Was Ryuko a good protagonist?
Was Ryuko a good protagonist?
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Absolutely, but I wouldn't mind watching a show about my love HARIME NUI!!!
I want to fuck her sister
My dick says that she was a good protagonist
>loving the literal worst girl
She oughta pat herself on the back for all her hard work work
Yes, because she actually had her own goal and something she wanted to achieve, rather than just being someone who reacted to and opposed the villain's goal.
As a protagonist she worked decently well
As best girl, well...
I'd put Nonon slightly above Mako but other than that you have absolutely perfect taste.
Yes and I love her.
All gay MCs are good.
There's not a single bad character in the whole show. Prove me wrong. You literally can't. They're all amazing.
>clearly not kissing back
Hahaha kys yurinigger
That would imply she was the protagonist.
She wasn't. She was just a generic tomboy that gets your dick hard.
>when in full stacy mode she went up to the nearest girl and just stole a kiss.
Yeah, she's totally straight.
She's clearly bi. All tomboys are.
>clearly bi
Show me one instance where she shows attraction for a guy.
Denialfags GTFO
>girls showing attraction towards guys
>in anime
Do you even watch japanese cartoons?
So she shows attraction to girls but nothing to guys...
>Girls not allowed to show attraction to boys.
>Show has a monologue by a no-star girl fantasizing about Gamagori's rock hard naked meat.
>The whole thing between the boxer and the tennis bitch.
Did you even watch KLK?
I kinda forgot about that. Fair enough, I'll give it to you.
>>girls showing attraction towards guys
>>in anime
Every anime ever has at least one point where all girls join up and talk about guys they like.
Do you even watch japanese cartoons?
ryuko best girl! I love her!
In the dream sequence with junketsu on.
i love ryuko so much.
So in the dream sequence where she's clearly being hypnotized to want to be 'normal' and which is shown as clearly wrong.
Thanks, I think I added another reason to strengthen my beliefs.
yes, she was fun to watch and grow, even if she was a dickhead at times
What did you do to help grow her?
Is the inverse of this situation shadow making fanart of ryuko and hiding it/burning it?
I love that the unwritten rule of Kill la Kill is that Gamagori has to be the biggest character onscreen.
Shadow is a Ryuko fanboy, though; it’s canon.
No, it's this:
Holy BASED & Canonpilled
shes a good qt imouto who deserves all the love from her oneechan
He is the biggest guy in all of Japan, how could he not be the biggest onscreen?
She's on Senketsu's dick for like 90% of the show, nigga
I find her infinitely more boring than satsuki.
She felt like a side character in her own show which I never felt with Imaishi/Nakashima's male protags
I love them all but mohawk guy was really just there doing nothing for every episode that wasn't his
I liked her and the show but this is pretty true. I don't think she was well written.
They don't know how to do female protags well as a duo.
Panty, Stocking, Pandy and Luluco were all good feamle leads but Nakashima wasn't involved in the writing for that.
I still don't know if Mako's sibling is a boy or a girl.
she has a very nice butt and feets, so yes.
You can see his penis and balls in one of the episodes so I'd go with him being a boy.
what did I do? watch
She makes my peepee hard so yes she is the best protag
What girls DON'T make your peepee hard, user?
>mind controlled to the point of nearly killing her friends
>totally in the right stay of mind
>totally making these choices of her own free will
No, she throws an autistic spergout and becomes the villain every 5 episodes
>Ryuko: my clothes got me pregnant
>worst girl
"Worst" is dutch for "sausage". I'm a bit tired and I keep confusing words, I couldn't help picturing Nui in a market stand selling sausages.
>ywn hold her hand
>nui is not armed, just dangerous
>let's give her a big hand. She could use it.
She's definitely the kinda girl to have a big fat sausage between her legs though!
What am I looking at here
Me and my good girlfriend sharing a romantic moment.
you're wrong user, that's my wife!
actually, she was hypnotized, not mind controlled. She still had free will, her memories had merely been altered so that they fit what Ragyo wanted.
So yes, she kissed Nui out of her own free will.
Ryuko's head is being changed so that her ideals match those of Ragyo's.
She still has control over her actions and even when believing that marrying a guy would make her happy she still went out of her way to kiss a girl.
No-one ordered to go kiss nui.
Take that as you will.
Not trying to debunk the lesbian/not lesbian theory, but look at the context. "Normal" Ryuko wouldn't act like that. She was on sensory overload, and kissed the first person she had in front of her.
Kissing Nui was a reference to what she said when she was introduced, that love and hate are the same thing, the more you hate a person the more you can love her in return, etc.
I think she is lesbian, or at the very least bi, but personally i think if one of those is discarded the other one is, too
I recently re-watched the show and this exact thought struck me. For like the first 3rd maybe half of the show Satsuki feels like the actual MC and Ryuko is a delinquent that has been hounding her.
>shows no affection towards guys
>"she's either bi or hetero"
did you even read the post? it literally says the opposite.
>I think she's lesbian or bi
>but if one is discarded the other one is too
Which means if you discard bi you also discard lesbian, which means she's hetero.
Learn to write, fag.
two separate ideas there.
one saying what she is,
two stating that while i agree with the point, the stated argument for it is shit. If you discard the idea that she's straight because of the part during the hypnosis, then also discard the part where she's lesbian because hypnosis. both are shit arguments.
learn to read, fag.
I was kinda miffed that the stuff about his sister never lead to anything