Imagine if he could write as well as he could do character design and art

Imagine if he could write as well as he could do character design and art.

Attached: hackraki.png (350x436, 141K)

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Isayama on the other hand: good writer but bad art.

Part 5 was the part had decent art.

his art is just as inconsistent as his writing, what on earth are you going on about.

art - maybe
character design? Not past part 4 where every other character looks like a pride parade stripper

Cope Hiatuscuck.


Isayama is not a good writer tho

Attached: ShingekiNoAsspul.jpg (764x808, 411K)

Not an argument, seethe more.

His style is great and unique. But the execution is questionable at times.

>good writer

Delet this

Read slower.


Based aotchad keeping uneducated anons in their place.

Rent free.



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His writing isn't really bad though. He's good at writing battle shounen, he fucks it up when he tries to write an overarching story. Also his art peaked during late part 3 and it's getting worse now, well not really art but character desings at least

>Also his art peaked during late part 3

well part 8 and 6 has good design x art and story others are shit

it's a pretty popular opinion, lots of people don't like twink designs

Hes been doing good in the last 15 years of his writing. You can 't say he didn't improve

>He's good at writing battle shonen
>He fucks it up when he tries to write an overarching story

Have you read Steel Ball Run?

Seriously, 7 and 8 are better than most of JJBA except for Part 1.

Did I read this post right? Are you saying Part 1 is the best?

it's better than rip off one filled with morally gray characters at least

Have YOU read Steel Ball Run? It has lots of changed and dropped plot points. Even the people who think it's the best part agrees with that, here on Yea Forums at least. SBR is good because of few self-contained arc and the relation between Johnny and Gyro. If you look it as a complete story, it's a mess.

>part 1
>better than any other jojo
care to elaborate? p1 jojo was filled with clowns from "im evil because he revived me" to "im evil because im evil (dio dad)" to "im good because im good (jojo)"
the closest thing to a real character was speedwagon

No. Part 1 is boring.

Go back crossboarder.

>Imagine if he could write as well as he could do character design and art.
i think he already does lol...

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>twink designs
Hello dumblr

>part 1
>one of the best parts
c'mon man don't do this to yourself

But the whole premise of Jojo only exists because he can't write, he found a clever way to get around this setback by recycling the universe every couple years to write something that can still appeal to nostalgia but wipe the slate clean on errors.

what is this new meme?
what kind of writing are you guys looking for?
Me personally I find it pretty good and it keeps me pretty engaged
The weird and unpredictable nature is what makes each character interaction/battle interesting
If I knew what was gonna happen next I wouldn't read it
I highly doubt anyone on this earth could of predicted that DIO would have dropped a road roller on jotaro
I want to hear some critiques

Attached: thinking man.jpg (282x341, 44K)

I want to, I need to, I have to, I've got to, I am owed, I must, -WILL- -FUCK- MOODY BLUES.

Pls, kill this meme. Isayama doesn’t have talent. He is not a natural, he is learning to write and draw, and well he is acceptable right now, I don’t doubt he would eventually become a really good mangaka but not now. In the other hand, Fujimoto is a living proof of a natural, a prodigy who made Fire Punch and now is killing it with Chainsaw Man. He is a real example of talent. So pls use Fujimoto as an example since now. And remember you are loved but that doesn’t mean you are entitled to lie using Isayama as a “good” example.

Pretty much.

>Isayama doesn’t have talent
>AoT selling more than Chainsawman
Keep seething.

>selling equals talent
I keep my word: Isayama doesn’t have talent and also his fags don’t have brains.

Yeah, it's sales + talent

>every other character looks like a pride parade stripper
I kek'd