if you could like like any naruto character who would it be
pic related is my choice
If you could like like any naruto character who would it be
What stops me?
>like like
are you fucking 8?
Think dumbass meant look like.
dumbass ESL
whether you meant "like like" or "look like," the answer is Itachi.
10/10 taste
for me, its naruto
kakashi i think
The only good one
giant salamander
>the dork no one likes
Good taste.
For me it is sexy/gay Naruto.
Good taste. He pretty was John wick before John wick was invented
Good taste. Sauce was based.
I think he meant be like
fuck off back to brazil OP
Fuck off with your spamming, you Narutard ESL
I think he meant like licking
the world will suffer as i hav esuffered
>The Chad Handsome Devil
>The Virgin Uchiha Loner
So you want to be an edgelord?
Jiraiya at this age looks pretty cool desu.
>Haha guys no his name can't possibly be PAIN! That's stupid! Better translate it as Pein or Pien
The fucking state of the Naruto fandom.
Stop samefagging your shit thread, Narutard
Stop samefagging your shit thread, Narutard
Considering killing yourself.
Newfags can't sage.
i like sasuke
Stop samefagging your shit thread, Narutard
>everyone on the internet is 1 person
I like like Madara, but I don't want to look like Madara
>eating the bait
no but if aren't careful he might eat your shield