Is it time yet?
Is it time yet?
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Almost loli. Almost.
This year I'm not going to mess up! Last year I had Code Geass at the top of my fav anime and my santa thought I was a mecha-fag. This year I'm explicitly telling my santa all I want is tomboys along with cute and funny girls
no santa claus is still hibernating you dummies
Should I just give up on gifts since I've been grinched every year?
17 weeks
I got grinched :(
Gambler's fallacy, next time you're all but garunteed not to be grinched.
>I've been grinched every year
that's really sad to hear. how many years?
Hi everyone! I don’t have my trip right now but I just wanted to say a few things!
1. If you were grinched then this is pretty much it and we’ll blacklist whoever did it to you.
2. Yes I am still here this year and we’ll be doing secret santa and I’ll be more present especially when it comes to e-mails since things are good for me now!
3. Don’t be fucking stupid, make a thousand threads, impersonate us or pretend we didn’t exist long enough to sign up (look at the archives)
4. Sign-ups soon. Maybe. Check in a week. Or less. Or more.
5. Cut-off will probably be right before November 1st or on the 1st as usual!
This might be the only post from me for tonight so feel free to ask questions and some of us will probably try to get back to you! You can use last year’s e-mail as well to reach us! Bye bye!
*tsundere noises*
Never forget.
For those of you wondering, yes this is actually Santa Loli. Merry 17 weeks until Christmas you impatient fucks.
I am excited to spread Christmas cheer.
I want fried chicken now
Yeah, I got grinched. I think it's best to do cards only but even then, there seemed to be a lot of people that didn't get cards.
I'm exited. don't have much money right now with college but I'm going to go all out with my cards this year and do 10, I can sketch decently now and I might send some people the good cookies people liked from last Christmas
I'll be making sure someone doesn't get grinched this year.
cards are usually the most wholesome tier anyway.
lol. They kinda are. I wish I was better at drawing though. I just supplemented my bad drawings with something else.
No, I'm still broke. I think it's going to be a card year for me.
Was there any happening last year or was it a relatively boring year?
I don't recall any stupid stuff happening, unless the ocarina thing happened in 2018.
No, that was in 2017. But the ocarina was passed on to someone else last year.
Reminder that Toronto is still banned from /ss/
I already feel bad about not including things in my wishlist.
I had an international recipient from Toronto last year.
>it's already nearing the end on August
Only 4 more months left of this year and decade. Please slow down time, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
9/11 babies turn 18 this year
Where has the time gone?
I got a really cute late card this year. I wonder if the user who made it will still be around to see it when the threads start going up.
I'm going to say that a time vampire or timepire is involved somehow
>people born in the current millennium are more than likely posting here
I hate this timeline.
Thread theme:
Can someone send a recording of themselves singing this in thread please (vocals only prefered)
Cell phone mechs
If my roommates weren't home, and I had a mic, I'd give it a shot.
wheres our flying cars dammit!
Thanks for the consideration friend.
>I had a mic
You could use a phone for all I care. I just wanted to hear an user singing this.
It's that time again
the guy who jerked off, and also the drunk guy I guess
I don't remember either of these.
the first one was an user who linked to his profile on like one of those toy sites so his user knew what stuff not to get him. but he had like private vids of himself jerking of on his profile so everybody saw them, I think he made special videos for some people here too.
2nd guy was just some user who got drunk on Christmas day and wished everybody merry Christmas in a video
No, jerking off user listed a very specific onahole and when someone looked it up the first link was a video of him using it. The background desk/keyboard/computer matched a previous picture he had posted, causing everyone to connect the dots. Eventually he was kind enough to link his private lewds.
I actually was talking to him for a time after Christmas. He even sent me a dick pic
you said no homo though right?
No wonder everyone says this event is /soc/ lite.
I said something like "I-I swear I'm not gay". He also insisted that I send him a dick picture but yeah.... I didn't want to do that. He's a pretty nice guy.
bro, nothing gay about sending bros dick pics
you left him hanging bro
I liked the comfy posting as much as the gifts and cards. my user got me a gym shirt and I've already outgrown it
What is this?
Well I believe it was kind of unsolicited. We were talking lewd then I got the dick picture. I tried to offer a picture of my thighs or something but he wouldn't have it.
>it's almost September
B-but I just signed my job contract not too long ago, in February... Oh. It sucks being old and feeling the years getting shorter and shorter.
>not knowing what secret s/a/nta is
yeah seriously. it feels like just yesterday it was Christmas. at least I got a good amount of stuff accomplished the last year
It's thinly veiled blogging for a bunch of months before an anonymous gift exchange.
yeah but its comfy too
I swear I'm not super new I've just never opened one of these threads before
its a Christmas gift/card exchange, signups typically start in like september/october
future grinch detected
Post another video on Christmas, /fit/ user.
>tfw haven't been able to afford doing /ss/ since I moved out of my parents 2 years ago
How was it the last 2 years, friends? I have enough money to do the 10 dollar bracket again.
I will.
People that can't even manage to set aside a small amount for this aren't fiscally responsible enough to be living on their own.
Unfortunately some of us don't get a choice in the matter.
>no job
>may be moving during this years /ss/
I was the same last year. But I got hired and moved for it in last week of October. Ganbare.
With the direction this board is heading in I'm surprised these threads don't get pruned.
After 7 years I think I might finally sign up this year.
Have 1 less meal a week until Secret Santa starts and you'll be able to go up a bracket or two
I don't wanna do it anymore. You're not Yea Forums. You're just some weird Yea Forums spinoff populated by spics and newfags.
This is true but it also has a high grinching rate. You're lucky if you even get half your cards.
There was onahole user and prude user that flipped out when he got a doujin but other than that no real drama to my knowledge.
Early this year both of my dogs got put down because of different illnesses and then my dad passed away from heart failure. I had to deal with all that while also suddenly having to deal with all the adult shit like taking on the tenancy of the house, paying all the bills, doing all the shopping, moving house to somewhere smaller all while dealing with some pretty severe social anxiety. It's been a rough year and it's going to be my first christmas living alone, please don't grinch me this year.
hello user, it sucks that you've had such a bad year
I hope you have a good christmas at least
Living paycheck to paycheck is a common thing, y'know
Going to post my card if the thread is still up by the time I get home
My card santa put my card next to his collection of the best cards he's gotten even though I have the artistic talent of a toddler.
That made me feel happy.
>user never posted your card
Oh right, I did get one card in like February. Going to wait until actual threads for best chance to reach the sender
can't wait to send onahole user a lewd card
To be fair, it might've gotten lost in the holiday jumble, or stolen. Because that happens quite a lot.
Did anyone get anti grinched?
I missed out last year. Better prepare now
Thank you so much for this beautiful Natsume, user. It made me really happy, I hope I'll get you this year again.
I'm going to repost it in the next Santa threads in hopes you'll see it.
Were there any threads for Grinchmas? The last /ss/ thread I can find is from January.
One user put a mobage at the top of his wishlist so his santa got him a bunch of mechs that transform into phones.
I don't think so. I got grinched but nothing happened :(
>getting double grinched
At least I only got grinched in the lowest tier. For some reason the lowest tier has the highest rate of grinching
they should definitely make some of the lower tiers returners only though
or match returnees with returnees
its gonna probably get bigger again this year
I’ve never done this even though I do the waifu thread each year because I’m afraid some fag will find and rape and kill me. What do?
>still got absolutely nothing from Homoc/a/rds
>user that's father died and said he was sorry and would send late stuff never did to me
I-I hope Papa-user is doing okay at least.
Get a P.O. Box.
rape and kill them first
Here if you practice now you should be ready to make bitchin' cards once the holidays come around. Only you can make lonely NEET user happy this Christmas.
When you plan out a personal gift exchange and it falls through two years in a row because of bad time management on my end. I'm super embarrassed at my fuck up. Message me of you still want to do it! I promise I'll do it for sure this time! I'll probably message them again eventually.
>tfw 1/2 homocards
>3/3 /ss/ cards
I can't complain because the cards I've gotten are beautiful and anons tried their best. But I didn't expect for any grinching in Homocards
I gave my full address and name and sadly I'm still alive
>For some reason the lowest tier has the highest rate of grinching
Current theory is that low tier participants don't realize how hard it is to buy something under $25, or something unexpected pops up and they end up needing to spend that $25 on something important.
I'm saving to buy some property and to build a place to live on that property. The gentrification of Washington state (well, the western half anyway) is making it very difficult to afford my own place instead of living in the zero-sum game that is renting.
Moving to a flyover state is not an option.
That homodachi wanted to give you the card in person, but got killed so you could live, probably.
I can't wait to lovingly shit on anons wishlists and putting hats on everything. And hopefully see the last anons post the cards I send them.
4 more months!
You should have already known this board was entirely spics and leafs when /spa/ happened. Newfags, well, that was always a given but if you aren't invested in any of the series with generals on Yea Forums, then you should have already moved to a smaller imageboard with oldfags.
Guys, I might lose my job, I don’t think I am gonna make it
Is it bad to have an extensive and descriptive list? On one hand I feel like it makes my Santa's shopping time a little easier but on the other hand it feels kind of demanding
It's fine pigbro, I wouldn't mind getting a pig assault card from you
That is a lot of effort.
Yeah, but it's also a lot of fun!
I think I’ll be doing card only this year, hope I can deliver on plenty of pigcards
Do you really expect the people on Yea Forums to be capable of that? Most people here are either skeletons or fat as fuck, if they could manage to throw a punch much less kill someone I'd be fucking shocked.
I am a cute girl Yea Forumsnon
I’m excited, especially because my favorite site to buy stuff from ships overseas now. Everyone’s getting coffee mugs
I wonder if I'll get assigned to the same user for a third time.
We make an effort not to do that for the most part. Include the user you've been matched with in your wish list this year and we'll make sure it doesn't happen again.
Send an email to the 2018 inbox user. We'll take a look. At this point we can't anti-grinch you, but I want to understand how your case fell through the cracks.
I might be in Japan on christmas day so it probably wouldn't work out for me right?
Well that option will make me feel less rude than asking if it did happen again, and probably easier than getting you to reassign in the rush of putting assignments out too.
Open early, but don't tell anyone and post gifts on Christmas day regardless. That does depend on your anons not waiting till the 23rd to ship to you.
We're all little girls here.
I want the user I got last year because she was great. I got a custom Phos plush out of it.
I plan to make a card for her because I saved the address.
What were the grinching statistics from last year anyways?
Ideally your gifts will have arrived a good week or two before then, like the other user said it's fine to open early in circumstances like that.
I hand delivered my gift once and it turned out the user was a girl and she was hideous. Cute little girls my ass.
>it turned out the user was a girl and she was hideous
please describe further
I need to get off my ass and tally it up. Once we start the official threads I'll do it.
Here are the stats from 2017.
that was a g.i.r.l
Anyone get any thank you cards? It was the first year I got some. It felt really nice ;;
I feel bad for all the homocards that didn't arrive. After being sad of barely getting any of them, a few days (weeks?) after new year's I got a few more. Made me happy.
What's there to describe? She was visually horrifying.
It could have been her mother or sister though.
>living in an apartment with your mother
Why would you deliver the gift in person though?
I'm going to make cookies again this year for people. but I'll make enough for all my card anons instead of just like 3 anons
I want to know what the absolute state of femanons is
What did you expect anyway? it's a femanon we are talking about
How do I figure out if I'm blacklisted since I never received confirmation that my last anti Grinch got my gift or not?
Email the santas and ask when the new email is live.
Where are the stats for last year?
Not available yet.
Cute. CUTE!
Oh... you mean are "girl", not a girl.
pls dont bully autistic Yea Forums trannies
mordred really is best fate girl
Salter is fine too.
>got grinched out of all 3 cards I signed up for 2 years ago
>last year receive 5 instead of 3
It's like the lottery
>welrod salter
Fuck off.
But she's similar to mordred, though darker.
Fuck off reddit
So it's an ugly girl x fucking creep love story?
Saves money on shipping and is just a nice gesture.
If I get assigned someone who's within an hour's drive from my place, it's a nice touch to go myself. Don't take it too far though, last year I was visited by the Wandering Jew who walked a hundred miles to give me some embroidery and disappeared as soon as I turned my back
That's so creepy though, if you do that to me unannounced with the intention to shit on my appearance, I'll lock you up in my dungeon desu
I feel like other years people would ask for permission first before showing up at an user’s house.
I don't have grinching info but I do have demographics.
Here's 2017 stats.
Total gift value is the monetary value of all of an user's gifts combined. 150+ tiers were assumed to be 200.
My sides are in orbits thank user
Only four months left
Santa is partying in pattaya
I did not expect this shitfest to be this big.
Did the anons in the super high brackets gift multiple anons? I can’t even think of anything that costs $600 unless you buy a bunch of stuff or consoles.
It's cumulative. He probably did 3 $200 gifts.
Oh boy, I can't wait to spoil you fags with all my gifts and love. It took me two years to get normal job to do so, but now I can finally afford good enough gifts.
Did you go there unannounced? Let me tell you a secret user, most girls look like shit when they're home alone and don't expect any visitors
Well if all goes well my family and I will move around Thanksgiving at the earliest. I might have to find a temp job until then to pay for gifts and shipping.
Sadly i can't participate in high tier yet.
I'm somewhat considering the highest bracket since I've pushed the bracket limits every year and I always fill the box with extra stuff, but maybe I'll just do the same $80 tier as always
This. Most of them would fucking hate some rando showing up unannounced in the first place, it's not cute.
last christmas i told myself i was going to learn the basic of drawing to make decent cards, but then i forgot
so expect shitty pencil drawings on your cards
>can't draw so I just edit pictures, print them out and color with crayons
D-don't judge me!
In my experience Yea Forums has the most organized events and programs that go somewhat well and happen regularly. Secret S/a/nta, Yea Forums Sings, Orchestr/a/, you'd be surprised what a bunch of little girls on an anonymous image board can do if you motivate them.
Fuck off
I print fanart on the outside of the card and doodle all over the inside
You still have time, no excuses!
Same but making plushies instead of drawing.
I guess I can still learn
Let me tell you a secret, not even makeup could have saved that.
It's okay if some rando user didn't think you're cute, it's Christmas!
Oh boy looks like it's that time of year again. I've gotta figure out what the fuck I did with my needles.
/k/ has a decent /ss/ tradition if you like asbestos/toxic cold war milsurp and patches
Based scarfanon
All I have to work with is a DIY video of a Yea Forums character for a plush.
At least I have some cute stickers I can slap on the card that I got at a convention.
If some user showed up announced he wouldn't be able to post anything ever again.
If I showed up at user’s house would she let me suck her feminine dick?