Character says yokai

>character says yokai
>subs calls the yokai roger

Attached: 1530636186778.jpg (416x468, 90K)

>character says Ohio
>subs call the state "good morning"
why do they do this?

"Ryoukai" you Belgrade homosexual.

>Character says Onii-Chan
>Subs call them Big Bro

Who the fuck is Ryoukai? I don't watch shonenshit

>Subs say "keikaku"
>TL notes inform us that Project: Keikaku is the name of the character's current plan.

>subs say itadakimasu
>character says rub a dub dub thanks for the grub
Why do they do this?

Attached: itadakimasu.jpg (320x302, 54K)

>Character says Onii-chan
>Subs say Character's name

Are burgers always this disrespectful?

>all subbers are american
Why are you esl retards so retarded

>Character says lolikon
>Subs say pedophile

>character is called Akira Kagawa
>girl says Kagawa-kun
>subs say Akira
This makes my blood boil because it makes no fucking sense whatsoever

>character says word for animated japanese porn
>subs say pervert

>sign says Honjitsu wa yasumasete itadakimasu.
>Subs say: Gone Fishin'

Attached: 1517676605293.png (920x868, 592K)

>rub a dub dub thanks for the grub
They're saying rug a grub thanks for the dub.
Also, checked.

>character says onii-san
>subs translate it as Mr. Monster

Attached: 1363027474999.jpg (500x500, 80K)

They're saying hug your rug thanks for the dubs.
Also, checked.

>character says nyan
>subs say meow
What the fuck SHAFT?

Attached: [Coalgirls]_Bakemonogatari_14_(1920x1080_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[78E02D9C].mkv_snapshot_14.25_[2019.08.24_23. (1920x1080, 3.96M)

She's saying read the subs no English dub.
Also, checked.

so close to trips

>character says itadakimasu
>subs says "It's cherry poppin' time!"
Why is this allowed bros

that poor loli never saw it cumming

Inb4 retards respond, if lolicon meant pedophile than words like shotacon would not exist
Little girl lover is more accurate