>Twilight will claim this pure maiden's virginity
A lucky man.
>Twilight will claim this pure maiden's virginity
A lucky man.
Other urls found in this thread:
i don't get something, is she asian? she looks pretty nip.
I think she is.
Or at least half.
Her cunty colleagues noted that she was "in their country to steal their men" or something bitchy along those lines.
What's with the Yor in the last chapters?
What I miss
so it's an asian woman and a white guy....?
Autor salud ver mame is Yor.
Based stroke user
He's a slav
In chapter 2?
In her first appearance, yeah
So what's the answer? Was it wrongfully translated or did the author change the name?
Anyway Yor sounds like shit compared to Yoru.
>27 years old
>Never have a first kiss
what did i fucking say bitches?
The answer is lurk more.
Regardless, I'm still calling her Yoru either way.
Is there any alternative site where i can read this without be bothered by mangaplus'a autism?
Why, so I can listen to more of your drivel?
>what did i fucking say bitches?
If I recall correctly you said "I love black cock"
So you can stop being so stupid.
Stupid != lack of certain knowledge, you actual retard.
>still arguing
user you've asked a stupid question couple times already in this thread instead of just going to the archive and searching for your answer, that is in itself completely obvious already.
Stop being retarded for your own good, the sooner the better.
Exactly once. Just say that you don't know the answer. How about you stop spouting your drivel if you are concerned about any number of posts.
And you're still arguing? You're hopeless.
Considering you've been wrong in every single post while trying to be superior while also being clueless while also also arguing yourself after realizing you have no ground to stand on.
Yes, I'll continue as long as I want.
Ok have fun, user. Good luck with that!
Thanks for enabling me. Do try not being ignorant yourself before trying to be smug though.
And you still dont have your answer. What a cruel fate.
Neither do you and we both know you are just talking out of the ass after getting called out. Much more crueling.
Oh, I know what's with the Yor in last chapters.
However, that information is confidential for you, I'm afraid.
Sure you do, but you can't say it because? Right, what was it that got you into this assblasted state to begin with?
Was it you getting caught lying?
Surely you aren't just pitiful petty person because someone didn't attend your made up requirement of visited spy x family threads?
Sorry user I cant share it with brainlets who dont even know how to use archive.
Avoiding the question, eh?
Well, someone having to bust out the reaction images after getting caught shitposting has never happened ever before.
What a shocker.
>long black hair
>exposed shoulders
well no choice but to descend and be a waifufag, i hope i don't fall more in the slope and become a trannie post that image, you know which one.
This is a reaction image board, user.
Are you so lost you dont even know where you are?
>chapters on madokami
>but the pages are out of order
someone fix this please
We really didn't need confirmation of you being unable to hold any other way of conversation.
Have you completely lost it now?
Feel free to point out what didn't make sense to you.
Was it the part that mine wasn't a shitpost with an image attached?
i bet 10 Euro she have a bear trap inside her pantsu
I like how you already answer yourself and start finding faults in your own posts. Do continue.
That doesn't even make sense. Please fix your earlier posts as well.
Well you haven't quite figured it out yet, keep trying, though.
Are you just repeating yourself now?
>I know but I can't tell!
Just add it to the list of things you lied about.
user please, I know you're a brainlet but you must concentrate.
We're currently helping you understand the errors of your posts. This is the right way for you to get your answer.
Pleaes fix your posts before responding to me again.
Oh well, I tried helping you achieve the answer you're so desperately seeking, but I can see you deny any sort of help.
You are just rambling off at this point after not being able to comprehend the post.
So you really need to go back before you continue down this nonsense.
You're giving up too quickly user.
Didnt your mother teach you to fight for what you want?
After you resorted to just posting random things I see no point in putting up something new just because you can't follow a simple comment chain.
You are free to pick up
here again.
You're very confused. Allow me to assist you.
Now, start naming what you think is wrong with your posts.
>this thread
Shhh dont tell him
Stop projecting. And next time come up with a few more shticks besides
>I'm merely pretending to know
You are seriously boring now.
user, you're running away again.
You must confront your problems. Even if those problems are yourself.
refer to
Can someone explain to me the otter meme?
user you must concentrate.
refer to
Spamming is a bannable offense, user.
There's an image of an otter eating a melon even though it fucking hates it. This was applied to manga like Nisekoi and Kaguya. Have the otterbros moved here? I loved seeing them get btfo in Kaguya threads.
refer to
Refer to what now
I thought you were an Yea Forums reaction image expert but you can't follow links? Now now.
Are you ready for our important session now, user?
refer to
Could you repeat that please?
How can he resist those shoulders she’s always flaunting?
Overall that's a real sexy dress.
I can link it directly once more for your convience.
needs fixin get some new material
Again again!
>Asian features
>behaves like an Asian woman
>hime cut
They couldn’t make it more obvious.
Tachiyomi if you like mobile, check nyaa otherwise.
Thanks user
I hope we take a more Yor-centric turn in the coming chapters. She hasn't had too much to do so far, and I wanna know more about her
I love dumb girls with V-shaped smiles.
She got developed very differently than what I was expecting so far.
I thought she was going to be more of a tragic/kinda depressed character but Axeman decided to turn her into a airhead baka instead.
Use the archives.
Used to get posted in Bokuben threads too, but I guess even otterbros got bored with it.
So this takes place in not!eastgermany right?
This manga is comfy
not!Hungary actually
That's light on the developed.
Why even make her a main character if he didn't feel like developing her in the next few chapters?
At the end of this arc we'll know about Yuri than Yoru and it will probably not even change anything for her either, nor in the foreseeable future.
Don't you have another thread you can shit up?
We're only at the start of the manga, theres literally only 13 chapters out you cant expect a full development of each character and you cant toss Yor out just because you give up on her already.
Also not the user you've been talking to but if by now you dont understand why she's suddenly called Yor instead of Yoru then you're an actual retard.
But the latest chapter shows that yor's brother just came back from not!hungary?
>Also not the user you've been talking to but if by now you dont understand why she's suddenly called Yor instead of Yoru then you're an actual retard.
Considering I didn't make any comment on that whatsoever. I don't really understand what you want.
He's clearly the complete retard arguing over the whole thread which is the only thing I'm addressing.
>theres literally only 13 chapters out you cant expect a full development of each character
She's not a background character waiting for her chance to shine in a chapter were she suddenly gets fleshed out.
She already should have been devolved beyond cardboard cutout.
You're probably the only one in these threads who's so slow he just realized the name change. And fuck off look at this thread and realize what a fucking idiot you are.
And judging by your opinions there isnt any point in discussing the series with you if you unreasonably already condemn Yor to cardboard cutout character when we're only 13 chapters into the series. Go back to your designated Boku no Hero thread and kill yourself.
What? Again I made no comment whatsoever about it.
>She's not a background character waiting for her chance to shine in a chapter were she suddenly gets fleshed out. She already should have been devolved beyond cardboard cutout.
That's still a shit reason to just abandon all hope right out of the gate. The manga has obviously made its priorities so far on Anya, where Yor hasn't had much of a direct stake in what happens. Now that things have normalized for her, why should we not expect Yor to start seeing some development?
Name some manga where the main character gets established so early and not get developed in the most important chapters of the manga.
13 chapters is a fuckton.
The only mangaka who don't do anything at that time are the ones who just keep the character the same for the rest of series.
>13 chapters is a fuckton
t. retard
You replied to the user telling you to check the archives.
Guess what? He's right. If you dont wanna come across as a fucking idiot asking shit people have talked about 2 chapters ago, use the archives or lurk more instead of asking to be spoonfed like a dumbass newfag.
Like I said. Go back to your designated Boku no Hero thread. The pacing there will fit your ADHD and short attention span perfectly, this manga isnt for you.
Read more manga and maybe you can come up with some arguments. If you don't consider the early chapters the most important of any manga you are clueless.
There's quite literally no manga out there who this doesn't hold true. She's done. Screencap this. Before you ad hom your way into an early grave.
I replied to someone (presumably you) who just spammed the thread. Over 40% of the post are just you arguing with someone with inane posts. I didn't ask about anything.
If we'd gotten Yor's whole deal by now, you'd be bitching about Anya instead. It's not like we're running on limited time here. The story can take as long as it wants as long as it still gets there and it's entertaining throughout.
how does Abe keep getting away with it?
This series is cute.
Hope it gets an anime at some point.
You are confusing bitching about making a statement of how I think he will handle the manga. He will not develop Yoru, he'll keep the status quo.
Just because some replying to me get irrationally mad about this has nothing to do with me.
Any thoughts on a voice cast? Kaito Ishikawa's in everything these days, and I think he'd make a good Twilight
>still calls her Yoru
>replies to anyone who tells him to check the archives
>argues like a little bitch and only comes off as more of a retard
>n-no it totally not me shitting up the thread until now!
I swear this delusional user lives in his own head. Best to just ignore his bullshit.
Ai Fairouz could do a pretty good job with Yor
So you are admitting you made the embarrassing post chain above?
Let me quote you then
>Regardless, I'm still calling her Yoru either way
Soooo, are you accusing me of doing the same as you would?
Did you notice the one I talked to said Anya and not Ania.
Why aren't you going off on him? Mustn't he also be the evil poster who hurt you?
Reading your posts is like trying to decipher a crazy person's writing.
The way you convince yourself that you're 100% right in everything you believe in is quite sad.
I'll let you believe whatever you want to believe, but just remember one thing, it's very very easy to recognize you, keep that in mind.
This is my last (you) to you, schizo.
We've seen your post chain above so I guess it was dumb of me to expect a serious reply, my bad. Perhaps I was merely curious why you would go out of your way to spam literally an entire thread for something you apparently like.
Don't open this (trigger warning):
Stop fighting pls
Anyaposter here. I picked up the series last chapter and binged it all at once (didn't take long, what with only 12 chapters and all), so the name-changes didn't all stick right away. Henceforth, you'll now know me as Aniaposter.
HEY NOW I'm the one who started the chain itt with you.
I thought we had something special, user.
We still have our important session that you ran away from! Get you lil' butt in here so I can spank it real good.
I love Anya
I'll just use whatever sounds good in normal english. Just feels jarring to read it out in my mind as ania. I wouldn't want that for the readers of my post either.
Why does she wear the paper cups?
Limiters for her psychic powers
She's a big girl.
I pray for a future with Punished Ania going all Tetsuo on the governments of Westalia and Ostnia
You said "I don't live in the right region".
Why does it even matter? The other online sites for manga have all the chapters just fine.
>Mr. & Mrs. Smith comfy edition
I didn’t know I wanted this.
I also can't read those chapters. And never got the option to select my region. What country has it so I can VPN to it.
I'm in France so try that.
My guess is Viz will start to publish the books in English-speaking territories. As soon as a French publisher gets the right, it will be gone as well. But I think you have some time, French publishers usually try to keep a 5 volume gap with the English release to prevent continuity issues with the translation (though since this is biweekly it might be less).
Is it similar to Nightmare Funk? I liked it a lot.
Next chapter will be Yuri dropping dead before seeing them kiss because too drunk and they get away with it.
And then Twilight will still teach Yor to do a "fake" kiss in case this situation ever happen again.
All chapters. Enjoy.
What are the chances that we get to see Yoru and Twilight cuddle through the whole manga?
Based Rin-sama
Author is an autistic nip who doesn't understand how English works. Yoru was changed to Yor, Lloyd to Loid, and Anya to Ania, all at the author's request.
[spoilers]Are the threads always this autistic [/spoiler]
No, it was peaceful for the first few chapters then autists notice the rise in popularity and start shitting the threads
Look at the protagonists they are autists so yeah it's clearly reflected in the fanbase. Now get out of here and try going back after the anime airs to see true degeneration.
Only after they started messing with the names. It used to be pretty comfy.
Nothing triggers Yea Forumsutists more than romanization.
I wish I could have a wife and start a family to be desu.
That's not weird, right?
Where is that godlike abe edit?
Why isn't this shitty manga axed yet?
Fuck off
anime adapation soon
There are only like 12 chapters
It won't get anime anytime soon, unless you want plenty of original content
>Nakadashi leglock doujin never
Remember when this manga was good?
It has 12 chapters you brain dead cuck.
No, when was that?
Lloyd is an actual name, what was wrong with it?
Slavs are white too
Japan can't spell (in English)
Why do so many people like you want to see it axed? This is the first manga I've seen around here that isn't a shounen Jump manga where people consistently say "It'll be axed soon" despite it clearly showing evidence to the contrary?
but they used Lloyd in the first chapter
have sex, user. The future of your nation is counting on you
Loid, Ania and Forger all sound retarded and gay, Yoru/Yor both sound fine
How new
Because Abe is backing it up.
Got any ideas for new chapters?
>Loid overhears some housewives gossiping
>expects Loid to cheat on his wife because that's what normal men do
>wonder if he's a spy
>Loid thinks he should cheat on Yor and goes looking for a brothel or something
>ends up thinking about Yor and stops himself
>next day is housewives talking about some cheater who turned out to be a spy and so were his partners
>also they're just trying to get laid with Loid because they're a bunch of bitches
>Yor overhears how housewives that don't do anything all day usually cheat on their husbands
>decides she should go find something to do then, even if it's a fake relationship, cheating is bad
>reads books on marriages to get a better idea about what she should do, they're all about babymaking
>try some other types of books, they're all romantic/erotic
>get called out on a job and starts think penetrating other men is kind of lewd
Nope, it’s Anya waking up on them and Yuri melting drunkenly about how cute she is then forgetting the whole thing
Hot springs chapter
He's just a hungarian fag thirsty for recognition, it's right that the Hungary analog is the country her brother used as a cover.
It plays in what seems to be the divided Germany equivalent even though we don't kolniw if it was ever a single country in this world.
I sure hope whoever's uploading to the Goddess keeps doing so.
Beach chapter.
sex chapter
Recruit 3 more members or the club will be disbanded chapter.
What will they do when they find out about each others identities?
I heard that Lloyd was the translator's (obviously correct) decision and that the author wanted it changed to Loid
The thing is, their names were written in english (at least not in katakana) in the raws.
Post it then
>Exposed shoulders and sweater puppies.
God tier combo.
What the fuck is this? What am I seeing?
Punished Anya
>Rengoku no Ashe (2014, One-shot)
Axeman recycled parts of her design between Yor and Ania.
Yeah, I too remember reading it today.
We know, Damian
>Loid and Yor going on a date with just two of them chapter
>Meanwhile Yuri babysitting Ania chapter
And then he teach her "fake" sex, right?
Yor is only a contract killer and not a government agent, so unless she's incredibly patriotic it's doubtful she's going to care a lot. They can't really set up a Mr. And Mrs. Smith situation because there's no reason for the Ostalians to hire a contract killer to deal with Twilight when the SSS could
>Kissing her womb with his penis
Jesus how can they publish this shit
Oh. I thought Anya looked like this because of what happened to Loid and Yor, and this is her being pissed
Loid refers to a type of lockpick.
Author was going for a pun.
That being said, naming yourself "Lockpick McFaker" isn't really conducive to staying undercover.
Someone should make a crossover pic were this character and Anya meet. Maybe Yor cuddled her out of mistaken identity of lookin like Anya, And Loid would actually start to feel worry for her, which aain mistaken identity of Anya. And hen Anya is there like "WTF!?"
Try your luck in drawthreads.
Last chapter resume.
Based Abe
shout out to the user who pointed out the punniness of "Forger" as in "forge" and Jappanese "Folger"
angry shout out to publisher for Yor because yuck
Yor most probably would try to kill Twilight to eliminate a potential threat to her secret life but by that point I'm sure she will find herself in love with him so she will choose to run away and start a new life somewhere else
>no manga/anime/doujin of where Abe as marriage inspector who come to every newly weds home to inspect their marriage authenticity
>Open shoulders and back dress
Pls tell me this stuff exist inreal life.
This is my new fetish
Oh shit. I requested this pic. Who did this?
Ashe a cutie
easy one cour season with taking into account that there'll be more chapters by the time they actually start production
the disastrous (happy) life of Anna-chan?
>they got discovered
>the story now revolves around them avoiding the military of both country
>being nomad refugee travelling town to town with Anya
I love Loid
we know, Anya
how big is lloyd's penis?
what in god's name happened at the start of this thread?
>Yea Forumsshit
yuri is such a faggot
I hope he dies
>t. Lottie
Whose the artist that did this?
Lads, I need Yoru porn...
Turns out she's a kissless cake. 27 years and haven't even kissed.
Twilight's gonna rock her socks off when they finally fulfill Abe's plan.
How many women had Twilight to fuck in his work as spy?
im still surprised people are surprised by this fact
She's too pure. I'm not sure if I'm okay with it
>Spy x Family is a prequel
about three fiddy
Probably a lot considering he was with a girl who was trying to get him to marry her at the beginning
>supporting some dirty chinks when you can view the official version instead
We spy family
I got all my sisters with me!
It was comfy for a while, yes it was. And now you see what happens to every manga/anime that starts getting popular.
cute kissless cake
twilight's nuclear missile will blow her mind
>twilight's nuclear missile will blow her mind
Going by last chapter the kids will come out retarded
>close to Bleach in sales
>Spy x Family sequel is medieval, meaning that Twilight failed his mission, East and West went ballistic on each other, society collapsed and humanity is going through another dark age
Plot twist: She's gonna dom the fuck out of him out of sheer instinct
Don't know about Bleach numbers, but last week it was:
>20930 *162492 SPY×FAMILY #01
which is very good. The Tsugi Manga Awards will maybe boost the sales even more.
They even celebrated the fact that they printed 300.000 units on Twitter following the initial 50k run sold out in a single week.
Dude, trust me.
Who's dumber? Mama, or Daughter?
daughter is still little, and has only been relying on ESP for a long time
Why is Yor so fashionable?
Mama just killed a man.
Guys, how do I get a Becky? I want a cute girl to protect me, she doesn't even need to be my girlfriend.
be psychic loli
there is no step 2
Anya isn't dumb, she's just a little kid
Yor is a genuine baka though
>he still reads Flop x Axed
>seito won't load pages
stop stealing my bandwidth guys I want to read this
It's been so long since I've seen a chain so long just because 2 anons want to get the last word in.
Yor was a poor girl from a poor family who only had time to work in order to support her precious little brother. She was only dumb so he could have the chance not to be.
Honestly, Anya might be smarter than Yoru in some cases. She can scheme and plan effectively like when she supported Twilight at the aquarium. She even knew how to use Yoru as an asset to catch the enemy spy.
Haha yes yes very funny we all had a good laugh now where is the axe?
She's a mind-reader who can't turn her ability off, her entire existence is overflown with thinking. Kinda logical that she is good at thinking.
I was gonna make a joke but I think you made one now.
I personally enjoyed every moment of that butthurt user taking it so seriously.
Tick tock luffy-kun.
>anime adapation
please no
not normalfags in my comfy threads
anything but that
I honestly don't think Spy x Family has what it takes to dethrone One Piece, it's too much.
Hajimete no Gal got an anime announcement when it was less than 25 chapters.
This. One Piece constantly had proportionally twice as much views than SxF since the beginning. And that's not even counting the SP views. It's a monster far ahead in its own league.
Stay in your fucking containment board
suck my aryan cock you subhuman scum
I bet you love that Ms Marvel is now a nigger muslim immigrant.
She's probably going to break his back and/or pelvis.
So does Yor genuinely like Loid or what?
yeah, you could sort of tell in the chapter where he shows up for her party, and she thinks that maybe he's the one who can accept her for who she is.
Loid probably still would ditch her and Anya if need be, but while he may not admit it, he's clearly getting slightly subconsciously attached to his new "family".
the longer they fake being in love, the more likely it is for them to fall in real love
Not yet
Not quite there yet, but she's definitely falling for him. The chapter with the teachers clearly showed that they're all starting to get attached.
She will probably fall for him first but Loid is autistic as fuck so it’s going to take some time for him to accept the family life as the real deal.
He's an emotional virgin. He does not want his feelings to become sullied.
She probably respects him, I wouldn't say she fell for him yet.
Twilight is a guy though, he's gonna see some of Yor's Yorus and he'll start coming around.
Exposed back too. Honestly it's amazing she's already through the better part of her 20s and no one's even tried to bag her yet
This has great potential for an anime.
Yes but Loid is for Ania.
Would you?
>next chapter lloyd finally realizes how sexy yor(u) is as they feel each other's body outlines as yuri forces them to sleep on one bed
Thank abe
So the premise is that the two protagonists are having a nise koi for appearances sake? Does it mean we get glacier-like progression?
I can't believe they tried to rip off SPYxFAMILY already
Can you actually not believe it or are you just trying to talk about it?
We're only at Chapter 12, calm down
>manga is called Spy x Family
>has a family
>has a spy
>has an assassin
>has a stasi
Bravo Japan
>Turns out she's a kissless cake. 27 years and haven't even kissed.
Well yeah, she was a child hitman after all.
Progress is not gained by cowardice.
Shit taste, bi-weekly is superior to weekly and monthly formats.
I wish they'd go into more detail about yoru and her life. so far we've only seen the spies business and point of view. We haven't seen yoru adjusting to marriage life and hiding her assassinations from her husband.
We don't even know if they are on the same side. She could be an assassin working for twilights enemies the entire time. Could be interesting.
Its only been a few chapters bro.
I'm waiting for someone to higher yor to asassinate twilight
>tfw both of your parents are killed by the government while protecting you, and you start a militia organization to overthrow the government
Cat-cat is cute. Really, that award is proof that sometimes japs have good taste.
If Yor took an IQ test, what would the result be?
Yor's asian. So concepts like love is foreign to her, sexual desire on the other hand...
Nah, she's european
sounds like some some dumb irish name or slav name
Around 6 dead bodies and a half
Could somebody edit the text to change the names back for each new chapter. Lloyd, Anya, and Yoru sound so much better.
What do you mean user? Check the old chapters, their names were always spelled like that.
This thread proves Yea Forums doesn't deserve nice things.
It really is, but some people are so impatient they'd sacrifice quality for QUALITY and filler since the creators are given too demanding a deadline. Monthly on the other end means a series far too slowly you'll never see a following grow unless you're Berserk in which case you have a big enough following to Never Ever at will.
shut the fuck up sometimes you have to shut that autistic bitch voice whinnying over nonsense
or do it urself fagit
It isn't axed because not everyone has your shit taste, user.
Lloyd is also a valid pun.
llwydnos is "twilight" in welsh.
Would be hilarious if he turned out to be pure to avoid the slightest possibility of a broken condom ruining his career
Goddamn you morons, a Briar is a type of thorn bush. Now what's Yoru's codename?
His prostate is too disciplined to allow for a broken condom to ruin anything.
Briar Rose? From The Grimm's FairyTale?
Does this manga have a general now? I'm thinking of opening dubs request.
don't be gay user
H-how else can I get (You)s?
my wife anya is so cute
t. Damian
You just know it's an American behind posts like these.
They were the romanisations in the raws.
Can't wait to see more of this tsundere getting BTFO by based Anya.
why not just use the official release
should i read this? i tried the WN but it was rather dry, might just be the translaton though.
Oricon just in. >22955 *185447 S SxF 1
(last week:)
>20930 *162492 S SxF 1
It's not stopping anytime soon.
They get taken down after a while, so for archiving purposes, I'm guessing.
It got that award for a good reason, go read it.
>go read it.
the manga or the novel?
Why americans are so stupid?
The manga got the award. Don't know anything about the novel.
Based user.
Few will understand the pic related.
based. The names have always been the same
I would if there was a woman.
God I want to start a family so badly.
I've been in this thread since it started and I just got this. So, based.
Calm down Oga-san.
I can't help it, everyone keeps telling "have sex", "get a gf" and "when are you getting married and have kids?", it's driving me nuts, I want to and everyone thinks I'm alone because I choose to which is absolutely wrong.
is this the fabled counter to "have sex"
no, the counter to that is
no but it should be
If they aren't good enough for Hitler they aren't good enough for me.
Loli doujins featuring anya when ?
Im know im a suick bastard, but i cant help it man.
Being a sick bastard isnt cool user.
You're like the 12 y/o who discovered some kinky porn and thinks liking it makes him special in anyway.
Anya just isnt that kind of a character.
>Anya just isnt that kind of a character.
People said that about yotsuba....
Slav here, please don't put us on the same pedestal as modern "white" people
we aren't
you white fucks can go down the sewage of history, i'll stay happy here as shilling-free mongolian rape baby
And they're right.
>Few will understand
Is the American education system really so bad that the “Stalin disappears people” meme is some sort of mark of intelligence?
desu it was passing remark in my schoolbook, and i live on the wrong side of former Iron Curtain
unless you were active when these memes were popular chance's you never learnt it
By being a faggot in other threads
There's been a distinct lack of pantsu lately.
Great, now their going to start throwing a hissy fit.
Don't you dare lewd her.
Not lewd, just cute. Not really funny.
I would wait 5 years to lewd her.
And marry her in 8 years.
>160k in first volume
Damn that's actually pretty good, literally S tier ranking
Following the footsteps of our prophet Muhammad (PBUH) I will make Anya my wife and wait for her to turn 9 to consume our marriage. And there is nothing you can do to stop me.
if pretty good is S tier then what's really good? and then what's great? what about amazing?
Angry slavs usually dont tolerate goatfuckers.
Selling 500k above in first volume but that's SSS tier.
What I meant is most series that sell that much at the beginning end up in the range of 400k to 500k in sales, so I would consider that pretty good for a Jump+ series, we will see though.
So far is already a hit anyway
aren't they frogs? some french girls can have some pretty not so asian eyes
Ostalia and Westania are notGermany, but it's implied that Yor and Yuri are descended from foreigners
I was taking Ania as example, she said 'Oui' some times, is that used in german?
I actually love that.
>just one creampie
Shut up, Lottie. Yuri's adorable.
Based mobile spic
Yor(u) canonically has a huge bust and slim body that would make boys go apeshit over her. You telling me that Twilight hasn't noticed that? Or that she is extremely beautiful(alluded to by her officemates)???
Fatty burger fat. FAAAAAAT.
Yor in a swimsuit WHEN?
>You telling me that Twilight hasn't noticed that?
Twilight has been with a lot of women, I doubt another pretty face is gonna do much against his mission autism
>another pretty face is gonna do much against his mission autism
Anya did it.
Twilight is weak to children and poverty, not bimbos
when is the new chapter?
september 8th
>uh oh, they've bugged our place, and it'll look suspicious if we don't do married couple things
>but you shouldn't have sex with someone you don't really love
>don't worry, its not real sex unless you insert it
>actually, it's not real sex if you don't cum inside
>actually, it's not real sex unless you get pregnant
>actually, I love you
Twilight is a professional. He won't let even Yoru's impressive figure interfere with his mission.
Don't forget self-sacrifice for the sake of others.