How the fuck did this manlet get a hot girlfriend while I'm still a virgin? It's just so unfair!
How the fuck did this manlet get a hot girlfriend while I'm still a virgin? It's just so unfair!
Just be yourself bro haha
Just kill yourself incel haha
Just gas yourself bro haha
Just kill yourself bro haha
Ehh she's sort of chubby and a huge slut, if anything he got someone else leftover. I hope the baby is his own
hmm, this post.
incel, gotta be
>Shotacon good, Loli bad!
Not this shit again.
Because one year ago, his bangs covered his eyes.
Just you wait, he'll impregnates her very soon.
Messi is 5'7"
Messi is a millionaire athlete.
He was confident and actually made the first move when he wanted to get intimate with her, he had confidence too.
The girl is very pure as well.
They're the same age.
Pure slut!
He's got a large cock.
Finally got around to watching the episode. Fuck it felt so satisfying. Also Slutgawara btfo.
Well, isn't the common trend that gyarus go after shota-like guys? Just fly to Japan and problem solved.
>Well, isn't the common trend that gyarus go after shota-like guys?
Up your dick game, buddy
She is into cute guyes
>she let's him touch her boobies
He has enough balls to speak to a girl.
he has a giant dick