The Strongest Servant in Fate Series
>The Strongest Servant in Fate Series
[x] doubt
Of course she sucks dick when shes normal but when shes evil shes the best
She's strong as Saber Alter because she basically has infinite prana in that form, while she doesn't even get prana from Shirou in her normal form unless they mana transfer.
She's extremely powerful when you play her on servants only, no masters, burning Fuyuki destination mode. She's free to just beams all the other servants to death.
>The Strongest Servant in Fate Series
>gives you a magic futa cock that you have to jack off rendering you unable to fight
Life!Saber has a dragon heart that is ocnstantly producing mana. Still far from Grail-tier, but enough to match even AoG HS rdiculous mana reserve.
Thing is, for some retarded reasons, servants can only get mana from their master. So Shirou!Saber is fucked because he has close to no mana.
I thought that OG Saber's dragon reactor just wasn't turning on because she was summoned improperly and it just needed a jump start? Being incarnated by by the grail mud for whatever reason fixed that for Saber Alter and yet Herk was left with in a crappier state than when he was absorbed into the mud.
>strongest servant
>loses to just one of archers arms.
How many women she defiled ?
Avenger can literally just tell her to kill herself and she'd do it
Well yeah, that too. But the servant system do fuck their mana so they are always dependant of their master. If not the like of Caster and Gil could spam their most mana taxing attacks all day and still have a truckload of mana left.
If there was a "strongest" servant without counting outside influences it'd be Gilgamesh. Otherwise, it obviously depends on where the grail war is taking place. Cu gets some pretty insane bonuses in Ireland or England, Saber is pretty much unbeatable in England etc. Berserker (Heracles) got some buffs because his tale is big in JP.
That's why comparing powerlevel of servants is stupid. Too many factors, some get buffed hard like Hans and newer HS who get superhuman abilities while Gil and & Herc are absolutely fucked by the class systems. But the same system also allows Herc!Aclides to get King's Order which isn't something he possessed when alive and yet is far more powerful that any of his "legit" NP.
If you want to compare powerlevel, use pure HS or the still alive version, not servants.
>Jobs to Shirou and Memedusa
>Jobs to Shirou going all out with Archer's arm
>Jobs to Cu Caster and weak Mashit
>Mashu said she was weaker than Jets with a pole
>Jobs to GalaCHAD instantly
She probably loses to Numeral Saint Gawain and Saberlot too
So does saber stay blackened after she is defeated and goes back to her own time?
It always striked me as quite remarkable how shirou, the guy who basically has no interests in anything but working out, doing his magical training and cooking, would recognize all these not so well known heroes and gods(angra mainyu, gilgamesh, etc.) as well as be knowledgable about anatomy as he is.
Well, he reads the history of weapons the moment he sees them so he probably understands who the wielder is just from glance.
And Prisma Illya too.
Prisma Alter =/ Grand Order Alter =/ Heaven's Feel Alter
numeral gawain is the strongest of the round table
>replying to a SEAnigger thread
You guys are retards.