Best Potential Mothers Thread

Post your waifu and ask if she would be a good mother. How would you judge what traits would make them a good mother?

Pic related; what Nasuverse girls, Fate or otherwise, do you think would make good mothers, and why?

Attached: yd2gNK9.jpg (2560x1440, 580K)

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Arturia would be strict, but not to unreasonable levels, I think. I guess that she won't be the physically affectionate type of mom, but is still loving enough that the kid she'll have won't grow up into a Mordred 2.0 J-Pop Remix boogaloo.

Attached: FYW9juO.jpg (848x1199, 168K)

Video related:

Attached: ganeshachan.jpg (500x500, 51K)

Arturia would make a great father figure.

I'd still have her be my baby's momma though

Attached: 1566716158233.jpg (1000x1399, 554K)



Attached: D_C4yLMU8AEgZxq.jpg (1288x1543, 378K)

Yui will become a wonderful and lovely mother and wife

Attached: Yui+Rito+Celine+Hana+Baby Future.png (2666x3800, 2.57M)

unironically, Mitsuzuri, too bad Rin probably fucks her in fate and hf.

Attached: mitsuzuri.png (1920x1080, 1.52M)

That's an actual scene?

this is your mom for the day

Attached: 8c71aaae206fd4f02bc485eb.jpg (770x1072, 1.07M)

Why her?

Gudako is cute.

non-h day 5 hf scene when rider sucks shirous blood

Rin would be an incredible mother and wife!

Attached: 1555003986874.webm (900x506, 950K)


"Fucked"? What? Gay females can't have sex, there is no penis there. A human penis must go inside the vagina for it to be sex. I mean honestly, the human hand isn't designed for sex so why would you call a finger going inside a vagina sex? The hand isn't a sexual organ so since it's not a sexual organ, biologically speaking, aligning a term like "sex" to it is retarded. The same goes for the mouth, anus, and any other area that isn't the genitals. The concept of sex originated from a vagina letting a penis go inside, nothing else.

I mean, imagine if I said," If you place your hands on the ground and walk with your legs in the air, this means you're walking".

No, you aren't walking, you're doing a handstand, the hands aren't designed for that at all, this was not the reason hands were made. If a vagina is having fingers inserted inside it, does this mean it's sex? No, it's just fingers going inside a vagina. That's not sex, that's just foreplay, top tek.The fingers aren't sexual organs, only the genitals are, therefore it makes sense to call the "sex" part in sexual organs, sexual items, tho penis going inside the vagina is sex because those two areas were designed for that.

Where in what route is that scene, again?


Rin doesn't go that way though. That is Rider in that dream.

Attached: 1480229942842.png (936x1500, 330K)


What way?


Oh, one of the fate games then? Whats the screen cap from?

She doesn't go for girls.

Rin? Really? I thought she was bi?

No. Merely a few deluded fools misintepreting the VN.

Does it have to be from Fate? Never cared about that franchise.

no, it's from fate/stay night, the visual novel.
hf day 5 non h when rider sucks shirou's blood