Schrodinger's Bunny Girl Senpai

>This masterpiece is forgotten
How many buckets of semen did you spend on this bunny rabbit?

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Other urls found in this thread:

waiting for the movie to hit bluray.

Rio > Tomoe = Kaede > Shoko > Saki >>>> Nodoka = Mai

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>How many buckets
All of them

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Doesn't wear the outfit enough

i thought the dialogue was really well done for the first few episodes and that the characters bounced off of eachother well but as it gets closer to the end of the series it loses that charm

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None, big boobed science dork stole it all

i dont watch seasonal trash

>bunny rabbit

i dont watch seasonal trash

We know THK.

It was ok but the quality was exaggerated and it was overhyped because it's just seasonal shit

Amazing taste

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literally just discount oregayru. That whole season was garbage honestly

She's definitely hot, but I much prefer Tomoe. A fluffy haired girl with a big ass is meant to be lewdly bullied until climax.

Good taste

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This show was bad and not in a good way. I couldn't even get past episode 2.
I haven't felt secondhand embarrassment from watching anime in over a decade and I've watched so really cringy shit.

Mai = Kaede > Tomoe = Shoko = Saki > Nodoka > Rio

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Tomoe is for anal.


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I constantly avoid Bunny Girl threads or any mention of it anywhere. I dont want people saying anything bad about it. Mai Sakurajima is the best girl in all anime and nothing can change my mind. She is too human and understanding for me to think of any other waifu. Jesus whats wrong with me.

Kaede was the only good thing about the show along with Futaba and Tomoe

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>Kaede was
Why did she have to leave this sinful Earth so early?

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ah i see , a fellow man of culture

>How many buckets of semen did you spend on this bunny rabbit?
But used all my reserves for Rio Futaba though.

The show would have been better with Rio as the main girl

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>More of a detective show since Futaba is more prevalent
Yes , way better

I only fapped to best girl.

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Movie BD release when?

>discount monogatari
Schrodinger's cat LOL.

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Did people unironically think this trash was well-written or is it just the result of aggressive shilling from MB?

Well, monogaytari is a series one would only watch if on sale

>had absolutely massive queue for its booth at the recent Comiket
Yeah, forgotten by you maybe.

Honestly it's the bunny costume.

That doujin is really good

The first two episodes had pretty decent dialogue writing and it just kinda coasted on that popularity for the rest of the season.
It was forgotten pretty fast when people realised that it went downhill pretty fast and the actual plot was never that good.

Babies first monogatari

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Also they'll even be reprinting and selling more of the stuff at the WInter Comiket due to high demand and people reselling it.

Picked up for the Bunny suit, stayed because Futaba.

Futaba fag is really obnoxious

Seething Maifag

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>tfw no gf to wear bunny suit for you to fuck

>THK's shit taste
Kill it with fire

>butthurt Maitard

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Kaede, Tomoe and Futaba are the top 3 best girls

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It's the cross cancer Utaha/Iroha/Ichika/Uruka/Futabafag. At least his samefag/spam is obvious.

cope Maicuck

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Which samefag is he in here? Asking for future reference.

It's at least 2 people buddy

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He's always the the Futaba/Riofag who drops and up-votes it. If a thread is small and inactive, he usually sticks to just that. But a Mai topic or larger thread, he adds falseflagging as a Kaedefag, Tomoefag, or usually both to shill Futaba. Mind you, during the 1st to 8th weeks, that shitter was absent. He only started doing his clockwork spam in the last quarter of the remaining cour, so that's why he sticks out like a sore thumb. More so since Futaba isn't even popular enough to warrant what he's trying to do and Tomoe and Imouto (especially Imouto) related posts hating Mai like that were hardly ever present before he came around.

This amount of paranoia is unhealthy.


seek professional help

that show was complete shit
i have no idea why normal fags liked it so much.
the story-line was shit
animation was sub-par
just having cute 2D girls isn't enough.

she's just a horny vagina slut with huge boobs lusting for boys in couple.

Mai > Futaba > don't care about the rest.

I Love Mai.

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She wishes she had those tits
Her chest is mediocre as fuck in reality

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Name one other show with a long black haired girl in a bunny costume, my dick will wait

Isn't...that guy, THK?

Modest tits are better than disgusting watermelon tits.

Tell that to the fanartists that draw Mai with superior cowtits because they know she would be better with them

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I actually thoughtn't even that any of the characters were really visually attractive though Kaede was super cute in behavior — I mostly watched it for the deliciously snarky Sakuta–Mai interactions and for the fact that finally we didn't have a faceless audience-self-insert nigger as m.c.

You're always wrong. It's Bunny Senpai > Imouto > Idol > Fitting in > Thieving cat > Camwhore

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Yes. He was called, user.

I think it's a 5 or 6 outta ten, because Literally Me-kun isn't totally insufferable, the way his relationship with Mai evolves is really cute, Mai is best girl but there really wasn't much contest, she's interesting and her arc is the one with the biggest stakes and very emotional, and Futaba is a fucking fantastic supporting character. Honestly, Mai, MC, and Futaba are the ones that make the show. Koga is fun, but her arc was stupid. The little sister shit is whatever for both MC and Mai, and I dislike that how Mai is incredibly prudish. Shoko being a literal deus ex machina is dumb, too.

Bad fanart do it. You're proving official > badly drawn fanart.

yeah me too user. this wait is starting to get dangerous for my health. I want to see Mai-san again :(((

Medium sized tits are always the correct answer.

I just finished this a few minutes ago and it felt like it concluded an arc too early. Half the final episode was spent on some dumb shit about Mai instead of Sakuta resolving his feelings about Kaede 2.0, and all the weirdness about Shouko got a handwave. I especially found it weird how her middle-school version was never mentioned again, especially since it was implied the two were connected since both of them stopped responding.

Also the show was better than Yea Forums led me to believe, but the second arc was peak cringe, and everyone was just a little too accepting of Sakuta's autism. Ignoring that, the character arcs were pretty enjoyable and clever.


Good taste and good analysis

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>Also the show was better than Yea Forums led me to believe
Like usual. Listen to Yea Forums and do the opposite.

Story was trash, mc was a fag and there are better sluts on boorus.

She's fucking stacked after the timeskip

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>muh boogieman
Pathetic. Why can't you accept that people like other girls?

All that fondling by Sakuta must have worked wonders

Tell me more

Not much, Mai waits a year for Sakuta to join him at Uni, new girls get introduced and that's it

For me, it's Tomoe

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>Bunny girl senpai
>She only wore it so many times that you can count on your hand and still have fingers left over
False advertising. Great adaptation, but fuck the lack of bunny girl costumes. ESPECIALLY fuck that they didn't animate "Kaede will not wear it!"

The stuff that happens after the movie has more bunny girl Sakuta

He's also the Sayuki autist in Hensuki threads. It's like he's stuck in Stellafag mode during 2015 again in there.

Kaede, Tomoe and Rio are all good choices.

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Replace Rio with Mai and you'd be correct.

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0 actually but I run a mile everyday

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Ugly pretentious megane WHORE.


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MC's friend is a faggot for not wanting to fuck this

I don't think I'll ever get over how jarring it was to see Sakuta run like a faggot in this scene.

He's already fucking the tsundere, the urge is fulfilled

>fapping to worst girl

OP isn't Futaba, though.

Futaba is top 3

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>badly written haremshit
sure buddy

I have it on tap for a rewatch during the break before fall season gets started. At least Mai's arc will get a rewatch The following arcs were hit or miss though I liked the last one involving his sister too.

That shit still makes me laugh. And it was supposed to be sad.

She's top 1

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Wow, Bunny thread with over 100 replies, how's that?

> 100 replies
Half of those belongs to one autistic guy who posts about shitty megane girl that he apparently likes


paranoid and shit taste

>How many buckets of semen did you spend on this bunny rabbit?
I consider myself something of a professional Bunnygirl fetishist. I nearly died of dehydration and had to burn and replace several bath towels due to dried ejaculate.

Goddamn I was never as happy.

no good doujins

The glasses girl is literally Hanekawa. Even her story is the same split personality shit because muh love.

MC running through the hospital screaming was gay af

It was better than the usual seasonal trash. I liked it enough to keep tabs on it for when the movie finally gets an English release.

kek This guy still think it is just one guy.

explains why I like her then

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Rio Futaba makes me want to be a girl.

Futaba is a goddess

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I feel compelled as a third party to let you know that Futaba Rio is objectively best girl and you've been sadly misinformed

me vs my bullies

Fuck off tranny

What do you mean? We're all little girls here, user.

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I really hope that Rio Futaba get her own Azone Pure Neemo doll.

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Should a kouhai have an ass that big?

What the fuck is wrong with her foot
Do footfags like raptor feet too?

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>How many buckets of semen did you spend on this bunny rabbit?
Zero but I came a few times for Rio's big tits and Tomoe's tight little ass

*tips fedora*

I think this was a fun scene.
I thought the whole show was pretty entertaining really, not sure why it gets so much flak.

Fuck, I can't wait to see the movie.

His autism compelled by self-circlejerk needs kept the thread bumped. We should thank him.


Mai a shit desu

I had the exact opposite impression, I thought it was very cringe at first with the "literally me" MC, the whole "look at all these sheeple" dialogue, this scene and the schrodinger's cat andlLaplace's demon references but as it went along it got progressively better and better, or maybe I just built some tolerance or learned to ignore some parts of it

I agree with the first user and I think it's mostly MC and Mai's dynamic working really well and us getting used to it (and it getting less focus) as the series goes on. I feel the other characters don't play off of each other nearly as well.

kimi no sei
kimi no sei

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anal kouhai > the rest

If it's forgotten, then it wasnt a masterpiece to begin with.

Whatever wins the fight

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Me three. I just hope the reason they skipped kissing in the anime was to save it for the movie. Hoping the marriage proposal is done justice too.

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Now this is a Bunny Girl, senpai.

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Go back.

i prefer yukinon

Movie BDs when?

>yui pov

must be difficult same fagging this hard

>Maifag still seething

>How many buckets of semen did you spend on this bunny rabbit?
none, go read bakemonogatari or boogiepop zoomer.

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I'm sorry, I don't understand.

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why would I be? Mai won the Sakuta bowl. Stay mad worst-girl fag.

zero. i fapped to the KIMI NO SEI and imouto.


fukashigi no carte was better

seethe more tasteless fag

>has a boyfriend
>they don't fuck
what's the point?

Kicking someone in the lower leg like that isn't going to win anything, all you do is escalate so the guy will beat your skinnyfat ass more when he gets up in a second (if he even fell over in the first place which is unlikely).


That's how it went for me back in high school, but then again I only ever got along with overly awkward rejects.
