didn’t do shit. She’s like the inoffensive version of Sakura

Better than petty dislike over a character that did nothing wrong for so long.

*Jobs instantly*

This coming from a dude who thinks a flatchested jobber is somehow the best girl in manga filled with thicc sluts


Sakura actively dragged down the manga though. Megumi is the Hinata except she was never in the running for Souma D.

Erina looks stupid, Hisako looks fantastic


.....Megumi... I thought perfection couldn't be acheived but she did it. How much more waifu material can Megumi gain?

But Erina kinda wanted the Soma D and she wasn’t completely useless the entire time. They’re like an assortment of Sakura and Hinata except Erina could actually do something worth mentioning

She was useless when the situation calls for it. God for a character who's basically a God in the series, she's useless af

What will tsukuda's next magnum opus be ?

Tsukuda had 3 fucking chapters to make a proper epilogue and he still fucked it up.

>when the situation calls for it
Such as? Or is winning the two most important tournaments in the manga and simultaneously carrying PS useless asses so they wouldn't fail from the get go not enough?

I don't care about the author one bit.
TOSH is the reason I ever, EVER liked this series. Back when it was sexy teen girls having sexy orgasms while eating even sexier food.

The moment that stopped being the focus of the manga was the moment I lost interest.

Giving in to her dad without even trying, giving into Asahi's demands without even trying, trying to cook like some angry dumbass because mom problems, people literally have to come and save her ass and encourage her to stand up for herself

She was the shittiest in BLUE

Do you think they would wait until it sells less than the first volume?

>big 3 of harem cancer.
Which is the third one?

Now she wants Soma's D after she finds out Asahi is her brother? What a slut

Did they fuck

Nice job omitting the entire final arc in which she turned into a damsel in distress yet again.

Damn. How much sex is Erina getting from Souma?

none, she's having sex with her brother instead

Attached: ECvWVXFVUAUXVmW.jpg (1265x1553, 231K)

Read it and find out.

Attached: FA_HZ_203_05.png (891x1300, 298K)

the true endgame

Attached: 75935690_p4.png (1148x1200, 574K)

Is that from the artist who, from what I heard, deleted her account after the second epilogue?

a wsj author that can make sub-plot romance actually done right for once

>there actually was a surprise blood-related twist
>but it was Erina and Asahi and not Erina and Souma

they never deleted their account, it's still on pixiv and they still post Asahi and Erina cause they don't give a shit about tsukuda

If Tsukuda had 100 pages, he'd still make a shitty epilogue

He's wearing pants?
What kind of position is that supposed to be?

I've lost all the fucks I used to give about this manga so the reveal actually made me laugh. Thanks for the comedy Tsukuda.

don't open

Attached: 75935690_p21.png (876x626, 239K)

She didn’t delete. Seethe more.

wow, her fanart feels more canon than the entire series itself

>seethe more
But I don't hate her. Just didn't expect a single artist to stir up such a fuss in the last thread.

>a character has moments of doubt and weakness that she ultimately overcomes
>she still wins over the arc antagonists AND the mc
>hurr durr muh damsel in distress
So, how about you actually read the story and pay attention this time instead of glancing through the text and pretty pictures? Also, go back to tv tropes you buffoon, you don't even know what the buzzwords you're using mean.

based asarinachad
incest will just make it hotter

Even if it all turned to shit Erina had some of the best tits I have ever seen in a manga.

>>a character has moments of doubt and weakness that she ultimately overcomes
she has like an infinite amount of doubts and weaknesses, you idiot. Two major arcs in a row and she still can't find it in her to have the balls to cook with confidence

>she still wins over the arc antagonists AND the mc
You mean she wins because she got the win handed to her on a silver platter? She didn't even try against Asahi, and even after he lost, she still had another fucking weak moment and suddenly forgot to cook

>hurr durr muh damsel in distress
That's because she is you dimwit and that's one of the reasons why this manga is shit, because we have to keep saving her ass all the time and deal with her family trauma

I did read it, you dumb fuck. Do you honestly think Erina beating some low-tier “villians” is suppose to mean anything? I’ll give you Erina standing up to her dad and finally becoming her own person thus leaving her cage, but she was a complete vegetable in the final arc. Completely regressed. Getting worked up over parent issues AGAIN, getting nervous over El hermano for whatever reason. Fucking hell, even Megumi had more of a backbone in the final arc aka when she basically told El hermano to fuck off because she was tired of his crap. Erina didn’t do shit in the final arc. She was just a damsel in distress yet again so that Soma could save her.

This manga would probably be a thousand times better had Erina not existed, her minimal contact with the rest of the cast was a fucking blessing but then she stepped in the spotlight and everything went to fucking hell

No shit. It was family bullshit after bullshit with her character.

grinding the shaft against the labia

>tfw dropped this early

Attached: fat burd.jpg (320x408, 22K)

It's the same doubts and weaknesses that she overcame in the last arc, with Erina being hung over by the expectations her parents set for her. When you put a character through a trial you need to make it a different dilemma from the last one while having the character display the grit they received from overcoming the previous one. None of that happened until the very last two chapters where Soma uses The Heart to snap her out of her funk. That's not compelling in the slightest.

We had 2 fucking arcs of Erina having doubt and weakness she doesn't even try to overcome by herself which is where the damsel in distress comes in dumbass

>hurr durr her problem was not cooking with confidence
What kind of retard are you? Erina knew for a FUCKING FACT that her cooking was top tier. Her doubts in the RdC came from her not wanting to challenge her father (which she ultimately did, and won), not any kind of doubt on her food. Even during blue, she only feels conflicted on whether or not she can make something as ridiculous as her mother's demand for a dish that "doesn't exist in this world", but the way you frame her supposed failings is total bullshit, and you're either shitposting or completely illiterate.

>suddenly forgot to cook
So, are you just going to spew bullshit or are planning on actually presenting evidence?

>s-she needed saving
She "needed" help in the same way any mc requires training, mentors and friends, but you're just talking out if your ass if you're implying other people fought her battlea for her. She hard carried her team in the RdC, and she managed her issues and trumped Souma in Blue. How does that equals her being a damsel in distress?

Wait, dont tell me. He ends in the same way his dad did, by traveling around the world and challenge people?
If so then fuck that is some low creativity.

>We could have had a monster trio of Soma, Hayama, and Kurokiba and all of three of them getting more and more insane recipes trying to one up each other.

>Instead, everyone but Soma and Erina stop mattering and we focus on antagonists that are boring as sin.

I hate this manga.

She trumps Soma in Blue after he saves her. Why are you omitting shit when anyone can post the panels?

>hurr durr her problem was not cooking with confidence
Not as retarded as you. If Erina knows for a fact that her cooking is just as good, she shouldn't have had any problem challenging Asahi. Why did she accept Asahi's proposal without even trying? It's like she wants to give up

>So, are you just going to spew bullshit or are planning on actually presenting evidence?
Do you understand the meaning of an exaggeration? She was shaking in her boots until Soma slapped her out of whatever trance she was in

She doesn't need help for 2 whole arcs. Central was basically her being some weak bitch because trauma and everyone came to her aid. In blue she couldn't wait to marry Asahi just to save her mother. Soma had to come in to beat him for her because she was gonna throw the match probably. Even after all that attitude she gave him from the beginning, Erina was still read to throw in the towel. Soma had to save her by beating him, and he had to knock some sense into that dumb brain of hers. Her trumping Soma because she suddenly found her wind again thanks to him was the dumbest writer's move you could ever make. The series is Shokugeki no SOMA yet for the past 3/4 of the series felt like Shokugeki no ERINA and her winning sealed that fucking deal.

Erinafag in denial

Tbh even Soma stops mattering for a bit.

>Why did she accept Asahi's proposal without even trying?
I'll give Erina some credit for initially talking down El Hermano like post-Central Erina should have. But once he saw his literal cooking nen she straight up gave up and it was really disappointing.

I never disputed that the blue was basically a repeat of her conflict in the last arc, but that's not the same as being a damsel in distress unless you stretch its definition so much it becomes meaningless, you meme spouting illiterate . El hermano was trying to win her over, but other than half a chapter where she's literally held against her will, El Hermano wasn't even a direct threat to her. The whole thing was about meeting her mother's expectations and saving her and herself from the God's tongue curse (which is admittedly an awful plot device, but that's besides the point). Did Souma do that for her? He helped her out of her funk, but Erina herself made her a satisfying dish. She's never ever depicted as completely dependent on him, which is what the trope actually entails.

Did you just black out for the last few chapters where she decided it was better for Hermano to win and be his fuck doll until Souma kicked his ass?

who gives a shit if she's a damsel in distress or not? It won't change the fact that her entire existence is useless as fuck

you should go back to re-read BLUE's arc dude...

Erina would be more useless than she already is if not for Soma. She'd still be in trauma-mode and married to Asahi at this point. She's dependent on him......

I can't believe we don't get to see Shinomiya and Hinako get together, fuck this author

Except she was completely dependent on him. Had Soma not saved her, she would have married El hermano. All that character regression to give the half-baked Erina x Soma ship some backing.

Why do all the characters (not counting her grandpa, since it's obvious for him) care about Erina, anyways?

>after he saves her
He helped her realize she needed to save herself. Souma didn't control Erina's hands to make her mom a dish, and he certainly didn't throw the match against her after. That was all her. That's different from the mc actually solving her problems for her, which never actually happened despite how bad the manga got.

She didn’t save herself. He saved her.

He saved her dude. She would have sacrificed herself for her mom and married the guy without ever trying. Do you speed read or?

does it hurt to be as blind as this guy?

Erinatards and the shippers are the only ones still trying to defend the series. No use bothering with them.

>That's different from the mc actually solving her problems for her, which never actually happened despite how bad the manga got.
Are you reading the manga properly? Soma's entire existence is being her fucking family counselor

Erina can literally not function without breathing Soma's air anymore

Kanojo okarimashu.

Erina's been established to be a top tier cook and nobody should argue that. Hell, a lot of people had no complaints about her winning BLUE. The main problem here is that for a large chunk of the arc she doesn't act like one in the face of her mother and Asahi despite trashing all those fodder noirs and having learned to stand up to her dad in the last arc. People wanted an Erina that could show some moxie or tell those characters to fuck off, not some meek princess who was ready to give up.

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We would have gotten this if the manga was actually good.

>who cares if I'm wrong lol
Go fuck yourself.

>She would be married to Asahi
Except she wouldn't. Did you miss the fact that her organization easily found out he was her brother? That could have been her Granpa too and the engagement would have been called off.

>s-she's dependent on him
I already proved she's not. By the highly questionable standard you're using, Souma is also extremely dependant on her since impressing her is basically his goal for the vast majority of the manga.

too bad the only moxie Erina will ever show is when she's dissing or jabbing at Soma or being the worst tsundere in history

I'll gladly fuck myself but ladies first (You)

Only if that's Hinako. Mehgloomy was utter shit.

Half-brother, and there’s nothing with that in a manga. It’s pretty fucking obvious Tsukuda was catering to his fetish by having all those shippy moments between them. Let’s not forget that one volume cover of her and her dad.

Speaking of volume covers, when are we getting that last one?

Megumi is great though.

Asahi being her blood-related was something Tsukuda pulled out of his ass last second because he ran out of ideas for an epilogue so yeah, she'd still be married to him, incest or not, Erina's gotta keep her end of the bargain for him saving her

And I thought your reading comprehension was bad, but your bantz game puts it to shame.

>Mehgloomy was utter shit.
No she wasn't.

better than Erina that's for sure. Actually....every girl was better than Erina

Hahaha, talk about delusional.

At least I can read, you're blind as fuck man as well as being in denial

>user thinks incest is looked down upon in manga
How new are you?

Great at being shit, maybe. Serves a third rate loser like her to be Hinako's asslicker bottom bitch.

Is this your first manga? Do you even know Japan?

lmao she was objectively the most consistent character in the whole cast

You seem mad, Erinatard.

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You're right, utter shit is being way too generous to that spastic bum.

The description literally says she owns an inn and helps out with Hinako oof

Hell no, go and read again the last 40 chapters you need it.

Yes, there's no disputing she was consistently fucking garbage and consistently a failure of a cook. She was petty waifubait trash.

She owns her own inn, and is helping out/learning more from one of the best cooks to graduate from the academy. Literally the only one to have consistent development.