Goblin Slayer 039 (2019) (Digital) (danke-Empire)

>Goblin Slayer 039 (2019) (Digital) (danke-Empire)

Folder: zippyshare.com/dankebitte/qf5doffb/dir.html

Attached: Goblin Slayer - c039 (web) - p000 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg (900x1350, 434K)

Other urls found in this thread:



where's the dump? aaaaaaaa

If you start a thread like that dump it for the fucks sake

I'll dump. Give me a minute.

Any news on the latest Grand Blue chapters?


dump it yourself you ingrate fuck
most people just want the fucking mega so they can read it right away

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Attached: Goblin Slayer - c039 (web) - p004 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg (900x1350, 628K)

I-isn't this illegal? Why would you do illegal things like this on the internet and hurt the artists behind this creative work?

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Dumping the chapter keeps the thread alive and discussion going easier. If you can't do it then just stfu.

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Art seems a bit substandard this chapter, particularly Anvil.

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the fuck are you talking about

Attached: Goblin Slayer - c039 (web) - p011 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg (900x1350, 623K)

yea, i thought she was a different person at first

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Attached: Goblin Slayer - c039 (web) - p013 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg (900x1350, 500K)

You only realized this now?

Very sharp observer

Attached: Goblin Slayer - c039 (web) - p014 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg (900x1350, 600K)

W-why are you resorting to criminal activity like this? You are worse than goblins.

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How can dark elf chan ever recover?

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I am a goblin, therefore I obligate to goblinate.

Attached: Goblin Slayer - c039 (web) - p016 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg (900x1350, 635K)

Smug helmet.

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Attached: Goblin Slayer - c039 (web) - p019 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg (900x1350, 401K)

Why can't our elf use magic too?

>Not a goblin

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Interesting way to do it, compared to the LN.

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Attached: Goblin Slayer - c039 (web) - p024 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg (900x1350, 613K)

All attribute points towards bow

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3 magic casters in the party and you want another one.

Attached: Goblin Slayer - c039 (web) - p028 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg (900x1350, 618K)

She's a Fighter not a Ranger.

The more the merrier

Can undiluted autism be considered magic? just wondering.

Attached: Goblin Slayer - c039 (web) - p029 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg (900x1350, 448K)

What a beautiful first panel. I got hard from gazing at it.

Thanks for the dump!

Less shitposting and more slaying, Orbolg

Coordination time.

Attached: 94.jpg (332x1350, 137K)

>not a Ranger
>Use bow


Arcane Archer Fighter is a much better ranger than Ranger.

Fighters are better at shooting things to death.

The ''game'' premise is DnD5E.
Fighter gets to attack 4 times at max level.
Ranger only gets 2 attacks.

>finally catch a live thread again

>Chapter 39: Goblin Slayer slays goblins

It got you by surprise, didn't it?

>goblins fear locust


Holy shit, was he always this fucking huge?

How chuuni is this dark elf.

The last time the helmet was smug, he got his ass kicked by an elf.



Dark elf BTFO

We Dark Souls now.

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>well in hand

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Erufu was as useful as Priestess this chapter.

I want to see smol Erufu.

>when I was little
That doesn't narrow it down a lot.

Priestess pleases old gods for handouts.

Dark Elf looks better here than in the LN illustration.

Attached: LN_Vol_03-10.jpg (1434x2048, 236K)

It's a racial trait.

Didn't Lizardman had a personal vebdetta against this dark elf? Looks like he doesn't know him at all.

Why would he? This is the first time they have met.

I remember some anons saying he was.

But Erufu isn't chuuni.

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She isn't a Dark Elf. It's the "Dark" part that adds the chuunitacity.

put down the club and brought out the shit stick

Attached: Dark Elf BTFO.jpg (736x719, 345K)

That's racist.

Based lizard

>not a gobbo
I love this autist.

We knew that already.

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Perception roll was succesful

>upper hand
Not funny

Thx for the dump user
Bless you mother of gods

>non-prayer character

>not a ranger

Attached: Erufu Ranger.jpg (357x635, 139K)

A little late to complain about something like that, don't you think?

Pretty sure that user was bullshitting or misunderstood the context when translating. I remember the same rumours being spread.

The other things like munchkin and hack'n'slash didn't physically hurt me.

What's the difference between a high elf and a dark elf in GS universe?

Their skin color and being good or evil.

High elves are Erufu nobility. Dark Elves are a different race and they are mostly evil.

Are all dark elves high elves who turned to worship the chaos gods?

>choose a specific background
>homebrew one if needed
>allocate proficiencies to do whatever a ranger can
>choose fighter class to get better class skills and more attacks
>sacrifice weak-ass magic and useless ranger class skills
She is the biggest power gamer in the group

But stuffs like that have been said since the beginning as references because the author is a big D&D fan.


Sorry, next volume.

I want to see lizardbro's homeland



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Based, If only the lord attacked during the festival...

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Despite making up 13% of the elf population, Dark Elves do 90% of the evil monologues and dark god summoning.


Redpill me on Pazuzu, anons.

No, they are a completely different race and not all dark elves are evil.

Does anyone else feel like the series is too slow? Almost nothing happens every chapter.

Read your weekly shonen and problem resolved.

And I thought GS couldn't get more savage. That poor elf.

In all honesty the pacing feels like a weekly shonen on a monthly schedule. It's kind of gotten disappointing.

Seeing Lizardbro rip and tear is always the best. Going from such a calm boy to blood thirsty lizard is fun.

I am still sayimg the dark elf wasted a successful career as a model and instead decided to become a villain.

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Where are dwarves from?

What did he mean by we?

He is currently trying to summon hecatoncheir so he probably accounts him as his partner or a team member. Or he might just be an arrogant faggot who calls himself "we" like some sort of high king.

meme royal speak probably

Goblins are the real victims, we're the ones being oppressed!

Based human user.

Attached: Surprised Erufu.jpg (245x375, 80K)

Is this the first chuuni character in GS?

>useless ranger class skills
>animal companion, camouflage, entangle
Yeah, no.

>Dark Elves getting handouts and ruining towns
>Paid for by the royal treasury, funded by your taxes
fuck this kingdom


An Elf can do all that without needing to be a ranger.

Light novel fags how will gs beat nigger elf?

Handout means something else in Goblin Slayer. I think it's a different translation.

Basically, a handout is some kind of divine gift from the gods or something.

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Savage and an autist, I love him.

How mant chapters is vol 3 going to last considering that the novel is shorter than vol 1 and 2?

Vol 1 = 15 chapters
Vol 2 = 14 chapters
Vol 3 = 10 chapters so far
Vol 4 = 12 chapters

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Isn't it on the wind down already? Just need O MY NOT ARROW in the next 2 chapters.

>Beating the Dark Elf
That's a job for the best member of the party.

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>Basically, a handout is some kind of divine gift from the gods or something.
Why not call it blessings?

Chaos gods don't give blessings.

>fuu fuu fuu

I think it's going to last 13 chapters, 2 more for this fight and the last one is going to be the GS/CG chapter.


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based gohan is going to kill this retard

the truth often is. such is reality


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Also, he literally received a hand.

A better term than "handouts" would be favor or boon, imo.

The handout probably is the translator joke, handout literally he was given a hand

thanks for delivering as always

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Priestess was also given a handout and she doesn't have extra hands now.

Take your own advice you subhuman fucking retard.


>Achievement Unlock: The Bigger They Are...

It's only illegal because we have laws that say ideas can be someone's property.

Looks good

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I ain't no fancy fa/tg/uy with hard back source books but goblin slayer is a multi class ranger/fighter.
Goblin slayer has an animal companion and has a preferred enemy (and if his int was 14 or over he could cast spells too)

HEA is smarter than GS and she dosent have a preferred enemy or an animal companion , from this we can infer that HEA is a fighter with high INT who has put skill points into lockpicking for shiggles

This hypothesis is supported by canon

>Goblin slayer has an animal companion
It's rude to call Priestess animal.

Wouldn't Hornets make more sense than Grasshoppers?

I'm expecting non ironic comments like that when it happens

I thought Dark Elf was suppose to be weak which is why he almost lost to that female party.

But he is weak, his incoming defeat and death will be pathetic.

Did you not hear his chuuni talk?

We all are animals, user.

Elves aren't.

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You can't name a MC that is more autistic and based than GS.

Both at the same time, no I think there isn't.

It's pretty hard to beat "the entire army was a distraction"

>Everyone worried except LP
What a true bro, even decided to add a pun at the end.

Kaiba's autism on a children's card game come close.


>It's like he was looking at walking garbage.

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>3 evade stacks instead of 1 turn
>5 turn cooldown
It's fucking busted

Pray range too op, plz nerf.

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This chapter needs more Guild Girl

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Thanks doc

Don't give him hope. There is not going to be any more rape.

I don't see any problem with it.

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Disintegrate is a gold level spell & it is usually cast by a glass cannon. Dark Elf is still a good enough fighter to pushes GS in straight combat.
Seriously, he is really strong, his only mistake is picking a fight against low-level cleric with more blessings than the hero.

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Reminder that Sword Maiden could beat the dark elf so easily that it wouldn' be funny.

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>Priestess peak performance is when she not wearing a dumb hat
Really makes you think.

Is this the equivalent of "I removed my limiter?"

Demon Lord of Winged Creatures and the Sky, in same weight-class as Demogorgon or Orcus.

>"No, mister Bond, I expect you to DIE!"

>you are a worthy opponent, I must remove my dumb hat.

>implying anyone will ever come at you with anything other than ice barrage

GS's autism won't outlast his own life. Kaiba's autism led to the destruction of the world.

You get dbow specced after they catch the freeze.

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And yet he and his goblins proved less trouble than a single ogre.

You don't know that, GS autism can be carried by the next generation and by certain elf.

GS had prep time for this battle unlike the one with the ogre.

I need Goblin Slayer and Escanor teaching Midoriya how to be a proper MC

He got BTFO hard during the rematch after Priestess reach steel.

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>Goblin Slayer and Priest/erufu literally birth an entire company of specialized "pest control" autist, with each generation getting deeper into the spectrum
Imagine. I feel like anyone that wants to become an adventure must first go through Goblin Slayer's specially patented "goblin genocide 101" course.

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And the eight ways to kill goblins silently. I am still waiting for him to teach that to the rookies.

Another thing GS and Kaiba have in common is that they love blue eyes.

That is a different ogre, brother of the last one but still a different ogre.

All ogres are the same.

Does GS even remember ogres?


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Do you think we will get some announcement about the movie when get to vol 5?

I just noticed he didn't use his sword at all against the goblins.

I got nowhere else to read for this little effort, so thanks.

I mean, kinda? It's been a long time since I read the LN, but the way they hurt him is hilarious. The protection works for all projectiles like stones and arrows,
but since GS has the fancy tri-tip throwing knife, (which counts as a knife) he slices some of the arms off? Or something like that

More pics for my Erufu collection

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Nope and he uses that fact to piss off the ogre's brother and make him fall into his trap...of which he super jumps out.

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I see.

When did she start carrying bags?

So now we are getting
Daikatana chapter one in a few days.
>Next month
LN vol 8 in english
LN vol 11 in japanese
And the usual year one and main manga chapters.

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Why is she happy? The new artist gives her a fucking horse face.

>Why is she happy?

Because she's the cover girl.

She was afraid she was never going to be a cover girl.

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How can she see the covers if she's blind?

Even after 7 volumes and the spin offs, the farm attack is still my favourite part of the story.

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Archbishop' magic.

It's dripping

Her archery skills are too good that she doesn't need magic.

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Maid Priestess.

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Of a volume where Priestess cockblocks her, roast her and steals all the spotlight.

You will never stop being annoying...

Fuck off!

It took me a while to get this. I'm glad I stopped playing FGO.


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That doesn't seem true for her and GS.

A few more shoots and she will get him

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She always carries some. Her standard items are wedges, rope, hook, potions, tarp, pegs, torchs, lanterns, rations, raincoat, small hammer, medical kit, & more.
She is bagserk incarnate, the artist just didn't draw it. Shit taste, I know.

The absolute state of rapefags

Why would she need smol hammers?

That level of perception

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What is she? A resident evil/monster hunter player?

Somebody post Tofu Priestess

locusts are devastating biological disasters

hmm, hand of glory, but not paralyzing.

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looks like Japanland

She’s the only person who was enough of a sucker to actually buy “the Adventurer’s toolkit.”

What a nerd.

He had protection against arrows, but not against flying pieces of metal, so GS just threw the wierd throwing knife at him and elf finished the rest.

When is bet girl Haruhi comimg back?

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you too

>tfw no rules lawyer to save dark elf ass

also the grandpa witnessed the monster from the age of the gods.

>Erufu was as useful as Priestess this chapter.

She baited the goblins toward them and Lizardbro in and killed the fleeing ones in , but we don't see how many she killed (she also acted as a guard for Priestess)

So more useful, but she can't touch the Dark Elf

Too much green text, user.

My nigga.

>Another chapter without cowgirl in it

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GS wife

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Legosi from Beastars.

Pick one

Huh? Did I miss the day when childhood friends stopped their losing streak?

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I know, that's why I reposted it for you

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The childhood friends need special intuition to win.


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Meanwhile elf is just perfect semen demon.

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It's a term from tabletop role-playing games, which the universe is based on.

Cute elf

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Thanks for the dump.

I’m sad the outfit she wore in Volume 6 and 7 wasn’t a permanent wardrobe shift.

Did she change back in vol 8?

Guild girl best girl.
Threadly reminder.

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Best human girl

I keep reading this manga if only for based lizard bro.

Those items save them countless times, she is smart enough to use the lantern as a molotov cocktail. Don't even start with magic, both rule-lawyering & straight asspull.

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Whoops, wrong image.

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That's some cute as fuck winter gear.
Is there a picture of Erufu in winter gear aswel?

Poor cute gobbo

You're right, the women are too cute to be called animals.

I want the Gobs to leave.

>hurr funny quip
Am I watching a capeshit right now? Who write this? Dropped.

How in the everloving fuck is this a funny quip? Do you lack reading comprehension? Are you fucking retarded?

It wasn't a funny quip. Goblin Slayer is autistic and was taking the badguy banter literally.

>>When she says "my last partner was bigger than yours."


If only she had Hawkeye's exploding arrow here.

It is a funny quip you retard. This is the kindda bullshit you see in an Ironman movie.

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Have fun hating everything in life, alone.

How fucking new are you if you think about quips and the first shit you think of is capeshit? Watch more movies, retard.

She follows fashion trends because "humans are sooo interesting!". So there won't be permanent wardrobe shifts.

Goblin Bump

Because why no

Can someone tell me the point of reading any further in the LN?
The ending's real obvious and it's disheartening to see all the others fall behind.
I was rooting for a harem end too.

Attached: wins the gsbowl.jpg (563x735, 57K)

if you don't want her to win you have no soul

Your pleb taste disgusts me. Why have just one when he can have them all?
I still love GS but at this point it's suffering the "who ends up with who" shonen disease for me, and seeing all these clues isn't giving me extra motivation to.

>Runegame manga/anime never ever

Harem ends are the ultimate in pleb taste

The struggle into the ending can make a great story, no matter how obvious it is.

Attached: still satisfying as fuck.jpg (884x1300, 443K)

Plebs are those who compare waifus. True kino tastes are those who carefully measure each waifu, deem them all equal, and root for harem end.

Stoped in the Goblin paladin so IDK.
A time skip would be beneficial, Gs alone again, no more Harem Bs, maybe an old man Gs would be fun

That would be more interesting to me, not gonna lie.

Here is winter hat Erufu

Attached: LN_Vol_09-04.jpg (1434x2048, 389K)

Haremfags are faggots who don't have any close friends or warm family members so they never seen people getting their ass reamed hard by two timing shitshows.

Reminder that he died a virgin because of the dark elf.

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Personally I think some LNfags are just reaching. The man was autistic just about a year ago. Just because he misses Priestess doesn't mean he's growing to love her right away. He's barely known what friendship is yet, though I do acknowledge that she's leading the bowl.

That's some projection, user.

You ever think they'll get renown from what they're doing? Like Hero/Sword Saint status?

Probably, in Year One Guild Girl was New Staff Member and Sword Maiden was High Priestess in Daikatana.

Almost makes me wish Kaiba was simpler in his autism
>this is not card games

I fucking hate that trap.

>If you don't want Cowgirl to win you have no soul.

He always looked like a boy to me.

>not a card game

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Do dark elves usually hate regular elves or just don't care about them?

Usually, dark elves are evil while regular elves are good-aligned. So yeah, probably in most cases they dislike each other.

Year one is almost everything you said.

the rookies are with them or those are a different pair?

Yes, they are the rat/skaven slayer party.

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Can’t wait to see this chapter get butchered in the anime

This, one girl has to win otherwise they are all losers.

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Her only hope lies in the harem ending. She will have to share or will have nothing.
We haremfags are not two-timers because of our high lust but because we care. We care about these pitiful women who aim for the best boy and we want to see the pure love, the better world. We are the ultimate supreme gentlemen who can appreciate each and every waifu without needless drama and kink-shaming.
People like you, filthy waifufags, are what divides the fandoms and enable most suboptimal endings like for example in Akame ga Kill.

You know since the movie will adapt vol 5 I think that if there is going to be a season 2 they will start with vol 6 and skip vol 3 entirely.

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>We haremfags are not two-timers because of our high lust but because we care. We care about these pitiful women who aim for the best boy and we want to see the pure love, the better world.

So say we all, user. So say we all.

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Do you know who has in this world? Goblins. You can't compare a girl who has love him is whole life to someone who just met him. It would be fair to her to have to share him. That's wahat his sister would have wanted.

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>It would be fair to her to have to share him.
Well, thanks for agreeing with me but you should sober up before posting user. And consider installing Grammarly or something.

It's not like she can see what she looks like.

To smash tiny goblins' heads in.

Yeah, sometimes I don't even see what I am typing but you got what I meant.

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I'd rather they skip volume 6. Festival priestess>shitty wizard brat

Kek you beat me to it.

Funny that is something that was brought during the interlude from manga vol 5. Because the last time she saw herself was when she was 15 and she knows her body has a lot of scars, she thinks she is ugly.

Imagine him and Mr. Freeze broing it up.

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GS is batman so this may have happened already.

>Goblin slayer has an animal companion
Don't talk shit about Lizardbro!

I like those two rookies

I like them too. A right amount of guts and brains.


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>I- I'm sorry Dark Elf-senpai.
>I just can't bring myself to enjoy killing your kind anymore.

Can she use more than one miracle a day now?

All at once or one at a time, it needs to happen more often.

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She learned how to use slings at least.

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Keep killing those rattos my man

RIP everyone

I'd rather they don't skip anything because I want to see the priestess dance but vol 3 is more skippable than 6 since vol 3 didn't introduce new characters and focused too much on the girls and most people didn't like that (I did) meanwhile vol 6 introduced Negima and his IMAGINE girlfriend that reappear later in the novel and Priestess gets promoted.

Attached: 1557328600976.jpg (1800x8677, 3.1M)

Thanks, user.

Vol 3 will get adapted but it’s gonna be skipped as fuck. DAL already shown me it can be done

She listens to the fashion expert, Guild Girl.

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I'm going to rape the Priestess while Goblin Slayer is forced to watch!

DAL should skip every scene that doesn't have Kurumi in it and it will improve greatly.

Where's the daki?

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I can't believe they only made 1 official daki and it was a flat girl.


>flat girl
That is not Elf, priestess is small but not flat.

Daki was given only if you bought the 3 blu rays, this is a lottery.


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Requesting translation.

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A best.

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>Skaven Slayer

>turns around and goes home

But the best one is always first.

I need her to get more screen time.

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FK pads her bra!

It must be a lot of pad.

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Every silver party needs to have an spin off.

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wtf is this brand new days right? she not that fucking stacked

my wife high elf archer is beautiful

based goblin slayer

My Erufu wife is so experienced too.

Attached: Experienced elf.jpg (221x332, 61K)

>Dwarf Shaman imagines he can please this one
He's two thousand (THOUSAND) years too early to even dream of making any "sparks".

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It is BND but I think the novels mention that she is that stacked. I may be misremembering, though.

They are right, you know.

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holy shit noguts hit fucking jackpot

She was always stacked, dunno why you thought she wasn't, maybe the armor?

>have to marry a "lawful" bully
I don't think so.

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yeah the armor trick me

And popular too.

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Chapter one in 3 days on manga up.

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I'm afraid the art will leave me disappointed when compared to the previous one.

ultimate /ss/ confirmed?

We only got some previews, I am going to give him a chance at least.

Skaven slayer?

Any new rape yet?

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>Implying skaven are real.
>Getting scammed by a slut-whore wizard's ramblings

Not but soon in Year One.

Attached: Goblin Slayer Side Story - Year One - c028 (web) - p020 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg (900x1350, 678K)

Yeah, he's never standing straight most of the time

Don't shit talk about my dragon wife.

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So has this series gotten boring lately? Not even priestess could save it this time.

Any rape?

We needed more than 1 fucking chapter on Year One Priestess.

Ugly and irrelevant.

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The festival part killed the momentum something fierce. I've always known that romance shittery is the weakest part of the story by far, and the author only put it there because all light novels have dumb harems of hopeless girls to get waifufag sales. This confirms it.

Priestess isn't exempt from this. Other than losing her barrier miracle I wouldn't bat an eye if she left the party.

Nope, they succeed without loses.

He's a chuuni remember?

>The festival part killed the momentum
It was really the case, though? The threads were fast until the midget was killed so festival ended and threads became slower.

>Literal goddess

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Priestess' prays provides more than fanservice & she provides the adventure sense of danger. Like GS said, her role is crucial, if she fails everyone will be dead, & she is obsidian.

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>We needed more than 1 fucking chapter on Year One Haruhi.

Attached: 008.jpg (900x1350, 505K)

Loli Haruhi swinging legendary sword > Platinum Haruhi

Which chapter is this from?

Why are a bunch of silver ranks carrying an obsidian shitter in their party?

The husband and wife date chapter. 34 I think.

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It was the process of slowing down. Hype was unbelievable and threads exploded as Goblin Slayer buried all the gobbos under the temple and latter his autistic talk with Sword Maiden.

Then it noticeably went down, only waifuposting kept it more or less active. It's understandable that a new arc's beginning will have less vibrant threads, but how many months has it been.

She is leeching the party. I wouldn't be surprised if a future promotion request gets rejected.

what a cutie

Attached: GoblinSlayerC34.jpg (900x1350, 306K)

Poor not guts. Her wife is going to lose all their money on gambles.

His* I don't know what I was thinking.

Gee, I don't know, ask Goblin "Goddammit, her eyes are beautiful!" Slayer.

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how can a helmet be THIS smug?

Maybe in vol 3 she gets another chapter.

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Dwarf, elf, and LP acknowledge how useful and important she is. That's probably why.


based autist is actually 100% sure that he is going to win
also, thanks

>t. skaven jew

I want them to be more relevant, I haven't
even see them on Year One anymore.

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Those two should just get married already

They will and before GS/CG

Attached: 011.jpg (900x1350, 443K)

Good husband always concerned about his wife getting scars.

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CGI arms.

Compare to Something doesn’t add up.

Main mangaka made them smaller.


Attached: Don't care.jpg (222x240, 22K)

I still bought the volumes, monthly chapters are not a big deal.

Skaven!? what's that man-thing talking about?

She has a canonically non erotic body.

Values are different across the world.

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I still can't believe the nips' shit taste.

you dont go much more based than grampa

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Hard to believe she is even cuter than regular Priestess

Attached: Smol Priestess.jpg (356x732, 206K)

Can't blame them on this one, Priestess is the best.

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I'll blame them for you.

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based and redpilled

user points out nyaa is restricting danke from posting all their content.

why the fuck have so many files been deleted


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The hat should have gotten red too.

Assuming she doesn't win the GSbowl, how would you make a happy ending for her?

>Manga vol 6 released last month in german
>Manga vol 6 released today in italian
>Manga vol 6 will be released next month in english

Is that normal?



Where the fuck its New years or brand new day ? Or the blonde gobled manga?

Brand New Day already ended and the Sword Maiden is getting a reboot with a new artist, it starts in 3 days.

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Translation never.

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The new artist suck ass, at least the shitty BND's one didn't put horse faces on girls!

I hate Shirou's shirt


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hear me out but what if
>My unending rage towards Goblins was merely a distraction since I knew who were controlling them all along, you Gods.

I don't even know what you mean by that.

Good for Rance and his new girlfriend.

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Because both of them are genuinely great characters with great growth. GS slowly getting his feelings back & actually made direct moves, like at the end of vol. 5 while Priestess slowly descents into madness & denies her own feelings.
GS asking Priestess to share the same raincoat & Priestess blushes but rejects it because she already has one shows how much they grow.

Yeah boss I’m gonna need a full picture

Doesn’t really look good for guts

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It's from this doujin

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You gotta love watching the series and wondering where the fuck Kurumi is all the time

Oh man, I fucking hate Obui.

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DC++ hubs. Danke's shit gets posted onto those since he's part of the comics ripping scene. Lucaz and that other guys that rips mangas are on there as well.

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Didn't she reject it because it involves sharing the raincoat while walking and they were about to enter her temple and she panicked over the other nuns seeing them so close?

That is fucking shit and you know it, so inferior to the LN version.

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Part of it, she also thinks GS is boasting about his big raincoat.

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LN didn't have Erufu butt so no.

Who wouldn’t ship these two after seeing this?

Anyone with taste maybe.

I bet you think GS and SM is a good ship but that’s just your shit taste talking

>GS and SM

Attached: 23.jpg (1034x1513, 153K)

Attached: GSvsDE.jpg (854x650, 541K)

I want to play Dark Souls now.

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How fucking dense can someone be?

He didn't say "I see" in the whole chapter.

But GS and Elf? Now that’s a god tier ship

Elf can have GS and CG son.

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I'll tell you the secret of it being killed: someone leading the GSbowl.

Elf and Priestess is even better.

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>Broken guy with broken girl
What is wrong with that?

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Contrary to popular belief, hooking up two crazy people does not stability make.

But the crazy guy helped the crazy girl just by being there. It may work.

Maiden's heart is hard to predict.

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B-But GS is shitty fighter...

Used goods never work out in the end

Her soul is pure, though.

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The endgame is pretty obvious since it’s the one you’d least expect and it’s somehow the best ship as well

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Because it is cute as fuck.

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>since it’s the one you’d least expect
You just confirmed it. Guild Girl will win.

Attached: GG.png (906x1610, 516K)

Time to end this thread.

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I'm the cat looking at Erufu.

It was a pretty decent thread. Cheers to you all, anons.

He can't land a hit at a WIZARD in close combat.

GG actually wants to fuck GS while Elf doesn’t even know she does yet

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Manlets, when will they learn?

I caught up with the translated chapters of year one and she is way to cute, i hope nothing happens to her.
Also wolfman teacher looks pretty cool.

>>It's a High Elf gets sold to a Desert lord episode

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>desert goblin slayer

She is densedere, looks like that type is getting popular nowadays.

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