Manga has sold 300,000 vols
Putin in Isekai chapter 15 raw dump
>princess thighs
Where is Tanya?
First heard about it during the Tsugi Manga Awards. Glad I did, this is fucking gold.
Why can't they just wait for her to be executed instead?
i call dibs on the big one
Fine, I take the one in the middel
thanks for the dump. I think a page is missing here? :
Also the magazine cover was about this series.
>scanlation is 4 chapters behind
Missed the past few chapter dumps, so the reason why the princess is so uppity about centaurs is because she's part one herself?
found it
the sameface is strong in this page but holy shit who cares
Scheming military industrial complex wizards and now some demi-human army/cult thingy added into the mix. Things are getting interesting all in all.
Nice dump, user
I am really curious about what's her problem because she was apparently the childhood friends with the enslaved centaur brother if i am guessing correctly from the raws.
300K? At least it probably won't get axed any time soon
twitter had a bigger version of this page
Oh my beautifull amazon
Yes. Someone finally killed this bitch
Official Russian gov endorsement when
FUCK yes
Puchinov protag has nothing in common with that cleptocratic gulag cunt, except maybe for judo experience. If you post this manga at least don't make it look like piece of shit kremlin propaganda.
>ukrainians are still mad
>you must be ukranian to hate that cunt
Retard, the must be dumb, oblivious or on his payroll to not be mad at this faggot and his mafia buddies.
Fuck off with your propaganda Kremlinbot, +15RUR.
Puchinov is an honorable and competent leader of a small state that won it's independence through war, not a senile KGB to mafia mediator that happened to land between people who robbery-raped entire country 30 years ago.
>riding a fucking dino
No wonder he has such moe eyes
But we will never get a chance to see someone ride her now.
The action scenes are kinda bad. Is the whole manga like that?
The whole manga is under 30 chapters just read it you dolt
Why exactly should he be mad at Putin?
>b-but he's like a dictator
Every single country is ruled by an autocrat of a group of autocrats so it's kind of pointless being mad about that
Okay if user's 1st worlder he probably have no reason to, yet. That doesn't mean anyone who hates the faggot is automatically ukranian, we're not Hong Kong but there are protest going on in Moscow right now because faggots wouldn't let 1.5 independent candidates enter elections.
Autocrats are okay if there's feedback from widespread establishment that drowns them if they're incompetent or too greedy, this is how US works. No such thing in Russia same hundred of people keep robbing the country for 30 years now.
>because faggots wouldn't let 1.5 independent candidates enter elections
I fail to see how these candidates could possible change anything if they're allowed to enter elections. Surely you're not foolish enough to believe that in democracies the general public wields any amount of power.
>Autocrats are okay if there's feedback from widespread establishment
The autocrats are the establishment
>same hundred of people keep robbing the country for 30 years now
Same thing happens in every other country as well more or less.
I'll pass. Even tho I like the art style. I've fallen for such words before and it never paid off.
A tricke before the torrent user, precendents are important. At least to get some people into the system and dilute the KGB-mafia.
>are the
Not quite, there's also the fact that in western model there's SO MANY of them that they cannot survive on oil and natural resources alone, they're forced to invest into education of peasants, infrastructure, industry, high-tech etc. so the pie they're having a larger portion of would get bigger overall.
In banana 3rd world republic like Russia you can build roads from El Presidento residence to the airport and from oil field to the port, that's all.
>Same thing happens in every other country
No. There's a big difference when there's 10k of those and puny 100. 10k keep each other in check and have to develop their country or they won't survive on plain robbing it.
Make no mistake: democracy isn't saint, it's just a system that forces government to raise productivity and as a byproduct - quality of life for citizens. They cannot get away with just pumping oil and sucking population dry though taxes because there's too many of them in establishment.
Siloviki's in Russia are part of the problem, but brother Ivan if I were you I would be far more scared of what happens when Putin is dead or too senile to keep the different factions stable by playing them against each other (with silovikis being only one of those). Like it or not, Putin is the most pro-Western leader Russia has ever had. Watching his transformation has been amazing: from optimism about cooperation in 2000 to disappointed but still willing to sort things out in 2007 to thinking that maybe cooperation is possible with different president and finally to the post-Libyan intervention fuck you guys-spite it has been amazing journey. And because of that you can be sure that when the Vlad is gone you will have someone even more anti-Western guy in charge that will make Putin seem like hippy in comparison.
Nah nothing will really change, KGB has too much power they'll just put forth their next representative, or better yet put in a puppet liberal and have him take the fall for 30 years of thievery and incompetence, THEN put their next representative into the chair.
>more anti-Western guy
Good, more sanctions = faster all shit crubmles into 5+ states, I'm convinced that's the only way Mother Russia can exist with decent quality of life as compared to clay-legged united behemoth that can only sustain itself by siphoning populace suffering into lavish life of moskow kgb-mafia.
Quake Orcs? Quorcs?
Would you be happy if some outright nutjob modeled after Alexander Zhukov gets in charge that trying to restore the ideal western borders (located in present day Poland & Romania) is brilliant plan? You are right that collapse might come faster, but the way would be extremely painful and bloody.
>restore the ideal western borders
No, where the fuck did you get that idea? Just split russia in 5 or so states, we're toxic together and Moscow is sucking everyone dry anyway.
>collapse will be painful and bloody
As it is inevitable: bunch of thieving mafia blockheads can run country for just so long. you can already see same bad omens as in late USSR: personell apathy and infrastructural decay causes all sorts of industrial and military incidents, crashing planes, burning munition stockpiles, exploding nuclear reactors. I prefer it to happen sooner rather than later so I have some life left over to live in better Russia.
>Just split russia
>i'm not ukrainain i swear
((fellow russian people))
Alliance then can be formed among members but without Moscow sucking all budgets dry from other regions, effectively wastelanding everything outside it's borders. It's a fact that you need authoritarian regime to keep Russia together but you can't eat glory of motherland. Also St. Petersburg, being 2nd biggest city, never forgot or forgave 1937 purges to those Center faggots.
>where the fuck did you get that idea?
Because that sort of idiotic adventurism is something you can expect from Putin's successor. They might decide to go for Baltic or even Finland instead, but you should not expect Russia to go down without one last hurrah-attempt of regaining the "lost" territories. While you are right in that the collapse is likely inevitable (one of the key reasons being the fucked up birthrate acting as doomsday clock), when that shit happens it sure as hell wont be peaceful. USSR collapsed peacefully because Gorbachev who was idealistic idiot that thought that the republics would want to stick with Russia afterwards did everything in his power to prevent shit from escalating. Whatever ends up happening by the time next collapse happens only thing you can be sure of is that it sure as hell wont be peaceful
>They might decide to go for Baltic or even Finland
Let them. I'll sit my 1 year in gulag for refusing conscription and then be free to live in better Russia.
>it sure as hell wont be peaceful
>90s were peaceful
Is that why I saw gunshot corpses every week on my way to school? Lay off the KGB checkbook rhethoric faggot any transition is painful but this is a sacrifice I'm willing to make compared to shithole country is surely turning into.
>Russian establishment antagonizing countries all their families and money are in
You're retarded.
Breakup of the USSR was peaceful. Transition was not. You have Putin being so popular now precisely because how shit the 90's were. Depending on how fucked up the next transition would be, you might even get to live under Putin 2.0
>Russian establishment is one big united blog
Spoken like an idiot who does not understand Russian politics. Besides most of the elite money is in taxhavens & offshore banks like Cyprus. They might have datchas in Finland, but not their treasuries. You also dont understand the strength of great power mentality rooted in Russian psyche
The quake logo is copyrighted you dumb mangaka. Well it was good while it lasted folx.
>You have Putin being so popular now
He's not that popular. Populace just generally don't give a shit after hundreds of years of slave conditioning first under monarchy then under soviets, each and every independent thinker was plucked from genepool and society, forced to immigrate or gulaged.
>Depending on how fucked up the next transition
Beats rotting stagnation, maybe I get to die in riot and isekai.
>Russian establishment is one big united blog
It is: not counting enthical mafia - it IS united blob with shared interests that self-moderates itself very well. Treason of Elites coup is impossible for that very reason. They have exiled, murdered or jailed anyone who would oppose or step out of line. And they all have their families living in the west: in EU and USA, together with their money. This is where they will run to when the rest of us are burning in the husk of a country those bloodsuckers will leave behind.
>Russian politics
There is no politics, politics implies factions and compromises and there are none: there's Siloviki-KGB and that's it: opposition is non-represented in government at all, ruling party have deciding majority for decades, all system opposition is hand-fed. They have to share with some of the enthnical mafia like Chechen warlords or Armenian mafia, but that's it.
>You also dont understand the strength of great power mentality rooted in Russian psyche
We don't have the numbers, we're falling behind in high-tech faster than a freefall, morale is at it's lowest - there's no strength to feed power mentality anymore. Scale of Crimea and Georgia would not be enough to offset what is coming, mainly the population-pension collapse yes. This is especially terrifying for establishment considering most of their dedicated voters are senior citizens.
holy FUCK
From a narrative point of view, feels like bad writing to kill off the centaur after all those pointless chapters of rescuing her from Putin and then delaying her execution until she gets killed for real.
Like why didn't they just let Putin kill her 3 chapters ago? What does her death serve for the story?
I think in centaur society, some centaurs will always be considered slaves and the princess was considered slave status
>: opposition is non-represented in government at all,
i wonder why politicians who can not gather 10k in 20kk Moscow and do everything in their power to remain unpopular are not in charge. Gotta be Kremlin scheming. And russian hackers.
This manga started amazingly but is starting to look like another generic isekai shit
In other words, good ol' slavic fatalism
People deserve their rulers, no exceptions. Freedom isn't free, critical populace mass is not willing to pay the price for it because feeding through isn't empty just yet.
They did in 2012, people are still being prosecuted for it to this day. Do you remember reason for protests was back then? That's right: rigged elections. Expecting central media to headcount protests fairly after it is pure retardation.
Yes I'm convinced that russian people exists solely for the purpose of processing solar energy into pure suffering. At least while we're all together in one pot. If it's only ever working out for monarchy, party, 100 top mafia families - fuck the unity.
Is she ok?
Putin looks much better than his girls.
Literally seems like propaganda.
Putin is literally a mass murderer in real life. A joke is a joke, but also don't be retarded.
MC is actually a good country leader unlike it's IRL prototype. You're probably laugh but OMON(russian riot police) and Gopnik(russian street thug) are popular cosplay, roleplay and /k/ trends and aesthetics in Japan. Also S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and russia being closest white people country to nips.
Dibs on the fluffy one.
I don't think you have any say in that matter.
>nobody wants the loli bitch
Hey, is talking about a upcoming anime ban worthy?
just wee little question you know
Sometimes mods carpet-bomb all user posts after banning him.
I'm just afraid it would end up being a trap.
is otome on the blacklist now?
No instagram killed it.
i was on vacation for 14 days, explain
Have you seen those "stop sharing TL on instagram" chapters at the end of otome releases lately? Well they didn't.
They are amerimuts
That's fucking weird dog, jesus
I hate normalfags so much
Does nekomini lose an arm?
same user same
doesn't even look like lost anything.
Where did the explosion went then those arrows are supposed to be like grenades right?
Centaurs cut off the front legs of their children when they are going through a famine, reduces their food consumption and the children grow to be satyrs, they're treated as slaves by "true" centaurs. She's still mad about that and wanted revenge.
no, the (demoted?) princess tried an attack with an exploding crossbow bolt - the princess lost an arm, but her opponent was unharmed
plot armor I guess, since only bitch princess took damage.
>can't even lahuabar right
What a failure.
I keep forgetting about this absolute, unironical masterpiece.
>USSR collapsed peacefully
Well not exactly. Chechnya, Georgia, Ukraine etc.
D&C media found out about k-otome fan translations through Instagram and now nearly everyone has gone on lockdown
they're the same guys that sent meraki scans cease and desist letters last year over solo leveling and returner's magic
cringe also ubeite sebya, usherbnie kuski govna
scratch that, kakaopage sent cease and desist letters which share publishing rights with D&C media over those manhwa