What is the final verdict on Sarazanmai?

What is the final verdict on Sarazanmai?

Attached: sarazanmai.jpg (780x405, 79K)

Opinions vary

Needs to be longer.

Trash appealing to faggots.

Fun ideas meshed with some safe ones. Could use more episodes.

I was looking forward to it but found it disappointing. Despite a great first episode the characters were very forgettable in the end and there wasn't any plot to hold my interest either.

Is ok expected a lot more feel rushed

it was better than Yurikuma and Penguindrum

Despite being the main story, the anime lives on thanks to secondary stuff and all the extra made by the animators that keeps the interest alive and pushes people to support the project.
I agree with who says the show needed more episodes, but after what I've seen I'm not interested in more contents. I hope Ikuhara moves on.

Doesn't really seem to be a consensus on it.
Personally I think it was good. Not a masterpiece or Ikuni's best work but good.
On one hand I think it needed to be longer to provide more time to explore the characters more thoroughly (this seems to be a common view), but on the other hand I appreciate that it was concise. For contrast I always felt that Penguindrum lost focus and meandered somewhat in the second half.

Ikuni's worst work. Too safe and boring. Wasted opportunity with Sara and Enta's characters.

Rushed. Gay.

I don't think it was safe, but it definitely didn't live up to the hype. Shit was advertised like some modern The Rocky Horror Picture Show, but all we've got are the usual sexual allegories, sad homos, butts, and not a real common thread to connect all the characters and situations together. Boldness and pretty visuals mean nothing when the writing is so weak.

It was great.

Shit and gay


It was ok. Not very good nor very bad.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sarazanmai - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.15_[2019.05.30_16.56.28].jpg (1280x720, 99K)

I think Sara was supposed to be similar to the shadow girls, Greek chorus and stuff, but yeah, I agree on Enta. The breakneck pace in the second half made sure it wouldn't be too boring, but it honestly shouldn't have been made to appeal to normalfags. It's too straightforward, when Ikuni's appeal lies in symbolism and surreal shit. I think it would actually benefit from an Adolescence type of movie.

Ikuhara's worst anime

I liked the songs

ok and gay

pure garbage
enta should have died for good

This and based

Kazutoi bros....

Songs and OST are meh

The songs are catchy, i didn't really notice the OST so i can't really talk about that

Already forgot about it.