Please remember Bocchi

please remember Bocchi

Attached: 1561001935369.png (240x224, 65K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Whotori Docchi

All by Bocchi


Attached: 1535484478739.png (355x259, 73K)


only if you nako nako's nakos


for me, it's Aruing Aru's Arus

Me on top of Aru!

me on an Aruminium can for some reason.

Bocchi is dumb.

Having friends is dumb.

Attached: 1566768868003.png (329x260, 19K)

user.. I can feel the crying inside of your heart..

Nice to meat you miss, I'm user. That's short for anonymous.

You'll grow out of it, Kurai

Nako could never forget.

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fuck bocchi

Attached: 1565566316692.png (1024x1024, 744K)

Don't mind if I do

That was just a reference to a manga whose premise is pretty much the inverse of Bocchi's. I thought the two readerships would have some overlap, but I suppose not.

Foe some reason this pic makes me sad.

Imagine aruing Aru right in the aru!

Attached: 1556488764130.webm (1280x720, 1.28M)

Attached: 1563384394533.png (270x360, 66K)

Don't worry. How could I forget this dork?

Attached: GrandRapidFinwhale-poster.jpg (910x510, 42K)

Do not sexualize the Wah ha has.

Tell that to the animators.

Attached: kako_thighs.webm (1280x720, 458K)

It's just a pair of little girl legs you pig.

go back

Sotoka is pure. PURE!

Attached: images (5).jpg (739x415, 31K)

I want to make her impure (and a single mom)

stupid sexy Aru

I'm going to miss this show. To bad it had poor sales making an S2 practically impossible.

First half was too sluggish but second half was great. Now I'll have to read the manga to know if Bocchi will succeed in befriending all of her class (wonder if they'll develope the boys or if Bocchi will just befriend all of them in one swing).

I'll miss this bunch of dorks.

Attached: arg4jpsu6gx21.gif (3840x2055, 3.65M)

Attached: 1562044244928.webm (266x336, 154K)

i will remember bocch when the next chapter's out.

I'm always happy when I see a bocchi thread

Attached: good shit.png (573x1717, 290K)

Attached: 1559539684567.gif (360x725, 1.17M)

Attached: Arucheer.webm (502x672, 896K)

nako and aru were such qt3.14s

I refuse.

I want to nako nako's friend aru

And cute!

Attached: [Erai-raws] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 08 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv - 00_11_22.015.jpg (1280x720, 964K)

She made a BIG exception with Bocchi. So you have no chance unless you're a ninja.

literally who?

Attached: 1556374668737.png (2508x868, 130K)

Wonder if Bocchi and Mya-nee would get along.

Attached: QAi2rTB.gif (500x281, 1.76M)

Bocchi loves anal

Bocchi would faint upon seeing or touching a penis.

Did Bocchi's VA get a new role yet? It's been two months now since Bocchi ended.

Her first sexual partner will have lots of fun.

is this show bocchi-tier heart-warming?

Not quite Bocchi-tier but gets real close. The cast in general have a bit more malice and uncomfortable stuff is implied.

Un bocci lungo, per favore

Mangafags pls tell me which chapters correspond to the anime finale.

Attached: maxresdefault (4).jpg (1280x720, 82K)

El Boccho largo si seƱor.

imagine punching bocchi in the face and watching her cry

I want to drag her into a dark alley.

>having this shit taste over a great manga
You first.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 11 [720p]-0009.jpg (1280x720, 148K)

I knew Nako wasn't one to trust.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 11 [720p]-0010.jpg (1280x720, 193K)


Attached: 1558132488443.jpg (440x720, 93K)

who the fuck let's her middle school daughter to dress like that?

No wonder her father's are away.

I also want to be super strong.

Attached: 10.jpg (800x450, 64K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_16.43_[2019.07.11_18.07.15 (502x163, 22K)

Who are you?

Just read it from the beginning, nerd

I'll never forget my wife Bocchi.

Attached: 1559878924484.jpg (347x316, 60K)

I bet Bocchi would throw up if a boy confesses to her.

Or pass out.

Attached: 1561148441545.webm (422x496, 96K)

I miss Chisaki and I hope Japan doesn't forget her.

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why is this loser so smug

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FUCK bocchi

Please post the distorted webm of her crying

Attached: 1565042576972.png (960x540, 172K)

Read it, itā€™s great

Bocchi on the last page soon!


I am forgotten

Attached: 1538001819450.png (825x1100, 584K)

I don't forget my friends.

Bocchi does it every day.

Bocchi is amazing at night!

Bocchi never existed.


bocchi is too pure for this world, which is why we'll never get season2

I remember bocchi everyday her anime isnt airring

>that way Bocchi will be freed from the haunting of mean and perverted Yea Forumsnons
It's sad to see her go but I guess it's a necessary sacrifice.

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The Bocc
a dangerous mid-school criminal boss
she's always accompanied by two terrifying blondes and a try-hard

One of the blondes is a ninja!

I'm not sure why this came to mind

Attached: hurtingotherbocchi.png (2508x868, 235K)

Is it normal to like (two of) the characters but hate the series

yeah it's normal

>inhaling bocchi's JC smells

Attached: 1563043058137.jpg (1920x1080, 1.9M)

>Go to Chisaki's agency, ANN, and Japanese Wikipedia pages
>Shows nothing newer than Bocchi
>she doesn't even have a Twitter so we can't even know what's she's doing now
Is she trying to not make more friends? Has she become a real life Bocchi?

Attached: bocc cry.gif (960x540, 613K)

Posting best girl

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What does Bocchi smell like?

little girl ass


She smells like puke

Attached: 1561782220655.webm (1280x720, 2.13M)


No, she's a loser.

Attached: u27.png (764x1200, 161K)

This hoe is just a rip of komi-san

Komi has literally 0 personality

>It's just a pair of little girl legs
exactly, little girl legs

Broken Dreams and strawberries.

WHERE IS THE OST!!!?!??!?!?!?

Attached: a86.gif (400x493, 1.94M)


This guy is the most autistic and annoying cunt of an MC I have ever seen. And I mean he is literally autist, down to getting obsessed with dumb shit and not giving a fuck about how much he is making things difficult for the people around him.
I felt bad for that blond guy who was forced to chase him around trying to contain this fuckin sperg. He was the true hero of that manga.

Bocchi is not sexy, so no

>Bocchi is not sexy
Finally, a decent user.

but aru and nako are

i want to aru in nako's manko

Let me remind them

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.19_[2019.05.17_12.49.06 (1360x768, 548K)

Nako will be pretty hot in highschool that's for sure.

nice thighs + footy


Attached: boch.jpg (1360x768, 781K)

post the other cuties too

No but I hope she's got a nice boyfriend.

Attached: 1559527387904.webm (1280x720, 417K)

How is she such a wimp?

she doesn't like to move

Attached: 1561506665942.png (1280x720, 671K)

>This delinquent slaps your wife Aru's ass in front of you
>Wat do?

Divorce Aru, propose to lazy delinquent.

Attached: Couple of losers.webm (800x450, 2.12M)

to be fair Aru was her wife first

Attached: [Doki] Hitoribocchi no OO Seikatsu - Chapter 64 - Page 05.png (1336x1920, 464K)

Cute lazy bum.

This information is almost always on mangaupdates.

Ah, it's alright. I've started reading the manga from the beginning a couple hours ago and I'm flying through it. It's not tedious at all. In fact it seems batter paced than the anime itself.

Attached: 220T0dj.jpg (1080x1080, 91K)

cute dorks

How did aru get so close to bocchi?

Attached: closeness.png (693x907, 951K)

Where the fuck is CD 2? It released over three days and I can't find it anywhere for fucks sake

Bocchi's OST was KINO

Aru is in reality a very sweet girl. Plus, she likes to be dependable and there isn't a more dependant girl than Bocchi.

I won't forget her. I cum on her picture everyday

Page 10, it's almost time.

Attached: IdwBLGm.png (2560x1440, 3.58M)'t do that user, please

Attached: 1565213255060.png (191x228, 20K)

To talk about how great Sotoka is?

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Bocchi speeding to the front page!

Attached: fast bocchi.webm (320x322, 28K)

Sotca is beautiful.

Attached: 1558736844239.png (1920x1080, 1.28M)

>you will never wake up to this on a cold winter morning

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Attached: Forehead shake.webm (800x450, 1.15M)

Attached: 1561150452584.jpg (1920x2273, 1.8M)

Bocchi's gf is very cute.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_17.39_[2019.04.26_20.53.10 (1280x720, 118K)

*scooby doo sound effects*

Attached: 1554572076704.webm (960x540, 70K)

this girl next to nako looks powerful

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 12 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_17.39_[2019.06.23_16.28.1 (1920x1080, 3.37M)

She's a very powerful singer.

S2 would have had so many awesome moments in it

Attached: [Doki] Hitoribocchi no OO Seikatsu - Chapter 42 - Page 04.png (1260x1800, 914K)

The thread is not over. Not just yet

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Attached: 1559536140063.webm (896x540, 92K)

user, don't.

>reding manga extra gag pages
Can Bocchi speak Arabic?

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Bocchi is a genius


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I want to bully Bocchi

Fertile, you mean.

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Once and for all, what does her butt smell like?

hard-work fairy

New Bocchi AND new Colors chapter in the current Dengeki Daioji

my man Katsuwo working overtime

Attached: EC-BEK5UwAASfzU.jpg (600x442, 87K)

she's actually the best girl in the whole manga

Sotoka was somehow much cuter in the anime

>Kou-chan won't get an anime adaption
it hurts

Attached: [Doki] Hitoribocchi no OO Seikatsu - Chapter 51 - Page 01.png (1260x1800, 684K)

that chapter melted my heart

Same here. I felt like it was Bocchi's first big hurdle and seeing her be so persitent on leaving letters to Kou-chan rain or shine was very heartwarming.

Any have the Super Bocc image?

Attached: 1535288139645.jpg (501x372, 49K)

I have this one, the school of brew and sodoka sipping a bocc

Attached: Super Bocc(1).png (625x768, 94K)

>we will never hear mari-chan's accent
this is suffering

Is it true bocchi is getting JAV series?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 03 [720p]-0013.jpg (1280x720, 132K)

ruka kanae will be bocchi

Is this for real? Why of all series they choose Bocchi to have one?

bocchi needs more friends user
friends of all sizes and colors

goodnight friends
I hope you keep the thread alive
i-its okay if you don't tho

Attached: 1564471749948.jpg (1280x720, 178K)

Bocchi rushing to the front page!

Attached: bocchi_nausea.gif (178x148, 157K)

She cannot be stopped

Attached: very fast bocchi.jpg (4096x2659, 1.71M)

What is Bocchi's top speed?

Attached: [Erai-raws] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 08 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv - 00_13_39.986.jpg (1280x720, 926K)

0.5 friends per day

kako looks so delicious

I live in fear of Bocchi everyday.

Attached: 1558165050112.jpg (800x598, 267K)

Is Bocc just tiny or does she have a giant bed?

Attached: 25.jpg (1250x1800, 126K)

>Is Bocc just tiny

Tiny, I'm estimating she's barely 140cm tall.


Bocchi predates Komi by almost 3 years

Why do Japanese do this bros?
Just go around having bad taste?

Don't let your guard down when Bocchi is around.

Attached: bocchi_gibus_spy_2.png (1280x720, 831K)

Attached: bocchishouldertaprecordertootautism.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)



>people are afraid of nako
>nako is so out of shape that bocchi could beat her up

I have some. Which one?

Attached: 1559891796877.jpg (1920x1080, 1.39M)

Nips are all about appearances.

>people are afraid of nako
It's mostly Teru-chan.

Attached: teru-chan.jpg (592x791, 320K)

Nako will bully Teru-chans clit!

Isn't she supposed to be an adult?
Why is she scared of a 10 year old?

If this... thing doesn't instill primal fear in you I'm sorry to say but you wont be contributing to the human gene pool.

Attached: 1557431664575.png (274x242, 151K)

I'm excited for more Kakeru.

Isn't she like twelve? They're middle school students.

Bullied by delinquents in middle school.

I don't know who this Bocchi character is but I remember Kai doing the right thing and being the best friend in the world.

Attached: bo.png (488x368, 163K)

More like Butcher

Kei is gone. Let it out.

Attached: 1566872483481.png (750x1076, 1.16M)

How strong are Bocchi's blowjobs?

congrats to bocchi for making it to 200 posts for the first time

Attached: 1553270099487.jpg (1920x1080, 842K)

I like Bocchi and all, but her women in Dr. Stone are fugly.

Let's keep circulating the power of friendship.

bocchi is for protect not lewd thoughts

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.08_[2019.04.19_21.16.38 (1280x720, 202K)

i am going to rewatch bocchi

Attached: 1544410824785.jpg (653x511, 58K)

Bocchi stole my virginity

me too

Attached: Super Bocc.png (800x844, 439K)

daiily reminder that bocchi is pure and therefore should not be lewd'd

Protec the wah hah hahs.

Attached: fweeeeeeeee.webm (1280x720, 943K)

When is the OST coming?

Attached: [Erai-raws] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 05 [720p][Multiple Subtitle]_[00_15_16.249].jpg (1280x720, 165K)

I think you can get the CD off amazon

Attached: 1536701317254.jpg (1280x720, 418K)

just...stop, i can smell the newfagness miles away


Has anyone seen Chisaki? Haven't seen her in months now.

Attached: 1559307175981.gif (1075x919, 1.42M)

That shit almost made me cry after the karaoke episode.

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sensei likes bad boys

Attached: nb.png (1680x1050, 1.78M)

this was a good anime adaption
its sad to see bluray sales were poor but I don't really understand japan's bluray market in general

Attached: D540eRcV4AEssva.jpg (700x460, 56K)


Attached: 04c.png (876x519, 354K)

Made for hot, passionate sex.

yeah it's a shame, guess they aren't making any money off it huh?

Attached: ECivqvCUEAIJ6z5.jpg (1024x768, 183K)

>increase in strength but dramatic reduction in speed


Arus nuclear wedgie


Attached: super fast bocci running at very hihg speed.webm (1920x1080, 1.17M)

I need one or five of those fairies!

ty for keeping the thread alive

Attached: 1554567264669.webm (960x540, 151K)

How are the manga sales? Did they get boosted?

Smart Bocchi.

Attached: IMG_20190827_141646.png (2533x1420, 1.32M)

I only remember best girls. Sorry Bochi.

yeah, bad sales combined with a low MAL score makes me think season 2 isn't going to happen

>mal score
Because that matters?

Page 10 again.

Gentlemen, it's been an honor.

Attached: IMG_20190827_151542.jpg (1915x1080, 378K)

Sleep tight

I literally just finished the last episode. I want a second season ;-;

Not happening. We only have the manga.

Attached: Nako poke.webm (800x450, 756K)

>ticklish lazy wimp
It's fun how Nako is nearly the complete opposite of what her image suggest.

At least she got the bully part down.

Attached: Begone zannen.webm (800x450, 158K)

So many Arus!

Keep on brewin', Super Bocc!

remember Aru Honshou

Attached: 31644b1cc7a568b4850c0b67a8367263.jpg (1920x1080, 146K)

Don't lose, Aru! Shine brightly, Aru!

Attached: 1560724583691.jpg (1920x1080, 469K)

Attached: 1560725210661.jpg (1920x1080, 1006K)

>We prefer your loser self
The fuck is Nako implying? Is it bad to try to.improve yourself? If aiming to become a better person bitters other you should stop and remain mediocre? What the hell nips!?

Attached: 1558812403660.gif (480x270, 2.23M)

For that one user who keeps wondering what Bocchi's Seiyuu is doing recently, it looks like she has had some work.

Her page on her agents website updated since the last time I checked about a month ago, and now she has had about five new VA roles for mobile games added. Her newly listed roles are:

怌ēµåŸŽå‹å„ˆćÆå‹‡č€…ć§ć‚ć‚‹ 花ēµć„ć®ćć‚‰ć‚ćć€
怌RELEASE THE SPYCE secret fragrance怍

Attached: 1564620121608.jpg (718x546, 130K)

yaaay, she's working

>怌RELEASE THE SPYCE secret fragrance怍
Another dead series.

What is this, a zannen for ants?

Bocchi taking this thread to the front page.

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>page 10

Attached: 1561199759633.png (962x972, 1.29M)

wa ha ha

Maybe Nako actually used to be smart, but she keeps losing brain cells because of Bocchi repeatedly bashing her head.

Attached: 1554373788311.jpg (488x361, 60K)

You mean "will have" right?

I wish

Author comments at the end of vol. 1 were pretty sad. The guy wasn't even sure if his manga would sell enough to greenlight a Vol. 2.

bocchi will never die
not even at 500 posts


hidoi yo

Keep on brewin', Super Bocc!


Just finished the last episode today, I had been putting it off for a few weeks. I thoroughly enjoyed this show, here's hoping there's more of it to come.

>Fuck off bocchi is a stupid retarded whore that needs a good beating.

Attached: 1554817485970.png (417x307, 121K)

The thread lives on

Attached: hop hop.jpg (520x388, 43K)

Attached: Forehead laugh.webm (800x450, 1.02M)


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.52_[2019.05.03_17.28.05 (1280x720, 224K)

Attached: Forehead prance.webm (208x276, 650K)

The episode talking about groups of friends was an interesting possible foreshadowing. I wonder how many groups will be at the end connected through Bocchi. At the very least the anime ended with two groups which are Main Group (our four mains) and Pancake Group (Peko and Glasses girl), Kako refuses to belong to any and Ojousa seems to be on her own for now.

Only the scenes with Miyako when she was little and being a big sister to baby Hinata. Those damn near killed me with how blindingly pure and wholesome they were.

She's method acting, user.

Kako will most definitly be an actual friend of bocchi soon enough. The manga implied that heavly in the later chapters, if I recall correctly.

yeah chapter 70 she basically said
>I want to see a friend and ask why she stopped being my friend
>then I am going to ask you to be my friend

Attached: [Doki] Hitoribocchi no OO Seikatsu - Chapter 70 - Page 07.png (1336x1920, 414K)

And its gonna be super heartwarming. A shame we wont get that animated

Attached: 1554496359694.png (525x811, 247K)

where is the ost...... ;_; wont anybody buy the blu-ray already

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Attached: 1557531093134.webm (1920x1080, 2.95M)

I don't remember this panel. Which chapter was this?


Super Strong Bocchi is too strong to be archived!

Is this show worth the investment of watching? I get the watamote vibes from it.

The guy that draws the doctor stone manga

only if you like cgdct

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Attached: HorribleSubs_Comic_Girls_06_720p.mkv_snapshot_00.29_2018.05.10_13.44.01.jpg (1280x720, 110K)

What's cgdct?

Indeed friend

Attached: 1554347121620.png (255x253, 41K)

I really like this body type.

cute girls doing cute things

Attached: 1543346402971.png (1260x898, 1.28M)

Feel good slice of life or fan service? If it's pure fan service I'll pass

It is good for your soul, it is comfy SoL about a shy girl making friends

Attached: 58619802_10210621730738228_4561419323217805312_n.jpg (792x792, 135K)

its comfy

Attached: [Doki] Hitoribocchi no OO Seikatsu - Chapter 59 - Page 02.png (1261x1801, 1.22M)

I love feel good stuff like that. Loved tanka-kun is listless. Makes me think of that.

I want to have a daughter like bocchi

So why don't people think there will be be a season 2? Is the manga on going?

yes the manga is still going
the anime didn't do well

fertile FAT JC thighs

In viewing or sales? I just found out about it. Seems like it didn't get a lot of advertisement. Where does the anime leave off in manga?

I want to marry a daughter like bocchi

Does Bocchi have enough for s2?

Attached: 11.png (1250x1800, 250K)

just wanna be

Where can I read the manga

yes, they adapted up to 34 and skipped a chapter or two and added a chapter or two from later
currently its up to chapter 70
its an easy read so just start from the start

Thanks user

There is plenty

Attached: 20190708_173442.jpg (852x620, 136K)

>still no smolboc image after 2 days
what the fuck Yea Forums

Smol boc ?

Attached: small_bocchi.png (40x40, 3K)

Attached: small_bocchi_2.png (40x40, 17K)

Her old hair was much better.
I blame Nakosuke for this.

I want to give this dork sensei a cute daughter.

Attached: 000_1480850029.png (1260x1800, 749K)

there we go

Attached: [Doki] Hitoribocchi no OO Seikatsu - Chapter 65 - Page 02.png (1336x1920, 416K)

I want to see Nako's zitty forehead!

Nako has a cute forehead but she is a total bully for bullying Sotoka

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Attached: 1547367621390.png (84x40, 8K)

>Sotoka's bubble covering Aru's face
How zannen.


Attached: 1555702869108.webm (1280x720, 2.14M)

I think I'm going crazy, but wasn't this exact post posted before? I remember replying to this a few days ago.

I want to hitori her bocchi, if you know whart I mean.

Attached: 35-Fantaman-Episodio-1.jpg (400x300, 18K)

Around 70 km/h

Yea Forums is the Purgatory user

No man, I swear I'm not going crazy. Like someone said something about Watamote vibes, then me and another user told him that it's a cute slice of life. Afterwards, the user who brought up Watamote vibes brought up season 2 and I responded with something along the lines of, "why do you hurt me like that"

I'm not fucking crazy.

Welcome to madness.

Attached: images (6).jpg (739x415, 26K)

I think that might have been the last Bocchi thread before this one

Attached: 1561500209684.gif (498x481, 857K)

Attached: Bocchi bullying.webm (800x450, 1.37M)

still don't understand the recorder's joke

She's autistic.

Attached: [Asenshi] Amanchu! - 02 [0F453D0C].mkv_snapshot_12.38_[2016.07.17_01.34.21].jpg (1420x799, 142K)

to ward off bad spirits

Not like this please. I don't wanna lose my mind. Bocchi is so nice and weak. She can't harm my thoughts, and even if she could, she wouldn't. I feel like I'm being ripped out of my body. Time is stretching and contorting, transforming from a knowable line to a jumbled mess of intersecting events. You guys are telling me Bocchi did this? She couldn't have. Bocchi is too kind, too pure.

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>Time is stretching and contorting,
to be fair both threads occurred this week
if you want to worry about time
it's only 2 weeks until 9/11 babies turn 18 and only 4 months until Christmas

I will remember Kaos instead.

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ponytail Sotoka a cute

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>tfw you realize you lived 20 years without accomplishing anything or having, at least, a clear goal in life while everyone else in your age group has their shit together.

People say I'm being too hard on myself, but holy shit, dude.

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At least we have bocchi season 2 to look forward to

iktf user

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It's never too late to start, user. Go at your own pace and think will start happening.

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Mi inner Nako screwing up. Any way, good luck.

You know, seeing all the anons who love Bocchi is inspiring, and I have a lot of free time anyway. You guys wanna do an Yea Forums sings of wahaha? I proposed it before but the threads seemed dead so I relented. But, I can just take my time with it since I'm a complete beginner at mixing. What you guys say?

nobody else has their shit together, user
we're all faking it in some aspect

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>everyone else in your age group has their shit together

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That seems too zannen even for Aru desu

Sounds like fun.

magic bocchi on the front page

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Damn Bocchi, Infinity robes?

Bocchibros or Brocchis?

no such thing

bocchi lured someone to the wilderness and got away with murder

>Its a "Aru can't get past Dark Wizards even at 30 combat episode"

So how long will this last for, maybe a few months at most more id say.

The Mods should sticky the thread so that nobody will forget Bocchi.

I want to see an OVA where these four go on their steampunk JRPG adventure.

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The bocchi thread is running wild brother

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we'll unite forces with the haruhifags to wait forever

I would never forget bump
pd sotoka best gurl