What were they thinking creating this character? How could they not predict a massive backlash when the sweet pretty girl tosses the fat nice guy aside so she can be with the jerk pretty boy?
What were they thinking creating this character...
Other urls found in this thread:
There's not a lot of fat people in Japan to begin with.
Fat hikki neet need not apply. They don't matter if they don't exist within society.
This is what fatsos actually believe.
>What were they thinking creating this character?
Nips are cruel to anyone who doesn't conform to cultural norms and looks.
That's just realistic. I knew lots of boys like that in school. They think a girl being nice to them means she's into him.
Based Kokoro taught them an important lesson.
The weak and chubby must fear the strong.
would you chose a fat girl over a skinny pretty girl?
What backlash?
VEG and Sora Yori may have a shitposteish discussions, but at least they are not like this thread.
I'm honestly surprised that the director who is a fat fuck himself was ok with the only fat character in the series being a walking "lol he fat" joke
But then again Franxx as a whole was such a shitshow that he probably wasn't thinking of anything at all
Maybe they wanted to NOT pander for once. Your cunts leak tears about "pandering" nonstop. This is the opposite.
You wanted a little more pandering and for them to have run this past a few more focus groups first. Frankly, I think each and every dipshit that this bothered (beyond what you were meant to be because that's the story) should be found and executed.
If the fat girl is cute.
The fat guy in real life went on to burn down their rival studio, a win for them
>fatties seething that a cute girl has sex with the man she loves for the purpose of procreation
Fustoshi became pretty based in the end though
Still seething? Get over it. Being fat = not good. He deservered it 100% for acting like "NICE" fedoralord and riajuus couldn't deal with it. Now go back to watching your pure romances like Clannad or harem power fantasies
franxx was birth increasing propaganda and should be taken as such
all the characters in the anime were what the archetypes are supposed to be in real life
remember the DitF thread calling him pathethic and a cuckold
those were nice
my bad
>this is what the fatties believe
Hello again, Fat apologist. Did you know that leaving your ex-crush alone is not called "being based". It's called "acting like normal person"
Kokoro could have atleast not promised him and get his hopes up.
She is a top tier whore
Considering this guys only sense of superiority comes from his dress code, you don't need that shadow to assume that guy is fat or/and ugly.
>second best pilot behind Hiro, even when paired with a lesbian
>never got his getting over Kokoro mini arc
>never became actual non-romantic partners with Ikuno
>they just give him a consolation girl in the epilogue
incel basement dweller (not even same user btw)
He has as many kids as kokohoe and is friends with everyone still hes likebthe squads grandpa
on an unrelated note, will bullyanon ever update his stories, or has he abandoned them?
he was the only nice boy in a cast full of retarded ass teens
futoshi deserved better
They were going for realism. Why would a pretty, kind girl go for a self-conscious fatso?
wasn't the whole copypasta bunch dead?
i dont know, I just check his paste bin every so often, and its been dead the past several months, which is a shame, because I really liked the high school bullying stories
Those guys don't come here anymore
>new chapter still not translated
Yes, I would.
How long has it been since this shitshow ended? How many times are we going to get Futoshi-Mitsuru-Kokoro threads? When will they finally fuck off?
>only thing standing is mitsukokofutoshi shitposting
Can't imagine a worse ending for this pile of trash.
Fat can be cured. Shitty personalities are harder to override. Most people in-general have shitty personalities too regardless of weight-class.
what a slut
I just want an excuse to talk about the show. I only finished it this week so missed out on the main threads
I wouldn't even call that Futoshi level fat. She doesn't even have fat rolls.
Since you weren't here when Yea Forums imploded on itself, what did you think of the show in general?
>Fat can be cured
Only with a complete lifestyle change. The vast majority of fatties who start on the weight loss journey give up before they make any noticeable progress.
You'd also need a dietician preparing daily meals for you and a personal fitness trainer to whip you into shape and keep you on track. Most people can't afford that and don't have that support.
Futoshi was disgusting when the studio wanted you to not be sympathetic to him.
shame, what happened?
>Only with a complete lifestyle change. The vast majority of fatties who start on the weight loss journey give up before they make any noticeable progress.
>You'd also need a dietician preparing daily meals for you and a personal fitness trainer to whip you into shape and keep you on track. Most people can't afford that and don't have that support.
You're full of shit.
>320 lbs to 176 in a year
Based Tattun. Fatties forever BTFO
depends how fat she is and how skinny the other girl is
i'm not into anorexic girls, but i'm not into tubs of lard either
I went only really knowing that it was a mecha. At the beginning I was a bit skeptical and it was a bit boring but as it went on i got more attached. World building was good, pretty much all the characters were decent. Ending was a suprise since i was fully expecting everyone to die. Overall though I loved it
Yes, but I'm a chubby chaser and so is almost everyone who's giving you (You)s, so I don't know if that really counts.
Where were you for the three weeks after episode 11 aired?
>The vast majority of fatties who start on the weight loss journey give up before they make any noticeable progress
Hence why I say personality is more at applicable than anything. Support is available for free in most places so long as you don't mind your fat ass being seen in public working out. You don't need a dietician or personal trainer to get ahead, that's a bloody cope of epic proportions if I've ever heard one.
Little fat isn't that bad, but UGLY and FAT? No thanks. I can't understand how some anons see Fatoshi as attractive. What happend to the standards? His personality pre-partner shuffle isn't great either. I think being pretty/handsome is more important than being fat, personality is the least important thing when you fall in love with someone, unless you are neckbeard who got treated nicely by a girl (who is nice to everyone)
There was an equal amount of threads bitching about Kokoro rejecting him full of people going full /r9k/ with their blogposts.
She herself admitted that it was a shitty thing to do.
Holy shit, the amount of fat? losers in this thread still bitching about some girl and fatass incel. After 1,5 years even. AHAHAHAHAHAHA! I don't say this often, but seriously, get a life!
>second best pilot behind Hiro, even when paired with a lesbian
Why wasn't Goro the second best pilot when he had a lower code than Futoshi?
>never got his getting over Kokoro mini arc
Futoshi had two of them. The first one was undone and neither of them were satisfying.
>never became actual non-romantic partners with Ikuno
They were partners by definition, they just weren't close to each other and stopped being partners after the FranXX units were mothballed.
>they just give him a consolation girl in the epilogue
There's no reason to care about his Mako NPC wife because she's a literal who and there's no explanation or reasoning as to how Futoshi ended up with her. That was a massive cop-out.
A regular BMI would be a start.
In that sense I'm glad to not be a Murrikkkan.
I get that Zorome is supposed to be a snide tsundere little shit, but holy fuck, that's pretty much exactly the wrong thing to say to your supposed best friend after he got rejected and is bawling his eyes out.
Never underestimate how personally complete losers take this stuff. You give them a whole cast of characters and they immediately identify with the most pathetic one and then act like it's the writer's fault bad things happen to him.
Are you still not over this?
It's a Japanese show. Japanese people are not afraid to bluntly tell you that you are fat. He's right although lacking in tact.
Kokoro rejecting him wasn't exactly his fault, but being obsessive and clingy to a girl whose existence he barely acknowledged outside of her presence outside of telling other people how pretty she is didn't help.
If you want to get girls, the general priority list goes: Money>=face>=be funny>=good body>>>>>>>nice. Remember it.
Is this the trigger Yea Forums thread?
I thought they were supposed to be over the top polite.
To give you someone you can self-insert too.
Zorome said that all the time before that and Futoshi would get a bit miffed at him for saying that, anyway, but at THAT moment, especially coming from your best friend? That's just soul-crushing.
Let's be real loosing weight wouldn't have gotten him the girl either.
That's not considered impolite there. If anything, it's considered polite and doing that person a favor by pointing out a flaw that makes them stand out so that they can change it.
Zoromeme was a faggot, Im glad he ended up a virgin. The episode that focused on him and the hag was the worst one not counting the ending.
The board being flooded with threads full of people self-inserting as Futoshi with /r9k/-tier blogposts for THREE STRAIGHT WEEKS after episode 11 aired was probably the most intense example of that I've ever seen.
Of course
Zorome obviously fucked miku regularly
Well at least the manga is doing a better job with him. It was his idea to make the switch this time in order to him Mitsuru.
>obsessive and clingy to a girl whose existence he barely acknowledged outside of her presence outside of telling other people how pretty she is didn't help.
I've watched alot of episodes like 3 times and not once did I ever see him be clingy or tell anybody how pretty Kokoro is. Mostly it was food related stuff.
The real crime was that what happened in that episode was completely undone in episode 19. Aside from that, he was only barely above Miku in that he only just met the threshold of being an actual character. While most of what Zorome did was be tsundere at Miku, being tsundere at Zorome was practically the only thing that Miku did.
>not once did I ever see him be clingy or tell anybody how pretty Kokoro is
He mentioned how infatuated he was with her once or twice to the other stamens when she wasn't in the room, but that was about it.
>He mentioned how infatuated he was with her once or twice to the other stamens when she wasn't in the room
When was this?
They were too busy being tsundere at each other to think about sex seriously.
Didn't he get married to someone else in the end? Why do you still care.
>implying fat chicks have good personalities
stay mad fatty
if they didn't want to pander then why did she end up with the basedboy
In hindsight, Kokoro's the plot would have come across a lot better if fat guy had had a regular build, to show that love sometimes takes unexpected turns. As things were, Kokoro's switch made her look pretty shallow. Instead of an on going 'lol he fat' joke, it would have been the relationship drama they were probably aiming for.
Yeah but fat people are more likely to have shitty personalities.
They'd rather drag people down with them than rise to the level of others
>You'd also need a dietician preparing daily meals for you and a personal fitness trainer to whip you into shape and keep you on track. Most people can't afford that and don't have that support.
Not even close to true.
I think this is a troll since up to this point the post was correct.
Either that or a delusional fatty who has convinced themselves there's no hope.
Losing weight is actually pretty fucking easy.
I managed to slim down from about 130kg to 90kg while maintaining a heavy drinking problem (alcohol has lots of calories and I was drinking half my daily calorie allowance); so to me if you don't have a drinking problem how the fuck do you find it hard to lose weight?
That episode when the franxx got hit with that suit melting goo. Futoshi was babbling how he found her so beautiful so he couldn’t look away.
The manga kinda fixed that though as Genista was spared so futoshi didn’t even get to gawk at her this time.
I never understood how he got fat anyways. They only existed for one job you would think they force everyone to keep in shape.
that one hurt but i know it was for the better
You get fat pretty fast if you are always eating. Calories in, calories out.
I thought only beer has lots of calories. Most alcoholics I know look like crack addicts. And I think most fat people are stress eaters that's why it's hard to lose weight.
I think he was trying to make it seem like he wasn't leering at her like a pervert but made it worse. Hell all of guys except mitsuru were guilty.
>not being attracted to unattractive people is shallow
There's not a single likable thing about Fatoshi. Deal with it and learn how to be attractive.
As an actual fat guy, why are people surprised that a girl would rather want someone that's fit and healthy over a whiny fat baby? Is it just incel logic?
It was hate fuck untill miku got rid of the pig tails and stopped acting like a bitch
Actually spirits are worse for losing weight than beer since they are extremely calorie dense.
If you drink 3 liters of beer with dinner you'll probably feel so stuffed that if you had any more you'd vomit, but if you had 750ml of whiskey with dinner you'd have space for more food and drink and also be *way* drunker.
They probably look like crack addicts because they're poor and don't eat properly or drink away their food money.
Piloting is only really hard for the pistil. The stamen doea fuck all but control the mechs systems
No one was really surprised, just disappointed because they self-inserted into Futoshi and took it personally for God only knows what reason.
Haven't you faggots already made enough millions of threads about this? Yes, we get it. The fat kid got rejected. Just laugh and move on.
>fit and healthy
>lanklet that almost dies of AIDS
>fit and healthy
I never got why Mitsuru was being called a chad all the time, either. He was sickly to the point of needing some magma infusions just to keep him from getting pruned. He also wasn't the one who went for Kokoro, she went for him and he eventually reciprocated.
Way to ignore my point. Which is that as things were, 90% of the talk were about shit that the staff weren't aiming for. Her leaving him wasn't about him being a fat fuck, but thanks to that character design, that was almost the sole thing almost everyone zeroed in on.
Since the infusion had a 75% mortality rate kokoro might have seen him as strong or something
Mitsuru took an elixir injection that had very low survival rate.
Hiro was the only one to survive riding with 02 more than 3 times.
Futoshi looked like a man in his 50s by the series end. Mitsuru hardly aged at all.
But don't forget he is also UGLY, so even if he were slim, that fatso would still look disgusting
>love sometimes takes unexpected turns
Did you actually think they were couple perhaps? That fatso was getting NTR'd 100% from the start. Actually, why Kokoro wasn't Mitsuru's partner from the start? Would have spared lot of bullshit and whining from that uggo fatso
Because ikuno might have raped ichigo if she had to be fatties partner the entire
So we could appreciate the slight change in the OP after episode 11 more.
Seriously, I don’t think the writers predicted the impact on fatties the shuffle would have. They’ve made futoshi as unsympathetic as possible, his weight was the least offense. Yet some people still found something of themselves in him to be offended to this day.
>But don't forget he is also UGLY
He's not a real person. It's almost as if I was arguing that his character design was getting in the way of the message.
>Did you actually think they were couple perhaps?
No. He wanted her to reciprocate his feeling but she fell for someone else. "Love takes unexpected turns". Why are you arguing semantics? If my point wasn't clear, it should be by now.
>You'd also need a dietician preparing daily meals for you and a personal fitness trainer to whip you into shape and keep you on track.
Absolutely delusional. Is this what fatasses tell themselves so they have an excuse for never trying?
>t. was fat my whole life until I had enough, stopped stuffing my face, started to exercise, and have never regained weight again
>185,746,937,930,937,638,682,928,973th "Haha fatty got cocked lmao" thread
How much longer do DitFags plan on beating this dead horse?
ESL red flags aside, this
Smells like fat cope. It’s easier to lose weight than to improve shitty personalities.
I don't care about futoshi but what did she see in that edgelord? Also mitsuru's reason for falling in love with her is retarded. How can you expect me to buy this relationship?
What fucking backlash? Everyone was just screaming about 02 and that blue haired girl. Fatso-Slut-Asshat plot was forgotten week after it was introduced.
He was holding her back.
that would have been way better than what we actually got
Attraction has no rationale. You just like a certain person or a particular color because you simply do. How many times have you wished the one interested in you is the one you actually want? Often times it’s the unwanted one who’s making the moves.
who actually gives a fuck about this generic filler character and his forced love triangle cuck romance. shit anime, but even shittier “discussion”.
That's not the issue desu. I feel like they missed an opportunity to show that he matures and grows past the girl and makes something of himself/finds happiness and pride on his own terms. That's a pretty common sin with a lot of shows, though. I feel like writer's in general have a refusal to have their characters move on from something they couldn't get.
It's just Yea Forums beating a dead horse and shoving its obsession with cuckoldry down each other's throats, nothing out of the ordinary here
>stealth incel thread.
But actually, the side characters were so absolutely generic and forgettable I don’t remember a single one of their names, they might as well have not been in the show at all. The only good episode involving the side characters is the one where shorty gets stuck in the city with the adults, which is one of the shows biggest highs that went completely unexplored. The MC was worthless self insert incel bait shit too. The only character that keeps the show even relevant is 02 but that is only because she was the sole character who got development or was fleshed out at all.
All in all Darling In The Franxx is one of the biggest blunders of the 20 teens because it had a chance to be a classic anime but the execution was shit beyond measure.
>I'm a contrarian faggot the post
Of course she would choose the one who is physically more healthier, that's what most do in real life, accept it.
>Characters barring 02 are shit
>Pacing is shit
>Plotholes galore
>Huge worldbuilding and deep storytelling cuts fall flat and or are unexplored
>Main character is unbelievably generic, Isekai MC generic
>The entire third half of the show is actually fucking laughable
Keep beating your meat about kiddie EVA zoomer. Watch more anime next time you feel the need to reply without even giving a counterargument retard.
Maybe pay more fucking attention to the anime. All the problems you listed would go away if you did that more then shitpost on 4channel
Atleast he moved past the whore and has his own family now. He was the only nice guy in the squad. Kokoro didn't deserve him
>Pay more attention
What is possible to miss? I literally just mentioned the issues with the anime not once but twice over since you’re too daft to figure that out. I fail to see if you can’t come up with a comprehensive response with proof that backs up your baseless claims that the anime is anything else than a turd that looks pretty sometimes. It’s okay if you want to enjoy your shitty anime, just don’t expect people to not be willing overlook the glaring flaws because they can’t be assed to tap their cumstained fingers across the keyboard with some actual facts. Fuck right off.
Abe-dono needs to give incels a reality check for Nihon birth rate.
If you give me actual questions ill give you an in universe answer
I just don't want my wife to turn into a hambeast after I knock her up so I prefer skinny girls. Chubby girls are still cute though and their shy personalities get me rock hard.
>Not wanting a hambeast wife
What a fucking pleb
That kind of curvy "fat" on all the tight places is the female equivalent of chad male ripped body builder
Don't pretend that being its the same thing with poor postured ugly skinny fat incel and femcels body
Pretty boah? You kiddin' me? Pretty boah?
Meanwhile evafag thread #6000000
what backlash?
>fat nice guy
He's obessive-possesvie creepy fuck
also nice try fatso
Of course fatties sympathize. Arranged marriage is the only way they'll ever get their willies wet, and was brutally reminded that even in one, she still won't love you
I'd choose the skinny girl then make her fat.
lose weight then have sex
got bullied
Based as FUCK
he was a complete and total faggot and if you liked him then so are you
who bullied the bully user
>not the other way around
Dude was the second pest pilot after the switch and there wasn't even an attraction between him and his partner.
i sincerely miss him.
he was a nice diversion to the whole ntrfest
>pest pilot
That sounds about right. lmao
I'm pretty sure he was meant to be killed in a pathetic fashion but being the NTR recipient also meant that the studio didn't want to become the first Kyoani so they gave him a trashy, generic ending with a generic literal who wife.
The main threads were all shitshows and it was glorious
Fat can be cured but that basically amounts to a fundamental shift in the way the fat person behaves and thinks or in your terms a personality shift. So either way I'd take the skinny person.
I wish i was there to see them
He is morbidly obese at best.
I identified with best bro Goro. Luckily he ended up being the most based character in the end.
If it's a girl that just let herself loose on wendy's everyday then hell no, you're figure a shit and you should feel bad.
If it's just a bit above average then fuck yes, skinny wimmin are fucking terrible. If you feel bones around the hips you get a feeling of disgust during.
It's also these types of girls that are usually the arrogant cocky ones.
You're waifu a shit btw
He got best girl in the end so who cares
>They think a girl being nice to them means she's into him.
Pretty sure desperate fags on this site think like that too.
Just eat less you fucking glutton.
Futoshi moved on and had sex
Maybe OP should do the same
They didn't even let him redeem himself in the end. He was still a big fatass and did nothing to improve himself, just a big fat fuckin' loser to the end.
>americans needs a paid specialist just to stop being fucking fat.
I would be just as irritated if I saw a fat girl in close relation with a guy being tossed for a thot. Probably even more so.
The worst part is not even the fact that it happened, I've seen plenty of soft NTR in other anime and it was fine. It's the fact that in this particular case it served absolutely no purpose.
Being fat is a sure sign of a weak will. Weak will means unreliable, cheater, loser, etc. You can't cure fat because it's a symptom.
fat guys are disgusting on the outside and on the inside. Fat people lack self-control and are selfish. I feel sorry for Kokoro for having to put up with such an abomination for so long. Imagine how hard must have been for her to have this giant sweaty and stinky ball of fat staring at her ass during every single battle. And even after the battle is over that clingy motherfucker couldn't stop annoying her with small talk. The only time she'd get some peace was while the fat fuck was too busy eating.
The bluehaired midget became utterly irrelevant after episode 15. The pinkhaired girl was turned into an ugly giant waifubot that exploded in space. The pretty mommy girl voiced by Hayami Saori got the best ending by being pregnant, beloved, having multiple kids, and her firstborn having psychic powers that allows everyone to tell Hiro to wake up so that he can kill himself in space.
I just realised Zorome is an anagram for Zoomer
>LE KEK!!!
Meanwhile when you watch the shows they are teens and most of them have some sort of romantic problems. You fucking autists.
>bluehaired midget
Darling in the Franxx threads are just a way for anons to bully and shitpost towards fatties by proxy.
>massive backlash
Show had to be popular and he had to he a popular character for that to happen. DiTF fumbled its cast so hard.
Reminder that some fatlosers were so fat and pathetic, they even made several /qst/ threads where Futoshi was the main character.
what a joke
men like all kinds of women. it doesn't matter how ugly or fat they are there is always a guy that will want to tap that
woman on the other hand never like fat guys.
They're the only way the desperate ass fans left of this show get discussion outside manga threads.
To use as a part of a fap set or even one night stand maybe. To marry... in some case yes, but fat men get married too.
He hardly did shit compared to the rest, so that helped.
Honestly how the fuck did ichigo become team leader?
Who else? Goro is a bit too soft, the rest are either too childish or deal with their specific problems.
It was actually woeful how bad this show was. If I was less of a faggot I think I'd never watch anime again after this bin fire.
>massive backlash
It was only massive going by the body mass of the people complaining
She makes stupid and rediclous decisions atleast goro can think straight
Most likely not but I wouldn't promise to be with her forever and then publicly dump her five minutes later
what backslash?
Nah, he went from fatass with an irritating personality to fatass with no personality. I suppose that's still an improvement though.
If that makes you a good person then me admitting I'm an ugly bastard makes me handsome.
>fat people are selfish
I will go out of my way to tell you no thats retarded.
Did big sister eat your share? lmao
He's right you know.
That's just because he's a piece of shit just like everyone else, an actual friend would have puleld it off.
Ok samefag
>self inserting as a fatty loser
>gets upset when fatty doesn't get the harem end
Why does society celebrates naive, romantically inexperienced men getting emotionally crushed for making innocent mistakes?
Because they need to realize that you don't get laid by just putting in a certain amount of nice guy tokens.
It's okay, they gave him a cardboard cutout of Mako.
That's gotta be the saddest cameo I've ever seen now that I think about it.
i had to look it up because sidechick was so forgettable
they were both good girls i guess
but kayos development was just such a heart squeeze
the ending tied up all the loose ends but did it with such a terrible hollywood method
not to mention the killers damn motives, or their motive for stopping
i hope every kayo out there can be saved and live a fulfilling life ;_;
Cope harder. Unless you have a thyroid problem, weight loss is pretty easy. Even with a thyroid problem you just need to see a doctor to get it fixed. Just stop drinking liquid sugar and don't stuff your face with food.
Why it is true that the negative stereotype of the manipulative Nice Guy does exist in reality, it would be extremely disingenuous to pretend it applies to all cases of inexperienced men trying to show interest by acting in a way that could be interpreted as "nice". Many guys are unfairly demonized for not knowing something society doesn't teach them in the first place, even when they act without malice at all.
Keep telling yourself that
Because being nice to people you interact with daily is just something you're expected to do. Nice guys think it's the only thing that matters when it comes to girls when in reality they need to develop a personality beyond just being nice.
Society is sociopathic and self centered, specially the neoliberal one, who praises winnerism and attractiveness over everything, so much that, if a person is handsome and/or successful, their other flaws will be overlooked.
Go back to fapping to asuka
I understand him. She was hot and anything to get those milkers is fair. Imagine being a FAT FUCK and walking with this next to you and be like "yeh, I fuck this".
I didn´t watch it but based on Yea Forums threads I think this is some soft NTR bait to trigger people. Is it right, show watchers?
It was exactly that.
I feel so sorry for kokoro I don't know how she survived
> jocks shit on skinnies
> skinnies shit on fatsos
> fatsos suffer
Is this the ultimate redpill on how our society is built?
He got laid at the end tho.
I guess the message here is that your life doesn't come to its end because of some retarded bimbo wanting a better dick. Just try again
Muh fat is ugly
>fat guy has a beta personality
Why is this trope so popular? Why can't a fat guy be the bully or have a charming personality?
I think his point was that these nice guys or whoever you want to call them get treated as if they were wannabe Ted Bundy manipulators when in most cases are just naive inexperienced teens trying to make a move.
The only thing he didn’t do was bring Hiro to 02. It’s not like the others actually did something more significant than lead Hiro to his own death.
im amazed at how everyone who looks at this image never sees the fucking filename
What's with all this chadposting? It's like a different board.
"chadposting" here just means "a-at least I'm not fat" and "good thing I didn't chose the wrong self-insert"
Man, did I bet on the wrong horse. I spent almost the whole show expecting Fatoshi to be one of those characters that go from useless to Kamina-tier.
Instead of just the promise I would add: I am so glad to be with you, you are my reason to go on if I lose you I will kill myself and blame you on my suicide note".
>UGLY and FAT being chad
Seriously, all Fatoshi supporters should kill themselves. Imagine believing in all this. Nishigori, you fucked up by revealing all these turbo losers in Yea Forums and giving their pathetic existence a form in anime