If it were up to me I would have turned the heaven's feel movies into the Shinji route

If it were up to me I would have turned the heaven's feel movies into the Shinji route

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I like you.

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Being 100% serious. Shinji is a side character who barely gets any focus but he's easily the most compelling and engaging character that hack Nasu has written

Shinji is Heir of Great Magician Dynasty Matou
But Wormslut Sakura steal his Chair
I understand him

Nasu ain’t giving a straightforward answer so it actually mighta be possible

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Shinji...I don't get why he gets all the hate on Yea Forums. FSN is just written to make him out as the bad guy, when really he's no worse than any of the 'protagonists' and a better person than most of them.
What are the main complaints? He raped Sakura and stole Rider to use in the war? Okay, let's get this straight. He never fucking raped Sakura. He never did it. He never did it. He never did it. He never did it. He fucked Sakura. Let me ask you this. WHO IN THE GAME DIDN'T FUCK SAKURA? You can't even name one fucking character who hasn't plugged her loose cunt! She is the kind of bitch who will act like she doesn't want it when she really does. She'll say No! while having multiple orgasms. Shinji knew this, he's a fucking ladies man. He knows what filthy whores like Sakura want.
And there's this other big bitch you guys have with him. He supposedly stole Rider and used her in the war for his own greed. Objection! He was worried about his one and only precious sister. Is keeping your loved ones from a brutal war so wrong? When Shirou does the same thing to Saber it's like 'oh he's so manly', but when Shinji does it it's wrong? He just wanted to protect Sakura. He probably was going to use his Holy Grail wish to tighten her cunt back up or cure her syphilis or something.
The story was written to make that faggot Shirou look good. Objectively, Shinji is a far better character than Shirou. At least he has the balls to take action decisively instead of dicking around like Shirou, and if he weren't stuck with the weak ass servant Rider and no plothax he probably would have won the war.

Man of culture, right here. We need that wakame paradise route.

Shinji = BASED

It's funny. I watched Heaven's Feel today and thought just how Shinji would be perfect self-insert "literally me" character for incels and sort. And here you are just as i predicted.

>when user is projecting more then Shirou

Funny thing is if he wasn't a total asshole he could have even won, or at least come our really well.

All he had to do was tread Sakura decently and be a bro to Shinji.


>he fucked his sister raw
>he fucked his servant
Sounds pretty Chad to me.

*Tohsaka's sister


Shinji is a chad though and it was his death that provoked Sakura's transformation

Shinji is no chad. He is representation of chadness from incel's perspective, or more accurately, what incels want to do if they were chads. Incel, who try to live his powerfantasy and fail miserably.

But both Shirou and Shinji are completely, 100% straight.

The Shinji route would be them restoring their friendship. A much more meaningful tale than Shirou getting his dick wet

Shinji literally creampied sakura and theres nothing you can do about it

I unironically want it bros

And who dont? You see this is why you cant grasp tru chadness. It's not about fucking a girl, this is a easy part. Girl should want to be fucked by you, and even this is a mediocre tier. True purpose of all this is when girl want to make you breakfast in the next morning.

It should pretend to be a Rider route but really be a Shinji route. Like UBW being more about Archer than Rin or HF including parts of Illya's cancelled route.

>Girl should want to be fucked by you, and even this is a mediocre tier. True purpose of all this is when girl want to make you breakfast in the next morning
The impetus of Sakura's transformation was killing Shinji

When he wanted (and failing) to rape her. His death was just last drop in really crappy day.


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What if these two were a team? Would they stomp everyone or collapse under the weight of their combined pride and retardation

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>The girl should want to fuck you.
Shut up loser. Imagine caring what women think.

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Imagine knowing that no woman want to have sex with you on her own will. Oh, wait, you dont have to.

Women dont know what they want. They have the mental capacity of a child. Chads like Shinji understand this.

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I love this copypasta, but it doesn't get the reaction it deserves here. At one point back when UBW was airing I went to Reddit, found someone inevitably complaining about Shinji, and posted this from an account with no history. So many sincerely angry replies -- someone felt compelled to write a rebuttal so long it wouldn't fit in a single post.

In the end it was Shinji who lost everything because his own childness.

But the only reason she didn't consent is she was upset about Shirou learning she was an alpha-widow.

link to thread?

Can you please link it? I'd love to see the spergout.

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who the hell is dark skin guy?


Unfortunately a mod eventually nuked the comment thread.

Is this what Sakurafags believe? I feel sorry for you

>two bisexual deviants together

Dude, Sakura is boring at best and non-factor in 2 of 3 routes, but Sinji is a annoying brat in all 3 and only losers can empathize with him.

It's not about self inserting or empathy. Shinji is just a well written nuanced character. Forgive me for liked quality

Name me one his not obnoxious quality. He is lazy, talentless simpelton who think he is some genius magician. There is not single positive qulity about him, he litteraly writen to be hated.

He triggers whiteknights like no other.

>He is lazy, talentless simpelton who think he is some genius magician
He's not lazy he tried extremely hard to be a good magus only to realize his hard work didn't mean shit.
Shinji has many talents but unfortunately they don't help in his goal to be a good magus
He's in over his head but he's not stipid
>who think he is some genius magician
He wants to be a genius magician
You don't get his character at all.


Is this where we talk about Shinji Isekai?

If only he wasn't stuck as a side character.

He didnt do shit. If Waver, Shiro and fucking Ryuunosuke can be a better magi that Shinji it clearly speak volume about his own talant. And the worse part he had all necessary tools for if not to win, then survive the war but was to stupid to use it properly.

All three of those have Magic Circuits.
Zouken's fuckery cucked Shinji out of being a magus forever because his worm immortality was fucking with the bloodline or some shit.

I dont think Ryuunosuke had Circuits. He was some rando who summoned Caster by accident. And speaking of randos with Casters, Kuzuki wasnt mage eather, but was able to win Medea by simply being a decent person.

Ryuunosuke had dormant circuits not unlike Shirou iirc.
Kuzuki didn't summon Medea, who herself is the greatest Magus alive at the time so she can just cheat the system.

The point is Shinji had far better hand then most, but still play it extremly poorly. Fuck, if only he was not a creepy rapist but a decent older brother to Sakura she didnt betrayed him for Shiro. And Shiro himself probably stick to Matou against Toshaka.

>far better hand than most
>literally 0 aptitude for magic
>asshole worm grandfather
>replaced as heir by random girl
>his mother was killed for giving birth to him

And this would be enough if only he wasnt self-centered moron with zero awareness of his own action. Should he treat Sakura not with rape and abuse but with care and Shirou as normal friend he could have pretty decent chance to make it through war.

He makes it through UBW and would've made it through Fate if he didn't manage to stumble upon the Murderloli.

Talent means nothing if you don't have magic circuits. Shinji just does not have any. It's not that they're closed, or inoperative, they do not exist.

He didn't have a better hand. He didn't even have any cards. ZERO MAGIC CIRCUITS.

Arjuna, hero of the Mahabharata.

I feel they'd get tricked so hard, Rin would actually be surprised when even fuckign Shirou manages to pull a fast one on her. But you know, team Rin and Team Shirou would have some of the funniest interactions.

He could have tried formalcraft

what if archers arm was transplanted onto shinji

let's go home sakura
cut your ties with emiya

Formalcraff requires circuits to connect with Foundations user.

He does have circuits technically but they’re vestigial and useless essentially.
wakameparadise.wordpress.com/2019/01/12/fate-stay-night-heavens-feel-lost-butterfly-original-drama-cd-unedited-interview-no-plans-for-publication/ he’s not lazy. He studied magic hard and studied things other than magic hard too.

Holy shit, user, it's so obvious that you haven't read the VN. You realize that Shinji was abused too, right? Both of the Matou siblings were broken by their family carefully and deliberately.

On top of that Shirou and Shinji were both primed as the two means to make Sakura snap and become Dark Sakura by Zouken. It’d be interesting to see a what if in which Shirou is the one who makes Sakura snap.

He’d die.

HF good>HF true

In this timeline, Shirou rejects Sakura for not being a virgin. That drives her past the point of despair, and she kills him in a moment of mad weakness. Then she runs back to Shinji, and Dark Sakura becomes a brocon. His desire for her is twisted in her eyes into "Nii-san is the only one who will accept a corrupted thing like me."
Make it happen, Nasu!

Not at all. Formalcraft can be used without circuits because it uses mana from your surroundings rather than od. What you need more than anything is knowledge.

But formalcraft is generally looked down upon so if Shinji pursued that, he'd have no choice but to acknowledge himself as a fifth-rate magus.

All of Shinji's access to information about magecraft was controlled by Zouken. This is made clear in the VN.
Zouken's cultivation of Sakura's psyche required Shinji to be broken and abusive towards her, which required him to be totally unable to be a magus.
We can infer, then, that Zouken prevented Shinji from learning about formal craft and convinced him that no magic was possible without circuits.

Cite any abuse Shinji got in the VN. He didn't get any. All Zouken did was ignore him, which is probably the best anyone could hope for from Zouken.

user the way magic works in Nasu with normal spells is that you convert mana or od into magical energy with circuits. Then you communicate with a Foundation and formula for a spell engraved in the planet to bring forth the recreation of a mystery. With Formalcraft you compensate for a lack of energy through rituals. But the rituals and magic are still based on culture, belief and foundations. You still need circuits to connect to the foundation to make the ritual work. For a metaphor it doesn’t matter if you have all the gasoline in the world if you don’t have a spark plug to start your engine.

You can simply make up for that by turning one of your nerves into a circuit.

It's really not that simple
Shirou risked killing himself and put himself in agonizing pain every single time he did that.
It was only because of his autism (and maybe a little UBW) that he survived continuously doing it like a fucking retard.

That just means Shinji's gutless.

That much is obvious

Shinji and Sakura's relationship is much more complicted. He was a great older brother figure and genuinely liked her until it was revealed that she was brought in to the heir because he couldn't. Then his relationship with her became twisted but he still did care for her and she actually did care for him

>he still did care for her
Only in the sense that he perceived her as property due to his complex over being magically impotent. Rape + physical and verbal abuse are not signs of care.

Zouken actually forced him to rape Sakura to keep her in check. Shinji was a key component in his plans for Sakura. Seriously just read the VN

Shinji knew more about being a magus than Shirou. For him doing that would be an act of suicide but Shirou who is mostly ignorant it's how everyone does it. You can't call him gutless for it

>UBW ended with Sakura and Shinji
probably the best end he could ask for. He pretty much got away with everything

You're the one who needs to reread the VN. Zouken did no such thing. Show me a screenshot where the VN says that. Protip: you can't.

Not at all. For a true, proper magus, even their own body and life are merely tools to an end. If you were truly focused on your goal, you wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice your own body for it. Shinji lacks the mentality of a magus. Even if Shinji had a hundred ace quality circuits, he would never be more than second-rate.

Magi are determined and willing to chase after an ideal and dream. It doesn’t mean they’re retarded. Nerve circuits probably aren’t possible if you’re not magic in the first place.

Even if it would work it’s such a stupid thing for basically no gain.

Either way the answer to “why didn’t X do Y?” is usually that it doesn’t actually work like that.

>Not at all. For a true, proper magus, even their own body and life are merely tools to an end.
only if they're knowledgeable . Doing random shit is not something a magus would do. They would research and test their theories before doing it to themselves

It is. The worms make Sakura a horny slut who needs to get fucked.

If one had no other methods but were focused on becoming a magus, he'd use the nerve circuit technique without hesitation.

Shinji creampied Sakura lots and lots while Shirou and Rin were away in London.

but the only reason Shorou did that was because that's how he thought training went. So he used his real magic power to make those fake circuits. It's impossible for Shinji to do it

No he didn't. Literally the very first time he ever used his natural-born circuits was when he used Gradation Air in Fate/stay night. He never used them even once prior to then. That's why he was in so much pain after he forced them open for the first time.

based UBW

No the reason his real circuits went dormant was because of his stupid nerve shit.

>"...How fortunate for you. I assumed it was necrosis, but you only opened up what was closed. This should heal within a few days."
>"...Something closed opened up?"
>"Yes. You seem to have misunderstood, but a thaumaturgical circuit is not something to be created each time, but something to be revealed. Once created, you merely choose whether to reveal it on the surface. ...You did not know this, so a circuit that should have been used was neglected and sleeping within you. It is not something your teacher or Rin would have ever considered. A legitimate magus would never even imagine a heretic who used his nerves as a thaumaturgical circuit. Your numbness is temporary. It is the result of a surge of od flowing into a circuit that had never been used, so you could say it's only in a state of 'shock'. But now, a breeze has flowed through that neglected pathway. The nerve will eventually recall its normal function, and the dormant circuit is now activated."

The scene where Rin tells Shirou about him being her first love and tries to convince him to give up on Sakura for her sake was pretty much exactly that. Sakura was thinking about how if Shirou was going to betray her for Rin, she might as well become the shadow once and for all and murder them first.

He didn't even need to do that. His treatment of Sakura only ever came back to bite him in HF. His problem was that he overestimated his own abilities because he had no real knowledge of how deep the magus rabbit hole went, so he felt comfortable antagonizing Rin and Shirou when he shouldn't have.

He's the definition of a Chad. Star of an athletic team, well off, attractive, ladies love him even though he treats them like objects, thinks he's just the best thing ever, doesn't even try to hide how much of a dick he is.

Pretty much but the big turning point was definitely Sakura killing Shinji for Heavens Feel. Perhaps a hypothetical Illya route could have the big push come another way.

>all this focus on how he treated Sakura
You all remember that Shinji tried to sacrifice hundreds of kids using bloodfort in every route, right?

Those things only went on because Sakura never once fought back. She almost never showed a will of her own and meekly submitted to him whenever he demanded something of her, from his perspective, he really was giving her what she wanted. Even in the War, he does let her have her way when she stands up for herself and says she wants to stay with Shirou. It's a complicated relationship, but they do ultimately see each other as siblings.

No one gives Shirou shit for supporting the mass murderer and cannibal Sakura so why not give Shinji a pass?

That's because she enjoyed fucking Shinji before she met Shirou


Yes they do that's why MoS ending even exists.

Since when did she eat any of the four villains she kills?

You mean there are people who believe trying to save the girl whose had the sum of all human evils poisoning her is ok her but the asshole murdering kids because of his inferiority complex doesn't deserve that benefit? Shocker.

he is the chad of chads. he has his own harem too, but wants to be a magus so badly and gain tohsaka's affection just like his retarded grandfather.

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What Shinji was doing was acting like how Magi usually acted against normal people. It makes no sense to call him out

Only the crazies and extremists do that and they either get put down or manage to make themselves strong enough that they can't be. This is not a pass for him.

no, that is how magus are supposed to act. they are selfish and self-interested, they only care about going further and killing someone just means removing a obstacle.

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He wasn't even raised in that environment he doesn't get to use that as an excuse. He's a little bitch with a bit of power lashing out as little bitches are wont to do.

desu in terms of being a dick shinji got nothing on someone like tokiomi.
ace detective waver show really demonstrates how most magi real fucked up people.

The hell did Tokiomi do that's that bad?

Gave his daughter away to le worm man, I guess.

>ace detective waver show really demonstrates how most magi real fucked up people.
Most of those people get arrested or put down. The ones who don't are untouchable due to various reasons.

he hated tokiomi's guts and rin is as boring as her father so no way jose


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He is Arjuna Brother of Karna

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Shinji gets the prisma lolis, so he is truly living in heaven

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>Shinji is also cute and funnypilled
Hagcucks eternally btfo

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go back

>Girl should want to be fucked by you
Did you miss the part where Shinji had a bunch of groupie fangirls that followed him around?



Issei route when?

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we got a galaxy brain over here asking the real questions

>Pairing Rin up with the guy who encouraged Kotomine to kill her dad.
This pairing is so fucking stupid.

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They could have at least shown some of those obscene sex scenes with Shinji and Sakura but no let's waste time on a cringy romance with a creepy girl and an idiot

I fucking love how Shinji got away with everything in UBW and even ended up with Sakura.

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If I pulled that off would Shinji die?

Secondary and Yea Forumsermin

He is so emotionally fragile, needy and angsty any chad points he get from sex are completely negated.

Didmt gil say full ojou rin was his type in CCC?