What the fuck was this show about?
What the fuck was this show about?
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Basically some dudes almost had a medicine but nothing really happened so they were just selling placebos.
The Laughing Man arc is about memes, essentially. I forget what the second season is all about. Still pretty good.
Stand alone complex, people who weren't related or involved with each other rose up individually when a strong ideal inspired them to do so, in a age where cyberbrain hacking is common.
>What the fuck was this show about?
2chan memes
>Season 1: copycat terrorist attacks inspired by memes and a hacker exposing corporate crimes
>Season 2: refugee crisis and a reorganization of the East Asian power balance
What a fucking dated show, none of these events are relevant to today at all.
I loved SAC's filler episodes. It was really nice getting to explore this setting in a police procedural form, something that the films didn't get into enough.
Watching 2nd Gig now, basically something about immigration
Not sure if masterful bait or complete retard so take my (you).
I hate how most of the bad shit in cyberpunk has become reality, but none of the cool shit.
We got all the cool shit, imo, but we just can't appreciate it like we can the shit in movies. Google is like one of those supercomputers from an 80s movie but its so normalized that 10 y/os use it to look up 'big boobs'. Those holographic screens - just worse versions of the ultra thin screens popping up now.
In a few years to a decade those tachikomas are gonna be replicated, but the magic won't be there.
We're short the augmetics. Computing has massively outstripped the advancement of other forms of technology.
I agree, I am not /g/ enough to really know why, but I noticed the same thing.
We have these incredible computers and processing networks, but most of the time it doesn't seem like they are really being utilized. They are getting stronger without anything to really push them.
I wonder why those sci-fi 'exo-suits' don't exist yet. It seems like everything that is needed is there for them, but then again I am far from really aware of what tech there is out there.
Not fisting robot girls.
We kind of are using them properly. Something that happened in computing/programming was that we realized that humans are actually really fucking smart and that our level of intelligence is incredibly complex. So we redefined AI from being an intelligent program like those from sci-fi to 3 categories, narrow which can do a task really well, general which is human-like intelligence, and super which we aren't super sure about. So far we can only make narrow intelligence AI. There's also a lot that we simply don't understand. AI research is super cool, but is essentially a black box once you make it, kind of like how an attempt to make an AI that could read a criminal case and pass verdict ended up being super racist and giving max sentences to blacks because it noticed there were more people of african descent that were arrested and decided that Uncle Rucus was right. Evolution has had thousands of years to figure shit out and didn't leave any notes, so we're still figuring shit out. If you want an interesting read, look up just how much of our medical information comes from inhumane studies done by the Nazis and will probably never been improved or changed any time soon because you can't do that kind of research without doing horrible things that are unethical.
>The Laughing Man arc is about memes
Incorrect. It presented a number of serious issues, but the animation and illustration quality of the studio staff allowed many iconic poses or images to be screencapped. Of note is that one of the all-time worst fansubs was a speedsub (no QC) release for GiTS from arguably the most popular fansub group (in terms of downloads and views in the first week) -- AnimeJunkies
The AnimeJunkies group made an iconic error that became a meme on Yea Forums. It would not happen now, but back then, it was the heyday of fansubbing as there was no crunchyroll putting out so many titles that serve as the basis for improved subs (signs, markers, karaoke).
my qt shousa
There are some real gems within the stand alone episodes, some of the folks whom I've shown the show to don't seem to appreciate that. Some of the ones that really stood out to me was Jungle Cruise, the Batou one with his boxing idol, and Angels Poem - the one in Berlin.
That last one has some killer music too. youtube.com
I really liked that Batou boxing episode, really struck a cord with me for some reason.
>What the fuck was this show about?
It presented a fairly advanced society heavily dependent on digital devices, digital communication, digital commerce, and showed how companies and the government could abuse or powerfully use such tech. People could themselves be hacked and made prisoner with their own body controls. Of course, there were many people who didn't have bio-mechanical bodies, but those people generally couldn't compete against those people who had moved their brains into biomech bodies.
It's a world that didn't have Psycho-Pass or Social Credit Score system controls.
Why did the Major wear such a slutty outfit? She walks around the office and goes to meetings with her ass hanging out. I feel bad for everyone who still has a functioning dick in that building.
Delet this. The major does not fuck men.
Better for mobility and cooling. Also, the major has a super generic body design. Even if it's a sexy body, it's too generic for people to be turned on by. She pays for specs, not appearance.
I really kind of hated her season one outfit. Just didn't mesh with the show's aesthetic, stood out in a bad way. Her season 2 outfit was still 'sexy', but it wasn't so ridiculous.
The truth is that computing is massively powerful but utilized in a manner that is at some level a cyberpunk dystopia, and at the other extremely benign. Amazon and Google have massive processing capacity in order to help collate all of the data which they gather so that they can gain market and consumer insights, but the most powerful super computers on Earth are used for research projects that, while important, aren't very cyberpunk; and thankfully so, we should be glad that Summit and Cray Titan are doing quantum chemistry and advanced Earth systems research rather than how best to manage the human population. There is obviously no speaking for China, or for what the US DoD hides in their black budget, but on the whole Cyberpunk envisions a world in which the dystopia is far more visible or far more ingrained in our lives - emerging and developed society is on the whole quite nice as it is and no one is all too eager to rock the boat.
Our reality is foremost driven by efficiency and practicality, and because of that a great many of the cyberpunk tropes are improbable simply because of how outlandish they are. You might argue that something like the F35 is impractical, but at the end of the day it employed hundreds of thousands of people, drove the economy forward, and generated billions in research and development. Some of which is hella cyberpunk, such as the pilot helmet that allows you to see clean through the aircraft.
This might all go out the window in 50 years, but for now shits pretty tight. If the global economy falters and the climate collapses shit might be a lot less rosy.
It's explained as a way to hide her super combat specs and is meant to be a direct representation of how she sees her body as a tool
I think he means that its literally about memes (as in ideas within a culture)
Please tell me more, I'm not aware.
Way back then, there were a lot of fansub groups. Some were slow, meticulous through their standardized creation process, AND they also waited for certain quality raws so you might see fansubs from them appear as long as two weeks after the show first aired in Japan. Other groups were middle of the road so you'd see a fansub release between 4 to 6 days of the show airing in Japan. Then there was the third category of groups which as collectively known as "speedsubbers". These groups would get a fansub out in one to three days after the show aired in Japan.
Previously mentioned was "raws". The raw untranslated japanese footage is not all the same quality. The same anime show was typically broadcast on as many as five different networks and at different times. Obviously, the first networks to broadcast it paid more money while others showing it later paid less and had less viewership. Some networks showing it later tried to retain viewers by having higher quality or less censorship. Remember, broadcast TV is technically streaming too. It is a bitrate transmission and the bitrate chosen can vary. Thus, certain fansub groups waited for those higher quality or uncensored raws.
Because many anime viewers are Consumers and not Fans, they would just get the speedsub version because it was available first. Because of that, the download and viewing numbers for speedsubs was very high. The down/view numbers for that same show released by a quality group a week later would be much lower. You can understand that fansubbers like to see big numbers because it shows people want their item. So there was some criticism and dislike of speedsubber groups and their frequent errors as they raced to beat everyone else at being first to release. The first release often got the most views.
Picture is the original "hentaiverse" game that appeared in your browser at e-hentai before the sad panda era.
That chart is sort of halfway point history between 2003 and now. Especially those relationships of several groups with BoxTorrents (aka BakaBT now) back then. Those several groups (and a few others) made arrangements with BoxTorrents for it to be their primary or sole bittorrent tracker. There were advantages for both because now torrents that appeared would be from the fansubber source directly. The fansub groups benefitted as they didn't have to run their own tracker but still had access to statistics and seeding was done by the loyal users and not the fansubbers themselves. Thus, months later, the same torrent would remain well seeded while similar ones on nyaa would be dead or often lose almost all their seeders after two weeks.
Doki had problems getting their torrents listed on nyaa which was too bad as it was a prolific group and one of the few that also worked on eechi and hentai anime fansubs. BoxTorrents changed into BakaBT after Box left. Eventually, the new staff at BakaBT got rid of the arrangements with fansubbers. And now BakaBT is a private site.
Doki went on to create AniDEX as its public english fansub torrent tracker site. And MangaDEX as the public manga-reading site. Really, some fansub groups are long-lived and have some vision and planning for the future.
ANIDEX: anidex.info
MANGADEX: mangadex.org
MANGADEX Gaming Community:
look at this dumb dumb shouser
>What the fuck was this show about?
This anime has chars from a secret public security government police force capable of both hacking and swat tactics. Such police are necessary because cyborg criminals in a high-tech advanced society will have offensive, hacking and attack robot defenses.
Crimes in the show are corruption type problems that couldn't be solved due to corruption in police or politician areas.
> the episode likening cyborg food to Taiwanese vegan food