School Rumble

Just started watching this as I heard it's one of the classics from 2000-2009.

Why hasn't more of Yea Forums watched it? It's just so goddamn fun. Harima is a god tier main character.

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Other urls found in this thread:

one of the better harem shows from the early 2000's

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I'm pretty sure whoever has watched it back then is gone or old. Harima is one of my favorite characters as well.
It's not a harem in the traditional sense but harima does have two girls going for him.

>I heard it's one of the classics from 2000-2009.
>Why hasn't more of Yea Forums watched it?

because you're new.


Bad manga ending, fun show. Its fucking great and I remember loving this shit immensely.
All 2000's shows scratch that itch. They have spirit in them and they're all fun to watch

what's with the newfag mentality whenever they watch anything over 10 years old that was remotely popular and automatically assume no one on Yea Forums's ever watched it?

Great show. I don't know any with such a large cast where every character is good and distinct. If you trimmed the weaker episodes it'd be a perfect series.
Confirmed for not having watched it.

>Why hasn't more of Yea Forums watched it?
Hasn't everyone seen this? I don't really like it anyway, too much aimless neverending comedy shit and not enough actual romance.

Man, a solid portion of the worst anime I ever saw were in the 00s.

I love pie too.
Fuck you fag, this shit should be buried and forgotten.

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People ACTUALLY believe all that bullshit?!

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The ending is so shit it ruined the franchise's legacy.
It was quite popular here in its heyday and then suddenly he pulled the plug on it like a black fetus and everyone collectively scrubbed it from their memories.

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How did you feel about the Battle Royale arc?

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reminder best girl won the Harima bowl

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Are you new to anime?

Shame that ending was a disgrace.

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Yakumo all the way

I really loved this series back in the day, it was borderline obsession.
The comedy is still on of the best in the medium. Harima is easily my favorite harem protagonist ever.

I have never read the manga, so I have only heard legends about the terrible ending. I have come to the decision that it's better if I never read it so I can preserve the great memories I have about the series unspoiled.

>Yakumo couldn’t win too
It hurts

Yeah but he is going for one, and she is the worst girl.

Any love polygon manga out there? Either a comedy or a heartbreaking drama.

what's the ending like in the manga?

No better, unfortunately.

>Why hasn't more of Yea Forums watched it?
Stop being new. School Rumble is one of the best romcoms out there and has the best supporting cast. Also, best girl won.

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Remember when Shinji Takemetsu actually gave a shit on female characters in a comedy and not just a hard-on towards only dude-bro comedy?

It's the same as the anime, but there's a bunch more stuff before it, that the anime skips. Some quality Harima x Eri moments, too.

Reminder that shipping idiots like yourself will always be idiots.

>Also, best girl won.
based retard

It's Shipping: the Animated Series, you idiot.

Newfags only watch seasonal shit or the top 20 of MAL

I watched. I liked it. I liked the fanmade ending with eri desu.

Any other recommendations?
Nisekoi was alright as well.
Prefer a little less violence desu, very emotional ending.
Finishing it left me empty wanting more.

For braindead morons like yourself, I'm sure it is. People with functioning brains however, can appreciate the comedy, specifically across the wide array of funny characters.

All you idiots focus on is who "wins" the Harimabowl, when there's so much more to School Rumble.


I loved the porn bros, especially the buddah.

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What, is your brain too small to enjoy both the love polygons and the comedy?

Except it couldn't be more clear idiots like yourself don't enjoy the comedy, because all you ever spam is shipping trash. Every single School Rumble thread.

Eri and Yakumo were the most boring fucking parts of the show, along with Tenma/Karasuma.

Yeah, just think of all those School Rumble threads filled to the bump limit with posts about shipping that we see nowadays.

Just post about the comedy, nothing's stopping you.

>I Like Doormats: The Post

>Nisekoi was alright.
You'd be satisfied with anything.

How can one character be so based?

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Eri's flag arcs best arcs

School Rumble isn't talked about because it's literally decades old by now. It's also extremely painful because Harima is a great main character and it's painful watching him get fucked over by the stupidest misunderstandings and being in love with the stupidest girl to ever exist. It actually hurts after awhile. He does so much, for so little, and still gets nothing.

Based shipper retard

>You'll never get another romcom mc like Harima ever again

It's just not fair.

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How do you feel about Hanai?

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00s I'd say were the era of comfy rom coms.
>School Rumble
>Nyan Koi
>My bride is a mermaid
>Sora no Otoshimono

Will we ever get another MC this based?

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based and richpilled

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We never got the arc where Harima, Eri, and Yakumo would live together in the same house. If I remember right Harima "fake" proposed to Eri, so her father forces them to live together for a short time to make sure Harima isn't just saying shit. Then Yakumo is hired on as their personal maid and romcom ensues.

Really wish we got that arc. Also would have been a better ending with her being their maid, and the possibility of having a illegitimate child.

>tenma so fucking autistic that she stalks a cabbage who lost all his memories

Had this come out in the 10s rather than the 00s she would have been a yandere.

Kishuku gakkou no juliet is the closest thing I got

not canon

>We never got the arc where Harima, Eri, and Yakumo would live together in the same house
It's Harima, Yakumo and Sara.

Seen/read those already. I liked them.
Thanks for the recommendations.

Maybe there's something that is a bit more obscure and not many have heard of.

Gamers was a nice one too. though I didn't like the triangle. Tendou was a great character.

Nah I don't like fantasy/magic etc much. Though that smartphone one is an exception.

D-frag is good. There's also nourin.

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Orphan nun could have been cut from the story and nothing would have changed. Her only reason for existing was so that Yakumo at least had one friend. Would have turned out interesting if we found out she was a ghost since Yakumo was a psychic which got downplayed in the anime.

I used to watch it back in highschool. It was one of my favorites. I bought the dvd set and everything. The 3rd season was a slap to the face though and as time went on I really did like it as much.

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Eri really is the best tsundere ever. Because she's not just some cliche tsundere and she actually has a personality and depth to her character.

How does this make you feel?

Didn't like d-frag.
No rin seems alright.

Currently reading:
Dennou Alice to Inaba-kun

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The only show I would watch in dub

I like Ni Gakki's OP better.

Dub actually does a good job. VA's are really giving it their all and the script tries to make up for some untranslatable jokes in other places.

>he didn't read it

Is that all shipping morons like yourself can retort with?