If you could like like any naruto character who would it be

if you could like like any naruto character who would it be
pic related is my choice

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What stops me?

>like like
are you fucking 8?

Think dumbass meant look like.


dumbass ESL

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whether you meant "like like" or "look like," the answer is Itachi.

Attached: Uchiha.Itachi.full.427461.jpg (605x849, 343K)

10/10 taste

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for me, its naruto

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kakashi i think

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The only good one

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giant salamander

>the dork no one likes

Good taste.

For me it is sexy/gay Naruto.

Attached: [AnimeKayo] Naruto Shippuden - 230 - Revenge of the Shadow Clones.mkv_snapshot_04.00_[2019.08.07_21. (1920x1080, 192K)

Good taste. He pretty was John wick before John wick was invented

Good taste. Sauce was based.

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I think he meant be like

fuck off back to brazil OP

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Fuck off with your spamming, you Narutard ESL

I think he meant like licking

the world will suffer as i hav esuffered

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>The Chad Handsome Devil
>The Virgin Uchiha Loner

So you want to be an edgelord?

Jiraiya at this age looks pretty cool desu.

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>Haha guys no his name can't possibly be PAIN! That's stupid! Better translate it as Pein or Pien
The fucking state of the Naruto fandom.

Attached: NarutoFanbase.jpg (600x612, 57K)

Stop samefagging your shit thread, Narutard

Stop samefagging your shit thread, Narutard

Considering killing yourself.

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Newfags can't sage.

i like sasuke

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Stop samefagging your shit thread, Narutard

>everyone on the internet is 1 person

I like like Madara, but I don't want to look like Madara

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>eating the bait

no but if aren't careful he might eat your shield