I am sociopath. Years of torment have turned me into the monster I am today. At this point I am far beyond help...

I am sociopath. Years of torment have turned me into the monster I am today. At this point I am far beyond help. My only purpose in this world is to bring pain to others. I have trained my skills to cause maximum havoc and destruction. I care about nothing and have nothing to live for, this is what makes me so dangerous. I am like a caged animal. Actually more like a rabid dog because I will not hesitate to destroy anything that slightly provokes me.

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Other urls found in this thread:

desuarchive.org/a/search/text/when I come into a Hunter x Hunter thread/

Sasuga Senkuu-sama, totemo atama ga ii desu

I psychologically tormented my bullies. When it comes to insulting, belittling, and tormenting a person I can be a very VERY brutal human being. It doesn't take much. Just requires not taking shit, and always having a creepy grin on your face and just stare at them unflinchingly for minutes on end. Never blinking. Looking down on them as nothing more than brainless dogs and telling them, "good boy" when they behave. I think what helped was just the general creepiness I could exude and how quickly I could shift my mood so I'm fairly certain they all thought I was crazy or psychotic. Not to mention me freely sharing my violent thoughts with them with a smile on my face.


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Based Edgelord

>he doesn't know what a sociopath mean

>mobile filename

Redditor thread


Is that what you say to every thread that’s too smart for you?

imagine having this saved on your phone

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based lmao
get out of here newfag

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>I'm fairly certain they all thought I was crazy or psychotic
everyone thinks youre a faggot, op

Redditor is mad


Based and redpilled

What is it about Dr. Stone that attracts the most shitposting?

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Bringing pain to others? That's for children, grow up retard. I bet you still feel emotions like fear.

I am sociopath. Years of torment have turned me into the monster I am today. At this point I am far beyond help. My only purpose in this world is to bring pain to others. I have trained my skills to cause maximum havoc and destruction. I care about nothing and have nothing to live for, this is what makes me so dangerous. I am like a caged animal. Actually more like a rabid dog because I will not hesitate to destroy anything that slightly provokes me.

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peak Yea Forumsutism

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Senku is a nice guy who just happens to make autistic expressions when he's excited. They're hot tho

No fun allowed

kono stone warudo

I’m the guy who posted and I didn’t make this thread. Notice the different filenames.

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>Would you like to become the next statistics to be given Thoughts and Prayers?
Holy shit, that sent shivers down my spine

Do I need to watch Rick&Morty first to understand the themes of Dr.Stone?

hey fuck you buddy

The distance between her eyes. I'd still bang the absolute science out of her

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got inspired and did this

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People declared it the new Rick and Morty since it features science and is popular.


You deserve a blowjob.



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You know, when I come into a Dr. Stone thread there's a lot that crosses my mind. The legacy of the greatest shounen ever written. I mean consider that for a minute. This amazingly well written and extremely complex piece of literature has been going on for several months now and is still going. Not only that but it is still popular, still gaining new fans and keeping old ones happily around.

Dr. Stone is not just a manga, its not just genre deconstructing, its not just one of the greatest stories ever told. It is proof that man can achieve greatness in all its meanings. The story we have been discussing, months on end, years on end, it is evidence of a true understanding of nuanced and complex themes. A culture within itself.

So when I come into a Dr. Stone thread I feel like im not only here with my fellow stonechads. I am here with everyone else, experiencing the magic that is Dr. Stone . Even the poor and misguided who either haven't read it or consider it sub-par are here with us. Giving attention and time to a story that is older then most of us here today.

I see great discussion day after day. New points being brought up and old ones being held high for the board to see. It was through years of dedicated posting that these threads have gotten to this point. Intense and amazing discussion backed by some of the most quality memes found on the internet. And its all thanks to the stonechads who have kept it all going.

So when I go into Dr. Stone thread a few things cross my mind, but the one thing that always reigns true is how great it is to be a stonechad, to be apart of a legacy decades old that continues to hold its own with strength, intelligence and grace. That's what it means to be a stonechad.

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holy shit

Holy fucking based

I thought I was a sociopath too until I browsed /pol/.

Is this the new target from IRC?

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>this whole thread


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>tfw I had the same experience

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My name is not important; what is important is what I'm going to do. I just fucking hate this adult world, and the adult worms feasting on its carcass. My whole life is just cold, bitter hatred towards the selfish adults, and I always wanted to die violently. This is the time of vengeance, and no adult life is worth saving, and I will put in the grave as many as I can. It's time for me to kill and it's time for me to die; my stone crusade begins... here!

Attached: tsukasa.gif (640x502, 2.84M)

go back



Is this a hunterchad copypaste?

Knew this sounded familiar.
desuarchive.org/a/search/text/when I come into a Hunter x Hunter thread/

Double Cringe



To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Dr. Stone. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics and organic chemistry most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Tsukasa's anarchist outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Jean-Jacques Rosseau's literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Dr. Stone truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Senku's existencial catchphrases "10 Billion percent" and "Ya Big Oaf", which themselves are cryptic references to Isaac Asimov's epic novel series Foundation. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated big oafs scratching their heads in confusion as Riichiro Inagaki's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Dr. Stone tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

HxH discordposting stopped working since nothing has come out for ages.


post it on reddit they're gonna love it

You would know.