if you dont like either, dont reply
Do you prefer Yaoi or Yuri ?
Other urls found in this thread:
But Noa is a girl, so it can't be yaoi.
both are low brow trash
I am not a faggot so yuri
ah yes i forgot HinataChad is so manly that she counts as a male
>mfw im a faggot but i fucking despise 90% of yaoi anime
Why not both?
cuz ur gay
I don't like either and I reply cause I´m OP anti.
Yaoi. because it has a less cancerous fanbase, Yea Forumswise i mean.
A love story of a fujoshi and male yuri fan.
well no shit captain, yaoi is aimed at straight girls
>ywn have a cute fujoshi gf because fujoshis aren't cute
it hurts yurichads
whats the fucking point then
I am straight and like yuri. My wife is bi and likes both.
you faggot be out there livin the dream and still posting on Yea Forums
Don't forget, you are here forever.
Most yaoi and yuri are both written by women. Turns out most women have no first hand experience with male-on-male intimacy. Radical, I know.
that's actually a good reason for why the majority of yaoi manga are bad
Also why yuri manga always involve rape.
really ? im a huge yurifag and i think i have only read 2 with rape in them, maybe im just good at avoiding bad manga
yaoi, but only if it's shota x shota
>Those tits
Matsuri is a lucky bastard
I've read less rapey yuri than yaoi, and most of the yuri that involves rape is by male authors.
i didn't know gigachad himself browsed Yea Forums
I too, loved wotakoi
Yaoi is only okay if it's an older man (or another shota) fucking a shota.
Which one would trap on trap be?
i only like yaoi and yuri when it's shota and loli
Both are cancerous and should stay on their own subhuman boards.
>subhuman boards
only one is subhuman :^)
Yea Forums loves /u/ and /y/, go away crossboarder
I'm Yea Forums and I hate both.
well im Yea Forums aswell and i am married to /y/ and /u/
you can say gay without Yea Forums
no you can't
the // aren't necesary
Okay but why do you need to post /u/ and /y/ on Yea Forums?
wh/a/t do you me/a/n f/a/ggot
because /u/ and /y/ is anime and manga related
Yeah but there are boards dedicated to the topic of /u/ and /y/ anime/manga, why not discuss it there?
/y/ is worse than a porn dump nowadays, it's full of western trash despite >/aco/
I wouldn't care to talk about serialised yaoi with those fuckers
because the board is slow, and there is generally more to yaoi/yuri anime then just yaoi/yuri
why do you think people post pokemon on Yea Forums even tho there is a pokemon board ?
Just because /m/ and /vp/ exist doesn't mean you can discuss mecha anime or pokemon anime on Yea Forums.
Yuri, because I am a straight male. Also, it's adorable.
I don't like either.
What's interesting is that yuri has a more mainstream appeal.
That's because most of the "mainstream" demographic is male otaku.
Neither you dumb fucking nigger
>in practical terms.jpg
you guys literally need to become my sissy boislut right now
Everyone has a right and deserves to know yuri.
Wrong and the yuri fanbase is 50:50.
Yaoi with girls.
>yuri fanbase is 50:50
dont lie to yourself user, most gay girls are fujoshis
Yuri is sacred and precious. Girls' love is just too powerful.
And fujos like yuri.
Let me fix the gays in here.
Yuri is too perfect. "cuteness' is more common in females than in males. It's called Neoteny. The most biggest example being how pitched their voices. Higher-pitched voices sound cuter. Almost all baby like mammalian animals got this and girls retain it into adult hood.
Another reason why Yuri is so perfect:
It doesn't just stop there, yuri sex is so clean that not even protection is all that required. Come on, tell me, how unnecessary are these contraceptives that do exist to stop illnesses so rare from taking place between two girls? How common do these rare diseases happen? Yep, almost negligible.
It's so damn pure that they don't even need to use protection as much as other couples. However, sex between heterosexual couples and homosexual guy couples require protection more heavily.
You see NOW!
You see why Yuri is the purist form of love? It's the cutest form of relationships too.
i don't like either
The majority of yurifriends are girls though
>they don't even need to use protection as much as other couples
That's because lesbians can't even have actual sex.
Don't really care for either. The fanbases however are something else.
/y/ is mostly fine. Bonus points is that they piss off shonentards a lot of the time.
/u/ is unbearable. The fanbase is equivalent to an annoying cult, and they've over the time built up this culture of "yuri is so perfect, how can anyone think otherwise". The cherry on top is how confused they get when you tell them you're tired of them and to go fuck off back to /u/.
Yuri and Yaoi fans actually remind me of most Mexican immigrants down here in the south, in regards to /u/ and /y/. They hoot and holler about 'VIVA LA MEXICO' and then you wonder why they don't just go back there but then they reveal to you it's a shithole and that they fled to your lands to escape their own people because they hate each other so much.
it's yuriniggers or c/u/cks.
>not even protection is all that required
ah yes, while girls watched jojo's bizzare adventure part V, the boys watched jojo's bizzare adventure part 5
A copy pasta there at the bottom, lol.
I don't like either
>if your answer is neither, dont reply
>people reply anyway
Gay but I prefer yuri because I can't remember the last time I read a BL that didn't suck shit. 99.5% of BL isn't worth the paper it's printed on and the only stuff I've read that I liked were erodoujin. I've at least read some worksafe cute or artsy /u/ material.
The Asian ones take care of themselves. It's hit or miss elsewhere. Sometimes you meet a cute Western one and it turns out she's a femme lesbian so you're SOL anyway. There are a lot of lesbians into /y/ shit, for some reason.
Is Bloom Into You good ? i just finished watching wataten and i need more yurikino in my life
manga or anime ?
>online polls
You realise how poor this evidence is right?
Yeah it's pretty good
Maybe on the romantic level but not the pornographic level and doujin level, it's males, not even an opinion. Plus, this is only from reddit, if we want a true answer we gotta go everywhere. But yaoi in the form of porn and romance? Yeah all females.Even then, there were only two romance shows here, this could easily influence. Females are suckers for fucking romance regardless of sex.
>reddit poll
Come on.
Yuri Hime reader's boys:girls ratio is 60:40.
>i-its not true because i dont want it to be!1
keep living in your bubble lad
Im also still skeptical on it being more popular among females for the romantic part but I wonder about video games too.Gay female dating sims and gay romance stories between females. Vast majority of gamers are male so...
>90% of yaoi anime
Which two series?
Did something big happen with cheerleaders in 2017?
Wtf, this is real life porn not anime with yuri, it's not the same, lol. What are you comparing again?
Also, it needs to be porn doujins and actual manga and anime since this is the anime side of Yea Forums not real porn, lol. You have to compare the sexes between those two.
>fidget spinner
>big black dick
Holy shit, your own source even contradicts yourself, males watch Hentai more than females, lol. It's even more difficult to say females like hentai gay females more than males.
Incels will seethe when confronted with facts and logic.
How does this prove there is a 50:50 split between yuri fans?
There are far less women who watch porn than men, and the ones who do are likely lesbians to begin with.
My point about it being poor evidence was that online polls can easily be misrepresentative.
Fuck off back to twitter, cancer.
pornhub is about as reliable of a source as my fucking ass. really, people are searching up minecraft porn? pathetic
also this. fuck off back to twitter with buzzwords. im fucking sick of seeing based and shit
when did this even become a thing
I mean how are either yuri or yaoi controversial on fucking Yea Forums?
>searching hentai on pornhub
how much of a normalfag can you be ?
literally WHO goes on pornhub if you like H? go on N-hentai or whatever waterhole we have left for it
it never became a thing, crossboarders are just trying too hard to fit in as always
Based. I love that everyone who denies this post never post anything to counter it, almost as if you can't refute the truth. Weird, huh.
>not sadpanda
I don't like either for anime. For H-manga, Yuri can be okay; it has to be yuri for meant for guys though, that yuri shit meant for girls is boring as fuck.
>There are far less women who watch porn than men
jesus christ you're the definition of an incel
I never made a panda account dont fucking yell at me
But it's true though?
By far and large the majority consumers of traditional pornography (magazines, film, art) are men.
Women usually prefer alternative things like erotic novels.
>you're the definition of an incel
Maybe you should read a dictionary then.
It doesn't mean "someone I disagree with".
Yea Forums has had a long tumultuous history with /u/fags due to them often being obnoxious and a lot more anons started getting salty at /y/fags in the past 10 years with the influx of newbies refusing to lurk. The irregularly appearing Mugen threads skating by on thin ice despite generals being (theoretically) nuked also incurred a lot of bad will from those whose favorites got exiled.
Remember the 2D/3D barrier.
do it now faggot
It doesn't matter since yuri is trash either way.
please stop ruining the image of yurichads by using words like "incel"
reminder that if you ignore him, he will go away
>gender ratio
Lesbians make 2-4% of women, so even if straight men like yuri tens times less, that will put them in a majority. Although that does not include straight women who watch it for drama.
Now maybe there are as much male straight prostitutes as female? Because only incels think that women are less horny than men.
>d-dude i watch yaoi for the drama hahaha im not a fag
But reddit is a site with registration, just like sadpanda. Although you may be a vip Yea Forums poster, whatever suits you best.
why is discussion encouraged on /u/ while /y/ is treated like the rest of the porn/imagedump boards?
They absolutely are though.
Straight male prostitues basically don't exist unless you're like 10/10 Chad.
Honestly both are so fucking bad it doesn't matter. It's no wonder they all come to Yea Forums, they can't stand themselves.
/u/ is pretty good, what are you talking about ?
I am a straight muscular dude who likes BARA YAOI and no one can stop me from liking it.
What? There's literally nothing wrong with /u/. Don't really care about yaoi so can't speak for /y/, apparently they got their fair share of problems.
I prefer futa on futa.
>likes BARA YAOI
not that fag, but I keep hearing complaints about the general yuri thread being a cesspool
>apparently they got their fair share of problems
can you give more details? I know nothing about /y/
Yes, the yuri threads on Yea Forums are almost always complete fucking trainwrecks, but it's just because they are an incessant shitflinging contest between falseflagging yurihaters and actual yurihaters with the rare actual yurifag that takes the b8, and almos every post isn't even about yuri but just about how much they hate each other. /u/ doesn't have those kinds of people so the board is pretty good.
>can you give more details?
As I said I'm not a yaoifag so I don't know first-hand, I'm just going by what says.
I was talking about the general yuri threads on /u/. every week I see some faggot on /qa/ sperg out because the OP used the wrong image or because he made the thread too early
2 nukes weren't enough.
As a former /u/fag who realized they're weren't really a true yurifag but more of a moefag that watches all girl-shows for the lighthearted (drama-free) yuri, Speaking for myself, my biggest problem with /u/ is how a fair number of it's population is so polarized and overreacting. Anything or anyone that they disagree with this is insidious cancer slowly killing the board. Take for example. What should have been a laid back thread after a reasonable ending with a reasonable amount of yuri fanservice has turned in an unproductive discussion where everybody argues back and forth between how Chiya/Kon have to/can't be gay. And it's the same for a number of other topics: "you mean I can't post the general thread early" or "you mean I can't disrupt genderbending yuri threads". Like and dislike what you want; just don't turn every dialogue into a back-in-forth monologue.
And before anyone tries to compare yuri on Yea Forums to /u/, most threads/series that aren't too popular (outside of KyoAni and Trigger) are good enough. They have the added benefit of being able to shake off a bad thread compared to /u/.
what about futa on shota?
There's one autist that sometimes gets pissed cause no one uses his threads and apparently he is the one that dumps some shit in the thread whenever he throws a fit, I can only think that he's the same autist in /qa/ because no one else really gives a shit about those things and he gets ignored most of the time. The thread is otherwise pretty nice, wouldn't really say that one retard brings down the whole thing, especially when he's an outlier and no one gives him their time of the day.
how many autists does /u/ have? so far I know about
>anti-idolfag (the faggot who spergs out in yuri threads)
>anti-anti-idolfag (the faggot who spergs out about that other faggot on /qa/)
>that faggot whose name can't be mentioned here or on /u/
>bikinifag (don't know about him, but people says he spams /u/ and /vg/)
A discussion of some rather overzealous faggots is kinda annoying, but it's a far less significant problem than the shit you see in other boards. I'll gladly take having people furiously discuss anime and get irrationally pissed at each other's opinions in Yea Forums than most of the regurgitated garbage and crossboarder/off-topic shit that gets posted all the time as of now. Still kinda sucks but it happens very rarely outside of the faster threads, and even in those it's not too common.
And yes, the slow yuri threads in Yea Forums are also nice. If anything, it shows that yurifags can have a decent, civilized thread when it doesn't get taken over by derailing shitposters.
It's excellent, although it's not a comedy like Wataten is. Also it's a very faithful adaptation of the manga so once you finish you can pick up right at Chapter 25.
I still listen to the ED at least once a day
As a straight, red blooded high T male I prefer my women to have penises
Yuri can be nice from time to time, though I prefer heterosexual romance between me and my waifu
I also prefer a heterosexual romance with your waifu
That's impossible though because you don't exist
Fucking faggot nigger.
Bokura no Hentai is alright if a bit messed up at time.
>Ayano topping
Straying a little too far from reality there Chitose
It's good until you get to the excessive drama part.
I prefer bara. The fanbase is less cancerous and the gays kick up less of a fuss. Also the Japanese creators (like Tagame, Moritake and FUNA) hilariously call out the girls who try and turn it into something else.
Fujoshi cause too many problems with their shipping. For some reason, they just have to take over and make a nuisance of themselves. Now they've started taking to yuri because it makes them seem progressive for liking non-heterosexual relationships.
It handles the drama a lot better than Citrus
It's melodrama, but it's good melodrama. A more "realistic" Yuri Manga would either be "Octave" or "Even Though We're Adults"
Both ^_^
Yuri but "surprise I was het all along" with girl on boy ntr ending.
>boo hoo you can't love me because I hate myself and then you wold love what I hate and my head will explode
It was completely unnecessary and killed what could have been a subtle romance gem.
I haven't read Citrus though, so I can't say if it's even worse.
Yuri and guy x trap manga of course, yaoi is repulsive degeneracy for fags.
>yaoi is repulsive degeneracy
Are you sure?
Take consolewars from Yea Forums
Change Nintendo, Sony And Xbox wojacks with Hetero, Yuri and Yaoi wojacks
Now you have your own consolewars threads but for Yea Forums congrats
lately people love falseflagging i do too
Sex is at it's best when someone gets pregnant with a baby.