Let's discuss them.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I still don't know how Joseph doused that rope in lighter fluid.

>Le same type of stand

Cutting Dio in half with a hamon infused sword through the top of his head not killing him instantly, when Jonathan also had his power amplified from Zepelli.

The whole sequence with Kira and Cinderella

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I dont know how in a baseball video game, one can change the type of throw it will be midway.

That was just poor writing.


> Stardust Crusaders
> Sun

I think that Araki realized pretty quickly that vampires being instantly killed by the Ripple made them kinda boring. Also, Dio had to sacrifice his body from the neck down to survive that, it's not like he got it cheap.

this is probably the least asspull thing Jotaro ever did

Wasn't that Joseph was the one really controlling the joystick with Hermit Purple, so it didn't matter what buttons Jotaro pressed?

>go to town in the middle of nowhere
>everyone is a rotting corpse
>not immediately killing the first person who isn't a rotting corpse

literally how

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It was, but the ball changed midway. Why didnt Darby younger do the same?

Pick pretty much any main fight, and quite a few side fights as well.

That's not the one I was talking about. That one was Jonathan hitting Dio with a fire punch on his torso, and Dio had to sacrifice his body to not let it get to his brain.

The moment i'm talking about is early on in the fight, where Jonathan infuses hamon on the sword he was given, slices Dio in half from the top of his freaking head, into his torso, and Dio shrugs it off like it was nothing and glues himself together.

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Kira shouldn't have had time to run away from Josuke and co, get into Cinderella's salon, change faces with a random guy and leave. Josuke was following his left hand, there was no way he would miss where Killer Queen was. Kira was also injured, limping, and I don't remember if he even changed clothes.

This is just a common 'magic' trick, it's often included in magic kits for kids.

Hmm I always assumed that Joseph was using a trick shot, but now I'm in doubt. It might be that Hermit Purple affected the console.

iirc Dio froze the sword or something rendering the Hamon inert and just leaving it a regular sword

He had no way of knowing about Aya or her stand or however it worked either.

>O i forgot Josuke powers don't work like that

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Josuke permanently changed the shape of one of the bullies who attacked him in the first chapter we see him, and fused a human with a rock giving him the fucking Kars treatment
his powers do work like that

Who shot Johnny?

So he don't "FIX" things then.

What a hack.

you know I've reread Part 7 like 20 times and I still don't know.

>oh also i can shoot my finger out really far
>shut up
>how did you know you could do that but not that you can stop time
>shut up daze

The worst asspull ever in Jojo is having Dio, who up to part 3 was just the ambitious asshole, all of a sudden, have a convoluted and nonsensical plan to "reach Heaven" he wrote down on a diary we never heard of, requiring precise coordinates and gravitational conditions, a friend that we've never heard of and which is badly out of character considering how much Dio sees himself above others, and that Jotaro all of a sudden read but never talked about, just so Pucci can steal his memory because he somehow just knew Jotaro knew about the plan.

Jotaro having timestop, Joseph and the Aja Stone, Requiem, these are end-part stuff. At worst, it lessens the impact of the final fight of a given part.

The diary is the prompt of an entire part. Part 6 is built on an asspull. This fucking diary ruined an entire part. It also retroactively kinda ruins Part 3 since Dio already completed the plan and just had to fly to Cape Canaveral instead of waiting 50 days for Jotaro. Nothing could have prevented him from doing this. It contradicts the whole idea of DIO needing Joestar blood in Part 3.

On don't give me that "but Dio talked about peace of mind" crap. When he took Joseph's blood, he was full-on "bow before me, humans!" mode. That peace of mind crap was a way to psyche Polnareff.

Jotaro and Dio flying for literally no reason. What, are their punch ghosts constantly punching the soles of their shoes?

Han shot first

Why didn't the red stone obliterate Joseph's other hand?

This fucking moment was retarded

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They didn't know they were corpses, genius.

I took it as them using their Stands to make huge jumps.

It's like the hamon going through the frog to shatter the rock.

iirc it put a hole through the palm didn't it?

Wouldn't the smell of death give it away? Or are pakistanis just that unhygienic that smelling like a literal corpse is normal?

Yes they are but also I assume they were all mummified

Why did none of the pillarmen show off contortion like the first one did? Like how did Joseph's rope trip up Kars? Couldn't he just morph his foot out of the way?

So stands can go through walls now?

Wammu showed some of it when he first encountered Joseph but I guess Araki was shifting away from that and wanted to focus more on their individual powers.


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Wamuu did somewhat, but those Pillarmen had special powers while Santana was just a dumb jobber
also reminder Santana is still alive in some SPW Foundation vault

Dio's is more powerfull than other vampires.Also most of the previous enemies were zombies not vampires. Dio is the only one who took the mask.

Jotaro casually having magazines under his clothes and magnets


>"Hey Josuke we lost Kira... stop your ability or you will fix his hand"

I assume Joseph would have just hamon mercy killed him at some point

DIO returning with his coffin despite Erina using it to save herself at the end of part 1.
DIO could survive being split in half and beheaded but Jotaro punching the world in the knee makes him explode.
Bruno living with no explanation what so ever.

Don't forget that Jotaro has legit autism

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>DIO returning with his coffin despite Erina using it to save herself at the end of part 1.
Tell me why this is a problem.

He is shown reading magazines and stuff during the vacation downtime iirc.
OVA makes more sense by cutting out the magnets and making it so that Jotaro is wearing wooden splints due to injuries from previous battles

What do you mean "stop your ability"? Josuke can't just cancel his healing power retard

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>He is shown reading magazines and stuff during the vacation downtime iirc.
I have been angry all theses years for nothing.
But the magnets are still retarded

It kind of makes Jonathan’s sacrifice worthless

most Stands confer damage they take to their user, DIO's Stand fucking shattered and exploded. Of course it blew him the fuck up.
Also it didn't even kill him, they had to stand guard over his body until daytime came and actually killed him.

Zombie Bruno is just some weird shit, does continue the ridiculous part 5 trend of resolve and nothing else being all you need to win though.

Why was a Rat more dangerous than DIO?

Erina lived? The Joestar bloodline lived on?

Isn’t King Crimson/Epitaph ability just like Za Warudo? It works the same basically
>Dude does thing in time while the others can’t

Ofc it doesn't fix it brainlet. It can restore/restructurate things

>Josuke can't just cancel his healing power retard
Yes, he can, retard.


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Because the rat had a long ranged stand that could melt shit. If DIO had that he would have won.

It wasn't, Jotaro just got cocky and underestimated the rat because he thought it would have no intelligence and his Stand would shit all over it.
But the rat ended up being intelligent and having a long range type Stand which was a big mismatch for Star Platinum.

It's not an asspull it's a dropped plotpoint.

The Jotaro killing Dio with punching Jotaro makes sense. Dio is immortal, but The World isn’t

Jojotards do a better job explaining things that Araki.

>punching The World
Fuck I’m retarded

I meant *retconned ability
Not dropped plotpoint...

were you paying attention? He just "fixed" the wall into a different position, he didn't just cancel the effect mid heal, thats not how his power works

>He just "fixed" the wall into a different position

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Rearranging the debris into a wall isn't him "cancelling" his ability, that's one aspect of his ability. He wanted a wall so he made one.

That was his secret ability like Polnareff's sword throw. He only uses it when his cornered and when he's SURE that his enemy is not expecting it or won't dodge it.

I actually have the answer, it was Valentine
originally D4C's power was going to be 'allowing multiple dimensions to exist simultaneously in the same space', he was using this power to fuck with reality when shooting Johnny, causing a bizarre effect where Wekapipo, Diego, and Valentine all technically shot Johnny with the same bullet

D4C was later changed to just allowing Valentine to switch dimensions going between objects

>He just "fixed" the wall into a different position
So... isn't fixed.

In the Kira final fight against Jotaro and all the crew, Jotaro needed to run towards Kira to activate Za Warudo. But couldn’t Rohan instead use Heaven’s Door and write “I will kill myself” in Kira? When he used against Reimi she was also in al kinda long distance, just like Kira

remember the first guy that Josuke fought? he punched him in the face and his face healed wrong. Its the same shit, just with a wall. Is that so hard to understand?

>He just did a thing that we never seen before

Asspull then.

His repairing power was never, ever about restoring things to their exact original condition and position.
If it was he would have fixed the mutant retard dad.


How Mista didn’t died after getting shot himself in the head in the white album fight?

That's because he was close to the cage.
He can use his stand to go in his own body I guess.

They were way too far

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the same way Bruno just decided to not die and become a zombie
they're insanely manly men and resolve in Part 5 is all you need

Maybe is that Josuke can choose if it get fixed entirely or not. He didn’t choosed to fix it properly with the first bully just to fuck him

>That's because he was close to the cage.
What does that have to do with anything

How the fuck did Jolyne make a Mobius Strip

She turned herself into a piece of paper.... whoops! That wasn't her power. Yeah, it's bullshit.

>what is weaving string together to make a shape
she's not fucking Spiderman with wrist shooting rope powers you tard

This one is good actually, it's a clever extension of what you'd expect a stand to be able to do with its user's body

the same way she makes anything out of string, its her stand ability

Emporio being able to activate the dormant oxygen ability of Heavy Weather even when Weather Report himself couldn't do it.

That's literally the first ability stands have ever been shown to have.

yes, this is implicity established and kept consistent throughout. not an asspull.

the rule is, they can intend and materialise the parts of the stand it desire, to whatever effect.

The point of Bruno of being a zombie is that he fought he own fate just to stop the bossu. But Mista was still a human after the shot in the head, in fact, the second after he got shot he had instantly that hole fixed. He was really that fast? What happened with the bullet? Was the bullet Giornio used to make the cells of Mista head and, therefore, fix it quickly? Did Giornio punched a bullet with his stand (if I don’t remember bad giornio and bruno needed to use their fist to use their stand power), meaning that Golden Experience is faster than the average bullet (360 m/s)? Is Golden Experience just like Star Platinum but with creating life power? Is GE stronger than SP? I have autism?

Doesn't that make Diver Down completley irrelevant since Anasui never uses his energy stockpile ability?

If nothing else, okuyasu should have stopped being a retard for five minutes to erase the space between him and kira so josuke could kill him

Then what’s the point of Deep River?

Star Platinum and The World being the same type of Stands gets even more confusing since part 4 retconned The World to be a Stand awaken by the Arrow. Adding to the fact that there exists a theory that since DIO is Jonathan from the neck down, The World was probably product of the Joestar bloodline, which would explain why it's similar to Star Platinum but Araki confirmed that Hermit Purple 2 is Jonathan's Stand. So Araki kinda shot himself in the foot.

No because Diver Down has abilities besides phasing

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*Diver Down
Fuck I’m retarded

it's best not to ask what Gold Experience can and can't do
I mean remember the frog? Remember how it gave Bruno life when it punched him which made his senses too fast? Remember when GER had LASERS?

>he punched him in the face and his face healed wrong
>his face healed wrong

Araki never said that was not his true face.

If The World and Star Platinum are the same type of stand, that means that The World have Star Finger and the succ SP did to Justice?

Diver Down has more abilities than that, and also Diver Down can take the user inside of shit too. Star Platinum and Magician's Red and Silver Chariot couldn't do that shit.

>Araki kinda shot himself in the foot because of a fan theory

>Araki never said that was not his true face.
user we literally see his face before and after

>who is Diego From Another World
The World is Dio's stand, Hermit Purple 2: Retcon Boogaloo is Jonathan's

>but Araki confirmed that Hermit Purple 2 is Jonathan's Stand. So Araki kinda shot himself in the foot.
Jotaro having the ability to stop time would be less of an asspull if Araki kept to the idea of DIO having all the Joestar stands but no

>if Araki kept to the idea of DIO having all the Joestar stands but no
Yeah that was never a thing.

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DIO has two Stands
Jonathan's Stand, which we see a few times and is likely how DIO blew up the TV when they tried the remote viewing ("You're watching me....")

And The World, Dio Brando's Stand. Jonathan's Stand was bloodline, Dio Brando and Jotaro having the same Stand was a product of the destined rivalry between the Joestars and Dio

>Remember how it gave Bruno life when it punched him which made his senses too fast?
I think Araki pretends that he forgot that ability because Giornio winning every battle with two punches would be boring (Bruno said he wouldn’t handle another slow punch from Giorno without dying during that fight)

>What is a plastic surgery?

>Ey uncle, remember when I punched you?

I think this is the only fandom that admits the asspull the author does

from what I've seen the Naruto fanbase will happily admit almost every single fight in Shippuden is an asspull if it involves the two MCs or the Akatsuki

I'm arakis cousin and he told me that his fans always joke about how he forgets, but he never does. He just doesn't use or bring up abilities if they interfere with his vision.

that being said, in part 1, Jonathan promised Dio in the finale fight, that his ghost would haunt him forever.

SP is Jonathan reincarnated. And why is SP the most powerful stand? It's ability is,
'beat Dio'

It will adapt to anything, and continuously learn EVERY stand power if need be, if it will lead to DIO being defeated.

The star TAROT card literally has it in its meaning. New oppurtunities will open to those who have this card.

It's why even SP negates The World over Heaven. It follows one ability...defeat dio.

>Punching Sheer Heart Attack doesn’t affect Kira
>Using Act 3: Freeze does

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Yeah, the same with the living beings created by GE reflecting damage. It was ridiculously overpowered, his battles would be extremely boring if he could cover himself in frogs and tank anything.

because Sheer Heart Attack can't take damage, but can still have gravity effect it. It's not immune to literally everything.

This. It was the main thing that ruined part 6 for me.

>Giorno just spawns tons of ants
>all villains die from accidentally killing ants and thus themselves

Ok now you're being retarded. The guy himself was surprised with what happened to his face. Jotaro's hat was also fixed in a different shape. Josuke could only fuse things in first place because he can fix things in a different shape. He broke down Angelo's humanoid rock form and fixed him as a deformed rock.

How was that poor writing? That was a really creative way to continue the story

If you can't live with the asspulls you can't read past Part 2.

>power-hungry sociopath wants as much power as he can possible get
Gee wiz, this sure is complicated

>I'm arakis cousin
yeah sure man

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Why are you responding to his post when you clearly haven't read it?

The problem is that every main character had to go full retard for it to work, and also Araki could have forced Kira to escape but not make his situation so dire. I don't even care about him changing faces, he or his father could very well know about other stand users in Morioh, but pulling off that escape was just impossible. It's not as notorious in the manga, but the anime makes clear that the timing makes no sense.

You didn't read the mango

I won't deny that Pucci, the diary and Heaven were just things that Araki Made up for part 6, but I think that having that concept of Heaven made sense for Dio. Knowing your fate and being able to control and change it. It's ambitious, it's prideful and it would have put him above humanity in yet another way. He would have been literally the only person with absolute free will. He was fated to clash with the Joestars again and again and he couldn't just shake them off.

Show me what I missed, then.

It means considering he can control the weather

Not him, but the OVA depicts it as them using their super strength ghosts to make giant leaps like the hulk

I still maintain that the power of The World was to utilize the abilities of the stands the Joestars had at the time.
Since the only Joestars who'd gained control of their stands during part 3 were Joseph and Jotaro, The World could manifest the power of Star Platinum (timestop punch ghost) and Hermit Purple (techno-clairvoyance).

difference is that KC can't intervene in the skipped time. It's actually quite the opposite.

The World allows DIO to move in stopped time and do whatever he wants. When time resumes, all the things he did in that gap happen at the same time. Epitaph shows Diavolo the future, so if he's in danger he can "skip" what he saw, meaning all the actions will play mechanically in a space that is going to be deleted. Every person but him will do exactly what he saw, he's the only one who has conscience over this erased time and move at will, but apparently can't attack or interact with anyone, just pull a nothin personnel when time goes back

>Bruno living with no explanation what so ever.

Stop maintaining it, it's wrong.

>there exists a theory that since DIO is Jonathan from the neck down, The World was probably product of the Joestar bloodline
>Araki kinda shot himself in the foot

think about what you just said

Wasn’t Echoes Act 3 supposed to have a very short range?

Giorno can give life energy, that's how he can create living being. If he puts too much energy into someone, their senses will go berserk.
Also GER cannot shoot lasers, he just shot a pebble with a lot of strenght.

I don't care, man. The "weird coincidence, it turns out they were the same type of stand!" thing infuriates me to no end.
At least this way I can feel some degree of positivity towards the ending of part 3.

It's fate bro
Their destinies are intertwined

It's pretty heavily implied that Josuke, despite being a stand user for a while at the beginning of Part 4, doesn't have good control over the ability, hence his tendency to incorrectly fix things.

>Jotaro took less time to master Star Platinum than Josuke with his Crazy Diamond
Josukefags, defend this

Araki lost 50 IQ points when writing part 4

That would explain the inconsistency of Koichi arc

Josuke didn't really have a reason to learn how to use his stand considering he was a normal high school student before Part 4.

It was probably due to all the sissy hypno that he started listening to around that time.

>Okuyasu literally just choosing not to die
I was really enjoying the Bites the Dust arc before that bullshit. Didn't make me hate it, but damn did it piss me off.

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Jotaro took 50 life threatening situations to manually stop time

>be teenager
>have superpowers
>no reason to learn how to use your superpower

It's called resolve

He knew how to use it, he uses it all the time

Okuyasu's body was healed and he just had to choose whether he wanted to follow his brother or be his own person, it solved his arc.
and much better than zombie Bruno who LITERALLY decides not to die

The OVA makes its more obvious they were jumping with their stands

jotaro was also a normal highschool student before part 3

Why they have to solve Okuyazy arc literally and the end when they could finish it when Akira entered Joseph’ ship? It could have ender there perfectly

okuyasu is the one who literally decides not to die, it was worse because he willed himself back to life and cheapened a sad moment
bruno was a pseudo zombie and running on the fumes of giorno's life juice

And that wasn't when he learned to use his stand

- Polpo didn't notice his stand got sunburned to nothingness.
- Doppio should have died from losing all the iron in his body, period. You can't metabolize it anywhere near fast enough from eating a frog to make even a remote recovery.
- If stands can be shrunk down freely why does no one do that to be stealthier?

>If stands can be shrunk down freely why does no one do that to be stealthier?
Presumably they become slower and weaker based on how long it takes for HG and SC to travel through the brain and the small amount of damage they cause in there

There are characters who lose gallons of blood and survive just fine, Diavolo absorbing iron at light speed isn't out of the ordinary for Jojo.

>If stands can be shrunk down freely why does no one do that to be stealthier?
It takes up a lot of energy and ultimately isn't worth it since the opponent will still be grown
Though I wish Araki didn't go on to make 2 stands with a shrinking gimmick

Ok, but Araki could've solved Okuyasu's arc in a far less bullshit and retarded way. Having him die and then bringing him back with some "Oh i just decided not to die lmao" shit is just infuriating.

>can destroy a wall with just one strike
>but can't destroy a shredder machine with a stand rush

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Little Feat, GooGoo Dolls, and Green Green Grass of Home all have shrinking gimmicks.

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Off-topic, but highway star design is very good

>2 in the same part
That's where the line was crossed for me

>If stands can be shrunk down freely why does no one do that to be stealthier?

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I actually really enjoyed the latest season, I hope we get the whole family back together, blond haired "cousin" Giorno included.

Y-yeah user.

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don't forget Polnareff and Kakyoing shrinking fucking Silver Chariot and Heirophant Green to go inside Steely Dan's BRAIN

Yeah, that was what we were talking about...

It's just part of its ability, the same way Gappy can make bubbles of all sizes

>gather DIO’s sons
>no Giorno
not an asspull, but it’s pretty lame

I imagine the phone call probably went something like "lmao u sound gay fucktard" then Giorno just hung up on Pucci

No, it just shrunk because all stands can do that

The best part of part 4 was how it had both Jotaro and Joseph, it really brought the previous seasons together. Its probably why I love parts 7 and 8 so much, even though they're technically different characters, I love to see how the alternate universe versions of previous characters have similar fates and lives.

He was talking about fate since Phantom Blood though. He was the first person who really discussed that as a theme of the series iirc. I have no fucking clue how he knew how to do this shit but he does believe in shit beyond "lol fuck u". DIO always gets that way when he's losing and before he got that blood he was going to get killed by Jotaro. He does not take failure well

Leave before someone spoils Koichi’s death.

Diver Down can rearrange the structures of things as well as phase other thing with itself (like the chocolates or frog).

Hermes ever being of use during fights with her utterly pointless and weak ability
even pre-World Star Platinum was more useful

>even pre-World Star Platinum was more useful
pre-world star platinum was kind of a big deal

> It was ridiculously overpowered
Then don't make it overpowered? The only retarded thing about that was that the damage reflection is fatal. Fixing would be pretty easy, make it so it only works with animal creations (who don't necessarily obey) and that it reflects physical attacks with basically a punch depending on how many critters there are, say if he makes a bunch the reflection is split between and barely functions in that case. There are ways of working around this, anything would be better than the GE we got.

Reflection is a boring mechanic for MCs

>Heavy Weather hypnotizes you into subconsciously thinking you are a snail
>you start physically turning into a snail

So if Rohan used Heaven's Door could he physically transform anyone into anything by making that person believe they're that? Could he ascend someone to Kars level?

Kiss is the strongest stand you fool.

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>pucci removes his sight
Heavy Weather was an extremely stupid arc. And weathers leg wound is fucking gross.

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Stands going through walls is common but it is generally used for esthetic reasons, to make a visually pleasant scene during stand summoning. Araki tries to limit himself from letting his characters abuse phasing. If stands used it consistently then it would limit his range of story telling. For example he wouldn't be able to ever write a stand user stuck in a locked room because their stand could phase through the keyhole and and unlock the gears from inside. Only Diver Down consistently use phasing to mess the inside of things, so it's understandable that Jotaro miraculous heart pumping doesn't feels right.

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The reflection was shit tho. The concept of giving life but should have been extremely restricted, like Ueki only being able to turn trash into trees or something.

Honestly C-Moon is a downgrade in comparison to Whitesnake's bullshit

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Heavy Weather was great for the character development it gave to Pussi and Weather at least

It's used often enough in Part 3 that Star Platinum pumping a heart feels fine.

but its ability is insanely weak and useless and dumb

And what exactly would he do with it, become a superhero in... his sleepy Japanese town? Why? Josuke has no reason to use his stand until the events of Part 4.

Dio awakening his stand awoke the stands of the Joestar family. Jotaro didn't get his stand until the beginning of Part 3, speedreader.

Cheat on tests, heal friends if they get booboos, fight off bullies, etc.

It's just an additional self-preservation effect for the critters and they should revert automatically if struck, the main shtick remains creating plants and small animals and there's tons of ways you can use that creatively in fights, especially if he's going to be teaming up with other characters. Giorno should've been a more trickster-y character in contrast to previous JoJo's.

Whitesnake pisses me off. Some anons have posted that gold experience’s bullshit makes them enjoy part 5 less. Part 6 is lessened for me due to whitesnake’s bullshit.

Did Josuke even have any friends before the events of part 4?
There's some one-off fangirls and...? I think he only talks to Koichi and Okuyasu in school

Imagine if White Snake was the protagonist's stand though.

It's kind of weird if you think about it. He's a friendly guy but his only friends are met after the story starts.

Who the FUCK was this guy?

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Young Kira

>mass illusions
>stealing people's memories and stand powers
>shooting mind control CDs that are basically projectile Heaven's Door????
fuck Whitesnake

Originally Kira was supposed to use Cinderella to change his face to look like Josuke and then go back in time, but Araki forgot.

Reread. It's a rando nice albeit ugly guy who inspired Josuke.

Josuke from the future

literally just a punk with a heart of gold that represented the true spirit of the town of Morioh

I mean DIO's philosophical side was shown quite a few times in Stardust Crusaders through him interacting with his subordinates. Shadow DIO is the closest thing we've gotten to Stone Ocean DIO so far.


Solido Naso

You forgot
>Long range stand, 20m radius

Diavolo on one of his death loops

Josuke's brother from another woman Joseph slept with years before (that's why they look the same)

>Santana is somehow the weakest of the Pillar Men
>despite the fact that he simply turns to stone in the sun, while Esidisi completely melts away

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And if his brother isn't an autistic amnesiac half the time and a suicidal ragetard the other half he would be a literal God
Who cares about Joestars, the Puccis are what it's at

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Esidisi was a brain

to be fair Esidisi got a full absolute dose of direct Hamon attack

also could be that Santana purposefully transformed into stone as a last ditch defense mechanism. After all the Pillar Men themselves were all encased in stone before they awoke, and there is Kars' fate as well. Probably not outside the range of Pillar Men abilities.

>Versace gets into a fight in Germany
>tries to use Under World to force his opponent into The Holocaust
>it didn't happen
>Versace's face when

>Ozone, you know? Way up there in space? I don't really get what it does, but if Weather destroys it we're all totally fucked! Anyway I'm gonna try and use it to my advantage.
I couldn't stop laughing when I first read this, and it still cracks me up now.

I mean joseph himself thought it may have just been that his hamon just wasnt strong enough at the time to destroy a pillar man.

Wasnt there a interview with Araki about it and he said he was trying to come up with a way to make kira escape and he remembered he wrote about cinderella so he just did that?

that's the entire series though

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Its lightsabers all over again
Why dont they turn off their stand just before a punch and then reappear past them

I found first d4c so fucking cool and was so disapointed when it waa just used for summoning clones to survive

Explain the lightsaber thing.

Anyone remember how insanely fucking fast jotaro was to go behind n'doul

That was very clearly Araki foreshadowing the final fight when Jotaro would start flying

If Valentine can use fucking water drops to dimension hop why doesn't he just use his clothes?
Does he just not want to appear naked?

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Yeah, I wish he'd done more with the multiple simultaneous realities thing.
On the other hand, that would be super hard to write, so I can't really blame him. I certainly can't think of a good fight scene involving that ability.

He has a micropenis

He can only reveal his american flag scars at dramatic moments, and so must otherwise stay clothed at all times.

When lightsabers are clashing, why not allign yourself so you turn it off opponent goes forward and turn it back on to kill

That sounds like it would be very hard to pull off.

he said lost iq, not gained

Because the lightsabers don't flick on and off like a lightswitch?
I haven't watched star wars since I was a kid, but I think they had to grow out of the handle, didn't they? By the time you had yours back up, the other guy would've cut you in half.

Tell me how the fuck does Mista's body remained intact after Diavolo punches Spicu garu right in the stomach, I thought every bit of damage a stando suffers goes directly to the user?

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>Polpo didn't notice his stand got sunburned to nothingness.
long distance stand, koichi literally mentions it


Maybe the damage was lessened because there were two souls in the body.

Giorno was groping Mista after Requiem got undone so he probably healed him.

yo but fr he just kicked the frog in the air then noscoped the same frog with the disk in mid air

yeah but mista should have a gapping hole in his stomach by that point

Not him but when Okuyasu got his arm cut off and dragged by RHCP Josuke used CD to bring Okuyasu back to them while in the case of Kira it didnt bring him back but made the hand hover back to him.

This. Since only one soul was damaged, the damage to the body should be halved.


>Cheat on tests
Considering Josuke's a delinquent I doubt he gives a shit about his grades enough to cheat.
>heal friends if they get booboos
What friends? He doesn't make any friends until he meets Okuyasu and Koichi.
>fight off bullies
He's a six foot tall half American jacked delinquent. Nobody is going to fuck with him, and he doesn't need superpowers to beat up some normal people.


>He's a six foot tall half American jacked delinquent. Nobody is going to fuck with him, and he doesn't need superpowers to beat up some normal people.
Besides his first appearance you mean


did d4c ever bring rocks back from alternate realities to use as exploding projectiles

This i don't know how it managed to get a pass.
They often came with smart way to deal with stand who overmatch them in a particular setting, they even show Joseph almost tricking Dio with Hermit Purple covered Hamon.
But instead Araki just go lazy and decide to give Jotaro the same broken stand too.

technically, Valentine

Grand Unified Theory of JoJo:
>The Stone Masks from JoJo have a mutant form of the Stand virus
>The virus affects the wearer, but instead of affecting them on a mental level (manifesting their soul as a Stand) it affects them on a physical level, turning them into vampires
>The Red Stone of Aja is likely another form of Stand virus-infused object, acting similar to a Requiem Arrow
>This shared relationship likely gave Kars his Stand ability in Jorge Joestar
>Similarly, Ripple is just an expression of a Stand through a normal person -- while they can't use Stands, the potential remains within them, giving them a pseudo-Stand similar to a Mode or Vampirism
>Modes are likely the Pillar Man form of Ripple; Pillar Men themselves might have evolved due the presence of the virus in their human ancestors
>Similarly, the virus might affect aliens differently, creating powers and entities such as Earth Wind and Fire, the Moon Rabbit, the Mutsukabezaka, the Gods of the Mountain and Ikkyu, and the god Hermes (most of which are encountered by Rohan at some point)
>In addition, the mysterious hatred spiders and electric bugs (also encountered by Rohan) are likely Stand users or something similar; iirc that weird little girl he met was also implied to be a Stand user

I hate it

Bites the Dust fucked up at some point and shot Josuke back in time


Reminder that Aerosmith canonically has a tiny pilot named Mr. Smith

While I'm glad it didn't go there and didn't need to, there's an alternate story somewhere in there where the entire Morioh gang ends up in a nightmare existence of a MASSIVE number of Bites The Dust loops, as they endlessly try to figure out how to finally trip Kira up and win back their peace.

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also ghosts are probably some weird virus side effect

>Ripple is just an expression of a Stand through a normal person -- while they can't use Stands, the potential remains within them, giving them a pseudo-Stand similar to a Mode or Vampirism
Did you forget that Joseph uses both Hamon and a Stand?
Additionally, it's outright said in canon that Ripple/Spin are entirely separate things from stands, but that the "ultimate goal" of these techniques is to achieve something akin to a stand, which is why Ballbreaker exists, as it's the highest form of the Spin taken form into a stand.

Attached: BallBreakercolor.png (396x776, 840K)

DIO hadn't been shot with the arrow yet, so Joseph couldn't have manifested a Stand at that point. Or something like that, idk this whole thing is just some half-baked theory I came up at like 4:00 AM.

You know, when I come into a Jojo thread there's a lot that crosses my mind. The legacy of the greatest shounen ever written. I mean consider that for a minute. This amazingly well written and extremely complex piece of literature has been going on for several decades now and is still going. Not only that but it is still popular, still gaining new fans and keeping old ones happily around.

Jojo is not just a manga, its not just genre deconstructing, its not just one of the greatest stories ever told. It is proof that man can achieve greatness in all its meanings. The story we have been discussing, months on end, years on end, it is evidence of a true understanding of nuanced and complex themes. A culture within itself.

So when I come into a Jojo thread I feel like im not only here with my fellow Jobros. I am here with everyone else, experiencing the magic that is Jojo. Even the poor and misguided who either haven't read it or consider it sub-par are here with us. Giving attention and time to a story that is older then most of us here today.

I see great discussion day after day. New points being brought up and old ones being held high for the board to see. It was through years of dedicated posting that these threads have gotten to this point. Intense and amazing discussion backed by some of the most quality memes found on the internet. And its all thanks to the Jobros who have kept it all going.

So when I go into Jojo thread a few things cross my mind, but the one thing that always reigns true is how great it is to be a Jobro , to be apart of a legacy decades old that continues to hold its own with strength, intelligence and grace. That's what it means to be a Jobro.

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Knuckle Bine

Narancia died believing Giorno sucked Mista's dick

he knew how to use it properly he just wasn't able to control it well when he was angry at the beginning of part 4

Why Polnareff used his sword projectile against Chakra but not against Enyaba, Ebony Devil, Hanged man, etc?
Why Jotaro only used Star Finger a few times?

Everything i personally don't like or can complain about to seem smart is an asspull.

Doppio has a really fucked up and weird physiology, from his unnatural gestation time to his ability to morph into an adult man and vice versa. I'm sure there's a supernatural element to it, he's almost a horror movie antagonist

People mocked Josuke’s hair when Koichi have the one hair from a Super Saiyan and Okuyazu looks like an old man


I actually like Giorno a lot but him kicking a branch with hawkeye like accuracy so that it would turn into a bullet and kill Cioccolata was just absurd

Doppio is a Rosemary's Baby kind of deal

They were in Joseph's brain, not Steely Dan's.

You know, when I come into a Dinosaur King thread there's a lot that crosses my mind. The legacy of the greatest shounen ever written. I mean consider that for a minute. This amazingly well written and extremely complex piece of literature has been going on for several decades now and is still going. Not only that but it is still popular, still gaining new fans and keeping old ones happily around.

Dinosaur King is not just a manga, its not just genre deconstructing, its not just one of the greatest stories ever told. It is proof that man can achieve greatness in all its meanings. The story we have been discussing, months on end, years on end, it is evidence of a true understanding of nuanced and complex themes. A culture within itself.

So when I come into a Dinosaur King thread I feel like im not only here with my fellow Dinobrls. I am here with everyone else, experiencing the magic that is Dinosaur King. Even the poor and misguided who either haven't read it or consider it sub-par are here with us. Giving attention and time to a story that is older then most of us here today.

I see great discussion day after day. New points being brought up and old ones being held high for the board to see. It was through years of dedicated posting that these threads have gotten to this point. Intense and amazing discussion backed by some of the most quality memes found on the internet. And its all thanks to the Dinobros who have kept it all going.

So when I go into Dinosaur King thread a few things cross my mind, but the one thing that always reigns true is how great it is to be a Dinobros , to be apart of a legacy decades old that continues to hold its own with strength, intelligence and grace. That's what it means to be a Dinobros.

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Villains having bullshit powers is usually more tolerable than heroes having bullshit powers since they are a force to be overcome. Still, I get how it can get tiring. I was starting to feel that way about Kira's string of good luck, even if it's an integral part of the character

Cioccolata battle was good until that part. At least the 7 page muda was kino

Guys, am I going retarded? I could have sworn josuke had a mysterious face appear to him in a vision at some point in the beginning of jojolion, but I can't find it now

the infamous flashback man


Attached: Flashback Man.png (131x203, 70K)

Jesus christ thank you, I thought I was going nuts, now I just have to wait for him to be introduced into the story

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His name is Dropped Plotthread

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Josuke from the future

It just works

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Metallica was a dumb stand. I know you shouldn't expect any sort of realism when it comes to psychic powers and punch ghosts, but there's barely enough iron in an adult human to form a nail, let alone a pair of scissors. Just pretend that Metallica manifests metallic objects in the bloodstream on its own accord, and the frog was just a placebo.


I agree, even though I really didn't like it's introduction arc.

>Neee Choccolattaaaa
Why is that retard so adorable

What if
Because of his DID
Doppio had way more blood in his body
I know it's retarded, but it's the only thing that makes sense

the three sons that appear in Part 6 were losers, they didn't want to hang out with the guy that became a mafia boss at 15

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If you had to design an ability based on the concept of censorship, what would it be?

Because the fight was cool
Araki likes to go form over function a lot, and it works really well because it gives us a lot of really entertaining fights

The scary thing is that this sounds like something Araki would actually write.
> you have DID, so of course you can morph into a 35 year old bodybuilder
> two personalities, twice the pregnancy time
> everything about Diavolo bodyhopping during Silver Chariot Requiem
it would fit right in

I genuinely don't understand all of the 'No Fun Allowed' faggots. Jojo is the most entertaining and fun shonen precisely because of all the dumb over the top unpredictable shit.

diavolo is the antichrist, user. not a split personality.

>「Cop Killer」
>Allows the user to selectively erase the presence of all instances of a single object from their target's senses.
As an example, the user could light their targets house on fire and then "censor" the concept of fire for their target.

>Similar to Heaven's door, in that it can modify things
>Can remove any one concept from any one object or person, can only be used on one object/person at a time
>Examples: Censor the speed from a bullet before it hits you, or the sharpness of a sword, the heat of a fire, the bleeding from a person, the sense of sight from a person, ...

- If the stand grabs you, you cannot escape its grasp unless the user calls it off or is knocked out
- While grabbed, you are dragged away from any nearby people
- If you leave the line of sight of any nearby people, you are retroactively undone from history in the minds of anyone that was aware of you; people will not remember that you exist, or that you ever existed
>Stand itself is physically very slow, low-ranged, and weak, having no more utility beyond its main ability. It is however very durable
>Unless this is a main boss Stand, the ability could be undone by having some kind of memento that distinctly reminds you of the undone person. Witnessing the Stand with these reminders being fresh would reawaken full on memories of the undone person, which would then start emerging from the stand feet-first. Defeating the Stand or its user would fully reawaken the undone person and restore everyone's memories

>Spin and hamon when mastered manifest in a stand
>Perfect spin manifests in Ball Breaker, allowing it's user to do batshit insane things like dimension breaking
>Hamon and Hermit Purple when mastered to the same extent give the user power to freely utilize the power of thermonuclear reactions

Hamon is sun energy, so what if it's ultimate form is gamma ray emission

>muh red stone of Aja volcanic eruption
At least if was entertaining.
>muh star finger
>muh same type of stand
>muh "Oi Josuke, I was too stupid to die"
>muh GER
>Emporio somehow surviving the reset

Why didn't Valentine just karate chop Johnnys other hand off?

Attached: ValentineUnhorsesJohnny.png (908x698, 1.71M)


Speaking of which. My most hated asspull is Gyro’s fucking TURBO stand, not cause it was an asspull but because araki wrote it out as soon as he got it. I was so hyped when gyro got it, and was so mad that it never came back

>Stone Masks are a variant of Stand Arrows
>Instead of manifesting a spiritual/mental stand, it affects their bodies
>The Red Stone of Aja is another similar artifact
Why not
>Hamon is just another type of Stand manifestation
Fuck off

Or erase the concept of murdering a black man by sprinkling some crack on the body

>"Oi Josuke, I was too stupid to die"
His brother literally just tells him to fuck off since he still had a living body to go back to
>Emporio somehow surviving the reset
You mean like literally every single other human being that wasn't killed during the shift?

Reminder that Okuyasu used Za Hand to erase his own death. Yes, that is what is implied in that scene.

>Gyro... are we the bad guys?
Kino is a shitty Yea Forums meme but if anything is kino it's Part 7

He's a timid boy, look at his introduction.


It did happen tho, that' just a meme.


This is the reason why I made this thread

They were their. secret techniques. They can only use them when they're SURE that the enemy won't predict it, won't expect it and won't dodge it. They're like their surprise attack to use at the last resort.

How is that an asspull ? The turbo stand was a manifestation of Scan, it didn't do anything to the ability. It changed nothing to the plot.

It was an asspull cause everything to do with the corpse parts are asspulls. They are all muguffins that do whatever the plot needs them to do, and thats why everyoen whats them. I just wanted this asspull to stay. It was really cool as a power

Ok so everything is an asspull now...

Thats jojo

You know what the biggest asspull is? that bruce willis was a ghost the whole time

why did jotaro never timestop + star finger to put a hole in someone's brain while they can't defend

What if the true asspulls, were the friends we made along the way?

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Only metaphorically, the story points out enough times that he's a split personality.

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This has been a common and unrefuted complaint for years now but after rewatching the fight in the anime, I started theorizing that Risotto is using the iron from his surroundings and then transplanting it into Doppio to make the blades.

Part 6 ED

stand stats were a mistake

Best to Worst Stand Theme

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paper moon basically does that, except replaces an object with something else
>you wake up to see your dad somehow burning away your room

Literally every Jojo fight ever is an asspull, it's always
>Villain has serious advantage against jojo, so much that the villain killing them is inevitable
>jojo wins now for some reason with some plan they had thought of before the fight even began

Rank the final villain defeats per part in order of Bullshittery. All that "Same Type of Stand" BS. Which final fights are the most ass-pully?

Part 2 ost > Part 5 ost > Part 4 ost > Part 1 ost > Part 3 ost

I miss part 2's silly dubstep


Part 2 = plagiarissimo

This. This anti-climactic shitpost of a conclusion. Versace deserved better, and you all know it.

Attached: fucking goddamnit Araki.png (1564x1036, 2.21M)

Based Versaceposter.



The manga is drawn like ass

I never understood how people could make such a retarded claim “Josuke can’t heal things into different shape” when it’s literally something he did from the beginning to the end of the series.

Don't know what points being made by anyone in the conversation, but that happened because when he did the whole "hair fury" thing he was meant to lose control of his powers and fuck up the restoration like he also did with Jotaro's hat

>new type of Stand arrows
>the arrow rejecting Diavolo because reasons
>Giorno getting the most broken Stand possible
Araki really wrote himself into a corner with this dude, huh.

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KC seriously shouldn't have been another time-fuckery stand.

Would you like if the anime fixed the bullshit that oda clearly didn't have planned out when he was writing shit? Like that whole mess of an arc where johnny got shot by like 3 different people at the same time I guess in different dimensions?


Does DIO get defeated by garlic?


The arrow didn't reject Diavolo.

Yeah it just phased through KC's hand because... why? Because Bruno destroyed Requiem, everyone's souls went back into their bodies, and it somehow made KC, a Stand, unable to touch things?

> muh Fate
> KC was intangible during the moment that everyone's souls were swapping


Ding dong you're wrong.

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It was Josuke Higashikata from Jojolion. The original intent was to have the main villain's stand send someone forward in time, with time looping around to the next incarnation of the universe (the DIU universe immediately proceeds the SBR one)
Unfortunately, Araki changed his mind and redesigned Josuke Higashikata from Jojolion, dropping the plot point in the process.


Just to summarize each of the main villain's deaths:

Kars: Asspull (but fitting given Joseph's character)
DIO: Asspull
Kira: A complete accident
Diavolo: Asspull
Pucci: Fitting, and well written
Valentine: Kind of an asspull, but for the most part well written

the man in the mirror arc from part 5 araki could have done something creative with moody blues and purple haze. Giorno infecting himself with purple haze and curing himself with brick snake it too much of an asspull for me.

You can use force speed to dodge. Jedi have mind reading powers, that's why they spin and dance instead of actually sword fighting in the prequels.
Oh, shit, wait, I forgot, force speed only exists when the plot doesn't need the characters to act fast.

Yea it was bullshit. Especially considering Giorno has the virus for considerably longer than Illuso, and yet Illuso's hand gets fucked up just as he cuts it off and yet Giorno's just quietly bubbles away the entire time

El Cabeza de Zapato

>incomplete list
What a waste of time

Not all Stands have a theme, retard.

>The requiem arrow activates only when the user desperately want to do something at all cost, but only if its a desperate situation
>Silver chariot requiem exist because Polnareff wanted to protect the arrow
>SCR is an equally broken stand that, even if it requires an alive user to function properly, and it was unstable because of the user dying and go inside coco jumbo's stand, he was still able to have so much power to almost create a Roma ( or even all of Italy/the world) full of lovecraftian creatures
>Giorno Giovanna wanted to counter KC ability ( an ability so powerful that only D4C (without love Train) and Tusk act 4 would manage to defeat it, maybe even made in heaven
>gets Gold Experience Requiem, perfect counter to KC ability (also becomes The most broken stand
>Jojo fans: hurr durr asspull

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-25-00-09-09.png (1280x720, 859K)

>>The requiem arrow activates only when the user desperately want to do something at all cost, but only if its a desperate situation

Attached: x5.jpg (780x1200, 709K)

Doesn't mean that you got all of them on your image, retard.

Polnareff desperately wanted a new non crippled body. Hence the body swapping ability.

>cheat on tests
If he can see using his Stand, all he has to do is materialize it above his head and see what others are doing.

Polnareff didn't body swap when he used SCR for the first time. It only affected him the second time when he died and SCR went rogue.

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Jotaro is not a murderer. At least adult Jotaro isn't. Notice how he wanted to take Kira alive after all the bullshit he pulled.

But it might have if polnareff allowed it to sperg out

Why would it put everyone else to sleep at the same time, but not Polnareff?

who needs timestop to do it

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So is Soundman an alternate universe version of Sandman?

No, that's just a headcanon that people make up to justify what would otherwise be considered sloppy writing. D4C's ability hadn't even been thought up of yet.

>Polpo didn't notice his stand got sunburned to nothingness
Users have no control over automatic stands. They don't know if the automatic stand was triggered, defeated or wrecking havoc.
>If stands can be shrunk down freely why does no one do that to be stealthier
Steely Dan is not canon. There are so many things wrong with that fight:
>the range if a stand limits how far away from the user it can exist. Silver Chariot is a short-range stand, thus it should never be far away from the user
>shrinking a stand is an ability that is never mentioned again
>Polnareff can't see using his stand, as noted by the Devil stand guy
>Joseph should have been able to use Hermit Purple to restrain The Lovers and expel it from his body. Or at the very least use Hamon to destroy DIO's cells and buy some time for Jotaro and company

Either way it'd be sloppy writing. What a fucking blunder.

>It was Joseph's brain and Polnareff was right next to him
>Shrinking a stand does happen again
>Joseph is using Hermit Purple on a TV to show Polnareff and Kakyoin what is happening inside his brain so they can see

If the manga looks like ass, then the anime is colored diarrhea.

If anyone deserved better it was Rykiel. Dude literally realized Pucci was going to fuck things up so he started telling Jolyne about Weather being pucci's brother and other stuff.

Name 1 you subhuman scum

The bigger asspull is that fucking illusion ability and how he somehow knew what Kosaku Kira looked like, what the fuck was that. I love part 4 but that pissed me off.

>not only does he announce it loud as fuck
>one of the unexploded jojo just HAPPENS to be in earshot of the area
>T H E N on top of he does this shit before any other explosion happens

Araki literally wrote his mind into a corner with Bites the Dust. Even Josuke just popping up because he kept getting fingernail clippings with the letter "K" on them addressed to him in his mailbox and figuring out it was Kira would've been better.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Diamond is Unbreakable - 37 [720p].mkv_snapshot_02.11 (1280x720, 539K)

Some DiU themes like Harvest and Bad Company

That's not really an asspull, just bad writing

Harvest and Bad Company don't have Stand themes.

>Even Josuke just popping up because he kept getting fingernail clippings with the letter "K" on them addressed to him in his mailbox and figuring out it was Kira would've been better.

So glad none of you write Jojo

They do.

They do not.

What is this then

a large amount of part 7
>muh magic heal string that lets me sew my fucking severed foot back on
>muh the world
>muh tusk act 4
>muh gold ratio
>muh D4C love train
>muh corpse parts
why do people like 7 so goddamn much. the only interesting characters are gyro and valentine and even then theyre only decent at best. johnny is a whiney little faggot poccoloco literally is asspulls mcluck man the kang. D4C literally changes powers from when its first introduced. the part isn't the worst in jojo but best? absofuckinglutely not. how are 7niggers this hung up about an at best average part?

That's shitty writing not an asspull

That's used outside of Bad Company as well.

>stand can fix things
>literally fixes the hand
how is this retarded. its pretty obvious that this is doable its better than "MUH SAME TYPE OF STANDO" or Tusk act 4.

So? Tons of other themes you listed were reused.

>they haven't made anthology songs for p4 and p5

Nope. Not a single one.

>section 316.211(1)
>A person may not operate or ride upon a motorcycle unless the person is properly wearing protective headgear securely fastened upon his or her head which complies with Federal Motorcycle Vehicle Safety Standard 218 promulgated by the United States Department of Transportation. The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles shall adopt this standard by agency rule.

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>Midrange independent stand which acts autonomously from the user.
>Erases all records of specific objects and makes it impossible for them to be perceived by any means but physical contact for so long as the effect applies. This means photographs, written accounts, digital recordings, oil paintings, and even memories of said item are wiped clean and it is now impossible for either machines or living beings to notice its presence unless in physical contact with it, in which case it appears as if you're touching something invisible.
>The stand user themself has been subjected to this and cannot undo it, and now wanders aimlessly scavenging from the world to survive like a nomad. If the traces of their actions cause concern or raise notice the stand will endeavour to censor them as well, but doing so requires it to touch what it will censor.
>Fight is the JoJp noticing signs their fridge has been pilfered followed by stuff like their toilet being used but not flushed, a cigar smoked and dumped in their drink, and so on. They then discover the presence of an imperceptible foe and set about defeating them.
>The Stand user isn't actually hostile and is mostly just trying to escape after being discovered while the stand tries to hide the evidence. It devolves into a chase where the stand user is located via footprints, the way crowds of people are pushed through by them, paint being thrown at them, etc. until they get dramatically cornered and beatdown so hard it turns off their stand and they become grateful for it.

There was a way around the escape but Araki was too retarded to use any logic for it

The gangster Giorno saved


Noble Pope. It plays for Polnareff during the Ebony Devil arc

>user doesn't understand magic tricks and illusion

Noble Pope is an exception because it is also used instead of Silver Twist, because Silver Twist is so shit. Most people think it's Silver Chariot's theme in fact, before looking it up.

Ghiaccio’s theme was also played during the Black Sabbath fight.

>okuyasu should have stopped being a retard
But that’s the point of his entire character

How did he know is name, anons?

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Sounds like shitty writing

Part 4 and 5 manga*

If Dio kept finding knives from whatever magical source he had and kept throwing them at Jotaro he would have easily won. Doesn't sit right with his paranoid personality to drop that easy win and get closer, either.

Well yeah, it is also that

>Steely Dan is not canon.
Excuse me wtf? It is on the manga. Next thing you are going to say is the stone mask isn't canon since it is never again used.

Are you retarded, a speedreader, or both?
>polnareff and kak were right next to joseph
>joseph used a TV to let them see into their brain
not to mention shrinking your stand down takes considerable concentration and also makes them weaker and easy to kill. Lovers doesn't have the strength to even lift a strand of hair but could harm micro hierophant and chariot. Pay. Fucking. Attention. It's literally ALL explained

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I'm not 100% certain, but I think it was meant to be Jobin and then Araki changed his design

Part 1 and 2 manga*

He does tell Doppio that 'you are already complete' in the fight, so maybe he does just shove iron into Doppio's body.

Did Kira know Jobin?

Jobin appeared just a few chapters later.

>Nope. Not a single one.
>uhhhh well there are exceptions
Admit you fucked up

No. Norisuke took Gappy in because he looked like Kira and Jobin just thought he's a random bloke like the rest of the family

Its range is 3 meters, about thrice the range of Star Platinum.

what. Star Plat's full range is 5m, and its most effective within 2m. Echoes Act 3 has a range of 5 meters too

>there are exceptions
No there aren't. Noble Pope is literally the stand-in for Silver Chariot as well because Silver Twist is so bad. The theme doesn't play outside of its assigned Stand which is Hierophant Green and Noble Pope.

There is no Stand theme that plays outside of its Stand/Stand user.

You put Avdol's theme on there which plays during random sections of the Egypt arc just because the song sounds Egyptian.

You're mistaking the motif for another theme.

Then why did Ghiaccio's theme play durin the Black Sabbath fight

Diavolo's theme played during Kraftwerk.

>everything stone free does
>everything weather report (stand) does
>everything pucci does

Not that user, but it does play during random Egyptian sections.


>Then why did Ghiaccio's theme play durin the Black Sabbath fight
It did not. It literally wasn't even made back then.

That was not Diavolo's theme. That was "Fierce Fight" (Sticky Fingers vs King Crimson).

That's not Flame Shaman. That's the alternate version of his motif.

>t. retard

t. SOtist

I still hold that there wasn't nearly enough water in that single vase for Valentine to completely disappear.

Tell me one (1) asspull each character you listed did.

>It did not. It literally wasn't even made back then.
Rewatch the episode.
>That's not Flame Shaman. That's the alternate version of his motif.
It’s literally the same track.
53 seconds in.

Dio's other sons were fucking losers and Giorno was an actual successful individual with an automatic stand that was capable of canceling out anything that would have willed him to Florida. Be it GER or the simple fact that Giorno is not a fucking loser, you could justify him not appearing while Dio's other crackhead bum kids did.

>he thinks the composer waits until the character is being animated to make their theme

>Fists of Platinum

I don't want to watch that if Black Sabbath isn't playing. That one leitmotif spoiled me on that fight, it's so good.


Yes, that's the Star Platinum exclusive Stand theme.

The representation of Morioh's Golden heart. He is just a guy who helped some people who needed it.

Okay, I'm not going to answer.

Doze Meeting and Leading Fight are generic themes used for multiple characters.
Friends! Friends? is Shigechi's theme, not Harvest's theme. Kira, Diavolo, Bruno's crew - they all have personal character themes on top of Stand themes.
Likewise, Father-son is Kira's father's theme, not his Stand's.

So what is the theme playing here?

They played DIO's theme during the finale of Part 4. Your arbitrary rules don't exist.

>it's the user's theme not the stand's
You could say that about any theme

None of the characters in Bruno’s squad have personal themes, except for maybe Giorno and Bruno himself with A Dream and Determination.

jobin appears literally in the next chapter

The head doctor. And he's really 89 years old.

I can't even remotely understand what you're saying here

This tune to Gold Experience/Echoes vs Black Sabbath. I just like it too much to really deal with another backing OST.

>Giorno's OP as fuck ability to reflect 100% of damage back to an attacker if they attack his Gold Experience's creations, which never is seen past the Koichi confrontation at the cafe
>The entire arrow arc at the end of part 5, even logically it doesn't make too much sense: one of you must use this arrow to gain a new stand ability to defeat Diavolo, but we have zero fucking idea what that ability will even be and it might even fuck us over

Not an asspull but
>Diavolo's grand debut is to essentially attack Buccellati and Trish, kidnapping her when he could just kill and take the body
>Buccellati would understandably try to rescue her
>Diavolo is all like "leave lol or you're a traitor"

But honestly, Diavolo is a shit villain which is a real shame because he had so much potential to be a great one, especially with King Crimson.

>His dumb debut which screws himself over
>Ultimately failing to kill Trish and Buccellati (technically he does kill Bruno but Giorno brings him back so all information of King Crimson is relayed back to the team)
>Didn't have Venice locked down on the possibility of them turning traitor, so they get away after just one battle
>Sends Doppio to Sardinia who is weaker and less experienced than himself
>Gets BTFO by Nero's Metallica, a villain from the jobber team
>Only survives due to luck with Aerosmith making the save
>His whole reason for going to Sardinia was to stop Abacchio's Moody Blues replay, fails at that because of the death mask revealing his identity
>Screws up with the team getting to Rome
>Screws up with the Coliseum
>Can't put Polnareff away without screwing up with the arrow
>Takes out Narancia despite being essentially a ghost and not showing up because HE DOESN'T FUCKING BREATHE (I guess his possession would expend more energy and thus more breath?)
>Doesn't take over Mista and shoot everyone in the back
>Is clowned out with the arrow and BTFO for eternity afterwards

I will forever be mad. He should have been top tier.

How did Valentine turn from a fat bitch into a gigachad in the span of a few days?

More like
>Hey Josuke, why in the world did you do that at all. We could have followed the blood trail to his bled out corpse.

That's Stardust Crusaders (Techno Remix).

Scarlet has a stand which turns people into fat midget

>None of the characters in Bruno’s squad have personal themes

Mista = Restaurant Bar
Narancia = Favorite Songs
Fug-O = Carefree Anger

Abbacchio is the only one who doesn't.

Why is Golden Wind the most popular part with blacks?

Part 6 has a black male as Jolyne's Stand, and a black girl (Ermes) as a sidekick.

Ermes is chicano

diavolo is literally just kira but more retarded. Both as a character and motivation wise, because he hides his identity when he's a literal who

Favorite Song is just a song that Narancia listens to in universe, while Carefree Anger and Restaurant Bar aren’t associated with any specific character.

What was the point of Fugo? Was araki just too lazy to come up with more situations for purple haze?

He was supposed to betray the gang, but Araki was depressed or something and pussed out

He was supposed to show that not all heroes wear capes

>popular with niggers
You don't know shit what are you talking about ?

Does anyone have that pic of KC saying "If only you hadn't been born" to a piano

How do you even know if somethings popular with black people specifically? I'm not even trying to argue or anything, I'm just curious.

>black male
He's blue
>black girl
Ermes is hispanic, her sister is literally a light skinned blond

Also to answer your question, it's because most black guys (at least the ones I know) watch anime instead of reading manga, so they like the part that is currently or has recently aired.

Shit sucks. Diavolo could have been so much more and deserved more but still gets the worst fate of everyone.

Honestly Polpo was a much better candidate for a ''mafia boss'' villain than this retard.

Nope, all the black guys hated Part 4. Almost all of them liked Part 3 the most and now they say that Part 5 is the best by far and Giorno is the best JoJo.

The African American Anime reactosphere.

Are we pretending that he wasn't trying to stop Sheer Heart Attack?

Niggas loved part 4 because it had a thot slayer.

Niggers hate Kira, just like soibois do.


In a "summary" page of the manga it's literally said by the narrator that giorno could be in florida as the other DIO's sons except it doesn't happen at all and he's never mentioned again.

>fanbois defending the shitty writing in JoJo with their own headcanon

Thot slayer is an exclusively white male concept.



It's niggerspeak.

>idiots forgetting details in the manga and then thinking araki forgot

If Durability means "duration of the Stand's ability" instead of damage resistance vs Stands, then why the fuck does Star Platinum or Silver Chariot have a non void Durability stat?

The same sheer heart attack that Echoes had frozen into the ground, and which would have disappeared after the severed hand was on the ground for long enough to die off.

What Araki came up with was pretty brilliant for something done totally on the fly. Especially since it allowed Kira to become even more of a threat.

You cant keep punching forever

Josuke didn't know about Echoes Act 3.


This. It was amazing.

Both of these are happening here

Weirdly, I feel like Giorno is a better Josuke, but I agree with both of you about Diavolo.

Too bad Kira was so retarded he got outplayed by an elementary schooler.

>Vento Aureo most popular part with blacks?
Are you talking to internet niggers or something? I myself am black and it's not even really close to my favorite. One of my friends is black and in the air force and his favorite part is 7, although he is fond of 5.

Thot was indeed an urban high school exploitative, but it was appropriated by Whites online, hence its constant misappropriate use everywhere.

Diavolo and Pucci should have exchanged stands
>Whitesnake can give, take and maintain stands in Passione along with arrow to make new ones
>Whitesnake is partly automatic, allowing DIavolo to maintain his anonymity
>Pucci could use his priest job to recruit people like Bruno's restaurant

>King Crimson can see and bypass fate, make sense that it's born from Pucci's regret for his actions to his siblings
>King Crimson is time based, DIO would respect and get along with it

t.pretends to be black

checked, but I am black.

I'm of a lighter complexion though. My good friends are all darker than me though. One of them is a Crip affiliate. I however am studying law.

Hamon is an expression of a person's inherent potential in their soul; any hamon user would be able to develop a stand if hit by the arrow.
Also iirc the Japanese name for "stand" is "suhamon".

Memory of Jet did that


This very same idea crossed my mind, it makes way more sense for someone in charge of a criminal organization to have Whitesnake so he can maintain the powers of his cronies. Reward loyal ones with powerful abilities and such, rather than that mess of a recruitment test which gives people off streets the randomest powers and nobody's supervising shit.

dance for me, nigger

>hamon = learned stand ability
>hamon = power of sunlight
>the stand called "The Sun" = purest form of sun power
Big think if true.